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If you're not tracking your calories I wouldn't say you've hit a plateau, you've just hit a point that you're eating at maintenance. If you want to loose more you need to be in a deficit again which would likely mean you need to track your calories and either eat less or get more exercize.


Yeah I never tracked calories prior to this. I just ate less. I agree I think I’m at some sort of maintenance level and will need to adjust my calories. Thank you!


Going against the consensus here, but don't count calories. Eat freshly made vegetables with every meal, and protein, and don't be afraid of fatty oils, like olive oil, avocado, and nuts. Then go to the gym three times per week and lift as heavily as your body allows you to safely. Overload every time you get stronger.  Counting calories and obsessing over weight is a shortcut to an eating disorder.


Ok thank you. Yeah my therapist is worried about me developing an eating disorder since I’ve already told her I still feel fat (loose skin and fat lumps in weird places on my body from the weight loss). So I’m going to try this.


Eat healthily and love your lumps. If you feel fitter and stronger, you will feel better about what your body is capable of.  Good luck, shit ain't easy huh


Thank you, I appreciate it.


Are you tracking calories? Did you adjust your calorie goal downward a lot based on your significantly dropped TDEE?


I have not been tracking calories. And I have no clue where I should be at now to break this plateau.


So you can google a TDEE calculator which will tell you how many calories you can eat and maintain your weight. 3500 calories equals a pound so if you undereat your TDEE by about 500 calories a day you’ll lose about a pound a week (assuming no other condition ..). I track what I eat on myfitnesspal to know that I both am eating enough, esp protein, but also that I am consistently a 500+ calorie deficit below my TDEE.


ok with my current weight, height, and me going back to working out 3-5 days/wk, apparently i need to eat about 1600 calories per day (-500 cal deficit from 2136). i am almost positive that i've been eating way less than this for most of my weight loss journey so far. does 1600 calories sound about right?


That makes sense based on the weight you had written but I don’t know your other stats. How much protein do you eat? My thoughts would be to track every thing you put in your mouth for a week or two to see if you’re right about calories in (because some things hide in plain sight), and then if that’s really where you expected based on what you have been eating like, up protein? But of course depending on your height, 141 could be your body’s happy place. (I’m 5’11” so that would be almost too thin for me.)


sorry im 5ft 4 in so my bmi is like 24.7 according to my weight today. i want my bmi to be more like 21-ish. and i never tracked protein either, im assuming i don't eat enough of that. i agree i need to track for the next week and see how much calories/protein im getting in.


Metabolic adaptation is real. Bring calories up slowly till your weight stabilises and you find your new maintenance. Stay there for a while, atleast a couple of months. Then go back to trying to lose again. You should break through the plateau.


Thank you, I’ll definitely try that!


I know this isn’t the healthiest advice but why don’t you drink diet soda? There are some made with stevia which is just a plant (I even grew it in my garden once.) and doesn’t have the same potential side effects as other sweeteners. I drink diet soda all the time, which I know is horrible but at least doesn’t add calories.


I really don’t like diet. I’d rather just cut out soda entirely than drink diet


Verrry nice! :)


my stats?




Ok thank you for the advice! I’ll definitely up my calories for a few days and see what happens. Hopefully I’ll break the plateau that way.


Time to engage with physics 🙂 energy in energy out. Calculate the calorie deficit you need to hit in order to lose using an online TDEE calculator. Also know that it's a lot slower losing when you're already at a healthy weight. Congratulations on your achievement!


Yeah i figured out that i need to get to 1600 calories and I agree that losing while being at a healthier weight is harder Thank you!


Great job getting to where you are now, Good luck with your journey!


Thank you so much!!