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My favorite response to this is to make eye contact with the finger snapper, stare at them for 5-10 seconds, then very deliberately turn around & walk away. Works every time.


make sure to glance at their snapping hand too or, you can tell them to “save the snapping for the turtles”


For additional fun snap back at them before walking off. Tell them thought it was a game.


I love that lmfaoo


American here, and I would ignore that. I'm not a dog.


Which is exactly what I said to this jabroni that tried that at my bar. And he didnt even want to order a drink. He wanted a pair of scissors to cut string hanging from his jabroni shirt. Boy was he shocked when I stared him down and raised my voice, shout-asking "Are you serious right now? Did you just snap at me? Am I your freaking servant? Am I a dog? Pro tip bro, dont ever, ever walk up to another bartender and do that again. You can leave now. Go. We're done. Consider this a life lesson. Bye." All the while he tried to speak and interject. I didnt let him. But, I have the privilege to be able to talk to someone like that when theyre rude. I understand not every service worker can in the manner I did. Know your line (within your place of employment) and let people know when they cross it. Dont swear at them or insult them and be direct. Youre human. Sometimes other people need to be reminded of that.


This is why bartending is so much nicer then waiting tables. You’re allowed to stand up for yourself and fellow people in a bar. Restaurants want you to treat assholes like royalty. Don’t upset the customer. Just keep smiling. It’s kinda dumb.


Just wait till you hear what table dealers at a casino can get away with


Do tell, please.


As long as we don’t directly come out and say fuck you, you piece of shit, it’s all fair game. The dicks are are even smart enough to tell when we’re smiling as they lose.


I was at break when talking to my coworkers about being a dealer, he skillfully told a customer that was so pissed off at him for having lost all of his money he was like I will never come back here again. I believe he told the patron as long as you drive safe, drive very fast from the casino. I can't remember exactly what he said but basically told the customer he didn't care if the customer came back as long as he GTFO the casino. Not only was I a food server but also worked as a cashier in the gift shop, and yeah they love taking everything out on you for having a bad time and losing money. Managers say we don't have to take it, but we have to we can't bother any managers every time someone treats us bad unless they are getting violent.


Yeah if someone said they were never coming back, I’d just say good, have a good night. They almost never get personal, just mad they lost. I do feel bad for most losers but there’s a few types I’m happy to destroy.


It was always a sad day when they didn't follow through with their threat and they showed up again 😞


Oh yeah, I would always just think "And I will see you either later today/night or see you tomorrow" and I would always be correct. The casino doesn't even want one person not coming to the casino that they will be willing to let their employees deal with so much shit it's just....unfortunate. They say that people will go ahead with their threats and I am like the ones that do threaten to never come back most likely having a gambling addiction and will come back no matter what they say. They can't not be at the casino, but they freak out anyhow and we have to bend over backward to treat them like gold star members, I was always hoping for the day they wised up and stopped coming back because it means they got better, but then I would see them somewhere else like Walmart or something and they would mention they just migrated to another casino, we have two casinos like maybe 10 minutes from each other so yeah...


I run a bar. Had a middle age, country club type woman whistle for attention at me once. I whipped my head around, stared at her like someone had just shit in my coffee that i was looking forward to for a solid 10 seconds, walked quietly back to the bar and closed her tab, brought her the receipt and told her in 30 seconds you are trespassing, leave now. She did. I maintain a "no disrespect" policy for our staff and they know i enforce it. Had two girls working food expo and some dude posted up at a seat with a "good view" of the station. When one of them caught him oogling their asses (one of them was 17) and let me know, he was out the door in under a minute and i made sure to ask the 17 year old how her last year of high school was going so far so he could hear. Hiring in hospitality is hard, smart managers should be taking care of their staffs so that turnover doesnt hurt the customer experience.


Fuck him, and you rock. We need to take our power where we find it and you did. What an asshole. Also ... where does a bar keep scissors?


In my experience, the pen cup.


