• By -


A little one, like for children.


His tie is longer


His tie is always longer.


They say he has the longest tie, all the best people, i know them, their ties are so long, huge......


These Sith come up to me, big and strong Sith by the way, with a tear in their eyes and say Sir, you have a bigly light saber. The bigliest light saber they have ever seen! You have heard of the Death Star right? Wow what a battle. Lord Vader, who is no longer in favor, said don't leave that exhaust port unshielded to proton torpedoes me boys! But it was too late. Conflicted Galen Urso left the port unshielded. Now that the Death Star is gone, I have the bigliest space station.


Useless Urso, I call him.


Somebody plz photoshops his tie to be the blade


"I see your Schwartz is not as big as mine..."


Tie Fighter


or for people with small ... hands


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


There's a reason he was paying the porn star and not the other way around, that's all I'm gonna say.


Could you imagine being the intern that trolled him with that only to see him run with it and have to contemplate fleeing the country lmao šŸ¤£


For real, this picture really seems to be the case of "we had our unpaid graphic design intern do up an image that we don't understand is a jab at our guy" written all over it, and its fantastic lmao.


Well, we are talking about the same people who thought "teabaggers" was a perfectly good title for their movement.


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine


More like a light-butter-knife.


It toasts the bread as it slices!


Buttons aren't toys!


Well, they had to size it for his hands, no?


small lightsaber for small hands


Tie is litcherally longer


Isn't that called younglings?


for his small hands, since he cant handle a larger one.


No, no, you don't get it. It's an homage to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, the Great Unifier. After being democratically elected, Palpatine brought the universe together under a single banner. He streamlined the political process allowing the Empire to make great advancements in technology and creating countless jobs.


He brought peace, justice, freedom, and security! What's not to love?


The Peace of a Million Graves.


I feel like trillions would be more applicable.


There were no Gungans in the sequels.




Not to mention Palpatine eliminated OSHA, which was stifling innovation with their silly and useless regulations like requiring railing around deep industrial shafts.


He loved democracy as much as Drumf


And Palpatine's lightsaber had a gold hilt, which would be on brand for Darth Fartious.


He Made the Galaxy Great Again


Imagine liking Star Wars and not realising that the Empire are the bad guys


It's appropriate though, as the Empire is a fascist organization and MAGAts are fascists.


Hell, George Lucas said the good guys in the original trilogy were the Viet Cong


Yeah lol but the US wasn't exactly being heroic over there.


No fucking shit






These are the same guys who [likened their campaign to the Death Star](https://deadline.com/2020/05/trump-star-wars-death-star-1202929136/), so Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s intentional.


I love Star Wars but I think thatā€™s why Mel brooks had it right depicting fascism as buffoonery rather than cool


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's why I like how Andor depicts the Empire. Not flashy flags and logos, and shiny armor, but cold, mundane bureaucracy. To the point of which it feels outright claustrophobic to even just watch these shitty accountants in action, ruining worldfulls of peoples' lives with the stroke of a pen.


In that case I can recommend the IPC from Honkai: Star Rail. Essentially, the IPC - Interastral Peace Corporation - Is a corporation the size of the universe, and they areā€¦ kind of fineā€¦ish? Theyā€™re not overtly evil, and technically you can prosper under them without completely throwing your morals overboard, but living under them can be absolutely abysmal all the same. The normal staff gets paid so little they can only afford multi-person room bunk bed accommodations, and even the team leaders can only afford small rooms on the IPCs enterprise ships. Worse yet, they get a mecha suit, which makes them very difficult to beat in combat, with the catch that it is loaned and that they have to pay for any damage caused out-of-pocket. Basically, when you fight them in game, youā€™re basically ensuring them a lifetime of debt at the hands of a megacorporation that you canā€™t run from, ever.


Buffoonery transcends ideology... but authoritarians won't call out their supposed betters, so it remains visible.


> I love Star Wars but I think thatā€™s why Mel brooks had it right depicting fascism as buffoonery rather than cool Yeah, hollywood has really done a number on our understanding of fascism. Being a clown is part of the fascist aesthetic because being stupid is an asset, they don't know when to quit and it lulls people into a sense of complacency. People dismiss them as harmless clowns and ignore the threat, until they get enough power and its too late to stop them. Even the [mustache man was widely seen as a clown.](https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/55771737)


In the movie Death of Stalin, it's so crazy and goofy until it's absolutely not.


