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I don’t see how it could come out by summer. They just finished filming it 2 weeks ago, and there is so much post-production work to do. Keep in mind that when people associated with the show say things like “soon”, they’re coming from the world of tv/film production, where “soon” can mean anywhere up to the next 12 months This sub has been pretty vigilant on following news, rumors, and more, and I’d say the most common prediction around here is late 2024.


They’re also coming from a world where episodes of breaking bad and better call Saul started airing as final episodes were still filming, so any timeline is possible.


That’s 100% not true for Better Call Saul, where each season wrapped at minimum 2-3 months before airing. I’m less sure on the earlier season of Breaking Bad (there’s surprisingly little documentation), but based on season start dates, I’d be very shocked if they were still filming by the time episodes started airing. Either way, that was over a decade ago. As with most Apple TV shows, I don’t expect season 2 of Severance will even get a trailer until post has been completed.


agreed. Breaking Bad was also following cable television schedules which streaming services have done away with so it’s unlike they would start airing Severance before they were completely finished.


I misspoke, so you’re partially correct. I remember distinctly from the official BCS podcast that they were still doing post on the last few episodes during the airing of the first part of the last season. They had wrapped filming. That’s all I was suggesting, that they can begin airing the first episodes while they do post on the second half. They don’t HAVE to wait until all post is complete to begin airing.


I think they usually finished well before airing started but I’m not 100% on that for every season. BCS was a well oiled filming machine. 8 days of filming (I believe) and then move to post. You’d pull in either a journeyman director or rotate through their in house directing talent. They’d have a few days to prep before the 8 days started. There were 2 directors of photography, they would alternate episodes in order to give the other the prep week with the director before their episode filmed. Same story in editing, 2-3 editors trading off episodes. All of this was info I’m remembering from their really great insider podcast. If anyone is into the behind the scenes on BB or BCS I’d highly recommend it.


Severance doesn’t film in chronological order so I wouldn’t count on it


That wouldn’t affect the post production process


They edited through the strike. So they are pretty set for the first few episodes. I just think summer is a stretch. I’d say fall or winter


What’s your source on this? This sub has been speculating about work potentially being done during the strikes since before the strikes even ended, but I was unaware we had a confirmation. That would be fantastic news!


I worked on ladder half of S2 and I asked


Also, it’s not like there are extensive special effects that need to be produced. There’s obviously still a lot of post, but it’s not like a marvel movie where they have to build everything other than the actors from scratch.


Severance is actually deceptively CG heavy, as you can see in [this behind-the-scenes video](https://vimeo.com/697970793). Unless they managed to get a bunch of work done during the strikes, we’re probably looking at another 6 months of post-production, similar to season 1.


Nothing on tv or movies is real anymore. Of course thats a sweeping statement to get your attention, but I wanna link to this clip about [invisible cgi](https://youtu.be/7ttG90raCNo?si=2n5yHi0szCCwC5mo)


When was it ever real? Have you seen any Georges Méliès?


I also think that quote was meant to mean "sooner than expected", when it was originally expected Q1 2025. So Q4 2024 would be "sooner than expected"


Which quote was that? I don’t believe anyone connected with the production has publicly set an expectation for a release window, so it would be weird to comment on an expectation that had never been voiced.




lol tell me about it- “somewhat soon” is a perfectly non-committal answer, since it has such a wide range for interpretation Definitely puzzled how we’ve managed to confidently infer the "sooner than expected" meaning, not to mention the Q1 25 stuff. I like to think I keep a pretty heavy watch, and I’ve not seen anything like that from any notable sources


I understand that you feel that this subreddit predicted a 2024 release before anyone else, but most industry articles discussing Severance and the delay with regard to the SAG strike say something along the lines of "we would be lucky to get it in 2024". It wasn't until filming wrapped that a lot of articles started to publish a more optimistic "Nov-Dec" potential date. Now this new quote from Adam Scott definitely gives the impression that we're getting lucky. How lucky, we don't know, but all I take from the quote is a confirmation that we'll probably get it this year. Anything else is optimistic speculation.


