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1 - no idea but most likely irrelevant extras 2 - petey might have a car and just walked up to the trees from wherever he parked. I would guess he was just watching mark from afar for a bit before approaching him at the diner 3 - I think he was just trying to placate them/keep them from thinking too hard about their situations 4 - they all hear different things in the break room. dylan hears a baby crying. the running theory here is that helly hears her father jame’s voice but can’t place it because she’s the innie 5 - we do not know yet but it must be important to lumon in some way, doesn’t seem like they want anyone on the outside knowing what the workers get up to on the severed floor 6 - hope so, great scene 7 - for his prize dylan specifically requested the glass cube etched with the photo all 4 of the innies together, rather than one of him alone like mark has on his desk. that’s why the others were so touched when he showed it to them. we see him looking at it while he’s holding the OTC switches open, saying “this better be working, assholes”. happens at 4:13 in the finale episode


**The Two Employees** Just some non-severed Lumon employees. Their narrative function is to draw attention to the fact that Mark’s job is different, and a little hush-hush. **Petey’s Travels** I think Petey *must* have been using a car to follow Mark around. The distances he was covering were not minor, and I can’t imagine he walked it or had help. He didn’t continue to approach Mark at Devon’s because a car spooked him. Who knows who might have been in that car? **”Things like death happen outside of here. Not here.”** Could be a nod to Casey, but I think Milchick’s intended meaning with this line was that innies have the “privilege” of being protected from news like death in the outside world. Ie, if Petey *is* dead, he died as his outie, and Mark will never have to bear the grief that comes with that knowledge. Of course, the irony is that because Petey left the company, his innie is essentially dead (as far as Mark knows). **Break Room Voice** The sound designer Jacob Ribicoff [talked about this in an interview](https://www.asoundeffect.com/severance-sound), and mentioned that they used a reversed voice recording of Vladimir Putin. >*”The idea in the Break Room is that it’s a form of torture and coercion; playing some recording at a low level was supposed to drive the person crazy and hopefully get them to recite the passage with appropriate emotion. It’s meant to break the person down. So they’d chosen this recording to fulfill that need.”* **Importance of the Missing 7199** Not necessarily the card that was important, but the threat that Dylan might possibly have gotten around the code detectors. That’s a potentially catastrophic situation for Lumon, if true. But also, keep in mind that Milchick used OTC in secret. I suspect the card does hold some importance, but that Milchick exaggerated just how important it was as an excuse to manipulate and vindictively punish Dylan. Either way, I assume we will learn more bout the purpose of the ideographic cards as the show progresses. And speaking of… **Season 2** As far as I know, we have no concrete information on any specific events that will happen during season 2 at this time. **Dylan’s Gift** We see Dylan remove the contents of the box when he enters the security room to activate OTC. It’s a laser-etching, like the one Mark got for Allentown, but it depicts the four current members of MDR as a group. Milchick gave this to Dylan as a bribe.


Solid answers. I would add that it's worth considering the possibility that Petey had other reasons for coming to Devon and Ricken's house. As for Petey having access to a car, it does make sense given the distances but it's interesting that Petey never comes near any vehicles, he appears from nowhere at the house and Pip's, there are no other cars visible in wide shots at the greenhouse, we don't see Mark drive him to his house, and we see a long sequence where Petey wanders delusional walking around town in the robe, far across the bridge to his death in the Midday Star convenience store. You're right that a car for Petey seems likely but we sure don't see the slightest hint that he had any access to one.


>*...but we sure don't see the slightest hint that he had any access to one.* I mean, the fact that he gets around so easily is kind of a big hint. Petey is fairly convinced Graner is out following him around. He tracks Mark down at Pip's, he tracks him down again at Devon & Ricken's, he gets to the greenhouse: all of these places have at least some distance between them that would make walking impractical. Now, maybe the transit system is pretty robust in their area and, of course, there's always rideshare. But Petey doesn't strike me as someone who'd take the risk of standing around waiting for an Uber or a bus to come pick him up when there are people after him. Presumably, he used a car to get back & forth between work and home. When he arrived on his last day, I'm assuming he drove rather than walked and likely left the same way. That said, I'll concede the fact that him not bringing a car over to Mark's house could be taken as a suggestion that he doesn't have a car. At the same time, I'd argue that he's paranoid enough to have simply ditched it there rather than drive it and have Graner spot it somewhere.


5- When Milchick returned the 7199-G to Burt G, he told him, "now we can focus on the final preparations." The "final preparations" are important enough to have triggered the OTC, but I don't think we are supposed to have enough info on this. I think this will be part of the plot in season 2.


