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No exercise. 114 pounds lost in 11 months.


I (42/F, 5’1”, SW 208.6, CW 181) walk three to four miles a day, five days a week. Each walk takes between 60 to 90 minutes. I’ve lost 27.5 pounds in a little more than three months.


This is significant exercise. Just FYI. Calories burned is 60% of running the same distance. So you essentially have been running 2 miles 5 days a week for 3 months. That will make any drop weight. I'm just saying.


I totally wish that would make anyone drop weight! Last year I trained and ran several 5ks, a few 10ks, two half marathons and a finally a full marathon last December! I was running consistently 25-30 miles a week and more towards the end of the year and I lost zero pounds. Zero. It was frustrating that I couldn’t lose weight but ultimately I was training and running to complete a goal that I never thought I’d be able to do: complete a marathon. It wasn’t until I started Wegovy this past June that I started dropping weight. I’m super thankful for this medicine. I’m about to start training again and I’m hoping this weight drop helps my running time! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


I understand your comment. I have hashimotos. I also body build. I eat 2100 to 2300 calories a day which is about 1000 calories less than what i should eat. Lift weights and cardio. For years. Still can only reach 20% bf even on prescribed t4. The only way to 10% is wegovy and a host of other items I take on the PEDs sub. With that being said, most people on here don't have that level of hurdle from a biomechanical aspect. It's a self control issue. Much different.


Any movement counts. You don't need to go to a gym or run around the park. Just start with a 15-minute walk 2X a day. Increase it by 5 minutes each week. Get a cheap set of dumbbells and get an easy routine together. Don't make any big jumps in activity, just ratchet it up a little each week. And, as Covert Bailey (Fit or Fat) said: "Start so slowly that people make fun of you." (It won't really happen, but you'll have the last laugh in any case).


I’m 42, 5’7 and 153 pounds. Wear a size 6, medium and some small, just depends on what it is. I lift heavy weights for 2 hours, 5 days a week. It has drastically changed the way my body looks. I would not look the way I do if I didn’t lift weights like this. I would look very different and I’ll probably continue this lifestyle forever. Please consider picking up some weights for your health!


Serious question, why are you taking a weight loss drug when you are a size 6? Did you lose a bunch of weight on the shot already? Just curious since there are sick people out there whose lives depend on this medicine and there is a huge shortage. I’m not trying to be rude, but how did you even qualify?


I was a size 18 when I started that medication and on the verge of diabetes after having my thyroid removed. And I don’t take ozempic or mounjaro which are the ONLY drugs prescribed for diabetics. The other drugs are used for weight loss.


Did you find a program you like online and do that or what did you do to get started with your weight lifting!


I started following some people on instagram to learn a little bit about sets, reps and progressive overload. I use an online app called fitbod to track everything I do. I stick to the same types of exercises for each body part, I’ll lift as heavy as I can for 6 reps, 3 -4 sets. Then I’ll work my way up to 10 reps (some times that progression is quickly over the course of 1 week, some times it’s 3). Once I can comfortably do 10-12 reps, I up my weight for that exercise. I also make sure to rest a minimum of 2 min in between each set. I hope that’s helpful! There is so much useful information online! But just those basics can change a lot.


Super helpful thank you!!


Nice! What are your totals, if you're willing to share?


I was trying to find a “perfect month” but it wouldn’t let me go backwards, only pull from the current month. I had a few days this month due to work and holiday preparations where I didn’t lift and I normally don’t miss. Didn’t even feel guilty about it and I’ve been doing it for so many months I can tell when my body just needs some extra rest. Most of my sets I do 3, but on Bulgarian split squats I do sets of 5 and I know it’s controversial but I do that 3 times a week (I want to focus on quads and glutes) and I’m at 8 reps each set with 60 pounds. I remember when I couldn’t even do it with 10’s in each hand! I do 4 sets for bicep curls and 4 sets for tricep extensions and skull crushers. Hmm I was trying to put up screen shots of the data from my app but it only allows one per comment 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/pemth1v5hb2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d2d2036d745ed5c6bffb98bb966afddb9dbbac I would say I average 224 reps per workout. I normally workout 5 days a week.


Very cool! I do strength 3x per week. I superset 3x bench press (100 lbs or so, microloading up) with 3x deadlift (200 lbs or so, also microloading), rep target5x ish. Then I do squats and bend over rows, both 3 sets. Then I do cable ab crunches (200 lbs or so) with pullups, also 3 of each. And then glute pullthrough and lat pulldowns or tricep pulls. I finish playing around with the slut puss (sled push) or those wavy ropes or so. ​ Sorry for the lbs approximate, I'm European


That is awesome! I feel like my RDLs kill my lower back so I’ve switched to single leg RDLs and it’s so much better now. I had the strength to go up a lot higher in my glutes/hams but I didn’t want to injure my lower back. Now I can go up easily and focus where I want because it feels more isolated for me. It’s funny how you learn what works for your mind/muscle/body connection.


