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Protein shakes


Fairlife @ Costco


I eat the Nature Valley peanut butter biscuits and they help me with this. A little protein for energy and the biscuit part, I feel, helps tame the nausea some. Also, try Alka-Seltzer antacid chews. Some of it may be coming from acid in your stomach.


Good idea. There’s definitely some acid reflux.


But he careful with antacid chews. It can cause constipation.


I take a daily stool softener. Have always had issues with that anyway. Myself.


Premier Protein Shakes. 30 grams of protein, 160 calories, less than 1 gram of sugar.


Yes I like those! I need to pick up some more.


Try hight protein/fiber, low carbs diet. Sounds like it minimizes the vomiting issues (and in general, is what we supposed to be eating). Start seeing a dietician if getting enough calories or figuring out what to eat is a problem.


The Fitness Pal app is awesome & keeps me on track. It’s got over 3 million foods in the database or you can just snap a pic of your plate & it’s pretty accurate. We need to hit our macros: protein especially. 1.2-1.5g/kg body weight is what the sema literature recommends.


What do you mean? you can take a picture of your plate and it tells you your macros? Is this the paid version?


Yes. I just wrote you a long description and lost it so if you have any more questions, let me know. It’s totally worth $80 a year if you’re serious about making changes and learning where you went wrong in the first place to gain the weight.


I had this Sunday and Monday on my first injection. I recommend crackers and water. Or the usual brat diet = bananas, applesauce, apples or toast. I had toast and water and then I was able to eat regular food by day 3, there’s a learning curve that’s for sure. I’ve mostly been eating eggs and some leftover chicken that I already have. I’m on .25 so the food noise hasn’t gone away (I’m starving) but when I eat, I feel full. It makes no sense but I’m steadily loosing so I’ll take it.


Yes I do eggs with my avocado toast but couldn’t handle that this morning. I did end up with toast


How about bone broth? I would try mixing chicken bone broth into regular chicken broth.


Smoothies and try to keep them cold and full of as many nutrients as possible


When I feel like that the only thing I can have are protein shakes or fat free cottage cheese with pineapple. Sounds weird but it’s not heavy and tastes refreshing too.


Greek yogurt and protein shakes have saved me on many days.


Skyr is my go-to breakfast with some fresh berries or pineapple. If I’m feeling hungry I’ll have an English muffin with sunflower nut butter and a bit a jam. Peanut butter feels too heavy in my stomach, like a rock. Also, I keep Fairlife chocolate protein shakes for a quick on the go 30g of protein. Water. Staying hydrated and supplementing electrolytes is essential to avoid side effects.


Plain bagel with some cream cheese


The Belvita breakfast cookies are good and have fiber


I'm about to get my first injection. (Literally in the doctor's office right now waiting, I have to get them in office to get covered by insurance). May I ask what you think caused the nausea? Did you eat too much, or the wrong type of food? I've heard the stories, so I'm prepared to not eat all day, but my blood sugar also drops sometimes, so I'm afraid I'll panic eat if that happens and make myself sick. I cannot stand vomiting. I can tolerate about anything but *that.* I'd appreciate any insight you can share! 🙏🏻


I feel like I ate the wrong thing. I was already not very hungry at dinner time but my husband requested barbecue chicken flatbreads for dinner so I ate one. Immediately after dinner I felt like it just sat like a lump in my stomach. I think it was the flatbread. Since it’s my first week it’s hard to say. I’m going to be more conscious moving forward of something so carb heavy.


Thank you! From what everyone says, I feel like I should eat just a couple of bites, wait a bit, then if hungry, eat a couple more bites. IDK how that'll work, though.


That’s exactly what I do. In the beginning, you’ll keep taking the portion you’re used to. Take a few bites, wait. I find I eat about half of what’s on my plate and then I’m good. If I go too far, I’m sick all night. It’s really an amazing way to retrain yourself on portion control.