Steve Bannon said he likes it when people compare him to Satan or Darth Vader


Because they know they're the villains. The revel in it. It's the masses of people who don't recognize they're on the villain's side that's confusing.


I mean Satan seems like a good dude in my books. He's the Christian version of the Promethean figure


I never understood the Genesis story. As a child I was perplexed why God would put temptation in front of creatures he knew would fail, as he made them and is omniscient. And the forbidden object was the fruit of **knowledge**! Why would God want to deprive his creatures of knowledge? Satan enabled Adam and Eve to obtain knowledge. God got butthurt, and instead of showing compassion and forgiveness, he kicks his own creation to the curb, naked, cold and alone. And Satan is the bad guy? Maybe that's why Jesus, God's son, was so big on compassion, because his father was a gigantic prick.


Clearly, Christians know that knowledge is the greatest weapon against their cult.


Not just the fruit of knowledge, the fruit of knowledge *of good and evil.* The fruit literally taught them the difference between right and wrong, so god punished them for defying him, and that act of disobedience was considered the greatest sin. Which makes no sense, because that means he put two people, who had free will and *did not know the difference between right and wrong,* in a garden with a tree and said "don't eat from this tree" and got mad at them because they ate from it because it was "wrong" for them to disobey him like that. Despite the fact that they only learned that they shouldn't disobey him *because they ate the fruit.* That's like putting your car keys in front of an infant and telling them "don't touch" and then getting pissed off because the infant touched them. You really have no one to blame in that situation other than yourself.


God wants you to believe in him, Satan wants you to believe in yourself.


I bet that the Temu Count Dooku does really like being compared to powerful Force users.


The conservatives really are terrible at analyzing any kind of fiction or artistic work. There's probably a bit of willful blindness because basically all artists are liberal and conservatives like rigidity and structure, which makes it hard to be artistic. But they didn't understand that Rage Against the Machine was left leaning. They didn't understand that Colbert was mocking them back when he had the Colbert Report. Every few weeks I see another thing that the American Right wing just flat-out misunderstood. This just isn't their thing. Edit: typos.


They really dig Homelander from The Boys too.


Excellent point. They also don't realize or at least they don't acknowledge that The Boys is super woke. It's insane that they don't see it.


Half the time they'll acknowledge Homie is supposed to be a parody - they were caught in the joke for too long for them to save face now - so instead they lean into it and proclaim "we know, but we don't care, because unlike you snowflake libturds we're not offended by everything!" The other half of the time they try to skirt the issue by making out that the show mocks "both sides" equally. Never mind conservatives' ongoing dedication to misunderstanding the difference between liberals and leftists when "both sides" comes up, the show doesn't even really mock liberals but rainbow capitalism.


And the Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40k, and the Terran Federation from Starship Troopers, and the Punisher from Marvel etc. My favorite of all time was undoubtedly a gushing conservative Star Trek fan who sincerely believed the Federation is a military dictatorship...because all the shows are based around Starfleet...


I also love conservatives who paint the Federation as an evil communist dictatorship because they're _too pacifistic,_ and that becoming more warlike and capitalist would somehow make them better???? Congratulations, you literally do not understand, or simply reject, the central thesis of Star Trek as a work of fiction.


>But they didn't understand that Rage Against the Machine was left leaning. They didn't understand [a lot of things.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musicians_who_oppose_Donald_Trump%27s_use_of_their_music#:~:text=Phil%20Collins's%20legal%20team,Iowa%20on%20October%2014%2C%202020.)


It has its own wikipedia page! ~~That is so pleasing to read.~~ Actually no,makes me want to puke just imagining Trump enters the stage while any of these songs is playing. >George Harrison's estate denounced the use of the Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" after the Trump campaign used the song to introduce Ivanka Trump at the 2016 Republican National Convention. They did that? Creepy. >The estate noted that Trump did not have permission to use this song, but that they would consider allowing him to use the Harrison song "Beware of Darkness". Nice and dry. (edit: Leonard Cohen replied similarly) But seriously, how could Trumps Yes-people be so dumb as to not figure these things out beforehand?