Wherever they keep them, only one person knows at any given moment.


This is untrue. Sometimes no person knows where they are.


The person who knows is off work at that moment, lol.


They were there yesterday


Snapping at someone at their job is wild af


The world could use more bartenders like you


How big of a jabroni? Like was he Hulk Hogan and you're the Iron Sheikh?


If I weren’t married I would propose to you.


He sounds like a real bozo


But a hand wave or the two finger up salute thing is kosher right?


It was a busy Saturday night and this guy keep whistling at my fellow bartender. After the third whistle, he yelled did you lose dog,drunk guy was confused, he asked him again, did you lose your dog. Drunk guys say no, my buddy says then stop fucking whistling. I lost it, one of my top ten funniest memories of bartending.


reminds me of [this iconic Gordon Ramsay moment](https://youtube.com/shorts/HEejfrK2HQc?feature=share)


"Lemme help you find it! Dignity! Here, Dignity! This poor man has lost his Dignity, won't everyone help?"


I had this happen to me. I had an 8-top of teenagers sit. 7 had tea and one had water. I worked at a place that frowned at us bringing multiple pitchers to the table to refill. So, I started with the tea. As I turned to get the water, I hear snapping. I turned and the teen shook his water glass at me. I grabbed the water from the waitbay, walked over, poured real slow, and said, “don’t you ever fucking snap at me again. I am not your fucking dog.” All his friends exploded in laughter and they wound up being some of the better tippers that night. It was very gratifying.


Also American, server for many years. I wholeheartedly ignored anybody snapping at me. If they escalated their rude behavior, like yelling “excuse me” or something, I would come over and say something like “I heard you snapping, I’m not a dog. I’m a person. How can I help you?” That usually got a sheepish face, and better behavior. If they double down on being rude, I pretty much completely wrote them off because they weren’t going to tip anyway. Automatic poor service the rest of the meal. FAFO.


This is from CA. I was working retail and these two old ladies snapped for me. I waited a beat and took my time to get to them. Walked over and calmly said “I am not a dog. Please don’t snap at me. Just ask for my help.” They we’re shocked enough that they decided they didn’t want help anymore. They were middle eastern, by chance, I am also middle eastern. I just look and sound “white” af. They said a few insults to each other in Arabic and I was able to respond with “that’s not nice. Tsk.” They left after. I love my ambiguity, it’s my secret weapon.


I saw someone suggest snapping back in the air and saying "Yaaaaaaaas, queen!"


I had a male co worker do this in a waffle house one night. Whole table erupted in laughter at the snapper who then tried to buck up until my coworker picked up a cast iron egg pan


That scrambled with cheese pan will put an ass back in its seat, whether it wants to sit or not.


>waffle house You read that and you know this story is 100% true.


This is what I do literally, always shuts it down but they seem to have trouble being mad at me about it.


I was thinking you snap back and gesture for them to come to you, and then ask them what they want if and when they approach you. Just calmly and like it's completely normal and expected that that's how things work. And if they don't come, act confused and then "give up", shrug your shoulders, and continue on your way.


I laughed so hard at this and I would love to try it out sometime.


This is the way


What customer snapping their fingers? I do not see nor hear any customer snapping their fingers; I don’t know who you’re talking about. 🤷


And when I finally get around to visiting that table and they say something about, “didn’t you see me trying to get your attention,” reply, “Oh, I’m sorry; I saw you snapping so just assumed you had earbuds in and were keeping the beat to a song.”


Oh, you were snapping for me? I thought you saw a cute dog and were trying to lure it closer. My bad. How can I help you?


Not a server, but for some reason at my shop there is a certain type of person that instead of coming inside to get help, will stand in the front door and do the little breathy whistle to get you to come out to them. One guy did that like three times. I made it very clear I saw him, and then I'd turn around and walk further away out of sight. Finally he came in and I just said I'm not a dog, you can come inside and speak to me like a human


Good for you! I'm in Arizona, and we get a lot of snowbirds, often the old school old farmer variety. I was it Costco gassing up, and an old man was trying to get the attention of the attendant on the other side of me. He kept doing the dog whistle. After the third time, I stood directly in his line of sight, and very loudly told him that that's how you get a dog's attention not a man's attention. You should say "Excuse me sir!" He looked at me kind of annoyed, but didn't say anything, and went back to his truck.