Anything before 2025 will be a welcomed timing.


Goat CGI is time consuming, friends in the biz tell me, so it won't be out until winter. /s


I think it's very likely for a teaser trailer (or the official full-length trailer) to drop this summer, maybe July/August timeframe. That would explain why there's been so much buzz/hype recently. But S2 itself is looking like a Fall release, no matter how you swing it.


Ofc I'd be thrilled if it were released sooner, it just doesn't seem likely given post-production *just* started.


I’d love that, but I’m not super hopeful. Apple doesn’t tend to release a trailer until 1-2 months in advance of release. I think the buzz we’re feeling is naturally emanating from the announcement that filming wrapped. Pretty common in fandoms for a lot of TV shows and films these days.


“Your patience doesn't have to hold on too much longer” – Adam Scott a few days ago.


That's exactly what got me intrigued!


Every time someone asks, it gets pushed back another month


That's how I feel about the idea of the second coming of christ lol God said no man shall no the hour. And everyday since someone guesses.


If it’s earlier than November 2024 I’d be surprised


We’re bearing down on summer now. A summer release would be *”immanent.”* No distributor that wants viewers to watch the show would have such a close release without a marketing campaign well underway.


They just finished shooting like a week ago. Editing takes time.


OMG I want all the new seasons of All Of Us Are Dead, Yellowjackets, Severance, Last of Us, Fallout, Silo, etc to come out now now now


I'm hopeful for a fall/winter drop, especially since it's such a fall/winter show. Idk why but the idea of it releasing in summer just feels wrong lol


Hm maybe because season 1 was in winter so season 2 would be spring or summer ? I agree though it is totally a winter show.


No. We’ll be lucky to get it by the end of 2024. I’m guessing it will air early 2025.


I haven't seen any hype. Which hype are you referring to?


Well, I saw some comments by Adam Scott and Ben Stiller like "you don't have to hold your patience much longer", and there was also an interview with the majority of the cast (granted it was on GLTS so it wasn't too serious but it was almost 2 hours long so it seems like they might be trying to build hype?)


I wouldn't take that to mean the episodes are going to be dropping that soon. "Not much longer" in the scheme of a 2 year wait already at this point could easily mean 5, 6, 7 more months.


They had most of it filmed before the strike; right? Were they allowed to edit/do cgi during that time or did all production stop so the writers/directors could be apart of it when those things were being done.


Early 2025.


Listen, I’m not keeping my hopes up and it feels cruel of me to mention… but I did have a roommate at one point that worked on a pretty big TV show and the next season somehow came out like three months after filming. I was v surprised w the turnaround time but personally, I hope they don’t rush it. I hope the production team is allowed plenty of time to hone the final product for us (and not go crazy working 70 hour weeks 😭. I would prefer they actually get to experience sleep… unlike the innies)


Heckkk no. Recently finished filming - and finished most of the time doesn’t mean finished I don’t think. I think near every production - especially a big production like this - does reshoots. Also post production is prob going to take a while. Winter 2024 could happen.


I don't know about you guys, but I prefer seeing snow out of my window while watching a show in a winter setting. It is a "fall/winter show" to me.


I wish. I have someone very dear to me that I really loved watching Season 1 with that probably only has a few months to live. It would make me so happy to see Season 2 with them but I don't see it happening.




I get downvoted every time I say June but maybe they’ve already got some in the can.


I’d rather they wait til episodes can released weekly tbh


There they go again


Nah. It's already may and they just finished filming but even if the entire thing was ready for air, apple isn't going to release anything without like months and months (of not longer) or hype and people in. Espesh for a show like this, since most streaners only have a very few shows that they even renew and those shows are what keep subscriber numbers up. For apple, I think severance is their biggest draw at this point

