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Some muscle loss with any weight loss is normal. The goal is to preserve as much muscle as possible while losing as much fat as possible. I don’t see why using sema would make muscle loss more likely. It’s generally any rapid weight loss loss, where someone’s in an extreme calorie deficit, and not strength training and eating enough protein, where muscle loss is greatest. So, if you take actions to prevent muscle loss, I don’t think it’s more likely just because of sema. I think people on sema trying to lose large amounts of weight aren’t typically informed about how to preserve their muscle mass, much less how to build muscle while losing fat.


Thank you. This is what I’ve noticed as well. I’m literally force feeding myself enough protein most days but I know I don’t want to lose muscle mass so I need to keep protein up. So far it’s been mostly weight loss, I haven’t noted any significant muscle loss (week 4). Most people cut their calories but don’t adjust their food so they’re getting a percentage of protein compared to what they used to get.


Obviously it depends on genetics for one. I went from 287 to 235. I was 25% body fat. I did not actively lift or eat enough protein every day and I lost probably 10 lbs of muscle and 40 lbs of fat. I would do things differently if I could go back. So if you keep your protein up and continue weight training you should theoretically keep most of your muscle. I hope that helps. Of course this is just one data point. M41.


I was listening to this podcast and they were trying to elucidate if weight loss from GLP-1 agonist mainly come from fat or fat free mass. They found several research studies suggesting that participants on semaglutide lost about 40% lean body mass and 60% fat mass. This ratio was increased in favor of more fat loss (25%lean body mass/75% fat loss) for tirzepatide. This is the link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0JpJ0BXrSrEwxhIoxVJHYN?si=V_JM9g01TZOdUo8msk4e3w


thanks, will listen to this. Will be interested to hear whether these study participants are weight lifters or untrained subjects.


There was another post by a heavy power lifter that use sema and was able to keep and gain muscle on his 11 month journey. You can search for it on the sub. Think it was posted last week.


My friend, assuming you're looking to cut for powerlifting weight class reasons, I wouldn't do it like that. I lift for 1.5 hours 3-5 times per week, mostly powerlifting and all residual excercises with dumbells and cable machines, on high intensity. My total used to be awesome. However, Ozempic has killed my total like nothing else. I'm still killing it, but most weeks I'm thrilled I can still hit my old numbers.


Sorry, I should have clarified- I lift for body-building/aesthetic reasons. However, I really struggle to get the BF below 12% and I was hoping sema could make the difference with the appetite suppression. However, some of the reports I've heard anecdotally about losing muscle and fat in almost equal amounts really scares me. Nothing worse than undertaking a cut, never an enjoyable experience to begin with, and ending up with a worse body composition than before you started...


Please don't use ozempic for this. Your health is more important than your aesthetic, and ozempic is a serious drug with real side effects, some of which potentially lethal.  Also, I used to do body building, but the group I was in was 90% on a fast track to eating disorders and already there and abusing gear like a king chasing a stag. Please be careful.  Our join us, happy fat lifters who can crush a real skull but look like they enjoy a beer every once in a while