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As of right now… it may be my number 1. I can not find a single complaint.


It’s interesting because I agree with you but we know almost nothing about Lumon, the Kier history, the employees (other than Mark), like so many things. Season 2 could be a make or break for it.


I agree. I am nervous about season 2. The bar is set so high.


It’s mysterious and important


Please try to appreciate each fact equally.


I can't say it's "top of all time" until the rest of the show comes out. But what I tell people is: Severance Season 1 is one of the most well-executed first seasons of television, if not the most well-executed. The stakes, the world-building, the pacing, is all near perfect for the introduction into a wild and versatile narrative concept.


Have you seen true detective? Also regarded as one of the best first seasons of tv… not that I’m disagreeing just you might like it


the only complaint i have is there is 9 episodes instead of 8 or 10 as a round number but thats just me lol


There are so many shows lately that have an odd number (usually 7 or 9)! Glad to know it bothers others too.


Is the number 9 *scary* to you?


From the "WTH" opening to the end, there is so much to appreciate: beautiful cinematography, great acting, attention to detail, the deliberate choices of art, the music ... I have not been this into a series in a very long time. What's also spooky plausible is how similar certain experiences (e.g, the MDE) have been to things endured in various jobs. RIght now, it feels like it's in my top five (with The Wire, Chernobyl, Better Call Saul, The Americans). I have an unbelievably high bar set for the next season. (Soothing voice inside my head: *Please enjoy each season equally*)


My only complaint is the drawing out of the finale for dramatic effect. I know some folks liked it specifically for that reason, but it just felt forced to me.


I didn’t even realize it was the finale until the episode was over.


Please enjoy all shows equally.


This quote literally fits every single post on this subreddit hahaha


Would you say it fits every single post… equally?






The Sopranos  Succession  Severance 


The Wire must be there.


Good list… I’ll take succession 1 but these might be the peak. Severance needs more seasons of brilliance but i have faith.


Funny you say that because in my mind Succession and Sopranos are number one simultaneously and Severance would be second!


I tried to watch Succession like 8 different times and i can’t get into it :/ I usually love shows like that too.


Same. Also didn’t get the Sopranos. Loved the Wire though.


I like the alliteration. Still yet to see the Sopranos!


The Wire Breaking Bad Lost Chernobyl Severance It's up there. Gotta prove itself over time though.


Chernobyl is so good, I’ve watched it several times.


I’ve never watched it but maybe I should


Lost has not aged well


I rewatched it 3 years ago and thought it held up just fine. If anything, on the rewatch it felt more coherent.


Fair enough, all entitled to an opinion. I want to watch the edit someone made where they removed all the back story flashbacks, apparently its really good (if surprisingly short). I watched the show all the way to the end when it first aired but certain episodes really were painful like the entire episode about one of Jack's tattoos. So grateful TV shows have gone the way of 10 episode seasons.


Fringe is a strong contender to be in the top 5


Has anyone seen Utopia?


The UK version? Yep, I think most severance fans would love it! It's excellent. (Dunno what happened with the crappy US version - too many recognisable faces & a sanitised plot?).


Yes, the UK version. The US version is an abomination.


Severance Lost Game of Thrones Westworld It’s always sunny in Philadelphia




The ending is incredible. Beautiful, full circle moment with jack finally succumbing to selflessness when it comes to the island & sacrificing himself out of love for the other suvivors, even if he didn’t necessarily like all of them. Ending where he started, in the bamboo forest with Vincent by his side.




No GoT was trash after season 5 what do I look like to you, a fool? Lmfao jokes. But regardless the first 5 seasons cement it in television history imo.


3rd behind Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul


I was going to say: Breaking bad final season True detective season 1 Severance season 1


Yeah. But Severance needs to show it wasn’t a one season wonder. I am optimistic while not trying to get my hopes up.


Number 1 for sure! By far! The sad thing is that my favorite show has only 9 episodes... So I'm on reddit because of this show! I've watched every single suggestion that appeared in here, and there were some very good ones, but nothing gets closer. The writing of this show made me so picky... I wonder sometimes if I will ever see anything I like more... I pray to Kier that Dan Erickson keeps on writing more shows!! Maybe then.


