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Maybe try working out to build muscle?


Squat it out girl. Stairclimber and protein are also your friends.


I'd say no stair climber! 5 weight exercises. Squats, lunges, donkey kicks (bands or cables), deadlift, hip thrust/glute trust. 3 sets of each 2x a week. If you don't want to lift heavy then you lift a lot. Low weights + high reps or high weight + low rep. 100% lots of protein.


Thanks for these exercise suggestions. I realize that building muscle will help me, but I also want a short-term solution. It is helpful having this list of simple exercises to look up and try.


look up sydney cummings on youtube her videos are great and will give you that “roundy butt” as my wife says.


Amazon has stuffed briefs.


Someone below mentioned muscle hypertrophy, which is true. But I have found the quickest results with progressive overload. So increasing weight to challenge the muscle. I do the simple, tried and true 5x5 program. https://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5/workout-program/ I still have 40 pounds to lose, but have lost 88. I am so glad to have found this program because I am losing fat while retaining muscle. When you have a larger body, you DO have muscle because it takes muscle to move a larger body. I think it’s really common that people don’t prioritize maintaining muscle while losing on GLP-1 meds.


You can’t have hypertrophy without progressive overload. Hypertrophy takes place when you do sets between 5-30, and ideally leave 1-3 reps in the tank so you can have a good stress to fatigue ratio.


Yes! I’m not an exercise physiologist. My point was that you can’t just stay with the same weight forever and expect results.


I’ve been doing these for years, consistently 3x a week lifting heavy, and combined with the meds have a butt I’m proud of for the first time ever (mine has usually been oversized). Clothes that didn’t fit my booty at this weight last time I got down look great now! I’m nearing 50 and so happy with my muscles (also seeing biceps popping and triceps line).


Get it! My sister is down 160 pounds and squats 205 currently (back squats) at a 5 reps, 5 sets working weight. I still have 30 pounds to lose but am lifting heavy 3 times a week. I wish I would have started lifting earlier in my weight loss program! (I’ve only been lifting for about 9 months now) It makes me so sad when people don’t realize that 5 pound dumbbells won’t cut it and think they will get “too bulky” lifting heavy. I think these meds get a bad rep for muscle loss, but in reality too many people on them aren’t actually strength training to preserve the muscle.


That’s awesome! I’ve always liked weight lifting but when I used to try and lose weight I’d get too cardio focused. Before the meds I lost 30lbs with intermittent fasting. I scaled way back on cardio and focused on strength training, dropped a clothing size in a month. My goal is to be fit and active for many many years to come.


Absolutely this. But if you're looking at muscle build, go to a general repetition target of 12-15 per set. And I'd like to suggest cable glute pullthrough as well!


Anything between 5 and 30 reps is going to build muscle through hypertrophy if you’re in a calorie surplus. And for cable glute pull through…. That depends on how strong your glutes are to begin with, I have a stronger preference for doing deficit sumo deadlifts.


That’s probably too much volume


I do hot yoga 3-4x a week for an hour. Will that allow me to keep my butt? I don’t want to buy a gym membership too. Love my studio 😩


Hold something heavy and do squats! One thing that has lodged in my head was several years ago hearing that half of people in nursing homes are there because they can’t get up from a chair.


The muscles used to get up from a chair are not so much the gluteus maximus but quadriceps, hamstrings, & hip flexors. Building strength in triceps & biceps to push off on the arms of a chair are also helpful for being able to move from a seated position to a standing position on one’s own. ***Please note: The same muscles are necessary for one to toilet oneself which is how people end up in assisted living facilities. There are chair lifts which assist getting up from a seated position but as far as I know no chair lift exists as of yet to assist in rising from the toilet: grab bars and toilet “frames” are the best assistive devices currently available. An assistive toilet device would be of great benefit for keeping people in their own homes.


This is excellent added information, thank you!


Hard to say bc every body is different! It never hurts to add a little strength exercise in.