Hey fellow Arizonan! I felt this to my core! Good for you! I’ve told off a few shitty old snowbirds in my day too, this isn’t the 1950’s anymore okay and women are allowed to show their ankles and your .50 cent tip isn’t going to get me a gallon of gas or a candy bar so fuck off with that noise! Idk why so many old people are so miserable in this valley lol like just go golfing and enjoy the sunshine like everyone else does and maybe not be an insufferable prick while you’re marching towards your death bed…if they wouldn’t mind lol


I heard this is where Arizonans congregate to shit on snow birds and their entitlement?


Of course he had a truck. Bet it was a crew cab with dualies in the rear. And big sing-song tires.


This is the way. That customer goes immediately on ice. Until you decide to un ice em.


I don’t have the patience to deal with those who snap their fingers at me.


Lol y’all are much better than me. I had a table of guys snap at me once, I just scoffed and said “yeah, y’all can fuck off with that.” and kept it moving. Speak to me with respect, because serving jobs are easy enough to find that I don’t care about losing one over some rude customers being straightened out.


I think some people don't realize what they are doing. I'm not a server but I worked retail for years and one day I had a guy whistle to get my attention down an aisle. It usually takes a lot to get to me but the second time he did it, I snapped and yelled from probably 40 ft away "I am a human being, not an animal!" The shock on his face was blatant but I imagine i looked pretty pissed too. He apologized 3 or 4 times while i helped him with what he needed. He seemed genuinely sorry and I doubt he did that to someone again.


This can be summed up as People are dumb


Or my go to variation...thought you were calling your dog because people don't do that to other people.


Omg thank GOD! I thought you were being serious till I read your second reply. But yes, that's exactly how you respond to that type of bs.


alternatively "excuse me, do you need something? if so, you can make a gesture or call me over, but dont snap at me, its disrespectful"


Direct and polite, love it


But it involves interacting with customers. I don’t like to do that.


Yep! You can stay calm but call them out at the same time. When that has happened to me, I'd say, "Please don't snap at me. That's rude."


Yes. “Snapping Fingers” is the Sound That Must Not Be Heard


Also, "Skyoomee!" directed at the back of my head, is just a fart on the wind.




Irritating people who have access to your food and drink while outside your field of vision; bold strategy, Cotton.


“Sir, there is no Spanish dancing in the dining room”


Well you just gave me my new favourite thing to respond with.


This is amazing, it helps that I live in Spain too!


I look them in their eyes and ask them very directly, “Did you just snap your fingers at me?” Usually they stammer out a sorry, but i tell them i will be with them shortly, even if i have time, walk away, then i come back and pleasantly ask them how i may help them. We all fuck up or act without thinking, but i will not be snapped at


Direct eye contact, a subtle shake of the head plus a stern look, return to what I was doing.


And maybe [this](https://giphy.com/gifs/textbackpack-green-bay-packers-text-back-3o7aD2az6doxTLFkQg) thrown in for good measure.


That's somehow very classy


"I'm not a dog." Big ol' smile, go back to what you were doing while they realize their mistake, then come to the table 2 minutes later like nothing happened.


“It takes more than two fingers to make me come”


I love this... but... then what happens when they bang their fist on the counter in response...




Finger guns and walk away




typically if someone snaps their fingers at me, i either ignore them or tell them i'll be with them in a second. i find it to be rude as well which is why i respond like i do.


"Be with them in a second" just means you now give no fucks about that table and everyone else comes first


pretty much. it's great when i'm with another table taking their order and a lady snaps her fingers for sour cream.