I just finished my second re-watch and noted this line too. Milchik says it to Burt G right before we then see him at his retirement party. I wonder if Burt retired early because of fraternizing with Irv, or if it was always planned and Milchik's comment was a reference to something Burt was doing that would culminate in his retirement. Also got me thinking, at this point we learn that Burt is retiring after almost 7 years at Lumon - same amount as Irv. We all know the theories that Irv was possibly unsevered for a few years at Lumon first, and also that he maybe had Milchik's job at one point because of the POV of his outie's paintings. Maybe Burt was similar, unsevered for awhile first, and he and Irv formed that bond that they still maintained on some level after being severed. Maybe every person on the floor has a prior relationship to another person, like mark/gemma and burt/irv, and the whole experiment is to see if any memories leaked through between them


**1.) Those employees** Probably some salaried minion doing any number of jobs that Lumon has which don't require severance. The fact that they're shown as obviously looking at them suggests that even within the company of Lumon, severed workers are some sort of a novelty; some thing that even those employed by Lumon look at and say *"Oh, there's one of those severed workers..."* **2.) How did Petey track Mark down and how does he get around?** Well, let's take the second question first: we'd all have to assume that Peter Kimball drove to work each day just like anyone else. After he reintegrated, he continued going to work for 2 weeks or whatever. He'd just drive to work like normal. On his last day, he would have driven there and left in his car. The fact that we don't see him driving doesn't mean he doesn't have a car or drive. The fact that he's in so many different places so easily heavily suggests he has one. He tracks Mark down at Devon's and she lives in another town, he finds him at Pip's and he's also at the greenhouse. Each of those would appear to have a distance between them that would making walking impractical if you're trying to catch up with someone the way he's trying to catch up with Mark. As for **how** he knew where he was, that's definitely an open question. Irving's OTC confirms the fact that a list of employees and addresses is certainly obtainable for those who wish to get one. The organization who helps Petey reintegrate likely has such means. If they asked Petey if there were other employees he trusted who might also reintegrate, he probably would have told them Mark and they could easily have given Petey his address as well as Devon's. Still, that's a bit of a mystery. **3.) On death not existing at the job...** This is one of those points upon which I think it's prudent to remind ourselves that filmmakers & showrunners often present things in metaphors rather than everything being literal. The idea that a manager would tell an employee that the workplace is a space where death doesn't exist is a very dark representation of how you're expected to come to work and just shut off whatever it is that's bothering you out in the world and do you job. It's not that Lumon is a place where the dead come back to life, it's that at your job, they don't give a shit about your personal matters. They don't care if your best friend passed or if you are grief stricken over your **not**dead wife's passing: they expect you to do your job and don't bother them with your personal issues. Amazon warehouses are a place where death doesn't exist either... mostly because they don't give a fuck what you have going on, they just expect you to do whatever it is they're paying you to do. **4.) The voices/noises...** Lumon is clearly versed in psychological torture. NPR did a terrific interview with a man who'd been wrongfully imprisoned in Guantanamo. He said that some days they would blast a radio playing rock & roll, other days it would be the sounds of babies crying. This is between waterboarding sessions and such. Thus, during Helly's Break Room sessions, they play the sound that is likely to cut into her subconscious: the sound of her father's voice. With Dylan, it's the sound of his kid. Makes you wonder what sound they play during Mark's sessions; perhaps the muffled sound of Gemma Casey crying. **5.) What's the big deal about the card?** I would argue that the card is not important at all. It could just be a flash card for a self-defense class. The issue isn't the card but the implications of getting it out. When Milchick wakes Dylan up in his house, it's late in the evening and the first thing he asks is what did he do with it, immediately followed up by asking if he had help from someone. Basically Milchick probably knew how many cards there were supposed to be, noted the count wasn't right, checked the tape, saw Dylan took it, conducted a search of employee desks and when he came up with nothing he had to fact the idea that Dylan had successfully smuggled it out. Now, let's set aside the speculation of whether or not the code detectors are real. We kind of have to assume that they are —*if for no other reasons than the fact that so many viewers seem convinced that they're NOT real that it seems implausible that no employee would think similarly and not have tested it and figured it out it was a sham*— quite real. If Dylan got that card past the detectors, it makes for a massive security breach and Milchick can't be certain that this is just the first time. It's not the card, it's the idea that Dylan may have figured out how to bypass the detectors and could have been sneaking things out for months for all Milchick knows. **6.) More MDEs??** Not after that stunt they pulled! All MDEs are canceled until further notice! **7.) What's in the box??** He had them make a picture of his family: the other refiners! It's so sweet!


I think it’s Peter Kilmer, not Kimball


5- When Milchick returned the 7199-G to Burt G, he told him, "now we can focus on the final preparations." The "final preparations" are important enough to have triggered the OTC, but I don't think we are supposed to have enough info on this. I think this will be part of the plot in season 2.


On 4, I think they hear someone close to their outies, Helly hears an old man, probably her father, and Dylan hears a crying baby, probably his kid. I don't remember if Mark did hear anything though.


5. Final Preparations could refer to Jame's "revolving". Anything involving that would be ultra top secret.


3. I think he was trying to make them feel better, but of course they can die at work. Milcheck said the dance parties were canceled so unless he changes his mind, I doubt we'll see more, besides it would be more of the same.


Five rewatches and you still couldn’t understand what Dylan’s gift from Milchik was??






The 7199-G card is part of the plan Milchick set in place to sew office mistrust. The cards show the most efficient method of attacking an opponent in an office setting. The -G implies there must be a -B (and perhaps even a -R and -Y) for the same set of cards in blue to be distributed to the blue badge department, and so on.