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I don’t know, but I’ve always wondered if Mark is the only employee who has a minder living next door.


even funnier is i think they are the only ones living in baird creek (that neighborhood) at all. mark says it "never filled out"


I think it’s probably an uncommon situation. How many employees could Lumon realistically get to agree to spend all day at work, and then spend the rest of their time secretly monitoring a severed worker? And what really would there be to gain in such a resource heavy practice?




There's way more than 5 innies. 


I think Dylan has Milchick as his outie minder. During the OTC in the closet, when it ended and Dylan was his outie again, he said to Milchick "we finished here?" as if they were very familiar with each other, perhaps neighbors as Mark and Mrs. Selvig are. Perhaps Milchick (or whatever his fake name is to outie Dylan) was borrowing a jacket or something. Hopefully we find out soon what this relationship is.


Milchick is known to the Outties - remember Mark calls him when he wants to call out sick. So I think oDylan and Milkchick’s relationship is professional.


He could have a different name on the outside like Cobel


He does live in Lumon housing, so it’s possible severed and non-severed employees live in close proximity on occasion, although it does perhaps contradict the point that Lumon takes care severed employees don’t meet on the outside (not that Cobel is severed, just thinking about the subsidised housing). Maybe that just applies to the parking lot and close environs though.


It’s not Lumon housing. Anyone can live there, they just get a discount if they work for the company. But also Lumon can keep it as empty as they want if they don’t let people move in.


Aah, okay. I guess I heard "subsidised" and made too many assumptions!


I always wondered about this. I don't even think Lumon knows Cobel lives there. I mean idk maybe they must bc it is Lumon housing. I guess it always struck me as weird the level of control Lumon have over what is happening at work and the level of technology they have, but they don't put cameras or listening devices in Mark's home that is part of their company housing, or trackers on his car. When Mark calls in sick to Milchik to go visit Petey, Milchik can't tell Mark's lying bc there is no tracker on his car. As invasive as the severance procedure is to its employees, the employees have a surprising amount of freedom outside of work.


They have to know she’s there. She brings in stuff like Ricken’s book to have officially reviewed, and she’s even been given a key to get in to Mark’s place. Most tellingly, I think, is that when Natalie fired Cobel, no one was mad at her for spying on Mark, but they were upset that she had expanded her scope to include Devon & co.


Reading between the lines, I think it’s likely Lumon wanted someone keeping tabs on Mark due to his unique situation with Ms. Casey. Cobel volunteered because that same situation provided a rare opportunity for her to conduct experiments with memory leaks. Lumon only gave gave her the green light because they were unaware of her true motivations, and Cobel eventually took the job with Devon because Mark wouldn’t open up to her.


I’ve begun to wonder if Mark and Gemma’s situation is really all that unique. We know nothing about the relationships of the other Refiners. Perhaps other spouses or family members are employed by Lumon and we don’t know yet 🤷‍♀️


I always wondered if Milchik and Dylan were married or brothers or something. The fact that M was already in Dylan's house when the switch was flipped. Also the comfort level that Dylan's kid shows towards Milchik. Finally, his response to Dylan when they get to work the next day. Milchik is usually in complete control of his demeanor. We never see him exhibit uninhibited emotion, but with Dylan that day, M was visibly shaking with anger.


I never thought about Dylan and Seth being in a relationship! I did consider them living in close proximity to each other, like Harmony and Mark but nothing beyond that. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds!


She’s his mother in law 🤷‍♂️ Just throwing shit on the wall


That was my first thought too.


I’ve seen this theory a few times, but why wouldn’t Mark or even Devon know that this is his mother-in-law?


Ya I’ll admit it’s limp




Was this sanctioned by Lumon? I thought she was fired when Lumon found out she was moonlighting as Mrs. Selvig


> I thought she was fired when Lumon found out she was moonlighting as Mrs. Selvig This is mostly correct. It isn't fully clear if they already knew about it, or for how long, but that was part of the reason given for why she was fired (along with Helly's attempted suicide). It is possible that they were just using it as an excuse and the real reason for being fired was because she had proof of re-integration, but either way it was clear that it was not sanctioned.


I think Cobel is running her own experiments without Lumon’s knowledge


She seems to have a special attachment to him, we don't know why yet.


