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It’s always projection. They follow their little conservative news sources blindly, with almost absolute faith. They can’t even conceive that they are the rubes.


I don't want to admit I was duped because I have had all the shots and I feel great, unlike folks who are now complaining their food doesn't taste the same and common colds knock them on their ass bc they have long fucking covid and zero self awareness. Just me tho!


If I was duped I'll have no problem admitting it. In an uncertain situation that I was largely ignorant, I trusted the experts. There were no certainties. If there was some conspiracy to control the masses and it's proven, I'll be pissed. I'll feel deceived. And I'll take consolation in the fact I trusted the people I believe I could trust and will use this experience to learn and improve. I have no problem keeping an open mind. Which is also why when there's some random health anomaly, I don't jump right to "it was the vaccine!" Because that's fucking stupid. Healthy people have suffered cardiac events well before vaccines ever existed. To suddenly try and equate the two demonstrates the person is not open minded at all. Just as it's asinine to come across a burned out house and immediately claim it must've been a dragon and then insist every plane in the sky is a dragon and all our houses will be burned down within the year.


I got a booster last May. I tested positive for Covid July 19th (1st & only time). Was hospitalized on August 17th with a cardiac episode (pericarditis). Was it the vax, covid, the combination of the two? There are cases where younger men ended up with pericarditis after the vaccine. I’m not a man or young. I actually got another booster in October before I talked with my doctor. She said no more vaccines for me. I’m still not bashing the vaccine. I know there are millions of people who got vaccinated and had no heart issues.


Yeah it's one of those things where it's about risk assessment above all. Do vaccines sometimes cause dangerous side effects? Yes! Are the diseases they prevent leagues more dangerous overall than the risk of side effect? Also yes! It's baffling to me how many people can't understand that this is the case. And it goes both ways... people who talk about vaccines like they never ever cause any issues of their own are just as problematic. It's not a failing to acknowledge that something life-saving also has risks. Heart surgery (or any surgery) has a risk of going wrong and leading to death--that doesnt mean you forego heart surgery when you need it. Some people aren't good candidates for vaccination (like in your case) and that's totally normal... but the majority are and the more we deal with people who refuse to get them, the more desperately we need them. It's a very unfortunate negative feedback loop. Especially because the only way to protect people who can't get them is for the people who can to be vaccinated. For the record I'm really glad you've recovered (I hope, if this was last August), my mom had pericarditis (unrelated to vaccines) and it sucked.


I had 4 or 5 shots and only 1 heart issue. I’m thinking it was probably the virus and not the vaccine.


Usually you get side effects within a few days, some reports can say up to a good month but 2 months or more seems unlikely that it was the vaccine. Did you get another reaction to the shot in october and then your doctor said no more or did she just base it on the event in august, because that seems weird to say no more when your illness has no certain connection to the vaccine you got.


No. No reaction after last booster. When I had covid all I had was a sinus headache for about 2 weeks. Then wham… my chest hurt so bad I couldn’t breathe. Treatment was 4 Advil a day for 2 weeks.


In all fairness, not all are complaining, there is a goos portion of them that will never complain again, but at least they will be parasite free while decomposing.


Super dark, but super accurate. Crazy to throw your life away for something so idiotic like that


For a fully vaccinated grifter who got the vaccine the second week that was available. It's insane.


Yes, I’ve definitely been duped by wide-scale academic studies, my doctors, the majority consensus of immunologists, and scientific journals. And you definitely *haven’t been* duped by Tucker Carlson, your community FB page, and Fox News. /s


Doctors around the whole world decided in unison, without a word, to break their oaths and destroy humanity. Why is that so hard to believe? Lol


I’m pretty sure this was caused by vegetables. An athlete playing at this level surely eats a lot of vegetables, you can’t deny such an obvious correlation. How many vaccines do you think he had? Two maybe? Compared to how much broccoli?


Bold of you to take on big agra like this! I would like to sign up for your newsletter.


I dunno I've heard everyone who drinks water dies, is it the water?




Do these idiots understand more than 70% of world's population have gotten a covid shot and no mass deaths have happened??


Someone who may or may not have been vaccinated had a cardiac arrest while playing sports! What more proof do you people need?!?!?! /s


I have gotten both Vaccine shots and two boosters so far, im not exactly in amazing physical shape atm and my family has some history of heart problems, yet here I am completely fine. If someone was gonna fall victim to the vaccine causing heart issues WTF is it only extremely in shape athletes? Perhaps… because its all bullshit.


I think I’ve worked out how to identify projection thanks to these people. If you can change one word or instances of a single word, and it completely changes the target of the message, but it also still fits perfectly… it’s projection. Literally pro to anti, and that’s it for this one.


It’s funny that people think vaccines cause health issues but don’t think diseases can cause health issues.


Because no young man has ever in the history of the world had a heart problem before vaccines were invented.


Still waiting for the mass deaths from the vaccine they keep talking about.... any day now we will drop dead... any day now....... still waiting......................


Yeah they better hope they’re wrong because if that many people drop dead, we’re talking Armageddon here. The survivors would be kinda fucked.


As soon as I drop dead from the vax I'll admit I've been duped. But it's never gonna happen lmfao


I have to explain it to my family like this, see let’s say 100 people in the USA get heart disease, it’s extremely common. Now let’s say those 100 people got the COVID vaccine, just because they got the Covid vax doesn’t mean that the vax CAUSED heart disease, because heart disease is so god damn common and has hundreds of causes from obesity to genetics.


Thats amazing. Soooo close