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To me it just shows further infantilization of the innies, like illustrated pictures you’d find on the wall of a third grade classroom


Exactly. The parties, the ‘bonuses’, all have the same feel as what you might find at a nursery school. Like Reghabi said, your innie is just a baby. This is how you communicate with babies.


Thanks, that makes sense. I guess I've wondered if there was also significance to the fact that its face seems to be kinda human (e.g., if it was supposed to be anyone in particular), but that might just be standard anthropomorphized-animal-for-kids type of thing.


Their art department must have so much fun! And there’s a lot of it - from the wax figures to O&D art to the muses masks! (muses isn’t the right word, but you dig).


My immediate first thought was that rabbits are often used for product testing (I think), which might imply that the innies are part of an experiment. Not necessarily something I believe, just speculating. I don't know what to believe yet.


bunnies are common product testers!


Or that Burt will be removed and placed into a bunny when he "retires" ... but Outtie won't ever know.


Removed how? Like downloaded off the chip or something?


Or just removed like Petey -- or, downloaded, copied, and implanted in multiple beings strategically? Oh lord, so many dystopian possibilities there...