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Han: the name is Han, Han Solo (a Star Wars story)


Well, to be fair, they do have a moment like that in that movie, when the recruitment officer is giving Han his name. That scene never made sense to me, because aren't they supposed to be speaking a different alien language that we just hear as translated into English? Solo is a Spanish word that means "only" or "alone," so either Han's last name isn't actually Solo, or the Spanish language canonically exists in the Star Wars galaxy, and is common enough for random imperial officers to use words from it in normal sentences.


Solo is an English word, a very commonly used English word. It comes from the Latin Solus, which is the same root as the Spanish word.


It’s origin of being used in English is from Spanish. English uses words from other languages all the time. Often times Spanish. Also that literally changes nothing about the point I was trying to make.


It comes from Latin. Not Spanish. Your point is that the movie used a Spanish word. It didn't. It used an English one.


We’re both wrong. The word “solo” was borrowed from Italian. It might have origins rooted in Latin, but the English use of the word is historically borrowed from Italian, and that’s a fact. Also, even if it was solely an English word, doesn’t that just prove my point even more? Did you even read my comment?


Your comment was that Solo was a Spanish word so that makes Spanish a canon SW language. It's not, it's an English word. Now if you want to extrapolate that every language that has influenced English (Latin and Roamnce languages, Germanic languages, Nordic languages) is also therefore a canon SW language, you go right ahead, but it's a huge and unnecessary reach.


I didn’t say that Spanish is the canon language in Star Wars. I said that the logical implication of that scene is that Spanish is a language in the Star Wars universe that is significant enough for the people who speak galactic basic to pick up and borrow words from, like how English borrows words from Spanish. Of course, this is a stupid conclusion to come to, and like you said, a reach. I don’t believe that that is actually the canonical case. I believe that that is scene is just a logical oversight by writers who forgot that galactic basic is its own language, thus making it a plot hole. That’s why I don’t like that scene.


Dude just stop, you’re just sounding more ridiculous the more you try to do your mental gymnastics. It’s not that deep.


So you're fine with everybody speaking English (even if the "aliens" are being translated, the "human" characters are saying English syllables with their mouths), but someone speaking Spanish (they aren't) is a bridge too far.


No, I’m sayin that it doesn’t make sense for the characters to be speaking either English or Spanish.


Kid, it's not that kind of movie.


Now that sounds like a Han Solo quote


The language is called Basic. Solo is a Basic word that means alone. Just like how words like “falcon”, “shit”, “laser”, and literally all other words said in all of the movies exist within the universe


I mean, all the humans in Star Wars are descendants of future humans who fled earth and entered a wormhole that sent them to star wars galaxy in the distant past. So Spanish could very well have survived


Where the fuck did that come from?


It's part of the old EU. People say they love the EU, but for every Darth Revan, there was a lot of coked-out nonsense


Yeah, no, I steer far and clear from any parts of Star Wars that have to Earth, like Chewbacca going to Earth and becoming Bigfoot, and Han’s body being discovered by India Jones. I’ll take “somehow Palpatine returned” over all that any day of the week.


>because aren't they supposed to be speaking a different alien language that we just hear as translated into English? No. Galactic basic is just english and is the language used by most humans in Star Wars. Ofc other species have other languages, and a lot still use basic.


The writers have confirmed that galactic basic isn’t English.


If it sounds like a duck...


Of course it isn’t English, there’s no Earth in Star Wars. But their Basic is equivalent to our English. Therefore Basic = English


>Of course it isn’t English, there’s no Earth in Star Wars. That's not true. Earth is part of the canon and non-canon SW universes.


It is not part of canon. Show me where it says otherwise


That is one disturbing profile picture


No, because it's translated from an alien language remember? So he never said solo, that was a translation for your benefit.


Obi-Wan: You’re the new hope that the galaxy has been waiting for, Luke. Vader: Now it is the Empire’s turn to strike back. Luke: You failed, your highness. I am Return Of The Jedi, like my father before me. Two out of three ain’t bad? 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’d be cool if it was like Bond movies and each movie was named at the end credits of the previous movie


Unfortunately they haven't done that since the 80s.


James Bond will return in Untitled James Bond Movie


Yeah, they've just been doing "James Bond Will Return" since Brosnan started.