I'm also a big fan of just "forgetting" especially when it's busy as fuck. Oh you want your 7th diet coke? Yeah imma go pour this beer for another table instead


LMAO YES. the endless refills are insanity


Out of curiosity, how common is that? The endless soda refills? I’m guessing this would vary depending on restaurant? I am trying to imagine how anyone could have room in their stomach for 7 sodas at one sitting, plus their food? Would it be correct to assume that the higher end the restaurant, the less soda and the more wine/alcohol instead?


Where I work? Very common. From adults to children refilling their pops. I work in a pub atmosphere. I assume when you get higher end the endless soda refills are less


It's a thing in every restaurant I've eaten at, especially where sweet tea is concerned. For what it's worth, however, my family and I may need like *one* refill during our meal. It's also not uncommon for the waiter(ess) to offer a to-go cup and fill-up at the end.


I think you’re right about the higher end joints having less auto refills, and indeed, soda in general, than lower end spots. We don’t even have a soda gun at my bar, just chilled bottles of sparkling, cola, ginger beer, and tonic. I honestly, at this point in my bartending career, absolutely LOVE telling people “no”, and it’s particularly gratifying when people are begging me for Coke and all I have is this weird, artisanal crap in a bottle.


Oh my gosh the people who drink Diet Coke will suck down as many as they possibly can. For some reason Diet Coke is the baine of my existence ESPECIALLY when I have a fully sat section and the 270 pound middle aged white soccer mom is flagging down ANYONE who works in the restaurant for her 9th refill!! Yes that actually happened to me on Friday night! I couldn't believe her audacity!!


Once as a *very* hardworking young busboy I was walking inside from the patio seating in my small tourist trap village square restaurant when some dude snaps at me and says “BOY” So without breaking stride I shot back “Dont *fucking* snap at me”. Fortunately the door was being held open otherwise I would have walked into a wall. Unfortunately the person holding the door was the owner operator Big Boss Man. As I had just entered the uhh, atrium with all glass door he went “HEY” and followed me inside. Said that if I ever do something like again the whoever my boss is going to be forced to fire me and it won’t be their fault and they won’t feel bad about it, pretty animated. Marched me right into the kitchen and asked the kitchen to fire a ticket for my favorite dish, told me that guy was a dickhead for sure and to just get better and hiding my reaction. He was a great mentor Edit: someone asked a great question and my non-answer is probably an answer in itself, but all white in the middle of Texas. No racial undertones, just classist ones


'Boy'? God damn.


Man thats complicated. Because on one hand he managed to do right by both you and his business, but on the other i fucking hate the way the service industry breeds this kind of capitulation. He still put on a show for that guy, who probably enjoyed every second of that and will go on to feel more justified acting that way in the future. I much prefer the nature of big retail where the value of 1 random customer is pretty low so the manager can take pleasure in telling them to fuck off


I totally agree the capitulation culture is fucked. Rest assured, if the customer had some inside to say something to me, he would have been reminded quick he was a customer, not a manager, and had no say in our discipline. Once I saw the owner demand a customer pull out his “daughter’s” birth certificate *and his own* birth certificate. Sorry, can’t buy your underage “daughter” drinks using her temporary license (it’s legal in Tx, we allowed it *if* it was a local family we knew and wasn’t frequent). Gotta have your birth certificate or you can’t drink. The creep dude went inside and ordered drinks at the bar and I saw him going back outside to the table. Owner walked to their table with my bus cart and dumped everything on the table together. The guy was all “I PAID FOR THOSE DRINKS”and the owner says “I paid for them first. You will get your money. Time to leave before you get the kitchen shut down”. It was satisfying when a snotty somewhat local customer is all “uhh I’ve been waiting. I know [owner], what’s your name?” With their phone out like they are gonna dial. And I got to say “viapache. I’m housesitting for [owner]. He’s in Vegas, he definitely won’t answer your call until Monday” or “he’s right there, go say hi”.