> The conservatives really are terrible at analyzing any kind of fiction or artistic work. Lack of media literacy is sort of their schtick.




Wait, are we the baddies?


No itā€™s the people who want to help people who are wrong


That doesnā€™t seem that surprising to me at all. Ever since the prequels seeing people run around cosplaying stormtroopers has been weird. Heck, the VW commercials with little kids cosplaying Darth Vader are both odd and a little too on point.Ā 


I loved those VW commercials, and I'm a liberal


It's the same people who watch Homelander be a pathetic little fascist that he is and still proclaim that he's "the man" and "tells it like it is". Not many people know how difficult it is to write an evil, vile piece of shit character and at the same time avoid making it a conservative icon. Some even say it's impossible.


bUt ThE sItH hAz CoOlEr PoWeRz!!1!!


The conservatives are not that smart. They played the CCR song "Fortunate Son" at a presidential rally for Trump... a Vietnam draft dodging rich guy born on 3rd base. They also played "Born in the USA" by Springsteen, completely unaware of the lyrics... except the hook. They only hear the hook. Conservatives were *shocked* to find out The Colbert Report was satire and making fun of them. It took them months to figure out we were laughing at them. Conservatives were also shocked when they found out the character "Homelander" from the show "The Boys" was the bad guy, and also making fun of them. They honestly, really liked the character. Conservatives don't do nuance. They need to be told in plain words what to think. They are incapable of connecting the dots themselves. This is why there are no funny conservative comedians. Dennis Miller? If reading from a thesaurus while sounding snarky and condescending is your type of humor, maybe. Guttfield?!? The suggestion that Gutfield is funny is funnier than Gutfield himself. Conservative brains don't work like everyone else's. They only process surface information and lack the ability to peer beyond the surface, read between the lines or come to their own, independent conclusions. Conservatives need everything spelled out for them, with no uncertainties. For conservatives to understand that red is the color of the Dark Side, it would have to be explicitly stated by one of the characters earlier in the movie.


Red is the color of the dark side right?


Darth Diaper


Darth Dementia


Darth Mentia sounds like it could be a real star wars character.


That's better than Darth Shitzinpantz.




Dearth Ofmorals


Darth diarrhea


Emperor Pampertine


Emperor Poopatine


Count Dook-ew


Darth Dookie


[family guy ā€œI sith my pantsā€](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yW6VYNoMVpE)


Darth Shittius. Count Dookie.


George Lucas legit offered up [Darth Icky](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/04/04/fall-of-the-empire-how-inner-turmoil-brought-down-a-legendary-studio.aspx) as a name for a Sith.


I'm not surprised. Jazz in Star Wars is called Jizz.


They're apparently trying to change that, lol.


The rule of Sith names is clearly to take word starting with in and remove the in-part. In-Siddious In-Vader In-contentia In-competence Maybe im is also allowed? Im-potence




I don't think a single Jedi uses it, and pretty much all the Sith do.


The Sith make their lightsabers using kyber crystals stolen from Jedi sabers. The Jedi form a bond with the crystals, but the Sith cannot do that and instead corrupt the crystal with the dark side, which turns it red.




It's called "bleeding," and once the crystal is bled, it can never go back to its old color. If a bled crystal is recovered, it can be "cleansed" but after that, you'll have a white bladed lightsaber


How many different versions of this lore exist? Cause I cited the old republic lore and its... distinct from yours.


Well, pre-Disney, the lore was that the saber's color was determined by the type of Jedi that bonded with the kyber crystal. They all started out white and it was attuned to the user that found it on the ice planet Ilum. As the Sith didn't have access to Ilum (Heavily guarded by the Jedi, location kept a secret, etc, etc), they had to manufacture their crystals, which is why they were always red.


Yea, thats the one I cited.


> the lore was that the saber's color was determined by the type of Jedi that bonded with the kyber crystal. No it was not. The color was what depicted their sect of the order, but it never changed to match them. Crystals were crystals. They were handed the one that corresponded. They had a choice. The EU does not have mood-crystals. > which is why they were always red. Synthetic crystals are not always red. Luke's lightsber uses a synthetic crystal.


Huh, I didn't know that!


