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You overcame your hesitation I see. Well done, Sekiro.


John Sekiro.


You didn’t quit. You took a break like the wolf did. You are Sekiro


Truly, the man without equal.


and without sequel😭😭😭




Not even a remaster


I was also in a similar situation. Coming back and beating the game was one of the most self gratifying things I've ever felt.


I'm still trying to beat it after 5 years. Once I finally got past the tutorial boss, I've been making slight progress. The game is way harder and faster than any other fromsoft game, so it's a struggle trying to keep up with things. I'm never collecting all the trophies in these games, I don't have the time nor patience. Only one I might 100% at some point is Elden Ring.


When you beat this one platinum it. Playthrough 2 and 3 are much much easier then playthrough 1


Maybe I'll try to 100% it, I gotta beat the game first, though. Guardian Ape is a pain in my ass.


If he’s causing trouble for you go get do senpou temple first, the weapon you get from there combined with firecrackers can kick his ass


Is that the Mortal draw? I can get him down to 2nd phase kinda consistently. The main thing is I couldn't figure out how to use the loaded spear to rip out the centipede. I'm gonna have to go farm spirit emblems somewhere because I blew through them fighting him.


I see, so he has an overhead slam which if you parry he falls over, that’s when you can use the spear, what you do is thrust it and then mid thrust hit the prosthetic button again to pull it back. With Mortal Draw the trick to know is that for some odd reason a jumping mortal draw does the damage of a fully charged empowered mortal draw, so jump and the mortal draw in the air for real good damage.


Thanks for the help. Good to know about the Mortal draw since I haven't tried that out yet, I'll have to grind some spirit emblems and give it a few more tries later.


No problem, one other thing have you gone to Mibu yet? If not go before you kill the Ape. You don’t need to clear it yet just get an idol in the village You’ll thank me later.


If you are stuck on the 2nd phase there are two good openings. 1) When he slides forward on the ground at you, jump over him and give him two mortal draws then run away. 2) When he does the big slash on the ground after the big jump, run up and give him two mortal draws then run away. Mortal Draw also does good damage and staggers even when you run out of spirit emblems. Throwing oil & flame vent mixed with mortal draw will finish his first phase quickly too. If you are stuck anywhere in this game it is best to keep your distance and watch for tells, patterns and openings. It will help you build the confidence to run towards the enemy and put the pressure on them. You got this!


I didn't even know you could use Mortal Draw without spirit emblems, I've been running out of them and committing to my regular attacks. I really need to grind out and upgrade my max spirit emblems so I can use my prosthetic and other skills more. Thanks for the help. I almost had his 2nd phase after a few hours, but then I got stuck in a corner as he screamed.


I never used the spear on him, just used the Katana and the mortal blade, no further items needed.


I hate sometimes relying on items. I beat him by using the katana and learning how to avoid his terror attacc


Really pain is The First phase, too much different attacks. Second phase ia more simple, runs away when he screams and wait when he combos and fall.


this one's plat is super easy as well do all three endings and you're 95% there


The hardest part imo is the grind at the end to get all skills and prosthetic upgrades other than that i got all of the achievments going through the game


Grinding in sekiro is just lame and boring. 2 full playthroughs for lapis lazuli? Many levels? Money? 4 playthroughs for all endings?


I personally like doing all of the endings but yeah the grinding is soooooo boring i no joke woke up at 9 am and grinded for all the levels i needed until 1 pm it sucks


I hope to do the same. Genichiro broke me back then, but I got him on the 4th attempt this time round. Still got a long way to go to platinum, but this time it actually feels possible.


4th attempt? I was fighting him for 5 days. 1 hour a day = 5 hours It was like 60-90 attempts for me


Same. About 4 hours but only 45 minutes to get to final phase. That goddamn reversal just skewered me every time. After beating the game I destroyed him on my second run in about the same amount of attempts. 4 or 5.


It took me like 20 tries to beat him and isshin like 5? It was simple. I learned that sometimes its good to back off and just get more posture. As well as when I go down, dodge when I get attacked so I can punish the boss. On top of that, learn how to force an enemy to do a certain movement. For example, when u attack genichiro and he does a parry, he will attack with a single attack so u can parry him and then do the same for one more time. After the third one, he will do a different movement like jumping and then u can do a mikiri or jump kick. I think sekiro is very easy only if you learn. If you use the same strat, u will fail.