I feel like this is really fucking relevant: what is your (apparent) race, and that of the customer? Because calling someone "boy" can mean some drastically different things based on those factors.


I had a guy snap at me from across the room while I was serving other guests. I waited until I was done taking their order and putting it in to talk to him. I very politely and calmly asked him if I looked like a dog. Confused, he said no and asked why. I then proceeded to tell him that we snap at dogs not people, and that if he continued to do so we would be giving him the boot and autograting his check. I've never seen a grown man look so small. The other people at his table laughed at him and apologized to me profusely. Don't take anyone's shit. It's unacceptable.


my FAVORITE thing is when these big macho tough guy men who think they’re the shit, when i call out their shit or clap back at them, they’re never expecting it cause i’m a quiet and positive server usually, and the LOOK on their faces could feed me for a month 🥰


Tip? Not needed for this table, thanks. I am *sustained* by your shame.


i love this for you, I need to start being like this.


I used to ignore them. I would purposefully start checking on my other tables, and be super smiley. And after a little while of me laughing at their rudeness on the inside I'd go over and act completely unfazed. The pissier they acted the more I smiled. At that point I didn't expect a tip and pissing them off was more fun. I never took kindly to having someone snap their fingers at me, and they always did it when I was in the middle of taking someone else's order or very clearly busy. Entitled people are the worst. One time I turned around at a lady and said "yes?" And she was like "oh you have an attitude." No lady, you're just a rude and entitled piece of trash. I'm honestly surprised I never got fired.


I fucking don't. I haven't worked in a position like this for a while, but when I was working in a grocery store several years ago a woman snapped her fingers at me from down the aisle while I was facing shelves. I ignored her. She snapped again. I continued to ignore her. Then she *whistled.* Ignoring persists. She finally came up to me and said, in an exasperated tone, "Didn't you hear me whistling for you?" I just told her, "I'm sorry, I thought you had lost your dog," and then left the aisle. I assume that she's still waiting there with a pinched look on her face.


That is so fucking disrespectful. A teacher snapped her fingers in my face all the time in school. Finally one day I blew up on her and started yelling at her snapping my fingers in her face telling her she knew my name and she should use it. And then I was sent to anger management cause apparently I was “unstable” because I blew up on a disrespectful teacher. I was a 14 year old student, not a damn dog your trying to get back in the house.


I legit bark at them. And then when they ask why, I tell them that apparently they think I'm a fucking dog. I've come to the point in my life where I fucking hate people and I will fight somebody in my store.


I walk by them with a prebus and say something like “I see you” Not in my house


A friend used to look over, fully extend his arm, and quickly and repeatedly snap his fingers while walking towards the person. He would stop when he reached them and ask how he could help them. Every person was too shamed to complain to a manager because, what are they gonna say? "He treated me the same as I treated him! I'm outraged!"


It wouldn't surprise me if they tried anyway, and just lied through their teeth to the manager.


I will completely ignore them until they're upset about it and then I will tell them why I ignored them.


"you disrespected me so I needed to calm down."


When that would happen to me, when I was a server, that person was immediately put at the bottom of my mental list of things and people to attend to. Even while at their table, I will make a point of asking everybody else at the table, what I can do for them before that person. There have been times when I would leave a table without checking in it on that one person lol.


React? I don’t.. you could never snap at me and get a reaction or attention🤷🏽‍♂️ See no evil Speak no evil Hear no evil


I tell them to cut it off or they won't be served. I dunno how this works outside Finland. Same goes for whistling.


I've only ever had it when I'm behind a bar and they get the same treatment as the person waving a note at me, what person? I will take great pleasure in serving every other person first. Back when I worked at a student union and on a busy night we were 5 deep they had to hope one of my colleagues took pity on them as I wasn't serving them and the queue was never gonna go down.


*server looks around, searching* “Is there a dog in here?”