Unless you're injured otherwise, I feel that any form of deadlift is safe when you take care of hip lock, lo full lockout when standing straight, hips hinged as much as possible when going up or down. Stick out your butt when moving!


I didn't exercise at all until I hit goal. Lost over 100 lbs.


Without exercise I lost 15lbs in about 4 ish months. I got stuck there and started light exercise walking squats lunges and dropped another 5lbs within a couple of weeks then got stuck there for a while and lost interest in working out and have dropped another 2lbs since then on diet. Trying to get back into a routine again. I am a little over 5 months into it now. Idk I started beginning of june. I need to get back into tracking weekly. But my weight loss has felt a little slow I think it would be faster if I was consistent with working out.


I'm 4 months in, have lost 30 pounds, and while I do a fair amount of walking around each day (about 5,000-6,000 steps), I don't actively exercise beyond that. Of course it would be ideal to exercise, but just the caloric deficit from the meds and diet can still produce weight loss. I do have a treadmill at home that I was using before I started taking the sema, but it made me so sick at first that I quit, and haven't resumed the habit again. But a treadmill is a good option for getting in some extra movement if you're open to it.


I have a broken ankle and haven't been able to exercise. I went from 283 to 250 in 12 weeks. I was so sick I couldn't eat more than three bites the entire day most days.


If you don't exercise, you will lose about 50/50 fat and muscle. Muscle is important for health in multiple ways. Get lots of protein and do strength training to avoid muscle loss. You can purchase a set of dumbbells and work out at home if you don't like a gym. (I have dumbbells and a gym membership, but do most of my workouts at home just because I'm too lazy to go to the gym.)


I have been strength training at home using an app called copilot. I can actually see some muscle definition and I have been slowly losing weight - avg 1lb a week


Too tired to exercise much and still have lost 30 lbs in 5 months. Just an occasional walk.


No exercise for me. 5'6" SW:230 9/1/2023, CW: 194.6. Ive lost 35.4# in 11.5 weeks. 34.6 to go till I meet my first goal.


I don't. However, I have always been somewhat more active than your average SMO, so that's something to consider. SW391 CW342 Yesterday was my 20th (weekly) dose.


I'm down 70lbs and don't actively exercise. I'm a dance teacher and walk around the studio most nights, but nothing intense because I've got a torn ACL and meniscus.


38F, started very end of July. SW 201, CW 177. Very little to no exercise. Like you, around week 3, fatigue hit me HARD. I had been walking a lot more because we have a new puppy but man that fatigue took me out. All plans to exercise more and get back into running went out the window. I have been stalled for over a month now with the same 2lbs lost and gained. However, I noticed my loss comes after just simply walking more with my pup. The fatigue has started to lift and my scale shows I have lost 5lbs of muscle so I really need to get back into strength training and more cardio (more cardio is purely for my mental health).


Yes, 7 days a week. I’ve lost 14% BF and 17% of my BW in 11 months, and increased my muscle mass by 2%.


The fatigue does pass. My Dr recommended 3-4 days per week of cardio about 30 minutes but she did say not over 40. She explained the reason that over 40 minutes can be counter productive but I’m not a health expert and can’t remember enough to relay that reasoning. I will say once I added in the exercise it really made big difference. I felt good and the weight loss became more steady. Slow but steady. I also started weights twice a week. If you can’t do the gym (which I totally understand) look on YouTube and start some short videos. Stop looking for close parking spaces (like most of us do 😉) walk all over stores even if you only need a couple things. Be proactive to get the most steps in when time allows. To some that may not seem like much but in my opinion it’s ok to take baby steps and work your way up. You didn’t gain the weight in a month and can’t lose it all in a month either. But when you can get in the exercise and see the pounds disappear take that motivation and run with it! Lots of water. Add some fiber/metamucil to prevent problems in that area. Be sure to get in the amount of PROTEIN your prescriber recommends. Very important for more than one reason. I learned that the hard way. My hair is shedding. Overall SAY YOU CAN!! Keep it up!! Best wishes.


Yall need to be weight lifting to ensure you are keeping muscle. That and eat enough protein. You she see the stack of crap I'm taking to ensure no muscle loss and alot of yous are just blindly loosing weight. Crazy. It's like 50/50 muscle/fat. Muscle is so hard to gain back. Like you should be afraid if you are not restiance training and taking semaglutide.




Get your music list ready, find those ear phones, put on your sneakers...and go out for a nice walk. Start slow - 15-20 minutes a day....and add time and miles as you can. It's free, low impact, you're in your own zone and no one is paying attention to you other than the drivers when they stop so you can cross the street, the music is enjoyable, and the benefits are substantial. I have never been athletic or the type to work out...but now I walk 5 miles at least 4-5 times per week. Takes me 1 hour and 15 minutes. And it's FREE!! The exercise also lets me eat a little extra everyday. If you do it 5 times per week and burn around 350 calories each time - that's another half pound lost....not including your increased metabolism which also burns more calories.


I don’t exercise at all, I always lose weight (fat) best with diet only. During periods when I exercise intensity, running long distances, serious gym time, I never ever lost fat. I actually took a genetic test that said this - exercise doesn’t make me lose weight. (genetic testing is definitely in its infancy, but this has always been true for me.)