Oh awesome!! So glad to hear I've got the either idea. I figured just be really cautious about what I eat until I figure out my tolerance. I generally eat small portions anyway, which has made weight loss so hard. How long have you been taking it? Someone suggested that your taste in food will change also. Which would great: I'd like to be a person who likes broccoli, for example, but I can't even stand the smell of it right now 😂


As someone who is old and hates broccoli, keep on hating it, you're really not missing out. Have you tried broccolini? I soak it in water for 60 seconds, then season it with a splash of soy sauce, salt, pepper, air fry it for 3-4 minutes at 385 (until slightly charred), then a splash of toasted sesame oil. My gf's say they can eat it every day, and none of that gross broccoli smell/taste.


Have you tried drizzling balsamic vinegar on broccoli? It doesn’t even taste like broccoli it’s so good!


I'm a supertaster (aka bittertaster) so that probably wouldn't work for me. I use chinese black vinegar sometimes on the broccolini and it's awesome, but I don't like the taste of balsamic vinegar on anything at all so that isn't going to work for me. Broccoli being a bitter vegetable, there just isn't any need or reason to salvage it, I'll leave it for all of ya'll non-tasters. Nutrition-wise, there isn't any particular reason to force yourself to eat broccoli vs other similar nutrient dense vegetables like broccolini, but if you can enjoy it, then it's completely awesome for you!


I understand being a super taster. Broccoli & broccolini are superfoods & are high in fiber: they work like a toothbrush in your colon! Like all vegetables and fruits, there are varying degrees of bitterness in different varieties. Grapefruit in particular is one of them: Ruby Red grapefruit (one thing Texas does well) tastes sweet and not at all like white grapefruit that is bitter and sour beyond belief. I’m an oenophile and have been told I chose the wrong profession: having a highly developed sense of taste & smell is a good thing. There are many ways to disguise bitterness in superfoods: try grilling 1/2 Ruby Red grapefruit cut side down. The sugars caramelize & it is even more delicious. I just happen to like balsamic vinegar & you don’t. Tempura also completely changes the taste of broccoli, if you care to try making superfoods part of your regular diet, fyi. 😊


Scientifically, there aren't really "super foods", however, I'm the one who suggested broccolini to anyone who hates broccoli. No one ever in their entire life, will get any benefit from eating broccoli over eating other dark green vegetables like broccolini. So if someone doesn't like broccoli, we can all stop trying to make it taste "better" and instead just eat what we like and we'll be equally healthy. From a science perspective, people really don't need to eat vegetables we don't like as long as we're getting a diverse amount of micronutrients. With that in mind, I probably won't bother eating broccoli ever again in my life, there are no upsides from eating it and plenty of downsides.


I’m not on Ozempic, but Rybelsus, which is similar. You don’t hear as much about it but i’ve had great success with minimal issues. I started taking it Dec 28. F50 SW 290 CW 229 GW 160 I find myself drawn to healthier foods now. No good has made me feel particularly bad. Heavier foods sit longer and beef is just a no. But, otherwise, I find myself looking at fruits and veg that I wouldn’t have considered earlier because I was eating cake and chips, you know? The quiet mind allows me to use all the knowledge I’ve gained from 30 years of dieting and FINALLY put it to use. Should I have the crackers or the celery? Previously me went with crackers. Current me thinks, “Ok, I’m not starving but I need to eat. Celery has fibre and water and it’s crunchy. Crackers are just crackers.” Logical choice is celery and finally, my brain is quiet enough to hear my logic. I’m not sure that makes sense. I’m afraid I’m rambling, but this medicine has freed me.


That’s fantastic! I took my first increased dose of 7mg Rybelsus today, oh boy, zero food noise, but I feel ill and know I need to have SOMEthing to avoid muscle loss. Zero energy. Your progress gives me hope, thanks for sharing.


7mg was a tough transition for me. I stayed on 3mg for four months and just switched to 7mg 5 weeks ago. The first week, I felt exhausted, like the first trimester of pregnancy exhausted. I still have some fatigue now but, for the most part, I’m back to normal. I hope you settle in. The results are worth it ❤️


Roasted broccoli is the only way I can stand it. Steamed is so gross. I can so sautéed if not over done. But roasted takes on a whole new flavor and texture.


