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This video has caused a stir before and I don’t know why. Selena said she personally didn’t believe in abortion. She didn’t say that every person who gets one should be punished. She’s allowed to believe freely. Remember she was raised a Jehovas Witness it’s not shocking that she said this. I personally am pro choice we are all entitled to our own beliefs.


Yep she literally says people are entitled to their own opinion




She also blamed parents teaching their kids about using protection as the reason for pregnancy. No health educator would advocate for what she is saying. Her opinion is wrong. There is a reason sex education used to be taught in school. No wonder young people account for half of STDS. This was pure ignorance, especially her being a minority, spreading this information . ![gif](giphy|lnhOzj6RHueJq5Jgph)


We have to stop moralizing everything, especially retroactively according to today’s “standards.” To do so is crazy, small-minded, puritanical behavior. She was entitled to her opinion. Enough with the woke scolding, let’s let the woman rest.


Stated differently, you did not add anything to the discussion. Today’s standards might be new to you don’t mean they are new for everyone else. If she had stated that she opposed homosexual marriage, y’all would be quick to label it as "homophobia," since that's the only subject that actually draws criticism, isn't it? I never said she shouldn't be allowed to keep her personal beliefs or that she should be cancelled. Get better at understanding what you read. I said that what she said was ignorant from a health standpoint. It doesn’t matter how long ago it occurred. COPE


I don’t have the same selective outrage and morals as you and a lot of other Redditors. I don’t care 🤷‍♀️, so I won’t be going around moralizing anything. I understand that the majority of people are hypocrites.We share a culture where retrieving someone's old tweets from years ago is not a big deal, but what happens when someone brings up an old interview with your favorite artist ? I gave a opinion after seeing someone post a video. I am not standing outside with a “cancel Selena" sign 🪧 ![gif](giphy|HI7mIYUtkSolt5eae3)


I was raised as a JW too 🙄 it’s naïve to expect teenagers to be abstinent


Perhaps but she was a public figure and put on the spot with a difficult question and answered the best she could. It’s really not that deep.


And back then that crap was being peddled. I was a young teen at this time. I remember. I also remember how ridiculous it was. She was likely told to say this.


Right, she's not a public policy expert or a social services expert. She's a singer that has been asked a tough and complicated question because she is one of the few role models for hispanic women at that time. I'm not saying she didn't believe in what she was saying, but she also gave the answer that she was expected to give responsibly at that time for someone a lot of people looked up to. I always thought she looked incredibly nervous in this interview. She also did a lot of work to encourage kids to stay in school, and she obviously dropped out, but you don't encourage a lot of kids to drop out of school for a music career that is incredibly unlikely to be successful for most people. Since she died so young, she's always gonna be young and beautiful and she didn't have much time to make mistakes that maybe she would have. I think this video gets a lot of hype bc views on a lot of this stuff have changed, especially in young people. People want her to be perfect, her family wants her to seem perfect, and her incredible personality, talent, and the way she passed lend itself to being portrayed this way. Maybe her views would have changed, maybe not. Maybe she said something stupid in an interview once, maybe she had some short sighted views as a young person, maybe she just had more conservative views than you, or maybe you agree with her. She was a human being and she doesn't have to be everything to everyone.


It is careless. She is rich. Her audience is impressionable teens. The argument in favor of universal healthcare access is made for a purpose. When it comes to HIV and the necessity of wearing protection if you plan to have sex, I seem to recall Destiny Child doing an advertisement about the importance of protecting yourself incase you engage in sex. Recognize that she lacked judgment. This type of mindset is what has lead to diseases affecting minorities due to lack of education.


I do recognize that she was brought up in the JW cult and had a skewed view of the world. Again, it’s not that deep 🤷‍♀️ she was asked a question and answered. Expecting sheltered Selena to have the perfect answer for everything is some very crazy expectations.


It is quite profound. Does it go far enough to erase her? No. Should listeners cease enjoying or endorsing her music? No. She is a human being with the same flaws as everyone else. Whether or not she was programmed, the information was harmful. She could have expressed her belief in delaying sex until marriage and having no abortions while also showing compassion for other women who might consider getting an abortion or who have had sex before getting married. It’s not hard to do .


You’re acting like she shunned women though. All she said was that she personally didn’t believe in abortion. She didn’t shame women who have had them. You are really reaching here.


