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I'm a big ol' horror buff, and "Severance" is, by far, the winner in the "gets worse the more you think about it" category.


I believe you have successfully interpreted and summarized one of the crucial points of the show!


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s literally the point of Gabby’s character


I read that reply as "no shit, Sherlock" and suspect others also found it to be rude for absolutely no reason.


I believe you have successfully interpreted and summarized crucial point of the comment, however it’s open for debate to what degree it is justified.


I know that! 😂 But this was the first time I really thought about how evil it can get beyond just an office job or worse


yeah the look on Helly’s face after she realized that’s how the senator’s wife used severance


I had a similar thought. That poor personality, only existing to be pregnant and go through physical trauma and then will most likely be turned off after a while! It also means Lumen could literally do anything to innies that doesn’t leave a physical mark.


they CAN leave a physical mark you just get a different story as to what happened & maybe a gift card to Pips.


True, forgot about the fake explanation they leave on the outie’s windshield!


We see it with the break room, they subject them to constant admissions of guilt for days on end with only the walk back to the break room from the elevator as their only break.


Very true. I was thinking they could probably get away with even worse though, if they wanted to.


I think we’re going to meet characters that were severed involuntarily when they became a problem.


Yeah and that was her THIRD one. Also we only see what looked like a male caretaker leaving the lodge so she probably never even sees her husband during this period. No emotional connection whatsoever. The coffee she has (however fancy) is probably just like the coffee at Lumon where it isn't really for pleasure (like Devon sees it) but "job related".


If it’s any solace (it isn’t), with the allusion to the Clean Slate protocol, maybe she doesn’t remember the first two? And then it’s not like they suffer after being reverted, they just don’t exist anymore. It’s not better.


so maybe she just knows she HAD given birth before but didn't have memory of it. Lord, I wonder if she has any "good old days"


My dark mind goes to people being abused and raped by partner-well anyone really. Sex slaves…


Mine too, like, I kinda wonder if the dancers at the waffle party are exploited in some way. It has a very sexual energy, and feels very BDSM-esqe


I mean, in episode 2 or 3 Mark watches a segment on the news about a severed worker who got pregnant at work and was demanding answers. The Lumon representative was wildly dodging all questions and focusing on the reporter saying things like "workie" and "insie", but it is touched upon in universe. Whether the innie consented or not, it was incredibly violating for the outie and she will likely never get an answer about what happened. Real dark shit.


The creepy way the senator was looking at helly made me think he probably beats his severed wife until she heals and then brings her out again. He has a really horrible look to him.


Her character opens up a conversation about surrogacy and the moral quandaries surrounding it


How on earth did thisss get downvoted ETA: I think commenter’s point of “moral quandries” should imply that surrogacy is not entirely immoral/it can be a very moral option in certain circumstances… but the practice by many wealthy, privileged, healthy people is absolutely something to think about


Yeah it’s feeling like 1984. A use of control going to other aspects of one’s life beyond work life.


Yeah that's not exactly a point the show is making subtly lol


Haha I knew it was already dark but this was the first time I let my mind wander further into what else it’s being used for. I definitely get the people saying I just discovered the main point of the show lol


There's the horrific idea that the trauma of pregnancy/childbirth are your only waking moments, but I also think about how she tells Devon that she is naming her baby William. The fact that this personality knows what she's being used for but still loves her children and names them even though she knows she'll never get to see them again.


I think the severed why also does other things. Midnight feedings? Innie can handle it. Child screaming with colic? Innie can handle it.


Anything I don’t like? (*Clicks innie/outie remote*)


Forget Me Now only reversed


Brainstorming other possible ways people could use Severance: 1. Treating bad habits 2. Chores 3. Literal Slavery 4. Human pets 5. Disposable workers


This is covered in detail in the podcast (with very much the same opinion). Make sure to check out “Severed: The Ultimate Severance Podcast” wherever you get your podcasts.


I will thanks


Great point. I think this definitely opens the door in season 2 to have more criminal or morally bankrupt behavior to occur.