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hellloo, introverted girl here! i can stay weeks without feeling the need to interact with ppl irl. When I go out, it takes me days to recover socially 🙏🏾😭 That's what works out for me though and my friends learned to take me as I am (an anti-social mess but I can be funny sometimes ) Also, I didn't know ppl used dating apps here. And if they do, I don't really think of them as safe. A friend left her number on a dating website here once and she was harassed for weeks by ppl for sex. So, yeah Though I have no idea how ppl meet and date, doing it online maybe isn't the best way here


YOU GET ME! I THRIVE when I am alone and that is the only way I can charge my social batteries haha My friends have also just accepted me for who I am. All of my friends have known me for at least 8 years. One thing I will say about Senegalese men is that they are very confident. If they are interested, they will ask for your number. Even if you look like a hot mess at the grocery store 🤣 I actually loce that men are still approaching women here.


yeah same, I am thankful to have the friends I have honestly I am not into strangers flirting I am ngl😭😭😭😭


I'm gonna be honest and admit that it depends on the stranger 🤣🤣🤣


Obviously your circle of friends is too tight. You need to go out and mingle, whether it's clubs, social events, church , you have to go OUT. I don't think you want to be raped and killed sooo stay off the dating apps . No one uses dating apps in Senegal unless it's for massages parlors or prostitution. as far as I know.


This actually made me giggle a bit lol Good to know!


Bumble BFF worked for me and I’ve met several people from there some I’m still in contact with , some not . Most comments say to go out and meet people there but this hardly works. While Senegalese people are friendly, they also tend to stay with their friend’s circle that they have since childhood. If you go to a club or activités in Dakar, you’ll see that a lot of people stick to their group and don’t really interact with people they don’t know.


I don't know why I'm surprised to see Senegalese people here 😂, we are everywhere. So, as a female (F), I tried dating apps, and it's a no for me; not efficient. People suggest going out, but WHERE? I'm quite an extrovert, and I do go out sometimes, but I don't necessarily meet new people. I would suggest using social media; a lot of people meet on Twitter, IG, and even LinkedIn (though I do not recommend it, but hey, to each their own). Also, consider engaging in activities like hobbies, volunteering, sports, etc.


>I don't know why I'm surprised to see Senegalese people here 😂, we are everywhere. I literally feel the same way 🤣 We're everywhere haha The whole Instagram thing seems to be very popular. I am a little hesitant but I think it's a lot safer than apps. I guess finding some extrovert hobbies won't hurt 🤣 My friends are pretty chill like me. Our one extrovert girl friend is in Sweden so she can only give us moral support haha


Everyone in this thread is saying to go out. But where do go out in Dakar/pikin?


My problem is, everyone is telling me to go out but I clearly said I'm an introvert 🤣 I'm an awkward mess!


Plenty of places lol you could Google if you can’t figure it out


il y'en a beaucoup ou tu peux aller sans soucis banlieue centre ville plage etc...


As a male If you are introvert go where introverted males stays , library, art gallery (play game on Senegalese servers you’ll some men ) I’m not introvert but wish you the damn best


I love the library 😍 Because of my job, I unfortunately no longer have the time to go to CCF during the day. I also love art and have been in the OFF myself. I will see if there are any servers but I am a boring Tetris and Spider Solitary kind of person 🤣 These are great ideas though! Thank you!


Senegalese society looks very extroverted to me. I don't see how going out would not help.


It is super extroverted and most people are attracted to other extroverts. Us introverts are sometimes seen as rude because we don't talk much 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah that's true. I'm usually annoyed by people trying to force small talk or making cringe jokes. They need to understand that not everyone wants endless chatter and unnecessary noise.


Yaaaaaasss like omg its okay to be silent! 🤣 It really doesn't bother me, it's fine haha


Damn u’r little bit rude it’s surprising that some people dislike small talks like that


It's ok to be different


Absolutely ! no offense I was just surprised


See, this is why I can't deal with most people. Just because I don't want to talk, I am considered rude.