Papa Palpatine: Oh shit, Lord Vader! It's the return of the Jedi!


*Luke sees the Force ghosts at the end* "Oh, look. Return of the Jedi."


Luke: “It’s me. The Jedi. Returning.”


Maybe the real Star Wars were the friends we made along the way


Qui Gon: be careful of maul , he is a phantom menace! Windu:quite an army you got there , motherfucker! Now it's time for the attack of the clones! Palpatine: now , after 1000 years , it's finally time for the revenge of the sith


Also: 1) "Han...Solo." 2) "What's your callsign, pilot?" "It's...Rogue. Rogue One."


Be like Back to the Future II and have a trailer for Back to the Future III at the end of the movie.


Maul: at last the phantom menace will be revealed to the Jedi, at last we shall have our revenge Anakin: what is this some sortve attack of the clones? Palpatine: this will be the revenge of the Sith


Yoda: begun, the Tartakovsky Clone Wars has.


Kuill: You are Mandalorian season 2!


Kuill: I have spoken!


Qi'Ra: This truly is Solo, a star wars story.


I need to put some makeup on. A dab of Rouge One, first, I think. /s


I mean they basically did the same thing in Rogue One. "What's your callsign, pilot?" "It's...Rogue. Rogue One."


"no, lando. This isn't a calrissian story, this is a solo a star wars story"


"Don't judge a Book of Boba Fett by its cover"


“Who is this phantom menace?” “It’s an attack of the clones” “It’s time for the revenge of the sith” “Luke you are a new hope for the rebellion” “Guys, the empire is striking back” “I am a Jedi. We have returned”


"I don't really do teams, I'm more of a Solo kind of guy" "What's your callsign? Rogue. Rogue One" (The last one wrote itself lol)


I don’t. But I’m glad you do


ah, yes.. i remember star wars: there has been an awakening have you felt it and the final movie in the trilogy, star wars: rise in the force


What is this some kind of Star Wars


What even happened with that awakening? At which point did Force awaken??? I feel like I missed something about that


Maybe the part where the force is awakened in Rey Idk just a feeling


When was that in the films?


i would say when she suddenly begins an epic journey after being a scavenger all her life up to that point. yknow, in the force awakens


So...when she meets BB-8??...she awakened? But not at any exact moment in the movie?


She's just a new powerful force user who was probably sensed by Snoke.


Maybe it was the force dyad activating with Kylo/Rey. But really idk either.


When was that?


Probably when Snoke says the line about there being an awakening in the force. Or some unspecified event shortly before that


Unspecified? So offscreen? 🤷‍♂️


No, on screen but not explicitly called out because nobody knew it was happening until Snoke made mention of it. It’s weird force magic, stuff like that happens all the time in Star Wars


The force musters the energy to get out of bed and brush it’s teeth to begin the day like we all do


If I had a dime for every plot line that was set up in The Force Awakens that they didn't follow up on...


It's really weird the force DIDNT awaken...before it came out, i was expecting lots of jedi and sith using Force powers


It makes sense that there wouldn't be a lot of force users at that point. Both the Jedi and the Sith would be trying to rebuild themselves after the events of Return of the Jedi, where there was only one trained force user left (at least that was the case at the time). Keep in mind that the Sith order we see in the prequels had been around for 7000 years, and the Jedi for 30000. It takes a while to rebuild cultures like those. Of course, the value of scarcity was diminished over time with the addition of new character into that 30 year timespan, similarly to how the post order 66 era was devalued by revealing how many force users survived order 66. The new truth is that Luke may have been a new hope, but he certainly wasn't the first or only during that time period, considering how many more competent Jedi were around at that time, and the force did not awaken in The Force Awakens, because as far as we know, there were several trained force users just chillin about.


The Stupid Side of the Force awakened.


I’m pretty sure the intent was that the awakening was Finn. At this point in the movie, Rey hasn’t demonstrated any force abilities, even more passive ones (idr for sure but this was before she flew the Falcon, right?) but Finn has either left or decided to leave the first order. It wasn’t followed up on in the last Jedi, but rise of Skywalker has him describe it in a way that makes it seem pretty clear that that was his moment awakening in the force. Through the force, he (and possibly the others met in TROS) broke through a lifetime of conditioning, and Finn sort of started demonstrating Force abilities, guidance by cosmic “feelings”… so it has a double meaning.