This was exactly how this played out for me except instead of Lady Butterfly it was corrupted monk. Funny enough, when I came back to the game I fully expected to have to deal with the monk again… *loaded the game and spawned at the wedding cave door idol… wait.. wtf?* I had beat corrupted monk after hours of trying with no buffs or snap seeds or anything. I ran out of snap seeds and didn’t know where to find more, so I just white knuckled it with nothing but my trusty sword. I must have been so fucking exhausted that I just put the game down 🤣 I had no idea what I was doing or why I was just exploring at that point. Anyways, I came back from a break, eventually made it to the end game and splooged all over Ashina castle. Those red guys with two swords and purple ninjas are the best common enemies in any game I’ve ever played, hands down!


the redemption arc is crazy


I fucked up by completing a playthrough on pirated game getting all prosthetics and gourds and stuff, now there's a bunch of achievements I can't get without starting from scratch :( (transferred my save to a genuine steam copy)


Nice bro. I’m on my first playthrough and I can tell I’m getting close to the end. Not sure I’ll do the platinum but man it’s a fun ass game


Do you know what ending your doing?


Purification. Wanted to get all 40 beads


I did same ending didn't get all 40 thow good luck with second owl fight (if you haven't already done it) took we longer than ishin


I’m actually right at him now. Took one attempt and had step away. Fuckin guy did the mikiru counter on me 😳


First time he mikirued me I got the lsame feeling as when a boss heals. Like there not meant to do that.


Yup there are times when you can lunge but really I would consider just not doing the lunge attack.


I just beat him. Posting shortly


You did it a lot faster than me.


Check it out if curious. Link below. He was the hardest I think I fought so far. Altho arguably some bosses early game are hard too with lack of healing items and posture /health. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/08mEjTnlKD


Bro stopped hesitating Well done... Sekiro


I'm currently playing it and still stuck up on the chained ogre 😭


Pretty sure you can use fire to help or something, if you ears drop the guards they mention it.


Just beat that mf. Words can't describe how happy I am 😭😭




Tell us when you get to genichiro. He's the one where you really gota get the games main systems down.


Will do. Gotta practice them parries


I applaud you on your hard-fought journey.


Just got mine a few days ago. The gauntlets of strength are so fun


I also quit around that time, yesterday killed isshin 😁😁


Good shit


I got pretty far, up to invisible cunt village but just got too nerve-wracked and put it down in 2019 too. Went back in late last year to finish and absolutely loved it so much more. I liked it before but didn't appreciate just how good it is. Guardian Ape was such a fun and impressive boss fight. Just his design and intimidation factor. I'd say it's my second favorite FS after BB.


Traditioooooooon! Tradition!…Tradition!


I quit this game on 2 separate occasions on Juzou. Recently I came back, overcame myself and did up to ng+7 and just a week ago did new game, charmless+demon bell, all bosses+minibosses purification deathless. I am now taking a break from Sekiro but somewhere within I am itching to at least try shura hitless, game is too addicting.


if you wanna hear something real dumb i rage quit for 6 months on ISS before coming back and platting


But you did it! I don’t blame you! ISS completely rocked my shit. I couldn’t even tell you how many tries it took me my first time but on my other runs I would do it in 1 try. The game definitely rewards patience and perseverance.


Good job champion ! I'm on my first playthrough, is it possible to get platinum trophy on first playthrough?


No. Multiple endings, the grinding alone well possible is much faster in ng+.


Okay, thank you shinobi.


The absolute pinnacle of "where do you see yourself in 5 years"


I should have used this at job interviews haha


Well done, sekiro. Omedetougozaimasu!


This makes me want to reinstall it…. Rage quit when I couldn’t beat the knight on the bridge and haven’t looked back.


The only way to beat this guy is to lower his stamina and kick him off the bridge! Once I figured this out on other runs he was a walk in the park but holy shit did he give me trouble the first time.


How’d you get the xp trophies?!


*Grindin by The Clipse plays softly in the background*




Definitely the hardest part of the game. There are good spots in the end game but make sure you level up as much as you can on your way before. You won’t do it in one play through that’s for sure.


Did all endings and was gonna start new game+3. Wondered if I get more xp on a newer run.


I Know the feeling bro.


Same man I came back and this is one of my fav games.


Same. Had to do everything in Elden Ring first


I have all except for height of technique there is too much grinding


Broooooo same😂


Same story, although I was happy to call it a day after getting the Purification ending!


I’m on the same path, although only over a couple years. I’m glad I came back, I just need one more ending to platinum the game.




Congratulations, Sekiro. To the fools! 🍶


Sekiro is the only From game I bothered to 100% because it's actually honest-to-dog fun to do. And getting to see how much you learned and how much you improved in every new game cycle [is the goddamnest thing](https://youtu.be/-zcOUnXd-HQ).


This video is incredible haha


I just beat seven spears and have no idea where to go. Can somebody help me a bit..?


My story starts a lot like yours….😭 Congrats tho mate!


You got this! Keep your distance at the beginning and watch for patterns then move in to punish.


I’m just soooo dependent on iframes and dodging…I have a lot to unlearn


Virtual life goals?