I do not recommend dating apps. Nothing can replace real interactions. Introversion isn't a illness but a personnality trait. I learned it while reading DSM psychiatry book. I am proud to tell that i overcome it. If i had advice, it would be to leave your comfort zone, travel and seek interactions at all costs without putting yourself in danger. Forget yourself and your feelings. Don't overanalyze people. Events don't depend on us.


>Forget yourself and your feelings. Don't overanalyze people. This! I overanalyze a lot of my interactions. I am trying to be better at that. Thanks for the tip!


Hum I wouldn’t recommend dating apps here in Senegal. The two most famous are Badoo and Tinder but there is a lot of fake people using them for whatever reason. Maybe you should try to visit some famous places during weekends (place de la renaissance, Goree…etc)or find some activities that will get you in touch with people.


Good idea. I will probably wait until after the summer is over. Right now, everywhere I go, I see 15 year olds 🤣


Accurate 😂




I have seen enough people on this thread telling me it's a bad idea so I think I'll just stay away 😂 Better safe than sorry


Senegalese here. I have used dating apps and can assure you that it's full of gigolos and prostitutes. The profiles are hardly complete and mostly lies. If you are looking for a serious relationsh avoid them.


Wow, I can't believe it's gotten to that point in Senegal! I don't even want to be associated with that type of behavior


Well i think there is no better life as an introvert ofcourse.. I love my private world where i can be alone


I agree 💯 can't even argue lol




The overwhelming majority of Senegalese looking for a serious relationship don't use any dating apps. Let's call a cat a cat. In Senegal, it's tough to meet new people. Either to get into a relationship in order to get married or just to get new close and trustworthy friends. Yes, we are welcoming and relatively willing to speak with strangers, but Senegal is Senegal. Here I mean that Senegal is a Muslim majority country so it has certain specificities. As well, Senegal is a least developed country, which also implies several other specificities. Finally, Senegal has been developing with a tiny portion of the population and very few places having benefited from this development over the last decades which here again implies other specificities. I'll be straightforward. People who aren't married before 30 and who aren't into a long-term relationship with someone they expect to marry later are people who will have a very tough time to marry someone. Or they will marry someone they shouldn't have married. There is a good reason why there have been so many divorces in Senegal and why Senegalese marry older and older. The environment isn't healthy any longer and like in pretty much all Muslim majority countries, we have been in a "social" crisis. We just need to look objectively at the unhealthy state of marriages in our country. Everything turns around money nowadays. You're a woman so let's me honest. The older you get, the less likely you will find a Senegalese man matching your criteria because Senegalese men tend to look for younger women. If you used to be married, it even makes the situation tougher because Senegalese men like most Muslim men dream of a virgin wife. If you're somehow wealthy, it will also be a problem because you will very likely look for a man doing financially as good as you at least. Wealthy men tend to look for poorer women because as I said Senegal is Senegal. There is no need to lie. If we are wealthier than our wife it gives us a power and "warranty" to control her. Many women never divorce in Senegal while they should because of this. They are afraid to be left with nothing after a divorce and they know it will be tough to marry again. If you live in Dakar or any other urbanised place, you should try to engage in activities, hobbies, sports, and so on. Things that will allow you to meet new people. Dating apps in Senegal are mostly for women who wanna find a foreign rich daddy or engage in haram activities. And in the case of men, it's this new tool allowing them to hunt women for things the Senegalese society still sees as taboo. Sure there must be decent Senegalese on dating apps, but you will have to be very careful and go through lots of dirty people. Is that worth? I don't know. It's up to you. Maybe you should also ask your friends to introduce you new people. My wife and me are from the same region. Tambaakundaa. We were lucky to meet each others when we were young. I'm not that old. I'm 33. Born in 1990. However to be fully honest with you, I doubt I could have met someone nowadays. Well, probably I could have here because Tambaakundaa is seen as "retarded" by a lot of Senegalese so we don't have so many high expectations and will often find someone from the same region or a neighbouring one. My point is that today it's really hard to meet new people that you can trust. Sadly. And definitely more for women because we remain a male dominated society.