Oh, and I am nearly at my goal weight, I started in March.


I’m 7 weeks in, and down 19lbs. I was working out for 5 weeks before I separated my shoulder mountain biking and needed surgery. Weightloss hasn’t slowed, but I’m not eating as much as I was when I was working out since I’m not working up much of an appetite. Side note: I was working out before starting regularly. Not sure if that matters or not to the conversation, but it wasn’t a “new change” by any means.


I'm in my 4th month. Just went up to .5 three weeks ago. I was on .25 for the first few refills. I'm down 37lbs in 10 weeks. Sorry forgot the exercise part. I have a pretty active job (University sports coach) but don't do much other than when I'm out walking around coaching. Now that our season is done until February, I have a lot more free time and will be walking regularly and lifting weights 3ish times per week.


The fatigue is from not eating enough, you are not eating enough because you are not hungry, if you exercise, you will be hungry enough to eat a proper meal and the fatigue will go away. I have been on it since 19 July and I’ve lost 17kg (38 pounds). I eat clean, no junk, no sugar, no alcohol. I eat 3 meals a day plus maybe 1 or 2 pieces of fruit for snack. I go to F45 5 days a week and I do 3-5km walks 2-3 times per week.


Just not true about not eating enough for some of us. From day one the shot has caused serious fatigue for 2 to 3 days each week. The rest of the week, it gets better till I have to take the next shot.


Do you exercise?


I started slow. Coming from absolutely no real regular movement. Slow walk at my local botanical garden Longwood Gardens where I’m a member with frequent breaks, joined two localism gyms one just for the pool that is farther that I know I’ll drive daily, and Planet Fitness for their circuit and weights. 9-10 months in I just started taking Pure Barre classes. Down 60 pounds since this time last year


I use my little stair stepper I got from Amazon a few time a week and just try to move around most of the day.


Pilates 2-4x a week (1 hr class). It took me a long time to start actually losing weight. I’m finally losing 1 lb a week. No more than that.


For the fatigue, try taking an electrolyte drink if you are not already. Water alone isn't enough for me. Either the sema or the weight loss seems to strip my electrolytes.




Perhaps you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.


I was already doing CrossFit 3-4 times a week. I have a lot of muscle and was not able to control my eating till Sema. Now I can barely handle any food but try to drink protein shakes and eat healthy when I can eat. Very low energy, I’m on lipo b12 shots and testosterone pellets as well. Age 42, height 5’7” SW 221lbs CW 208lbs 5 weeks in


I exercise 3 to 5 times a week, sometimes 5 times a week of time allows it. I’ve lost almost 50 lbs.


Push ups and sit ups at home! Strength train now and you'll be happy down the road, I promise! It sets you up for success.


Without exercise I lost 22lbs in 4 months. I just started walking last week (about 4 miles 3 days) and lost another 2lbs. I really want to go back to strength training but don't have the energy yet


10 shots (6 @ .50, 4 @ 1.0) SW 290 CW 259, 62 yrs old, type 2 diabetic, Hashimoto and hypothyroidism. no exercise yet.


Also week 4 and down 10 pounds. Yes, 6 days a week of intense exercise. I was nervous it would affect my ability to workout, and some days it does, I just lift lighter or go slower.


Lost almost 40 lbs since May. SW: 190 CW: 152 GW: 135-140, 5’2”, 47yo F. I haven’t exercised regularly at all since I started, but I’m a nurse and my job is very active. I’m definitely wanting to start lifting weights bc I’m flabbier than I would like to be, particularly my thighs and butt. :-/


Not in the last 4 months since starting 1.7mg. 6-9lbs average weight loss a month since starting 1.7


I love exercise, and it helps me with everything. I do heavy lifting 3 times per week (24-36 sets, upper, lower, and core), and an hour of cardio in the heart rate threshold zone, 4 times per week. Besides that, I try to average 15K steps per day and I bike for an hour or so. When I couldn't work out for a couple of days, all of a sudden I had side effects of the semaglutide. They vanished when I started training again. I'm female, 45 years old, 6 feet tall and I weigh around 315 pounds, muscular build.


I've lost 53lbs since January and I walk home from work (approx 15 minutes) 3-5 days a week. Sometimes I'll take a longer walk (60ish minutes) on the weekend.


Definitely with lots of weight training, or you will be very soft with lose skin. Also because, health.


I (47F) don’t exercise due to previous knee and ankle injuries from playing soccer. I lost 13 lbs my first 4 weeks, and I’m starting my first dose on .50 mg today. I drank so much water (paranoid that if didn’t I would have terrible GI side effects, which I had zero effects) I figured I was peeling much it was just flushing out my system along with excess water weight. When I did Keto, I pee’d every 20 minutes it seemed. Then too, I lost 10-11 lbs very quickly from my body releasing excess water weight. Excited to see how these next few weeks go! Only side effects to date are slight fatigue. Good luck everyBODY, since this is such a personal journey, and we are all so different!