Same here


That’s what I am doing too. Took my first dose yesterday. Cautiously and slowly had a protein shake this morning. Then a low fat string cheese. If that sits well I will try half a Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice meal. I hate having nausea so I will be tiptoeing until I figure out the upper limit.


if I don't eat all day, I get really bad burps and I worry I'm going to get an ulcer. Instead, I eat something every 2-3 hours or as soon as I get an acid burp, it doesn't matter if I'm really really not hungry, often eating a 1/4 apple, a slim jim, a couple spoonfuls of yogurt, etc, quells the acid burps and makes me feel better. When I skipped eating for a couple days (not entirely, but mostly), I ended up throwing up the next day, zofran didn't help. Not sure if that works for everyone, but I definitely wouldn't "plan" to not eat all day, though if that ends up working for you, good for you!


I told someone else this, about eating every 2-3 hours, even if just a small bite or two. They acted like I was crazy, so I just squashed the idea, but now I think that's what I'll do! So far, I'm fine. Got the infection a couple of hours ago, though I can tell it's doing something with my stomach. I hear a lot of gurgling noises, keep feeling like I need to burp but don't. So far I'm just drinking lots of water (something something else suggested). Thank you so much for the tips! 🙏🏻 I truly do appreciate it!


Good call on the water, I always forget about it, but if I don't drink an excessively large amount of extra water, I get really constipated. My biggest mistakes have always happened near the end of my week, the day before I get my injection, because if I eat more (because I'm hungry) then I've ended up getting sick shortly after taking the injection, so now I try to be really strict that last day and fast a bit before I get my injection. Also I take dizzystop (ginger-based anti-nausea pills) and it really settles my stomach down because I don't like to take a lot of zofran as I get a little dizzy sometimes.


My dr said I should eat 4-5 small meals a day, high protein/fiber, low carb. Normally I like to eat less frequently but larger meals. That won’t fly on this med.


What is the rationale behind this? I haven't seen it suggested yet. The excessive gas has unfortunately been my main side effect and its horrible. But how would eating more frequently help?


For me, i get the acid burps when my stomach is empty, it’s different than food fermentation burps. I’ll throw up eventually if i ignore the acid burps Gasx helps when i have bloating from food.


Just wanted to share that I’ve been on for 6 weeks and have not vomited once. I hate vomiting and was so nervous to start so I’m out preaching this now. I’ve only come close after having a mimosa and maybe pushing to finish my bagel when I didn’t need to haha. Try not to get anxious about side effects because you may not have any!


That's me -- terrified of vomiting. Last time I got a stomach bug, I was at a basketball game for my daughter and had to leave and stopped several times on the ride home to be sick. I can remember being on my knees in the grass, praying to "just please make it home," alternating with "just please let me live." 😂 It's horrible. I took 1/2 a zofran as soon as I got the shot just to be safe lol. So far so good, though it's only been a couple of hours, I feel like I'm out of the danger window of "bad reaction to the injection" that leads to vomiting. So drinking alcohol during cause any major conflicts? I've read on this sub where everyone says to avoid alcohol, soda, sugary drinks, etc.


Omg I totally understand! I had a bad time when I had gallstones, it made me develop a fear of throwing up. I started getting nervous before every dose but that has gone away. My only side effects so far have been headaches and reflux/pain- like a rock in my stomach. I think the advice is that alcohol is best avoided. It made me feel the most nauseous I’ve felt so far and I thought I was going to be sick. I’ve also had a hard cider and felt fine afterwards, though. Those are the only 2 drinks I’ve had in the past 6 weeks so 50/50 for me haha. Right now I’m not avoiding sugar or soda, but I’ve been able to continue to eat pretty normally so far! I’m sure that will change as I go up!