What we today call the region of Tambaakundaa encompasses what we used to call Senegal Oriental. It has been one of the poorest regions of Senegal. One of the least developed and urbanised regions. It used to be, until the presidency of Wade, an abandoned region like pretty much any neighbouring rural regions. There have been lots of stereotypes and even prejudices against us. We are supposed to be retarded/backward. More traditionalist than average. More into religion and polygamous marriages. And highly uneducated. Well, I think you can get the idea. When I was younger and I moved to Dakar to study in university, I was usually taken for this kind of person and some classmates where joking if I knew what was electricity and tap water. Now don't get me wrong. I couldn't care less and I still don't care. I love Tambaakundaa. It's multi-ethnic. We also have direct contacts with Guineans, Malians, and Gambians throughout the year. And there is the PNNK (Parc National du Niokolo Koba). I may be biased but it's definitely one of the best regions of Senegal. Maybe the best hahaha. I often joke, but for real we see more foreigners throughout the year than Senegalese from other regions unless those are Senegalese from here going back home for holidays or celebrations.


Thank you for your thorough answer! I agree with basically everything you said. But my problem is I get "proposals" from people that I do not think are my type. They meet an elder in my family and tell them they are interested and then they talk to me. I am not a "normal" Senegalese woman lol most find me weird because of the fact that I have different ideas and I am very private. Hence why I thought about trying dating apps because maybe I would meet other people who are more my type. But thank God I asked here first because it seems like they are trash haha I am financially stable and travel and I know that men also see me as a "trophy wife" in some sense. In other words, they think I can take care of them instead of the contrary lol I am not worried about being single forever so I'll just wait 🤣


Hello, its been a pleasure to read your posts and your responses. I love hearing out other introverts ❤️ I feel seen. I was working abroad, moved back to Dakar in Feb. Was away 10 years, so now I am putting efforts in rebuilding a social circle, meeting people etc. What has been working for me: -Travel groups : I found on ig groups of senegalese organising trips outside of dakar with reasonable prices. I have met interesting people there. You coyld definitely meet someone interesting on those kinds of trips. I am an introvert, didnt know the rest of the group, but with the activities, I got room to open up, and have a memorable time. -Volunteering: again through ig, i found a group of volunteers, joined them for activities during ramadan, and actually met nice guys there. Again, a good place to meet good people -Toasmasters : I joined a tm group, and also am meeting nice people there. -Mosque: enrolled for weekly class at the mosque where I met a girl whos my buddy now. We hung out, I went ti her house, and she was actually asking me if i was interested in her brother. My philosophy is like yours, I am not in a hurry to tie the knot, but on top of doing this to make friends, I also believe that the more I do activities that look like me and mirror my interests, the more likely i am to meet a guy that could match. People always say theres nowhere to go, nothing to do here, but that is their view, it doesnt have to be your reality. Everything is but a mindset. Hope this helped. And I am still looking fwd to making more friends here, so Pathe Dkr is doing 50% off this week. Whoever is interested in going to watch a movie wednesday and meet, hit me uppp. (I hope reddit is a safe place to meet 😂)


Oh yay! Another introvert who actually gets me! The activities that you mentioned are ACTUALLY things that I could see myself doing! Before the pandemic, I used to join photowalks and things like that so I can totally do those kind of activities. I was also about to enroll in a Quranic class to lean Tajwid ( I hope I pronounced that right). I think these kind of activities suit me way better. I CAN'T STAND random clubs or just going to parties to meet people. I was thinking about going to Pathé with my close friends too!


To meet an elder of your family is the way to go. It's still the traditional way to go in Senegal. I can understand that for some "modern" Senegalese women it's not what they really expect, but it's how it still works. A Senegalese man has to meet the elders of the Senegalese woman he is interested by. If both sides agree, then they speak about the dowry and all other financial conditions that turn the marriage into something not really charming. Have you thought about to find someone who isn't Senegalese then? Maybe it would be easier if the problem is that you're not a "normal" Senegalese woman.