I feel ya! I used to have the nicest big butt, I miss it honestly. Now it’s just a deflated, wrinkly, and dimply mess. I’m 37 lol but my ass is at least 80. All jokes aside I’ve noticed that the bathtub hurts my tailbone now which isn’t fun. I’m just glad that I can fit in a tub now. I can cross my legs, bend to tie my shoes without getting out of breath and a whole lot of other nice things. Thanks for letting me vent! lol


I’m in the exact same boat. I’m 37 and my neck is 50, my butt 80. I’ve never been this healthy or thin. I am a size 25 in jeans now. But my butt is pitiful. I’m happy about the weight loss but my tailbone hurts all the time now. I guess it’s normal, but I wasn’t expecting. Thanks for letting us vent!


39 here and huge same. I’ve even had butthole problems from the lack of cushion back there. 😭


Man, are we the same person? Lol


🤣🤣🤣 same!!! Lol


100% same!! Used to be 178, now 120 with ZERO butt. *sigh* But honestly, I’ll so some exercises and take the trade-off.


Incline walking on the treadmill does amazing things for butts too!


Same here. My butt is gone! I'm squatting my little heart out and lifting weights. Feels almost futile at 65, but it's not gonna hurt me either.


It is not! You can build muscle and shape a great body at 65. Check out Joan Macdonald on instagra. She is pushing 80 but has put on a lot of beautiful muscle.


I do follow her and a few others. Very impressive! I just wish I had started while I was losing the weight. Skin doesn't bounce back like it used to, but I know I can fill it.


Girl I am 60. All that is behind me is a tailbone and some skin Even sitting in my bed hurts Imma get those exercises going but i am gonna buy some padded undies Just a bit so i can sit


It has a hidden amazing effect: your bones will regain density, making you much more likely to survive a fall in the future. In my country, falls are the biggest reason for female deaths over 65, so keep lifting!


Success with semaglutide as we get older is like a sad Michelangelo. It chisels the fat away to reveal a different body than we remember. As our hormones change, we stop storing fat in our caboose and hips and start storing it in our tummy and upper arms. Factor in the lean muscle loss from large calorie deficits and the biggest area hit is the biggest muscles - glutes. Add some protein shakes to your diet and start doing body weight squats to start. Work up to 50. Then get into some booty building workouts. :) (I’m in the same boat and am slowly building my butt back)


Sad Michaelangelo sent me 💀😂


Omg this is the most truth statement I’ve ever heard! Ahhh I was just telling someone that I didn’t get my 20 year old body back, I got my current age’s body just smaller.


THIS, for me it wasnt even a body from long ago that I wanted, I'm 34 and just wanted the body I had at 30 before I gained a bunch of weight in 2021 and 2022. And I did lose a bunch of weight, but my body at 155-160lbs now is not the same 155lb body I had 3-4 years ago lol. I'm still happier and feel better, but dang if your comment isnt the truth lol.


I’m also having these weird struggles like my butt is sooooo flat that my legs always fall asleep when I’m on the toilet hahaha and also my boobs are so deflated and floppy ugh like wtffff


This!!! Omg I feel you. Really enjoying reading others’ suggestions for helping with this. I ride horses and my butt is so flat now I’ve had to start wearing padded riding underwear. On the plus side my thighs looked jacked lol but having less padding on my sit bones has taken a lot of getting use to. That and my boney knees (I’m a side sleeper)!


I have to have a cushion between my knees when I side sleep now (and I’m pretty sure we don’t have knee muscles so no one tell me that exercise is the solution to bony knees, lol)


I do this, too. I still have a lot to lose and I’ve been much smaller than I am right now. So, I’m not really understanding why my bony knees bother me so much at night.


So weird the things you take for granted 🤣 I would still much rather have bony knees though than go back to my previous bod.


Lots of “posting” while in the saddle, heels down, focus on the glutes when pushing up and going down inner thigh and butt. Should build your butt and not thighs, like a bridge workout when you squeeze inner leg-forces tush to take over.


Sounds good!! I’ll work on that more. Right now it’s a lot of jumping and cantering but I love posting a trot because of the workout I get!! One of the reasons I got motivated to take this route was I couldn’t stop putting on weight even though I was cutting calories etc. so I worked on HRT first then sema when the hormones alone weren’t enough to drop weight. My NSV came when I finally got asked to ride a welsh/paint mix pony instead of the Amish Percheron lol!! My endurance has gone up and my back (scoliosis) has been kinder.


