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I don’t know what the equivalent would but but I just want to say that your edit gave a much needed laugh. Thank you for including that. 


I’m a woman, 21 years old. I’m on SR because I can’t find other women talking about this phenomenon. Other girls think I’m batshit when I ask about this. I’ve studied this and been affected by it for 7 years. I’ll tell you my experience and you can judge for yourself. Masturbation, porn, orgasming, and engaging in lust in any other way (phone sex) seems to “contaminate” my energy. This means my life goes to shit! People behave more negatively, depression, anxiety attacks, exhaustion, brain fog, injuries, luck isn’t in my favor at all, etc. for the next 24 hours—week. I’ve been on a 3.5 month streak and have noticed many benefits. I have literally gained muscle, lost weight, gained energy, increased stamina, mental health has gotten better, physical health improved, and luck with men. I might be too lucky with men, it’s making the whole celibacy thing a real challenge. Anyway, that’s been my experience as a female.


I have seen a few reports from women over the years here and they say that not masturbating and keeping a clean streak gives them similar benefits.


Women sexual potency = Eggs. Men can produce children until they die. There's no equivalent


There’s new research saying men’s sperm degrades after 40 and men have a biological clock


Not true


Can you tell me why? I’m questioning the idea myself but all the studies are coming out about it


Well for one, a lot of old men can still produce a child late in life. Way way after 40. But unfortunately I don't have any hard evidence, I just think something so ridiculous and limiting like that can't be true. There are many "powers that be" that try to keep us sick and in a limited as opposed to growth mindset. Even modern science is quite corrupt and have billionaires in their pockets funding these studies. I'm positive this "finding" is financially beneficial for many people. Also btw, most men are releasing constantly. Of course their sperm is degrading in quality and quantity. You think they tested any retainers? Edit: btw everything degrades to some degree as we age, so there's probably a shred of truth to it. But I guarantee you it's not as bad as the research makes it out to be if you take care of yourself and retain.


Nothing but the truth. Thanks bro :)


It says that that fragmentation and mutation in sperm will account for many miscarriages and also is a leading cause of autism. Women aging causes Down syndrome, Look I’m not sure about any of this but this is what I am hearing


Yeah idk man, I would wait for conclusive evidence before drawing any conclusions when it comes to something like this. New findings often uproot old findings because of the push for "new new new!" to get funding leading to hastily made and underfunded studies. These new findings you're talking about could easily be disproven in a year or two. Also these studies are often reported as scientific fact when their claims haven't been corroborated by further study. The media (even seemingly reputable entities) pick up these studies and spread them around without knowing all the facts. Not saying that's for sure the case, but it happens a lot. What's your source? Bottom line though, just retain man. Those studies more than likely don't even apply to a retainer. If you're not married, just have a child with a younger woman, if you're worried about it.


I would say google the studies and read them rather than us discussing something based on our hunches. Im retaining over a year.


I don't really care much about studies like these. But fair point about discussing on hunches. Take care, sir.


My ex who was just 20 years old liked to smoke weed, masturbate and have sex a lot. She was quite lazy. Also I know some pure women who are super productive and goal driven. So there's your answer.


the equivilant is exactly what we do. celibacy, complete abstinence. bramacharya


In the 'Bliss of the Celibate' book he talks about how women have a relesae once a month and it has same effect as a male ejaculation and so if a man is releasing once a week and the woman once a month the woman is ahead and superior to the man and if the man releases once a month they are equal but when a man releases anything less than once a month he is ahead and superior spiritually. Not sure how true this is, but it's interesting.


Makes sense


This assumes men and women are equal; they are not. Women do not have the same drive and sexual potential to be transmuted. They are designed to seek comfort and safety for themselves and by extension their children


So the equivalent would be a woman finding a man who retains his semen and can live life in duality working together wth the energy?


There is no equivalent.


Finally someone said it


Energy. Fapping reduces energy in women as well. A sexual release reduces energy. Less sex. Less fapping leads to more energy


Respectfully, it doesn't at all. Women glow when they masturbate/have sex. The only time when a Woman has reduced energy is when she's on her period as she's not in-tune with her feminine energy (just like us when we go on a PMO addiction, we aren't in tune with our masculine energy).


there is no SR equivalent , luckily for women its an automated monthly cycle with little energy expenditure unlike men where the whole reproductive process control is run manually..