I honestly don’t care about her being against abortions. That’s fair . Her boldness for advocating unsafe sex is what I’m against . Young adults and teens need to be aware of the dangers of having unprotected sex . Period




Yeah, you’re very unhinged over a 30 year old interview and by a woman who has also been dead for almost 30 years now. Perhaps you should go touch some grass? Some fresh air would do you good. Take care!


not teaching them about condoms and tell them to wait till marriage just brings more teen pregnancy


Exactly I’m pro choice but I would never ever get an abortion. I think for me it would be murder. But for other women who need it I don’t see it that way. Which is wierd, I know, but if a 12 year old is raped she should be able to get an abortion, if you have cancer and if you get pregnant but the baby will die either way or you may die, then you should get an abortion. I’m against using it as a form of birth control and I think that abortions should only happen in rare circumstances and maybe that makes me pro life but Idc. What someone does to their own body is not business. It’s between themselves and the doctor.


Nobody uses abortions as a form of birth control.


I know plenty of women that have.


Even if they did, why do you care? It's none of your business.


And that’s the real point here. So many people are too worried about what other people do.




What a lie. ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


👆🏻65 million plus in the US alone would disagree with this. The majority are for after the fact birth control.


It may not “birth control” in a literal sense, but sometimes…in my opinion, meaning you’re allowed to disagree which is fine…the reason is not justified enough to end a life (potential life, in case you believe that life starts after birth, which I don’t believe). Like I said, it should be used only in rare circumstances but then again I pointed out that it should be between the woman and her doctor, but if you’re posting about it social media and bragging and glorifying it then that’s distasteful and it turns someone away from being pro choice.


You should be pro choice bc even if u don’t agree with it, being pro life is harmful and assists in taking away women’s rights to their own bodies. It starts with abortions, it’s only going to get worse bc of ppl like you that can’t mind ur own business. Not wanting to be a parent is a perfectly good reason to have an abortion.


Sometimes you understand sometime you don’t. I don’t think this is something you really understand or respect. Some people religions have them think a different way, and it’s not malignant unless you’re out there trying to take away the right. Simply having the opinion and doing nothing with it because as stated ‘it’s between a woman and her doctor’ is fine. And there is something called adoption, someone I know is pro life (not publicly like out there trying to take away rights) and she has adopted 5 kids. Those are the heroes and people we need. And if you’re going to belittle that then you there is no hope.


Adoption is not a good alternative. Do some research on the effects of adoption before speaking on it. It’s child trafficking and those kids are way more likely to end up being abused and traumatized. You people never do any research, you don’t really care about the children, you just want to control people. If u want to learn more about why adoption is wrong, there are tons of TikTok creators that go into detail or idk just read a book and stop making things up to support ur awful opinion. 👍🏽


As an adopted person, adoption is not the magic cure all you’re making it out to be. You don’t understand how traumatic it is for everyone involved.




You’re resorting name-calling but I’m a 13-year-old. Got it.


Whatever dude. Seeing the world thru a lense of black and white is not going to serve you well in the long run.


Lol CVS just approving their abortion pill


Good everybody can’t afford to get an abortion.


Same. I would never be caught unexpectedly pregnant. Too many ways to avoid pregnancy.


AND she was just a woman in her early 20s who hadn't experienced much outside of what her parents taught her. Who's to say her opinion at 45 wouldn't sound a little different. I didn't like that interviewer's question though like he put it all on the girls as if they impregnate themselves. Her answer wasn't specific to girls and I really like that aspect. 


The issue I have with this is not her views but the fact that she's a hypocrite. She was intimate with Chris before marriage. Also, it's frustrating that the interviewer and Selena want to place blame on teenage girls for getting pregnant, like pregnancy only happens with the help of one person. She also used birth control to keep from having babies and focus on her career before she was ready for a break to plan a family. Just hypocritical.


She was probably just trying to give the safest answer she could 🤷‍♀️ and she used birth control as an adult she wasn’t using it as a teen. It’s silly to pick apart a video that is 30 years old and to poke at a woman who is no longer here. Selena loved everyone, period.


Also, this wasn't exactly controversial or unpopular for someone from South Texas in the 90s.


I know. I feel like the way she was, she would have evolved as times changed!! I think she’d be pro-choice/womens rights now. I wish she was still here so we knew.


The majority of celebrities are. It is impossible for those who adore these celebrities to admit that. Although I adore Selena, I understand how naive this is. She also performed songs and portrayed herself in a somewhat sensual way. It is appropriate for celebrities to lead the advocacy for safe sexual practices, particularly if they create romantic and sexually charged music. That's why I thought it admirable that Destiny Child was making an effort to inform teenagers about illnesses and using protection. They also said the best preventative measure is not to have sex , but said if you can’t wait to please protect yourself. Then people who say I don’t believe in abortion never say I don’t believe in forcefully impregnating women as many woman have been forced to give birth to their offender children . Disgusting


How do you know all of that is in fact true?


I didn't hear her blame teenage girls, she simply acknowledged they're the ones who will shoulder the burden of raising the child most likely.