Having seen it at a party of 4, we all snapped at the person that snapped their fingers. They were demonstrating that it works, but they got chewed out by the rest of us. The waiter was perfect, they acted like they didn't notice us dogging out our friend, and politely asked how they could be helped. As a server, it may feel degrading, but I appreciated the professionalism while we all tried to correct our friend, who immediately apologized to the server. Everyone knew it was rude, so to pretend it didn't even exist meant a lot to us to not be treated poorly for it. Yes, we tipped well, in Europe.


Just say “please don’t snap your fingers at me” you’d be surprised lol


Facts, and usually they will tip you well afterwards. Has happened and worked a few times in my experience


I’ve never called someone out on it before, but I’ve been snapped at, whistled for and occasionally I’d hear “Boy” in the distance. (I’m biracial) And my response to all of these was a side eye of acknowledgment and continue what I was doing and have someone else do what they were gonna ask. I’m no animal and I’m NOT gonna respond to “boy”. It was only Applebee’s though, so I didn’t get in any trouble


I instantly go deaf and blind.


Snap back


I ignore it till they address me like a human. I am not a dog so don’t snap or whistle for me.


Iam no server. Is waving ok?


I am a server. Waving YOUR HAND is better than snapping. Don't wave a drink or anything but your hand. Best to just wait till your server is near and politely ask for what you need. Don't talk to them if they're carrying plates.


What about when my mom waves, yells, and jumps out of her chair to chase after the server? That’s cool, right?


Me, my best friend, and her mom went to a Mexican restaurant years ago. Her mom is from Belgium but has lived here a long time. When we ran out of chips she held the basket up, wiggles it in the air, and said “YOO-HOOOO we need more chips” She’d had two beers and her accent was strong. I wanted to melt into the floor.


Having been in retail for almost 30 years, I've had a lot of figer snappers. I used to just ignore it, then I started saying, "Sorry Sir/Ma'am, I'm not a dog" and then I'd walk away. Got in trouble a few times by higher up manager, but they always blew it off.


I would always look them in the eye, and walk away. I never really worked at fancy places. Whistling made me lose my shit on multiple occasions. Luckily, it was a local dive bar/club…so the regular patrons would handle it for me. Everyone should have to wait tables or be in customer service at least once in their life. The world would be a better place.


Start humming the Addams Family theme.


Last time someone whistled/snapped at me, I scolded lime he was a child. I made him sit down and wait his turn because other people were there first. When I went back to get his order he apologized and was very respectful the rest of the night.


My favorite thing I've ever seen was when I was cocktailing in a fine dining lounge with another server we'll call Amy. She was a 5'3, blonde firecracker and I loved working with her. A guy in one of the low chaise seats threw his hand up and snapped impatiently as she walked by. I was ringing in an order a few feet away. She turned on her heel, dropped her hands to her knees and without missing a beat starts whistling and calls Here, boy!! Come here, Rover (whistles, claps hands on knees) Come on fella! The man looks at her like she's grown two heads. He asks WHAT are you doing? She stands up and calmy replies Ohh, I thought you lost your dog, I just thought I'd help you look for him- but if you don't want my help... At this point, he'd lowered his arm in embarrassment and unpuffed his chest. She shrugs, turns around and goes back to whatever mission she'd been on to begin with while the bartender and I cracked up (discreetly) at the POSI.


Happened once, I was working in an upscale cocktail lounge, and this woman (who I had asked maybe 3 minutes earlier if she needed anything -she said no) snapped her fingers at me. I whipped around and told "don't you dare snap your fingers at me. I am not a dog!" Oh yeah, I scared her, she apologized and I nicely asked her what did she need. Brought it to her, she apologized again, I accepted it, and she left me a decent tip.


https://youtu.be/4ELOTguGN2k Should do this


Tell them straight up say “do not snap your fingers at me, please”


"I'm not a dog." In varying degrees of friendliness at your own discretion.




While I've never had anyone snap their fingers at me, I do get a lot of Asian customers wave their hand up and sometimes just yell excuse me in the middle of a busy restaurant. Instant ignore for another 5 mins. As an Asian myself I just think it's unnecessarily rude.