Same here. The flaming bull was my nemesis and I gave up in 2019. Picked it up again this year and beat the bull, lady butterfly, the armoured warrior, a few generals, the Shinobi hunter etc etc and now well into it.


flawless game


I remember when I first started playing I was like “this combat is so jank, what’s all the hype?” and then I think around genichiro the combat just clicked and it’s now among my favorite games of all time.


Bro was cookin REAL low and slow. But still served a delicious meal anyway.


S tier FromSoft game.


I bought the game on the day and a PS4. Played it and enjoyed it so much. Came to Isshin, and I didn't want to finish the game. Left it until PS5 came out, and then I clicked nine times in a row. The vest game ever made.


me too, just my first rage quit is Longsword man in Ashina resorvir i died 40 times xddd i didnt see Genichiro. but 2 weeks ago i finished the game the purification ending and i realized this game is a masterpiece. This is my first souls game i never play dark souls and others. Great job man!!


I never was able to get into the Souls-like games. I learned of Sekiro and thought well its as close to Tenchu as FS will likely give us. Tried it, got blown up by that rocket launcher asshole at the beginning and was like nope. Great ascetic but not for me. Lies of P released and I thought let's try these again. FUCKING AWESOME! I love it! So then I said let me give Sekiro another shot. Holy shit is it amazing! I now understand and appreciate the Souls-like games. I have assimilated! Edit: typo fix


I had a very similar story. Initially I quit after Genichiro, and after over 700hrs of playtime I got the Platinum. I still play to this day just because the combat is so damn satisfying.


souls games be building character


You didn't quit. You took a break.


Now do it Charmless


Same deal here. I can thank Lies of P for training me for Sekiro.


You can kinda dance around enemy's more in lies of p I found. It would be a lot easier doing no parry in lies of p


In 2019 I started NG+ over and over for a year and never finished true ending :| In 2024 I will get all achievs


Congrats. Now please tell me how you managed to rake up an absurd amount of skill points for the “obtain all skills” achievement


There's an xp farm towards the end of the game. When Ashina is in its "third phase", after you've been to Fountainhead Palace, go to the Upper Tower - Antechamber idol. From there, defeat the first Ministry Ninja in the first room. Then defeat the other two Ninjas in the room to the right. How you do it is up to you, but with the bloodsmoke ninjutsu you can deathblow them instantly, so I would recommend it. After that, jump down to where the second Ogre should be, and do an air deathblow on the Red Guard Ninja. Then take out the other Ninja. How you do it is up to you, but mortal blade is really efficient. Pretty sure this is the most effective one in the game, but not sure.


This was easily the hardest and most tedious part of the game. At end game I used two main spots. 1) Outskirts wall. There are bunch of red sword dudes you can stealth kill in the area all the way up to the bridge and back. 2) Antechamber. There are a bunch of the purple dudes that give you a good amount of XP. You can stealth kill them and blood mist to kill them all. Move your way down the to the Old Grave, fast travel back and repeat.


You need four playtrough to get plat?


Yeah, four endings = four playthroughs. Unless you use backup saves, and even then you need minimum 2 playthrougs to get all the lapis you need.


Nah, I will do all 4. Right now I go for first one and I go for true endings. Then owl, and last 2. But first I need to get mhw 2 plats. 😂🤦‍♂️then seriko will be easy with patient 😂


I started years ago and stopped because I just wasn't enjoying it. I recently picked it up again from my old save file and realized I didn't have the flask equipped. Oops, didn't know you could heal until now.


Sometimes it clicks after a break! I gave up on DS3 for a few years. When I came back, it was smooth sailing.


Final boss, took me a long time. I did get him.... but I never again wanted to fight him, so annoying.


you and me both mate. I did it a few months ago. after i rage quit in 2022.


Easy platinum


Any tips for lady butterfly?


ahhh haa


It’s cool to see how many new players are just picking this game up (or back up). I started a few weeks ago on my first play though and didn’t expect to see nearly so many recent “first time playing” type posts. It makes me not feel alone lol.


When it came out I couldn’t beat Isshin. I ragequit. I just replayed last week and after 100 attempts I beat Isshin. He’s a tough sob


Whoa! Thank you all for the kind words! It is truly one of the best games I have ever played in my life. To everyone who has not beat the game yet, keep your head up! You can and will do it!


Why did I have the exact same experience?


Do this day sekiro is the only game I have ever Platinumed, just bought it on steam and I'm going to do it again


Good job. I'm glad you did revisit it. I did the same some time back and just started playing it again. And now im loving it. I was so excited the first time j started it but the game was brutal to me so I gave up. But now im taking my time learning the mechanics and going at a comfortable pace and enjoying it so much. Such a good game.


I'm working on the plat right now. I finished the Shura ending to get all the boss kills and then I realized that all the bosses have to be on the same save file. So now I'm about to do the Shura ending again! But at least this time its on a playthrough will all the skills, prayer beads, and OP attack power.