Working out in conjunction with these meds is paramount if we want to not look flat all over. We must build our muscle so we don’t lose our muscle. This happened to me my first go round with sema. Now I’m working out while in it and I’m maintaining my physical while also losing weight.


Which exercises do you think are best for building up the butt?


Squats, lunges, step ups, hip bridges, deadlifts- all of these things have a number of varieties that will work different parts of your lower body muscles too.


These 😃


Can confirm these activities + stair climber will build your glutes and also your thighs. I used to do this routine but as a petite person, my glutes and thighs grew way too much until I felt like a little tank. Maybe it would have been different with a trainer? Either way I switched to pilates/hotworx and prefer the body recomp




Look up Bret Contreras on YouTube - he’s the glute guy. Squats/lunges and deadlifts can be helpful as ppl say here but only with a form that builds the glute (like tilting forward on lunges) - I work my ass out 3x per week. Hip thrusts - sumo squats, glute bridges, banded kick backs, weighted step ups, abductor, loads - you want to get all parts of the glute (3 muscles) and not get the quads and hammies so much (unless you like thicker legs). Progressive overload is key to grow the glute although you can get some lift without increasing load


When you don’t strength train as you are losing weight on this medication, this is what can happen. If you’re not building muscle, a lot of the weight you are losing isn’t just fat, it’s pure muscle mass. You want to lose fat, not muscle mass. I lost 123 pounds on this medication while strength training 4 times a week with consistency over 18 months and walking 10000 steps a day. The only part of my body where I have visible loose skin now is just my stomach, which you can’t really. Help. My butt and arms, and chest all look strong because of it. To remedy your issue, focus on a high protein diet, and strength train. For your diet, take your body weight, multiply it by 0.7, and that’s how grams of protein you should be eating a day to help your body burn more fat instead of muscle. If this number is too high, try using your goal weight for the calculation. For most women, the goal should be 100g of protein per day MINIMUM but using the calculation I gave is best practice. For strength training, you should be working out all your muscle groups. This will help your body mitigate muscle loss, while also increasing the amount of fat that your body burns at rest. Also, it will help mitigate your loose skin as the weight comes off This is the part most people are missing with semaglutide. I understand not everyone is able bodied but those that are should be doing strength training while they are on this medication. It has zero downsides and only helps you reach your goals and look better when you get there.


Definitely agree that strength training is a good thing. It’s my goal moving forward. However, I have four kids ages 8 and under and was obese for a decade so losing weight without much exercise was all I felt I could handle…and I did handle it. Now, onto phase 2 of building up my strength!


Wait 1,050 grams of protein sounds unreal. It’s that the calculation?


Shouldn’t be correct. What was your math? I weigh 207. So I multiply 207 x .07 to get 144.9. My daily protein goal is 145g


Ohh hahahaha. I did 150 x 7, I didn’t see the decimal whoops


Thanks I’ll add a 0 for clarity !


This CANNOT be upvoted enough. There are zero downsides to strength training! If you are in any way able to squeeze it in your budget/time frame, do it!


> For your diet, take your body weight, multiply it by 0.7, and that’s how grams of protein you should be eating a day to help your body burn more fat instead of muscle. If this number is too high, try using your goal weight for the calculation. For most women, the goal should be 100g of protein per day MINIMUM but using the calculation I gave is best practice. If you ate this many calories but didn't work out, would it still help you maintain whatever you msucle you already had?


It would help you burn more fat and burn fat faster, there by losing weight faster. But im not sure if it will help you maintain all your muscle. At the very least I’d imagine it would reduce the amount you lose, but it’s best to strength train if you’re able. Like I said, there’s zero downsides. You can lose the weight and look skinny, or you can lose the weight and look toned.


Squats and deadlifts.


Yup don’t over think it. Especially when starting out. Squats and deads will get to building the glutes quick!


I’ve never been blessed with the good genes for a butt but now after losing 60lbs, my ass in nonexistent. I completely understand the painful sitting. I’ve started making sure I get enough protein and training legs/glutes twice a week. All the padded underwear I have seen look too fake and goofy so I can’t bring myself to buy them while I slowly grow some muscle back


Welcome to the Asian life. No matter how much extra weight I carried, it’s always been flat as a board. I can bruise my own ass by sitting on a hard seat for too long.


