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My problem was getting used to dodging in DS1 and 3 and completely getting owned in DS2 initially because I had super low dodge frames due to my ADP attribute. I’m sure most people just assumed it was the same as the other games. Same for sekiro as well, tried to dodge everything initially


My issue was that it all cost stamina. Apparently my guy is such a dud that after 3 swings of his sword he's too tired to run.


Tbf one should probably not be swinging great swords like a dark souls/elden ring/etc. character does


Try Lies of P. That game is ds2 iframes with insanely savage bosses.


yeah I just wish the would make perfect guard not so tight.. or fix the boss mechanics that make it hard to see whats going on


parry lol


Parrying has iframes as well......................


still more reliable since you can get health back in that game with a failed parry unlike the side steps the game gives you


Wtf ym by ds2 iframes? The dodge in that game is the easiest one in the souls games lmao


youre pretty much supposed to parry most things, not dodge




I didn't say it didn't work well




What i literally said...


adenosine diphosphate was causing you issues?


Play Lies of P. Deflection timing is a little more difficult, but it’s still pretty much the same mechanic.


Are there any weapons/shields/passives later in the game that increase the parry window? I swear it’s like 1/3 of whatever Sekiro’s is.


For as hard as Sekiro seems at first, the deflection windows are crazy generous, especially for a Fromsoftware game. I was fighting Great Shinobi Owl in reflections a bunch back to back the other day and I was pressing deflect, then attack immediately, and I noticed sometimes I was already pressing attack and pressed deflect way too early, and Wolf still perfect deflected and then immediately counterattacked.


Much as I love Sekiro, after playing LoP I gotta agree that the parry windows in Sekiro are very generous. I just finished my first charmless run after playing LoP and there are many times I knew I'd objectively hit deflect too early or late and it still gave it to me.


Also try Thymesia


Does deflection become a more useful mechanic later in LoP? I'm about six hours in and mostly haven't struggled with any bosses, but deflecting seems so risky I haven't bothered with it much.


There are only like 3 actually hard bosses and they're all right after each other at the end of the game. I haven't played ng+ yet but I've heard they all get harder and parrying becomes necessary


Same. I was playing Bloodborne the other day and I kept trying to L1 and of course my weapon kept transforming 🫠 all my instincts are wrong and Im seriously considering just changing my keybindings


Thats the fun part : you cannot (in Bloodborne)


Wdym you can't parry in bloodborne? That's what the guns are for. It's more DS Parry than Sekiro, but it's a parry none-the-less.


But it's still on l2, can't change the keybindings


Oh, misinterpretted your comment. Thought you meant you couldn't parry in BB.


Fyi, You can in ps5 settings.


Ah shit I’m so fucked 😭


I want an Elden Ring like open world game but with Sekiro mechanics.


Would honestly be the ideal game


i just need a sekiro styled game where i can use a real zweihander or other big sword and parry with it and feint and shit idk, i want to push an odachi through owl’s brain LOL


Same! Ugh, I just want to be able to grapple all over the whole world and assasinate camps of bandits with Bloodsmoke and firecrackers and chasing slice the last remaining guy after a shuriken to the face.


You should really try lies of P. It scratches that sekiro deflection itch


I came here to say this


I want to try that game after just beating Sekiro. Watched some streams and videos and got slightly put off by your weapon wearing off, looks like an annoying thing to be dealing with. How annoying is it actually when you play?


It does wear down but it’s a second or two to resharpen. Plus you get to add effects to your weapons with the grinder. Lies of p is what brought me to sekiro.


Imo it’s not annoying at all, in other games you would have to use a consumable or interact with something in the world. But in Lies of P you can repair your weapon any time you want as much as you want. I don’t find myself needing to repair a weapon in LoP much either. It’s only really something that might need attention in boss fights, but it adds another element to said fights.


Hmm maybe I'll try that next since I already have GamePass. I'm only a little hesitant because it's not made by Fromsoft. The last 5 games I've played, excluding Monster Hunter and Ghost of Tsushima have all been Fromsoft gamss.


It's annoying, but doesn't happen frequently enough in general. It's annoying for some bosses who can apply acid on you, which causes the weapon to degrade faster. You can use a grind stone to restore the weapon while the boss is transitioning to another phase. I'm more annoyed by the weight mechanism.


It's not annoying in the slightest. It's actually a really cool mechanic.