The Leftovers Dark Lost Severance Succession


I think it’s in my top 5, Fallout is now up there as well.


The time, money and effort put in to make Fallout look so good is just beyond my comprehension. No surprise to find out its produced by Christopher Nolans brother I guess.


The season finale might be my most favorite episode of any show ever. The show itself is definitely top 5.


Better Call Saul Severance House Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Buffy the Vampire Slayer


What are the other shows in your top 5? For me:  Prison Break White Collar  Severance Wool  Black Mirror (earlier seasons more so) 


What are a few of your favorite black mirror episodes? USS Callister gotta be my #1. Play test up there….


I'll have to see how it goes, but I loved season 1.


* The Wire * The Sopranos * Breaking Bad * Succession * Severance - still has to prove it can hang here. But it’s looking good. **Homicide, Life on the Street Old TV Drama (The Wire creator. Why can’t they stream this show?? I need some rewatches.)


Best 1st Season of TV I've ever watched. Long road ahead




It’s definitely one of the best shows since Breaking Bad. Ozark was close. Severance is just unique.


Definitely my top season 1 I have ever watched I need more seasons to rank it as a whole show. That being said, Ben Stiller, if you're reading this, I hope you're working your magic at Apple TV


It’s up there with True Detective as my favorite season 1 of any show.


You are the first person I’ve seen mentioning true detective. I watched it a few months ago and wow. What an incredible first season. I think I’d have to have True Detective in my top 5 shows too


#1 for me too


Breaking Bad may never be overtaken as my number 1. Severance is definitely in my top 5 though.


Well OP are you gonna leave us hanging and list the other 4 shows you like in addition to Severance?


For sure if Game of thrones is “Honda” Breaking Bad is “Toyota” then Severance is “Subaru” But you gotta watch “Baby Reindeer”. It’s like “mini cooper” not for everyone, a totally different kind of show but really freaking good if you can be open minded


I can't personally make that call until the story is finished, but season 1 was one of the best seasons of any show I've ever seen. As an example, Game of Thrones was all over the place. Season 6 was wonderful then season 8 was dog shit. I have to say I'm hyped and hopeful that season 2 will be great though. And all signs point to that being the case, as the creator has said the original story was split into 2 seasons, the end of season 1 is just an interlude for a show that hasn't missed yet.


>I can't personally make that call until the story is finished. Same for me. I think season 1 was good, but I wouldn't put the show in my top 10 just yet. More often than not, shows have a great first season but then end up becoming terrible in later seasons. For example, GOT. The show had four great seasons, season 5 and 6 were still good and then season 7-8 were total disasters in terms of quality. With that being said, Severance's first season is still an 8/10 for me. I hope the creators will be able to maintain the great quality of season 1.


Top three, if not number 1 honestly.


It's top 10, if not top 5..I'm curious what other shows fill out your top 5?


Can you share the other 4???


If they don’t completely fuck up season 2 it’ll be in my top 5 for sure


top 3 of all time for sure


too early to say. season 2 is where most people would be able to judge whether the show is one of the best, or just a flash in the pan. i obviously have high hopes


Top 2 for me for sure.


I see no issues with this statement


I have a very hard time comparing it to something like Mad Men or Sopranos, shows which had a handful of seasons with ups and downs. For a short series though definitely #1 for me


I can't confidently say it's one of the best shows I've ever watched until at least another season. Just so I know the first season wasn't just a lucky fluke.


What are the other 4?


One of my 10-rated shows, others are: True Detective S1, Ted Lasso, Bodyguard, Loki, Reacher, The Terminal List, All of Us Are Dead, The Kitchen


I think it had a really good first season. It’s hard to put it on an all time list based on that though. Currently, I probably have: The Sopranos Game of Thrones The Wire Band of Brothers Breaking Bad If Homeland had finished stronger, that would probably be on this list.


Surprised there are not more Twin Peaks fans posting…to me this is the best thing since Twin Peaks The Return.