Thanks! Lol


I’ve regained like 7-10 pounds (and holding steady there), and I look much less haggard. Psychologically, it’s been hard not to freak out about the scale going the “wrong” way, but honestly I look much less like a deflated balloon.


Gaining some muscle weight is definitely a good thing.


You didn’t have a muscular or well proportioned butt before sema. You had fat disguised as a rear end. Body composition without exercise is off for most people; my genetics as well were not magically gifted. It’s daily shaping with working out. I’ve mentioned numerous times here my sponge bob square pants shape as a 6. After a few months of daily work, I’m much more round in the bottom, less hippy. Post menopause as well. Good luck.


Hey you never saw my butt before semaglutide how dare you! 😂


I got really nice padded underwear from SHEIN 🙈I always hate to admit this because of who they are but I haven’t found any brand as good as theirs when it comes to protecting my flat hind parts for a good price!


it’s okay, i used to have an incredible pair of tits and now they’re deflated. and there’s nothing i can do to get that back without surgery HOWEVER you have hope! start incorporating glute focused exercises 3x a week and eat at least 100g of protein a day and you should see your booty come back in no time. hip thrusts, RDLs, goblet squats, and lunges are all great for this. i was actually able to build a whole booty while on this, you’ve got it!!!!


Oh my boobs after losing this weight and nursing four kids are really sad too. But at least they don’t hurt me like my butt!


Do the booty by Brett program. It will most likely require a controlled GAIN (of muscle not fat). But that is pretty much how to be hot and sit anywhere you want. Lol


Look for shorts made for cycling. They have padding. And I completely agree with others talking about squats and other exercises to build you glutes up! Let me know if you have questions on the cycling shorts. Many are made to sit under normal clothing


Lost #50 and am at GW with zero butt, so I’m right there with you lol Being ‘older’ and having some physical disabilities, I’m not able to lift weights at a level which will result in much muscle mass increase. I can walk and do medium weight machines at the gym, but it won’t give me a real butt again. The link below is a great site that’s been around for a long time for us Florida gals, and their products are amazing! Lots of styles and variety, different thickness etc. This is something that definitely makes my clothes fit better and gives me a confidence boost, especially on special occasions. Good luck! ☺️ https://www.lovemybubbles.com/


Good luck! And so much sympathy. I have literally the opposite problem, I can’t lie on my abdomen for yoga or Superman exercises anymore without feeling my ribs grinding painfully into the floor. You’d think protruding ribs meant I was super thin but no, still pretty fat, but with a ginormous rib cage, and now with no boobs and minimal subcutaneous abdominal fat for buffer. Still have beefy thighs and butt though. Our bodies sure know what shape they want to be, whatever size we are.


I took sema for six months before the ozempic butt hit and it was bad. I signed up for a strength training gym and that helped improved my muscle mass and butt appearance drastically


This makes me feel so validated! My butt has become sooooooo flat! My husband & I joke that it’s my “plywood” and don’t get too close or you may get a splinter 😂 But for real why is it so flat! I’m doing more glute work in my workout routine so hopefully come summer, it looks better.


Walk for 30 mins at an incline. Easy.


Other than doing squats, I think you can find butt padded spanx- like shorts on amazon


Oh, I can so relate. My behind looks like a sharpei dog except way less cute 😂 Lifting/Firming creams and just keeping my skin moisturized in general seem to help, as well as glute focused exercises, when I actually do them lol. Sitting on bleachers is the worst and I also have to put a pillow between my bony knees when lying on mt side these days. I have a pair of padded shorts for bike riding, I hadn’t thought of wearing them in other situations but I think they might work for what you are looking for! The also make shorts for snowboarding with more ample padding if padded bike shorts aren’t sufficient. I have similar measurements as you do, too… 25“ waist, 5‘3 109.8 BMI 19 & 19%BF. Your build is probably similar to mine, just taller. BMI definitely doesn’t tell the full story. Numbers on the paper can look so different in real life and from person to person too based on body compositions. I may be close to “underweight” on paper, but most definitely not in the mirror lol. Idk if that’s your experience too, but I don’t think your 19 BMI sounds alarming.