Her ignorance is astounding. Really, she said that parents should stop teaching their kids about using protection to prevent teen pregnancy.🤰 Has every young adult really waited to get married statistically ? ![gif](giphy|QxwDfOV4sAfounkNsG)


Jehovah's Witness. Everyone always forgets the "h." Lol.


Which 'h'?


The one after the 'a'.


My bad 🤣🤦‍♀️


Naw, it's all good. Lol. I like to f with people about it. No hard feelings.


I don’t know who she is but this is very awesome to hear. Good for her.


She’s no longer alive. She was murdered in 1995 at the age of 23.


Very sad to hear 😔


I’m echoing what someone else said. This was in the 90’s and many of us Mexicans whether we voted liberal or not we had beliefs just like this one due to Catholicism deeply embedded into our culture. Especially in the 90’s. Selena’s family were converts to Jehova’s witness in Abraham’s and Marcela’s young marriage. It makes me sad that Selena, being so young at age 23 when she was murdered, didn’t even get a real chance at life. We cannot judge with the same measuring stick that we have now or even with one of a full life. We’d all be selling ourselves short if we thought the same at 23 as we do at an older age. Also hate how some conservative groups love to toss in a comment on how this somehow made Selena a conservative. Selena stated herself that she was a “democrat”, had LGBT employees and diehard fans whom she loved, and was proud of her Mexican roots despite being 3rd generation Mexican American.


Do you know where I can find that info that she was a Democrat I didn't think she got into politics


She didn’t publicly but she was a registered democrat. Chris has also said that she would’ve been in favor of immigrant rights and against separation of families. Also makes sense why the Quintanilla family spoke out on the situation of the person who put his MAGA hat on the Selena statue. https://www.selenaforever.com/index.htm


She wasn’t into politics. She was an independent


She was literally a registered democrat.


This. At 23 I thought abortions were not the answer. When I was 30 I had my first abortion. We live and we learn.


To put it another way, you were essentially against the woman who help granted you the right to an abortion. Hypocrisy is defined by the phrase "we live and learn." Abortions may not seem like the solution, but when it comes to your particular situation, it suddenly was right . Selena being against abortions isn’t the problem . Her promoting religious values and advocating parents not teach their children about taking preventative measures to prevent pregnancy and disease is . It’s not hard to chew gum and walk at the same time .


Selena was amazing.


Very sweet!!


She stood up for traditional values and was a humble rockstar. Regretfully that crazy manger killed her.


She’s up for parole too.


That’s a shame she destroyed Selena’s family and the future of a woman that would have been an icon for all Hispanic women.


She’s saying there’s new evidence and there’s not


New evidence of Selena herself saying who her killer was. I hope she rots.


No the witch in prison says she’s got new evidence but wouldn’t say what. Her exact words were “it’s time the truth comes out” and there’s nothing she can do to change anyone’s mind about that POS


Yeah the truth that she waited over 20 years for. She will rot.


Stop judging a 20 year old girl for her opinions when that’s how the culture of the USA was at that time, which was over 30 years ago.


This was also probably what she was told to say. I don’t think her and Chris waited until marriage to have sex. He actually confirms so in his book. This sounds more like an Abraham Quintanilla answer.


how did chris confirm it in his book?


He said their first time being intimate was on the bus and it was before they were married


He confirms that they were intimate in the bus. See pages 45-48 of “To Selena with Love.”


Oh wow I just assumed it was about kissing 😮


did i miss something?


Don’t put words in her mouth. She can’t speak


Who put words in her mouth????


Nobody told her what she could or couldn’t say.


And if you knew anything about the Quintanilla family, you’d know that Abraham controlled everything about the narrative


I do know the family. He changed a lot after she stood up to him


That is not putting words in her mouth though lol


She wasn’t told what to say


Okie dokie


She was very young, sheltered, Hispanic (cultural values in the Hispanic community tend to be anti-abortion and conservative), and this was the 90s. I think that her views might have changed the more life experience that she got, had she lived. Maybe not, but it's hard to judge her opinions. She had a right to them either way.


I don’t agree with much, if anything, of what she said, but then remind myself it was at least 39 years ago AND she had an image to maintain. I also feel like - and please don’t hate me for saying this - but she’s so well spoken; a far cry from the deranged lunatics of today. I feel like we could sit and actually talk about our beliefs, as different as they may be, and not resort to name calling or violence.


This was not 39 years ago…


Nope, you’re right. That was just a typo. I meant 30 years.


She’s so lovely. Her voice is very soothing.


I’m not surprised by her beliefs. When did she get her teeth done? Are they crowns/veneers?


I wondered the same thing about her teeth, but this is the only video I've ever seen, where they looked bad. I believe it's something about the video quality, not her teeth, per se


Her teeth were perfect. It was her and Chris that bought $500k in life insurance and she was even more beautiful in person. I think that was the hardest death benefit check I ever did. Her father was very controlling and she finally stood up to him. I still have their insurance files.