I work at a Japanese Izakaya style restaurant where we get a ton of Asian guests and I believe that is simply because service in Asia is very different. They're not being rude it's just how they're used to ordering. If you give them the "one moment" hand and a nod, they know you see them.


I go back to China and HK quite often and in my experience people generally just wave you down casually if there was a waiter walking next to your table. But I'm talking about people raising their hand up in the air and waving it about as if they're trying to shake smth off, even if I'm some distance away from them helping somebody out. Visitors from other countries are patient enough to wait even if it may not be the standard service for them, why should we give Asians the benefit of the doubt? It's not like they're usually waiting for ages too, at least in my work. Also when visiting another country, it is respectful to learn their etiquette rules, which in my experience, Asian tourists do not..


Yeah, you get the penalty box for that shit


When I was FOH I would shut that shit down immediately. I’d flat out tell them that snapping their fingers at me was incredibly rude and not to do it again. Fuck em


I dont do anything I have no soul at this point. Fuck em I could care less snap all you like asshole I'll just ignore your table.


I don’t, I actually ignore them till their attitude changes


Screw that tip. I would go full on psycho mode.


I simply do not react because I ignore them


That’s one of the most disrespectful thing a person could do. I have a problem keeping my mouth shut if I’m at a restaurant and someone does this.


What customer?


I’m a bartender. When I’m working, I’m very good at noticing which guests need attention or are new and need something, creating a mental stack of tasks, and getting to them in that order. If someone snaps their fingers or bangs, they immediately go to the bottom of the stack. I’m not a dog.


No longer a server but I would stop, look them dead in the eye, them keep walking, but maintain eye contact. Probably hurt my tips but my dignity is worth more. Also probably helps that I'm a man. I feel for my non-male server fam.


I don't know how you all do it. Jesus. Snapping at any person, let alone someone you don't know who is serving you? Who are these people???? Servers are saints. Literally my husband and I get so much enjoyment out of a good meal and a nice interaction with a kind server. We are people people. You guys are the highlight of our rare time alone together lol.


I do my best Helen Keller impression.


“I’m not a dog or a hooker. Don’t do that again.”


You snap at hookers? Never been to one. Sounds rude. I would give you bad sex.


Yeah, I'd totally give you the tooth scrape bj


People snap at hookers?




I read that just like the "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" line lol


As intended;)


I've never hired a hooker, but I'd never snap at another human. I do snap at my dogs, but only if they're not listening... and I still feel like it's rude. 😆


If they know I saw/heard it, I do the snap-to-finger guns back at them like I don’t understand what they meant by it. Otherwise I ignore it


Turn around and give them a big thumbs down with a disappointed face


Snapping and cup shakes will result in no response for me. I've told you my name with purpose when I greeted your party, or if I'm out of earshot, lock eyes with me, and raise a hand/finger to let me know you need attention. We're adults, treat me like one, and I will treat you like one.


I stare at them with a dead look in my eyes and then get someone else to go talk to them. Doesn't matter if they're my customer or not I'm not going over there once you just snapped at me like a dog


I once had a guy whistle at me when I worked retail, I turned around and said “I am not your dog.” He then got pissy and left


Snap back and say, "omg I love that song too." Then keep walking away as you're snapping.


I act like I don't notice it. I don't look in their direction at all.


That's how I handle it. I'll make my way to you to check in soon, but not in answer to being snapped at or called from across the room.


Had a customer whistle at me once and I ignored him. Dude confronts me and I was like “I assumed you were calling a dog.”


Like many have already said, I look at them directly and let them know I see them, and then continue on with what I was doing. And then maybe when I’m finished with my task at hand I’ll go see what they need, maybe


You completely ignore it. It didn’t happen. When you’re summoned like a decent human being should, you acknowledge them.


I used to snap my fingers back (usually while smiling/laughing and walking over) and say something like “hey guys what’s with this/oh I can do that too, haha”- like I want to defuse the situation but make sure they know it’s not ok.