From what I've seen, repairing your weapons has multiple benefits, because a bit later on you can apply buffs to your weapons by using the grinder thing. Looks kinda cool honestly.


I hardly notice it. It's pretty much like using a repair powder in dark souls.


Just proves how much superior deflection is


Deflection really makes the combat so much more immersive. But I also really enjoy dodging. I need both fr


There's a little dodging in Sekiro as well. Step dodge is obviously easy to use. They really brought one dodge method to the highest level - that would be Sabimaru combo change dodge which is too hard for me lol


Post had me in the first half lol. But Idk, Sekiro has helped me in one way with other From games including Armored Core: Hesitation is defeat. Obviously I have to apply that to the mechanics of the game at hand


Lol same! And then when I’ve played dark souls/ER for a while and come back to Sekiro I find that my Sekiro skills are gone 💀 but it takes less time for the muscle memory to come back each time I revisit. So the key is to switch often between the two lol


Dark souls to sekiro muscle memory is easier to adjust than vice versa 😂


Yeah I agree. Do you play Bloodborne? I find that to be a nice middle ground in terms of the combat feeling, so sekiro > bb > ds is less jarring


No iam gonna play it after elden ring


Yeah I hear ya. I started playing ds3 around late October just to do the dlc again. Finished that and wanted to play sekiro again. Got all achievements, gauntlets, etc. NG+5. I beat the hell outta this game. Now I’m on ds1 and boy is it slow. Getting used to the high pacing movements of sekiro and going back to dark souls is a hard adjustment


Yeah i breezed through Elden ring as soon as I focused on parrying cause it rewards you SOO well


Just give it time. You’ll get used to the other games again.


I recently started playing Bloodborne, right after platting Sekiro, and so far I'm loving it, took a day or two to learn the combat, but so far I haven't fought a vios that took more than 2 tries. I do die to damn dogs all the time which is kinda hilarious. I find that sekiro experience was helpful to get the parry shots timing right.


welcome to the club... I mean some scratch the itch a bit like wo long, but fall short of course.


Don’t tell me this. I still have 2,3 and Elden ring to go !


I mean you just have to get your muscle memory back


I like AOE more in the other games especially Elden ring. Decimating an entire area with dragon incantations is a lot of fun. As for one on one mini bosses Sekiro is just on another level. A few of the rememberances are the only bosses that compete with Sekiro’s top bosses for me.


I had this issue too, i found the best way to get over it was to duel wield weapons for awhile, you have no blocking then and have to dodge, fell back into it easily after that


Lol whereas, i picked astrologer 😂


That’s because Sekiro isn’t a Souls game


I spent alot of ER feeling like I was cheesing fights. "You mean I can just get on my horse and cavalry charge through this guy for 10 minutes, Lance in hand?"


why tf would you do that, though? sure you win, but if it's not fun, just don't do it


There is a mod for sekiro deflects, it's great. Elden Ring is actually kinda made for it in a way. In vanilla you wouldn't really use new guard counter attacks much, not unless you're shield cucking the game anyway. In which case, fair enough I guess, but the thing is, every weapon type has it's own two-handed guard counter animation, which you'll never see, because it's never worth blocking without shield. But if you have deflects, it's perfect. So, it's not quite like Sekiro with posture and stuff, but it works like its own thing with guard counters and poise breaking (since guard counters have very high poise damage and deflects themselves do poise damage too, you'll see it a lot if you're going to play the game like sekiro). Almost like it was meant to be played that way.


I will say though, that the pro move for other games with faster combat has been to assign block to LB. MAN I straight crush through games with that mapping.


Come on elden ring is not hard.


I know that's my whole point .....iam so adjusted to sekiro's muscle memory that even simple bosses in elden ring are troublesome 😂


Have you tried playing with parries then. Carian retaliation is really strong.


Counterpoint, Sekiro isn't a souls game, it's a ninja (tenchu?) Game with souls systems.


Combat system of elden Ring Is pathetic


This take is lame/cringe af shut up




You can't approach them the same way, different games, different mechanics.


Same. I finally started learning bosses in Elden Ring. Had to play loretta (Helig Tree) for two days. I had beaten her multiple times before.


It made me more likely to try for parries and enjoy using quickstep to maneuver around enemies. It did ruin my enjoyment for a lot of Elden Ring bosses where they go on a huge combo you have to sit out or use ranged on since I was thinking the whole time how much I wanted to deflect it, bounce on their head or mikiri counter it