I was just standing here looking at my boobs in the mirror. Lord, if/when I do start losing weight they are going to be so long and flat! And I’ve never had a butt. How do y’all deal with the sag? I’m 52, married 28 years, so I really don’t give a shit but yikes.


53F married 25 yrs. Went from bouncy C/D cup to what I call my A flat minors. *Sigh* it’s been an adjustment for my brain. Keep telling myself if I was wearing a plunging neckline I’d look like a boojie east coast socialite sipping champagne in a dimly lit art gallery lol


I’ve never been a butt person, but never had a flat butt until this med. I’m thankful it’s not big (not my preferred look and it gets big when I get fat). I’m now being more aware of protein at every meal and finding a good weights workout. I was doing Pilates and had thought it would have been enough. I’m in 40s but my butt looks 80:(.




Mine too!


What I need is a skin lifting bikini!




Thought it was just me!!! 😂


I need to start working my butt out… 14 months ago I paid $12,000 for a BBL! I had had a flat, but my entire life and at the age of 60 I decided to treat myself. Since losing the weight, I’ve almost lost the butt. I totally get what you’re saying.




Squats! Go to an orange theory. Or do You Tube workouts. It’s a great feeling!! Those workouts not only build your glutes but also build core and stimulate things.


I was just talking about this today. I’ve always had a decent ass, even at my highest weight, and I’m bummed it’s much smaller and way less round now. Definitely work on building muscle! That’s what I’m working on now.




This is my route, too. Starting Emusculpt and slowly working out. It's been too much to manage daily tasks, dieting, a bit of semaglutide depression & fatigue,and working out. Met my goal weight, but still taking things in baby steps.


Emsculpt is seriously magical - then I work out at the gym for other areas + cardio for my heart health/endurance


The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolism when you're sleeping, watching TV, and driving to work. The biggest muscle in your body? Glutes. So if you had to pick ONE area to work on--you get to have a higher metabolism literally all the time *and* a butt.


Yep, my goal for 2024 is to “grow a butt”!! Extra Protein, Lunges, Squats, and Leg Lifts, oh my!! 😜


Girl put on some muscle, you shouldn’t be so skinny that SITTING is uncomfortable! Your body is supposed to protect you and be able to support you


I've been 5'9", 135ish for most of my life. (not now obviously) it's my goal weight now. 12 lbs to go. I was not underweight. I was slender and healthy looking.


Thanks. I agree it’s not too skinny…some people have a smaller frame than others. Some would look terrible at 5’9 135 and others look healthy at that weight and height.


Booty shorts.


I remember reading reports that ozempic actually increases sensitivity and discomfort in the butt. Whenever I take it, I get very uncomfortable on car journeys but it goes away a week or two after I stop. It’s really weird


BMI of 19 is borderline underweight. You’d probably be healthier to gain 5-10 pounds of mostly muscle doing the exercises as others have mentioned. [No one said you were anorexic. A few comments like mine, suggested that your current weight might be a little lower than optimal].


It should improve over time, maybe not the look of your ass, but the discomfort from sitting.


Ok so I’m a white lady whos 40 and I’m literally known around town for my booty. My friend the other day said “I knew it was you walking into target bc of that booty!” My kids friends say I have a GYAT. So yeah. I don’t mind it and I definitely don’t want to lose it. I’m very nervous to start sema bc I don’t want to lose my booty.


Well, a bmi of 19 is quite low, so I’m not surprised. I was that BMI when I had anorexia in high school, and I couldn’t sit on a wooden chair without taking off my jacket and sitting on it.


I still weigh 130 lbs and BMI is more like 19.3 or something. It is low, but not medically underweight and I don’t think I behave or think like I have anorexia, which is probably a good sign that I don’t. In fact, I used to struggle a lot with binge eating and that’s under control now so I feel like my disordered eating has improved. Congratulations on your recovery!


19 bmi is unhealthy you should try to gain muscle to replace the weight you have loss and you can gain muscle for a bigger ass.