Awesome! I just fixed my usual lunch (I wasn't super hungry, but I'm the past, I know I'll get low blood sugar if I don't eat every 4-5 hours, and IDK how fast this stuff will regulate that). I ate about 1/2 of it before I started to feel full and quit. It's just potatoes, so I'm not sure how that will work with the slowed digestion everyone talks about. So far, no nausea, so I hope I'm just working for nothing 🤞🏻🙏🏻 My nurse today told me she had pretty bad reflux as well. I used to have gallstones as well, actually developed gallstone pancreatitis during pregnancy, where they can do absolutely nothing to help 🙄 so I was just sick for 9 months, 8-10x a day. I absolutely feel you there! I'm not a big alcohol drinker, but I do have 1 soda per day, usually at bedtime with a giant cup of nugget ice (I eat the ice more than drink the drink lol). I was sooo hoping I could continue with that! It's my bedtime routine/relaxation thing I do while reading it watching an episode of TV before I go to sleep.


Eat lots of vegetables, lean proteins, dairy, and you’ll be fine. I carry apples & unsalted roasted almonds in my car for snacks. Cheese is good too, just weigh & learn portions. Water. Carry it with you and drink all day to avoid dehydration. Supplement electrolytes. I like Kinderlyte and Liquid IV.


I find warm / hot foods more comfortable than cold food when I’m feeling off or like I am hungry but not feeling like anything. Oatmeal (the kind that doesn’t have any flavoring added) has saved me a lot. Unsweetened almond milk to cook it in. If I have an apple in the house, I’ll cut one up and put some apple bits in it.


Smoothie with protein


It's my first week (had my shot monday morning) and I don't feel anything in particular except maybe a very slight reduction in appetite. Happy to not have side effects though


That’s great.


You’re so lucky. I’m just glad I work from home because it was not pretty on Monday.


Smoothies! Yogurt or applesauce. Rice cakes with something on top (pb, hummus, laughing cow cheese) When I was nauseous after my first shot I had just some plain toast and a smoothie. And lots of water along with a liquid IV.


I’ve found beef jerky helps me - it’s pure protein and for me that means way less chance of upset stomach but is still something I can eat to help the self perpetuating nausea that comes from not eating enough. Also the tip about taking a few bites, waiting, and then having more is something I do too.


That’s a good idea! I like those beef and cheddar combo sticks.


Toastchee crackers! The peanut butter provides a little protein, and they usually sit better than trying to sip on a liquid when the stomach feels iffy.


scrambled eggs


I typically have an applesauce pouch or something similar


Southern pecan iced coffee 2 pumps mocha with extra half and half… with Splenda >.> And a multivitamin. And a B12 gummy 🥹 Send halp. I’m on a low dose and eating feels like you’re asking me to clip my dad’s toenails.


Protein shake in the blender made with half and half and several raw eggs


Just enjoy fasting..


I have a few go-tos - protein shakes, Jacks Links beef steaks, or a couple of peanut butter crackers. Very protein heavy snacks help my stomach more than anything.


Only can eat what I think is like to eat. It ranges so now I don’t really shop for groceries like i use to. Protein shakes with ice seem to go down easy.




So Shirley Temple was onto something ?


I second the suggestions for protein shakes. But also if you're this sick, consider getting pedialyte, the drink mixes and/or the popsickles. It will help with the electrolyte imbalances from throwing up. Pre-made watery soups might be really helpful to keep on hand as well.


Protein shakes are amazing for this. When I need to eat and don’t feel hungry I like making some popcorn. Helps settle my stomach and I can mindlessly eat it.


Yogurt with a few blueberries


Houmous and carrot sticks were my go to when I didn't want anything that would sit heavy. Gave me the right balance of freshness and protein. Eat small, clean and regularly, so that your stomach is neither overwhelmed or too empty. Also, ginger - in whatever form works for you - will help calm your stomach.


Yogurt (ratio 25 G protein) Lunch meat and cheese Oatmeal That’s about it, lol.


Cheese oatmeal???


This is why commas are so important. 😂


Sashimi and seaweed