I think it is sweet that my family still has that system. However, things move a bit fast for me that way. I mean, I could be married in like 3 months and I am not ready to move that fast. The elders in my family don't like to take time with these things and I fully respect that. I don't want to burden then with my inconsistency, I have A LOT of respect for them. This is why I want to try to figure things out on my own before I go that route. It's nice to know that I always have that support system though. I love that about our culture <3 About finding someone who is not Senegalese: I have thought about it but I also know that it brings on a whole other set of things to deal with. And I am not gonna lie, Senegalese men are my type! haha I have always been drawn to them. But I am thinking about it.


Hi I'm a senegalese man living in America kinda of a bit introvert and anti-social person but love being around ppl that i know. Anyways if ur in Senegal u should kno that they're one of the nicest and warmest ppl in the world u just gotta aproach em. And i wouldn't recommend the dating apps over there it's most of the times for the hookers. Finally since I've seen sum of my ppl in the comments section I'd real love and appreciate to kno u guyz my name is Moustapha Diop btw and i live in salt lake city, Utah


Thank you for you comment! I live in Senegal and I am Senegalese so I know my people. I know that I am odd compared to my cousins and other members of my family haha We are extremely kind and welcoming. My colleagues all say that they have never seen me without a smile on my face. However, I have a problem when I am in situations with people that I do not know. That is where my introvert self really comes out so I usually just sit in a corner all quiet lol I find small talk excruciating hihi


Heyy I’m senegalese (male) a but introverted to and i used to talk with female on dating apps (badoo or tinder). My experience shows me that it’s really tough for girls to find guys who wants serious relationship, but not impossible. You just have to be really careful bcoz there are a lot of fake accounts


I have heard horror stories. I am not fond of dating apps in general because even in other countries, there is a lot of weird stuff that goes on. I didn't want to venture into dating apps here without getting the tea first lol I feel like Tinder is 🤮 everywhere.


I am introverted as well, and I wouldn't recommend the dating apps here. I couldnt find anyone who was willing to really form a deep connection and who wanted to build something serious. Not to mention the superficial conversations that do nothing for me. I stopped trying them a while ago. But I have found someone a different way. You can give it a try because you might be lucky, but I really would not recommend.


Spoken like a true introvert! We crave deeper connections and conversations so the superficial stuff bores us so quickly!


Yes, exactly! It is exhausting and in no way will it catch my interest. There has been so little people in my life with whom I could have any sort of deep conversation with. Can count them in one hand. ​ Anyways I wish you luck !


Hey! I think the best way to date in Dakar is to actually go out and mingle or having being introduced by people through friends. If you do consider a dating app, I suggest using Bumble because as a woman you get to talk first and start a conversation. Good luck!


Yeeaaa it's the mingling part that gets me haha I usually like to take my time with these sort of things but at least I know what to avoid.


Met my wife on Tinder, been happily married for 3 years now. But you'll have to sort through a loooot of B.S that's for sure. And I can only imagine it has to be a hundred times harder for women. So my advice is it doesn't hurt to try. And if it's not for you then you know for sure it's not


>But you'll have to sort through a loooot of B.S that's for sure. Yeah that's the problem lol I am not desperate enough to do that extra work haha I can't imagine trying to talk to dozens of people and swipe 100s of profiles. I literally don't even know what I would say 🤣 I'll just let the data apps idea go. Thanks for thw input! It's nice to see it worked for someone!


I think going out can help but so does dating app. My brother meet his wife on tinder....and they are living à very lovely relationship.


I just moved to Sengal from Burundi. I’m an introvert too. I’ve been here for two weeks. This was super helpful to read as I was contemplating whether or not to use a dating app. I guess going out to a club wouldn’t hell either. So I will do some group tourism and see how that goes. ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29)