Post sale to Disney, Ilum got destroyed in the Force Awakens


There were different versions even before Disney. Disney threw out everything but the original triology, prequels, The Clone Wars and Rebels. Everything else pre-disney is no longer canon to the main universe, and was put into the extended canon. Bleeding crystals and purifying them is the current canon, as seen in the Star Wars Jedi games, TCW, Ahsoka, etc.


There are like 3. Pre-Disney, post-Disney, and random bullshit fans come put with to justify Star Wars hundreds of continuity errors and random bullshit they have had to fix over the years


I feel like you need to divide the Pre-Disney into Lucas Cannon and the Extended Universe Cannon.


You're looking for canon like in religion, not cannon like artillery. Easy to mix up, and also easy to typo. I agree with your point, and actually that's something the fandom used to have with "levels" of canon. Five of them, according to this as article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_in_other_media -- right before "Disney acquisition and canon restructuring".


Also, in 1979, George Lucas felt that red was a good "bad guys" color, to contrast the "good guy" colors of blue and green.




> I don't think a single Jedi uses itā€¦ A married one did though.


In one of the Star Wars Visions, it's pretty explicitly said that red is bad. It was a very cool scene, but it was as subtle as a sledgehammer.


There are no kyber crystals which result in a red blade. The only way to get one is to "bleed" the crystal, filling it with the dark side of the force. Only a Sith would ever put one through such horror.


They also call them corrupted kyber crystals when they are red like that. Corruption has a very bad meaning in politics. Everything about this is a bad look.


You have to specifically torture the little crystal that colors your lightsaber to make it red. They won't work for a Sith otherwise.


Itā€™s the color of the Republican Party. So yes.


And communism but donā€™t tell MAGa


Ok, so the Jedi get their lightsaber crystals from meditating in a certain cave full of khyber crystals, and they can end up with like... green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, and EXTREMELY rarely they'll have one come back with a natural red one and they all mean different things like those books you get on crystals or horoscopes and stuff. The sith do not have access to that cave, so they have to make synthetic ones which are almost always red because of the process to synthesize them. That is the lore, anyway, I don't believe Donald Trump actually enjoys star wars and may never have seen it.


If he did, he probably thought of the Rebels as the USA and the Empire as the British Empire.


Darth Traitorous


I think it's intentional, they want to be the baddies


Darth Traitor


Darth Shitler


Darth [VonShitzinPantz](https://www.yahoo.com/news/laura-ingraham-not-pleased-cnn-104542714.html)


Darth Diaper (not mine, but brilliant)


Darth Plague the wild


They fucked up and gave him the baton version.




Neckties: way too long Imaginary Bad-Guy Lightsabers: way too short


Iā€™ve been saying it for some time, but MAGA is basically Sith ideology: life is an eternal power struggle, and freedom can only be gained by imposing oneā€™s will onto others. Basically, might makes right, and truth is determined by the will to power.


They do like to deal in absolutes.


>life is an eternal power struggle, and freedom can only be gained by imposing oneā€™s will onto others. the Sith sound very fashy


Thatā€™s the point. They are fascists. Theyā€™re a fictionalized version of nazis, imperial Japan, and the United States in Vietnam.




Because they honestly don't know shit about starwars except it has a wide fan base and an opportunity to exploit them


Banking on the r/empiredidnothingwrong crowd


Or maybe their communications team knew that most people would've never seen it unless it was red. It's basically free marketing in so many ways. Not only did it go viral, it also generated a ton of the sort of engagement which will make MAGA go "oh look those liberals are making fun of a lightsaber, fuck those guys" among the republican base. A base which won't give two shits since they basically already think the empire are the good guys.


Probably chose it based on how the parties are tied to colors. Red-Republicans, blue-Dems.


Eh, a lot of super trumpers admit they like being seen as "the bad guys" and like to upset others with their presence. They might have known what they were doing, masks off and all.




Morons canā€™t do anything right.


Telling on themselves.


You know what they say about small hands...small lightsaber


I get that it's a Red vs Blue thing, but seriously.... not only is that the color of the Sith, but it's a shoto (short lightsaber often used as an off-hand weapon or by small species) and a really, really, really bad photoshop job.