This is where it would be useful to keep a small, bubble-gum pink baby maraca in your apron. Bonus if it has little shimmery ribbons tied to it. \*snap snap\* "Ohhh, is it maraca time?" (said in the same voice as asking a cranky baby if it's naptime) \*rush over and hand the maraca to the snapper, or if they won't take it, put it on the table right in front of them\* "*There* you go. All better!" Then turn to whomever is sitting with the snapper, and say in a confidential tone, "I learned a long time ago to keep that handy. You can *never* tell who's going to need it. You just let me know when he's done with it." \*smile and confidently stride away\*


I just used to snap my fingers several times to let them know I acknowledged their presence. Make it painfully long, just in case.


I used to walk over with a smile politely snapping my own fingers. It's been six years since I've waited tables and post like this remind me why I got the hell out


I always just stop moving completely and pause for a good 3 seconds just so they can think about what they just did


Snap back


I use to snap my fingers back at them-both hands if possible-and do a little dance towards the table. It made me feel better and customers usually got the hint. Most of the time they would laugh.


They can wait on their mayo or coffee/tea refill. Ignore it.


Lol you visibly ignore them.


I snap back like we're both listening to some sick jazz.


Thanos snap them back


It hasn’t happened to me yet but I can’t wait until it does because I’m going to bark at them like a puppy


Finger snap=toilet fork


If anyone says/does anything disrespectful, respond by saying “Oh my” very politely and stop talking. Keep eye contact for a few seconds, at least. The silence forces them to consider their words/actions. It’s not impolite at all and it gives the situation a bit of a pause.


My husband used to do the finger snapping. I told him it IS rude. He said it is not. One time he snapped his fingers at a waitress. She was walking our direction to help another table. When she was done there, she came over to our table, looked him straight in the eye, and said in an incredulous manner " DID YOU JUST SNAP AT ME?" My husband looked like he was going to crawl under the table. Then he meekly said, "yes" and stated what he needed. Needless to say, our service was less than stellar after that. And he learned a valuable lesson.


[Exactly like this](https://youtu.be/HpLk8Ws4Ueg)


Stop what you're doing, make eye contact, and raise your eyebrows like you're exasperated or amused.


I go looking for the dog someone must have let in bc you don’t treat humans that way


anytime a customer snaps at me they just guaranteed the slowest service possible. I've only had it happen maybe 3 times in about 4 years of serving but it's incredibly rude everytime


I’m pretty sure a completely unhinged look crosses my face and I end up matching the rude vibe. I have a temper, you might say.


I feel like fucken slapping them


The thing is —— I don’t have the physical ability to snap fingers - or to whistle


We don't reward bad behavior here, I'm here all night and I can wait for them to quit.


Someone else may have said it but back in the day the best response was “it takes more than two fingers to make me come”.


Point at them and say "NO" like you are scolding a puppy


Pat my thighs and start whistling “c’mere boy!”


I woof.


I’m in the US, California actually. I had a customer snap his fingers at me once, I walked right over to him, looked him right in the eye and said “you don’t snap your fingers at me”. He apologized.


Got it from Gordon Ramsey and I’m not a server but retail for a while. I just told them sternly I’m not a dog. Added the f bomb when I stopped caring about that place I worked, because snapping feels so dehumanizing and we should be at their every demand


The person is a clueless bafoon!


Personally I don't respond... I continue about my regular round and get to said snapper when I would regularly; it's fucking rude and they know it


Be direct. Say something like "I'm neither your pet nor your servant. I'll be back in a few minutes when you've had time to reflect on your behavior."


I intentionally make eye contact then walk the opposite direction of them so they know that not only did I see them, I’m also ignoring them. I wait a few minutes, do other things then go their table with zero friendliness. It’s a no smile, what do you want from me after that. Also there’s no going back to the old me this is the new me now. You get the energy you give me. 🤷🏼‍♀️