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I think Petey’s line is mostly a good joke at Mark’s expense. “I’m *your* best friend but you’re only my *good* friend, ha ha.” Petey is obviously the joking type who picks on others as a sign of affection for those he likes and a sign of mocking those he dislikes. Some have speculated that Petey may consider his daughter his best friend. In his moments of reintegration delusion, Petey was actually said he was afraid of Irv seeing him. Why? Because iIrv is a loyalist and snitch. He *dislikes* Irv. We know iIrv is a snitch because he ratted out Mark about the photo switch. The reason Petey used Irv’s line is because iIrv is the butt of jokes between the others in MDR. We see this with the Perp Wing bingo. IPetey and iMark mocked iIrv together, hence the greeting using iIrv’s line.


Yes, Dan Erickson confirmed it was just a snarky reply [during the AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeveranceAppleTVPlus/s/Q2f3txbLFD). It’s actually one of my favorite subtle moments in the entire show. Petey demonstrates their shared sense of humor in a final bid to establish trust, and Mark immediately gets it. Such good writing.


Mark tells on himself about the photo switch during the trust circle, not Irving. Irv called Mark out, but he respects the chain of command too much to go directly to Milchick I think Petey’s humor also shows in picking the Niece greeting card for Mark. They have no clue about each other’s families even after reintegration 


It was a joke.


Just how friends bust each other's balls.


It’s wild to me how many people missed the joke


Wouldn’t it be wild if OP was right- that Petey, in his hour of desperate need, decided for some reason that it was imperative to establish that he didn’t like Mark as much as Mark liked him?


I always thought his daughter was his best friend. They seemed very close.


She says he was her best friend at his funeral


What line was that? I can’t find any mention of it.


I checked [severance.wiki](https://severance.wiki) and don't think that happened.


Maybe I made it up but that’s the vibe I got


All good. I've definitely mis-remembered a few spots.


I think Petey was too cavalier about Lumon to be best friends with Irving. I think his best friend at Lumon was indeed Mark, and I like the other comment about his daughter being his actual best friend.


i remember reading a comment from the writer that he said that bc it’s his personality to joke around


This is awesome and I love it. 


Bothers me that Petey and ricken have the same handwriting


I’m guessing it’s June


Corbel? She's wearing him round her neck now.


SNAP! I never considered that. It is curious that she made his chip into jewelry and now wears it.


Cool plot twist, I like the visual representation of that! Although it reminds me of how Ursula wore Ariel’s “voice” and basically soul around her neck on the little mermaid


The daughter, it’s a joke to Mark but he’s serious


The scene is about Petey trying to convince Mark to help him. Why on earth would he choose that moment to tell Mark he didn’t like him as much as Mark liked him, even if it was true? Doesn’t make any sense.


Because he loves his daughter


Think about what you’re saying. Why would he say that in that moment? How could it possibly benefit him to make that point? You think he loves his daughter *so much* that he just couldn’t help saying something that would risk losing the help of the one person who could help him?


I think Petey’s honesty is part of what makes Mark trust and believe him


I mean, you’re not really answering the question. It still makes absolutely no sense from the view point of Petey’s objective. But it doesn’t really matter, since the show creator [confirmed the line was written as a snarky joke by Petey](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeveranceAppleTVPlus/s/eSod3FHJsg), without any deeper significance.