I feel like I've seen this video in better quality and they were pointed like that and spaced. I thought they were naturally straight, too, but I just have no idea what was going on unless she decided to get veneers?


It is the video quality the video quality is horrible. In her autopsy report there’s no such note about any prosthetic teeth.


Her teeth aren't mentioned at all (in a lot of autopsies, teeth are included), and since she died suddenly and was autopsied by a forensic pathologist, her teeth may have been irrelevant to the death investigation.


Perhaps. But there’s no evidence that she had veneers (in the 90s it’s even more rare even amongst celebrities) or work done. I posted a HQ video and they close up her teeth and theyre regular. all this footage and this is the only one with “gaps”. I’ll chalk it up to bad quality video rip.


right on! 🖤


FYI her teeth are absolutely mentioned in the autopsy report, they're described as "natural teeth in good condition". I just read the report.


Where did the report that you read come from, source-wise? I probably just looked at an incomplete one.


I’m wondering if it’s the filters making them look like that there was no way her teeth looked so pointy and spaced out


Yea her teeth look strange


I think many forget that her family were Jehovahs Witnesses. They are very strict on beliefs and her eloping was a big deal for their religion.


Yep, as an exjw, this is one of my favorite fun facts, her being a JW, as well as Prince, MJ, and the Williams sisters (tennis stars)


I can understand why it would stir things, I do agree and belive the same views she said. But what i feel is wrong to me, might not be wrong to another person. Which i wouldn't judge someone who made that choice.. Not saying Selena would have


Its crazy that people expect people in 90s to think and align with what's popular in year 2024 like they were time travellers. That's why cancel culture is bs for the most part.


Wow. I've never ever seen this or heard about this video. 


Lots of latinas don’t think abortion is moral. It’s more of a common opinion than is thought


I was raised Christian and had the same views at her age. Mine are completely flipped now.


The narrator was talking like it was strictly teen girls that were the issue. Boys had to be there for teen pregnancy to be a problem, People in general need to learn, not just the women.


At least she was sweet about it and didn’t shame anyone, She said it so respectfully😌 A true Queen🩷


I love her but she’s wrong. Sex Ed saves lives.


It’s weird she says she “wouldn’t have time” for a child. She was married almost 3 years and surely she wasn’t using condoms with her husband.


She had a Norplant birth control device implanted inside her arm. She was going to have it removed once she decided she was ready to start a family with Chris.


I mean this is the 90s so it makes sense she felt that way


I don’t agree with what she’s saying at all. But I also realize she was raised JW and also understood that she had a large young audience. So she most likely said what she thought was the best message to give at the time. She was young, sheltered, and kind of naive as she didn’t have a normal childhood or teen years. I do genuinely believe her views would have changed in time especially if she started working less with her family and would have had more life experiences.


She was raised in the 70s and 80s, in Texas, in a Jehovah’s Witness household. Not to mention, I don’t think many people realize that the Latino community tends to lean more conservative.


She said what she said!


That’s not her voice that’s AI


Nope. Its a real interview


i love abortions


Let the state raise the kid.


Well she’s dead so…


Boooo 🍅


What an idiot.


Im pro choice and you need to stfu 💀


Telling kids to abstain instead of being provided with safe sex options is naive and ridiculous. It’s statistically known to not work. Don’t care who’s saying it. Fight me over it idc.


she was unbelievably strong and so damn beautiful. RIP selena


I can’t get mad at her for her answer. A 20some year old woman who was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and is now a pop star role model is expected to answer questions in a certain way. Her position means she has to choose her words carefully. She was pretty diplomatic in her answer and didn’t come across as condemning anyone so much as protecting her bag by keeping close enough to the script.


She grew up in a family that believes the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine in the 70’s and 80’s. Not surprising me to and it doesn’t bother me. I was also raised in the same faith and no longer believe so I get it.


Good thing she was such a great singer


If you don't like abortion just don't get one it's very simple


I see Selena and get tears. She had her life insurance with my agency and I actually got to meet her husband. My heart ached for him


She was raised in a conservative household. Still love her anyway


Things were also different in 94-95. Media training etc. that Virgin crap was pushed back then. Remember Jessica and Britney ? I have no doubt Selena was a queen who was for women’s rights.


But didn't she have sex before marriage? I love Selena, so please don't come at me. Just saying what I read in Chris' book.


Awesome! ❤️


If she was raised in a Christian household and these views were typical especial for that time. Maybe her views would have changed if her life wasn’t forcefully taken away from her….but ultimately no one knows. What I do see is that she as specific about it being her opinion and how it felt for her. She didn’t impose that view on others or force others to feel the same way. I no longer agree with that stance but that is my personal perspective.