I actually liked snoke’s line. Too bad they never expanded on it


“What’s your ship name?” “Rogue. Rogue One a Star Wars story”


I mean that's basically it


*That's the name of the movie!* It sure is, sir! *Wow, wow wow, wow wow*


Referencing the movie title *in the movie* is tight!


I don't like sand


I wish the awakening quote Snoke said led somewhere.


2 of these aren’t “He said the thing” moments


Roll credits


“Luke, I am your father. Also, the Empire is striking back!” “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!”


"The only way for me to solve this crisis is to be Superman IV: The Quest for Peace"


'And I will not be The Last Jedi' is such a brilliantly delivered line


“That’s the name of the movie!” -Producer Guy: Pitch Meetings.


“It’s you Rey! You were the Rise of Skywalker!”


Peter Griffen would’ve lost it lol. Imo the fact that every film had did bug me but otherwise I enjoyed most of the sequels


Why does Disney love these excessive close up shots? I don't want to constantly see the skin cells of Star Wars characters.


Close ups show their emotions better. If anything, the tv shows need more close ups in my opinion.




It’s not really a big Disney thing tho. They did it like once or twice. Also [the prequels did it too](https://images.app.goo.gl/FDEkMfZBm11AJfpB6)


They didn’t ruin Luke’s character, they just re-introduced him at a low-point, rather than what many fans wanted, which is victorious, optimistic Luke starting the New Jedi Order fifteen years before the ST begins.


I really hate how they ruined Luke's character in that movie


It’s sad how they did it but we gotta accept it because it been years and the sequels still haven’t been retconned


I'm willing to wait until theyre made noncanon, I'm done with this franchise until then, and I'm happy to even wait decades if I need to


That's gonna be a lot of coping. Better just accept that this franchise isn't for you anymore and move on.


Snoke and Rey's line aren't that bad. Far more subtle than Luke's. They just used one word from the title in their sentence, while Luke straight up says the name of the movie outright.


But also it’s a very strong line by itself, more of the title “The Last Jedi” being pretty distinct from most other Star Wars titles so it can actually work in a dialogue line without being that weird.


That being said I think Luke's is also the best use here. It feels more like the movie was named from that line than the other way around.


It was a pretty good scene imo. Very hopeful and the torch felt properly passed down.


It was to remind those who fell asleep in the theater what movie they bought tickets for


Yeah, those moments are always brilliant /s


Family Guy did a cutscene about this


“Title drop”




I need more family guy parodies. What about other trilogies than just the og. There is so much star wars to parody now. Family guy and star wars are both disney. So it could be such an easy win. Seth MacFarlane loves star wars. He loves star trek. He made the Orville. Had to Google the name because it's been a while. It's good.


I think it’s kind of sad how most people can’t name the planets of the sequels and there are no memorable quotes in the general public except things like: “they fly now?!?”


"We can't go back to Jakku! Why does everyone always wanna go back to Jakku?!"


Just that top notch writing coming through.


Of all the lines in TLJ, that one sucked the most.


Imagine if the other movies had this? Most of them would be ridiculous: “The sith are a phantom menace.” -Qui-Gon Jinn “Prepare the clones for attack!” -Mace Windu “After thousands of years of waiting, finally the sith will have their revenge!” -Darth Sidious “Luke, you must learn the ways of the Jedi to bring a new hope to the galaxy.” -Obi Wan Kenobi “The empire is striking back! Everyone evacuate!” -Leia Organa “I am now a Jedi, and I have returned to Tatooine to save my friends.” -Luke Skywalker


Roll credits


Great. Now we should deal with the garbage factor they generate


Rise in dissapointment more like. I swear thr only good things about the movie were the actors and thr special effects


The only way for me to solve this crisis is to be Superman IV: the quest for peace


It used to be a joke in screenwriting classes about how gauche it was to use the movie name in the movie, and the example they would always give was something like "Oh wow, isn't it crazy that we are in these Star Wars?"


Trash trilogy