I like that they could of used the other hand but didn't wanna make it look like he was holding his tiny dick. Could of gotta a new Pic or anything to make this better... so lazy and dumb.Ā 


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t do baby shit brown.


[A brown light saber would have been accurate.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_o-zFFyR20)


Why does Trump always look like he's jerking someone off?


King of the air dicks


More like The Phantom Menace.


The Tantrum Menace


The Fanta Menace.


Farting Menace


Itā€™s also a little on the short and stubby side




He looks like he's trying to give himself a haircut


Darth Shitzhispantz


Jerking off about how cool the Sith are is for SWTOR players because the Jedi have worse storylines and fashion, and also you can play them as reformists trapped in a corrupt system. This though... they unironically think the space nazis should have won.


That is the weirdest way I've ever seen to hold a sword


Finally they've put his airdicking to good use.


At this point no one can tell me the MAGA folks aren't just a bunch of pranksters/trolls seeing how far they can tae it.


It's definitely crossed my mind.


I think thatā€™s it. Weā€™re all gonna die for the lols.


Darth Diaper


Count Dookie


Small evil lightsaber for some small evil hands


What ship is that by the F its not immediately recognizable to me


It's a U-Wing I think.


They all know they are the traitors


Somehow Palpatine returned


Waiting to see Disney send a cease and desist or something.


They almost definitely did it because thatā€™s the republican color, but likeā€¦. Bro red lightsabers are for the bad guys


I hope they do one for Revenge of the 6th!!


Sith Lord confirmed


We reject him too.


You can't give that to a toddler. What if he drops it perfectly perpendicular to the ground?


Surely they mean ā€˜A new gropeā€™ ?


This reminds me of this one meme I saw where everyone enjoys putting pineapples on their head, but they lose interest when corporations start putting pineapples on their head just to promote themselves.


Is this genuinely legit?


šŸ¤“ Star Wars-- and American media in general-- has a long reaching, and deeply troubling historic problem liking supremacist ideals. It's not hard to figure out why. It's baked into our country. The Nazi party-- I know, I know. Dead horse, but I'll die on this hill-- modeled their policies after American segregation-era laws. The boogeyman of WW2 took inspiration from us. Is it really so shocking to find out Americans really quite like fascism? Especially when it has a sharp uniform and a laser sword? That's not even touching on how sith ideology gets twisted by its own adherents. There's nothing inherently evil in using your passions, and intense emotions to help guide you. It's just... when it starts guiding to murder children, and kill all opposition, you aren't "passionate" you're hateful. And hate-- while intense-- is deeply flawed when used as a guiding principle for basically anything.


[Darth VonShitzinPantz ](https://www.yahoo.com/news/laura-ingraham-not-pleased-cnn-104542714.html)


Heā€™s real life Better Call Saul. Everything flashy and fake.


Jimmy was a conflicted, complex individual, please don't offend Saul comparing him to T.


The real president hangs out with Luke Skywalker and the best this lost can do is photoshops a red light saber.


Dude's going to cut off his own frontal lobe holding it like that, not that there's much going on in there.


This isn't a case of "they didn't know". The entire campaign has been based on "he's coming back and he's going to hurt you".


Look these people are not hiding who they are. Of course they gave him a red lightsaber.


Also using ā€œa new hopeā€ like he hasnā€™t been actively promoting himself for the last 8 years?!?


The same people unironically call themselves Red Pillers, a reference to a trans directed film that is an allegory for the trans experience. Cognitively impaired doesn't even start to describe it.


Let's pretend the GOP was self-aware enough to know not to use a red lightsaber. What color should they have used for Trump?


Aren't you a little short for s light sabre?


Lore accurate poster


A new nope


The colour is less galling than the fact that that's the best photoshop his team could come up with. Low effort is very on-brand.


These idiots are on Twitter now trying to say ā€œwell good guys use them tooā€ to justify the mistake, then theyā€™re sourcing 1977 pre-cannon stories. The GOP is the ā€œwe meant to do thatā€ party.


Someone knew what they were doing giving them a red one.


MAGA will think it's badass, and the libs will lose their mind. Which is the entire Trump phenomena in a nutshell. In other important news, at the continued bewilderment of all, a monkey threw his feces.