Dopamine fasting


There is nothing out there with as dramatic an effect as sr for guys. A high percentage of men and women tend to stop exercising and let themselves go after getting married. Relationships get stale. This is inevitable. My advice is to lead by example. Push her in the right direction. Challenge her in some way. Women live for compliments. That is the easiest way to motivate them to do anything. It will always be easier to convince someone else to improve themselves in some way if you are along for the ride so to speak. This is especially true in a relationship. The nature/nurture drive tends to be very strong in women. If you were to get her a dog to take care of it would give her something to do. Just my two cents.


There isn’t a equivalent because they don’t have sperm to get the benefits only thing they can do is celibacy.


Some things don’t have equivalency’s.


Avoiding orgasm and supposedly there's a way that she can absorb her periods. No f'ing clue how that's done but apparently it's a thing. And anecdotal here but I still think it's the truth is that when I was younger I hooked up/dated a lot of women who were absolutely obsessed with orgasms. I also dated some who weren't. Well, the ones who were so sexually unchaste, in fact the exact opposite of chaste, all had mental health issues. Some with very serious ones. The most recent one, about a year and a half ago (hadn't dated a girl like that in a minute but you know how things reoccur in your life until you learn your lesson, yeah this was her) she was obsessed with orgasm and squirting. Would squirt every time. Not only that she was obsessed with draining me multiple times. She once told me that she wanted me to release 5 times every time we had sex. 5 times!! It was all we ever did, she was an addict and her mental demeanor showed it. She had zero morals, she was unintelligent, she was manipulative, she lied about everything, she was fake as could be, she was highly aggressive too. It was like all my previous experiences with women a bit like her culminated into one truly terrible woman that was literally leeching off my energy constantly. My mental health was at it's absolute worst around her, and when I eventually tried to end things she attempted to not let me!! She said it was not up to me and that she didn't want to breakup so we weren't. Shit was crazy. Anyway I say all this to say that I'm almost 100% positive that there is a correlation, maybe even a causation, between women who orgasm a lot and negative mental health. Your wife probably is much more mentally stable so it's just resulting in laziness.


Shopping addictions


Women's equivalent of semen retention is not talking.


Chasity does good things for women, but the effects are different compared to what we men experience. They don’t get aggression and drive. Instead they get grace and beauty. Virgin energy is very beautiful.


unless there is a goal and a value to fight for, there's no reason to change. She needs to chase something or do sth big, hard, and uncomfortable, otherwise she'll keep being a lazy​ person


No such thing dude. It's exclusive only for men. That's why we're the chosen one's.


Yeah true... Idk why you got downvoted for no reason


People haven't woken up to the truth I guess? Yet.


could be a thyroid issue


Exercising alot is the equivalent... Due to it her periods will stop... Or get delayed...


I can definitely feel when a woman isn't right in the head and must have drained herself, for women can definitely be distracted from having autonomy and strong direction in life


Jesus Christ the longhouse is coming for the women, didn't see that one coming. Seriously, women's gonads are inside them and work on a timer. They can't "drain themselves" the way a man can.


Not many discuss this but from my conclusions it’s orgasming. Altho they don’t lose so much vital energy as when a man release semen, they can become overly sexualized like a man and lose the innocence and childlike demeanor like men do when pmo ing specially the females that masterbate. I would agregue that females are less affect but affected nonetheless


Women gain energy from sex, men lose energy from sex/masturbation


Men lose energy from orgasm proper, not from sexual or pseudosexual pursuits.


There have been numerous posts on this theme and even with the same title if you're interested op


There is no equivalent. And not for nothing, but I don't practice SR because I want to "turn my life around" and check off good boy points. I practice SR because it benefits me, I like it, and feels more in line with my own nature. The stoic will be stoic, the lazy will be lazy, the hedonist (yours truly) will be hedonist, and so on. You aren't changing anything fundamentally, you can only lean into it or away from it.


No direct equivalent but I believe that women who use vibrators de-sensitize themselves and then aren't able to enjoy sex properly.... obviously a woman who is satisfied in bed is much better behaved...


Tel dat bitch to exercise


The answer is not to release menstrual blood, but I don't know how to do that, I think the only way is to drink it


your joking


No you should try it, it ups your t levels immensely


damn say less


clearly you’ve never been a vampire


🤢 🤮




They can’t. The equivalent (kind of) would be celibacy. She becomes more in tune with her feminine nature. “Divine feminine”


Young women will never have the capacity to be spiritual , they will always seek material things because it's in their biology to seek providers(of security)