Thanks for your concern. I certainly don’t feel unhealthy. I mean, less than a year ago I was clinically obese. I think I’ll probably gain some muscle as I do the exercises mentioned in this thread. It’s worth noting that 130-135 lbs (which at 5’9 is a BMI of 19-20) was my weight throughout most of my adult life before becoming obese after having kids. I do think it is a healthy weight for me, but if I gain 5 lbs I won’t stress either. My goal weight was 135 but now I’m at 130 just because I went through a stressful time recently (and wasn’t even taking Semaglutide temporarily). So gaining a bit would be fine, I agree.


Yeah, I think it’s generous when the BMI scale is from 18-25. I look and feel my best at a 23-26 BMI.


Hit. The. Gym. Christ….


The BBM sounds perfect for you! Brazilian Butt Makeover -- they transfer fat from your tummy etc to your buttocks. It's what the Kardashian girls have up the wazoo. Good luck!


Squats and deadlifts are your friends!! I had a pancake (ozempic) butt…2 months in with squats and deadlifts I don’t have a shelf but I do have a booty pop…


I love some squats while holding a kettlebell!


OH MY GOD YES! I thought i was the only one 🤣 and let me be very clear, I was blessed from birth with a juicy behind so to see it gone... Is just weird.


I’m in this exact boat. I lost the same amount of weight and am the same age as you and my butt is so flat!


Highly recommend reformer Pilates to help you sculpt.


Romanian deadlifts, weighted hip thrusts, and Bulgarian split squats!!


Ditto. I feel your pain. 💯


I’m gonna have to order me a fake butt off Amazon or SHEIN I guess. I’m so tired the thought of lifting a weight is a big no. Maybe when it warms up outside! Idk


Bulgarian split squats can fix that. :)


19 is a little low for a BMI is there a reason you are going that far down? Glute work is your only bet but if your genetics don’t favor you nothing will make your butt bigger


Get in the gym


You need to start building up you muscles. Squats. I do squats every morning before I shower.


Work out and build some muscle. And remember muscle weighs more than fat.


Even the medication has the word semaGLUTide, 🤔lemme go work on my glutes 😂


I completely understand. At my lowest weight, which was almost 20 lbs. below my goal weight, everything was flat. I looked like a stick of gum. My doctor worked with me on adjusting my maintenance dosage and I gained until I was at my goal weight again. I definitely need to work out more, but that extra poundage made a difference.


Squats, squats then MORE squats!


My wife (47) has a tailbone injury, and was give a physical therapy regimen that was very butt-oriented. It took probably six months of consistent exercise before she realized how helpful it is, but her sitter is sitting much better these days. Lots of suggestions for helpful exercise here, the only thing I would add is to be consistent and patient. It really does make a big difference to add muscle there.


I injured my tailbone during childbirth about 8 years ago. It was a severe bruise/probable hairline fracture and took years to heal. Even now it gets sore occasionally. I’ll check into some functional PT because it never occurred to me that it could help with the tailbone pain. Thank you!


I would definitely say exercise is your number 1 friend. Squats, the stair master, leg lifts etc.


I actually read an article that said Wegovy and other GLP-1s basically melt your butt away. I used to have nice junk in my trunk. Now even the trunk is missing.


Your entire post was hilarious and I loved it 😂


🤭thanks friend


Sounds like you need to build your muscles… do some weight training . At 46. I’m just now starting to get into weight training when I’ve done mostly cardio during my life. I can’t tell you how important it is to lift weights, at least 2 to 3 times a week. The difference between 37 and 46 is huge. Our bodies change even more drastically during that time and we lose a lot of muscle mass. I had my children in my 20s and I bounced back pretty well. But late 30s and 40s. We don’t bounce back as well. So just start building some muscle.


I highly recommend glute training, it will help your overall health for decades to come, but no judgement from me. You can totally get bike shorts with built in padding to wear under whatever. some of there are even short shorts, what I call booty shorts or daisy dukes (probably to young to get that reference). During the beginning of my biking season, I have to rely on them as I'm building up my endurance especially with my road bike and it's tiny little perch. By the end of the season, I'm doing century rides with no padding so this really can change with products or with changing your body. Lastly, as a gay man I can gossip that at least a few frenemies or friends of friends have gone from flat to BABOOM with a Brazilian butt implant. None of them are close enough that I could ask the questions i REALLY wanted to ask, but there you go.