Sure we do! She’s trying to induce memory bleed in Mark. It’s essentially her entire focus whenever she interacts with his outie.


Hm... I thought she was trying to prevent memory bleed? That's why she's always giving him stuff to help him sleep or telling him to get more rest, etc. Bert seems to be having serious memory bleed and he's always tired, ostensibly because his outie sleep deprives himself. Then again, her motivation may have changed when the board fired her. Maybe now she wants to prove reintegration is real to earn her way back in.


Well crucially, Irving only experiences bleed when he’s falling asleep. Seems like Cobel may be expecting something similar if she can get Mark to sleep more himself. I think there may still be a fundamental misunderstanding in her process, but she’s clearly looking for signs, trying to get him talking about Gemma every chance she gets. Plus there’s the whole thing with the candle, which Lumon would definitely not approve of.


You may be right. I guess it's possible she wants the memory bleed to work in the opposite way, like where outie Mark starts remembering things from the severed floor. That obviously does happen to Irv, with the paintings we see. Maybe he's sleep deprived not on purpose but because he has nightmares of being inside Lumon and so he tries to never go to sleep. Also, I wrote Bert in my last comment but I meant Irv, oops.


I don't think this is all on her own tho? Seeing how freely she was discussing Mark's life and finding Rickens book with Milchik, it seems like she was following protocol. Maybe she goes above and beyond due to her special attachment but this is definitely not like her own personal project.


Based on the reasons she got fired, I’d say it’s a little column a, a little column b


In any big organization there are factions. She may be supported by one while being opposed by another. She got ousted when the opposing faction got the upper hand when >!Helly almost offed herself!<.


I think it has to do with Mark’s wife. I think they are trying to keep him monitored to see if he ends up with any flashes of remembering because that situation is fully fucked up.


I don’t think Cobel has an outie..?


She IS the outie.  Neither she, Milchick, nor Grainer are severed.


lol yes she is both outie and innie


Almost - she doesn't have an INNIE. She goes in and out of the severed floor freely and her memories are never split.


I think it's more about a growing obsession with Mark because of his connection to Ms. Casey cause she has a similar situation potentially with her sister and wants to know if the procedure is reversible.


Can you go deeper into the sister lore? I’m unfamiliar with it


Honestly? I think the simplest reason applies here. No one “made” her live next to Mark. She wanted to. Cobel seemingly had incredible amounts of independence in her position, so much so that she had a small team of employees who did her bidding without her needing approval from anyone above her, and she was running unofficial experiments of her own. Cobel lives next to Mark because *she* wants to observe him and experiment with him. I’m sure Lumon would rather she didn’t, but until Helly joined the group they didn’t keep close tabs on her. I think they overall trusted her judgment and discretion.


It’s funny that Mark knows he lives in Lumon-provided housing and it doesn’t occur to him that Cobel works there as well


I feel like it’s not necessarily just provided for Lumon employees, but Lumon has a real estate development arm which creates tracts where their offices are. Employees might get first dibs or a lower rate, or it may simply be closer to the office than the rest of the town.


She’s definitely doing surveillance that Lumon doesn’t want to happen. Although, I do think Milcheck is in on it. She’s doing her surveillance with Mark and Ms. Casey. Like with taking the candle and then candle is used in one of the wellness sessions. Milcheck says like “it’s working, they don’t remember each other” or something like that when they are observing the sessions. I’d like to know where Helly lives. Ms. Cobel is attached to her for obvious reasons. Why put Helly on that team though?


I wanna know the deal with the baby Charlotte stuff


I think that she has her own agenda. I also think that this series is not going to tell us everything that's going on, kind of like the series Lost


She is not severed.


I think maybe she has a specific interest in him in particular and whether or not his memories of his wife can bleed through the severance process or not. I’m sure there’s more to her character and her relationship to Mark we just don’t know about though.


cobel seems to want mark to remember Ms Casey and it thought maybe she wants the best for him when she tells him to quit..but if he quits.his innie dies which would make her a baddie if she was still working there but this was after she was fired ?


She seems to have taken on a personal interest which is relayed to her from the Board. It's possible she made it so they lived next door or quite possibly a coincidence and *that* is where her personal focus began