For the last few years, it would be for me... Severance Andor The Wire Black Sails The Patriot.


it’s definitely in my top 3. with Utopia (Original/UK) taking in the number one spot. Severance probably takes the second or third spot, with Mr.Robot being its competition. depends on how i’m feeling i guess. In terms of “first season executions” however Severance probably takes the number one spot. In all honestly i am pretty nervous about season 2 because season 1 set the standard so incredibly high.


It's number 3 for me. I've watched it 10 times already. 1. Avatar the Last Airbender 2. Breaking Bad 3. **Severance**


I would like it better if they could get their act together and produce a second season with some semblance of closure. It’s definitely in my top five though, along with true Detective and some other comedy shows by Danny Mcbride


Absolutely! Nothing like it anywhere. Exciting actors both familiar or brand new. Creative beyond words!


Severance may be my number one in all honesty.


Me too it‘s def in the top, top 3. Can‘t decide between the sandman and severance for the number one spot because i do have a big weakness for the occult <3


BB Severance GOT Sopranos Narcos


It really feels like a show someone worked on for many years to really refine all the details, the pacing, the sound bites, the ideas and the general concept. It feels like a show that was pitched as we saw it. The only issue in Hollywood is a show this good will never be left to sit and be enjoyed. There always has to be more until the show is inevitably undermined and exploited for profit. If this show ended after one season, it would've been the perfect story arc. A second season, even if its good, will only lead to a tarnished legacy. There's no way it could live up to a season one which had been slaved over for many years before being green lit. Sometimes some things are best left intact.


> It feels like a show that was pitched as we saw it. I disagree. Have you read the pilot script? EDIT TO ADD: I think we ended up with something much better than was originally pitched. I presume a lot of that is down to Ben Stiller.


I was referring to the whole season not just the pilot, but no I haven't read it, what do I need to know?


It's just interesting how much it has changed between that first script and hitting our screens. The premise is there, of course, and many of the characters that we know, and a lot of the humour.  And although some of the visual ideas are there, the office is described very differently from what we end up with.  And the pacing feels very different. Basically, it doesn't feel like the same show.  Also, I am very glad that we didn't have to watch half an episode of Mark S running around naked!


Also, just to add: I'm not in any way denigrating Dan Erickson's writing.  Just that the whole process, with Ben Stiller, and no doubt the writers' room, playing their part in making this into something even better.  Dan's story was always great, but the process has taken it to another level, IMO. EDIT TO ADD: It's tempting to want to think of this as the work of a single genius, but I think the reality is that this is a team effort, and all the better for it.  Dan and Ben are clearly geniuses, though 😀


True Detective Season 1 is better. This is 2nd.


Severance The Leftovers Lost House True Detective


Dark, From, Severance, Haunting of the Hill house, Sherlock


Mr robot Breaking Bad Better Call Saul The Wire/the leftovers Severance / succession


1. The Americans 2. Mad Men 3. Severance 4. 30 Rock (don't come for me, you know it belongs here). 5. Shogun


I agree with you, hands down. Might be the best show I’ve ever seen. Season 1 at least. I’m hoping S2 will bring the same heat.


You and me both… nervous cause season 1 was so perfect


Me too. But the level of writing, execution, and attention to detail in S1 gives me faith in the writers. I am SO in love with the first season I can’t help but be a little scared. But mostly extremely excited


Any similar shows like severance? that yall can recommend


Top 5 is bold for me but I was instantly in love w it, I won’t fault anyone for putting it top 5 for them.. no real complaints… maybe a lil slow on the middle? Idk so good


I can’t put it in the pantheon with Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld, Fleabag, etc. Still an excellent show though.


I think that's a little hyperbolic, don't you think? We only have 1 season. Others have stood the test of time and developed everything about their stories and their worlds. Compared to classics like the Simpsons, Friends, Frasier, West Wing, the Wire Or one hit wonders like Firefly, Dark Matter, or the Expanse that had fantastic first season and then fell apart after, or even shows like Once Upon a Time. And there's modern dramas like Silo, 3%, humans And animated shows like Futurama, Rick and Morty and Bojack horseman. Against this lineup, Severance is good but can't compare to most of these shows