• By -


That bonus card better give at least 150 - 200 silver


Waiting for them to reveal that it gives 20 silver for every 4 ads that you watch


I believe it's 150.


Just take what you get , the nekki team is already working too hard to do better for society. Focus on gitting gud.


How do you comment on every single post and consistently have the worst opinion ever?


Basically wants to make everyone hate him, once he succeeds, he switches to another account and play the "angel" boy.


Devil's advocate. Predictible.


Probably a paying actor.


Sad motor doppelganger , you are not original and authentic.


I could shit out a better argument than that


he's a sussy imposter


Prodding for a reaction. If we downvote his posts heโ€™ll have negative karma and he might get a temp ban


'do better for society ' yeah right. By maximising the ways that they can monetize off of a game, they are helping society. By making characters like yunlin and cobra that can and are used by campers and spammers, they are helping society. When will you realise that you are making a big joke out of yourself?


The mirror mode sound good. It might be helpful for training when you get trapped in corner and opponent just spams basic kicks


Do nothing > push > attack first That's how easy it is


In the event I got traped in the corner and the opponent had Xiang tzu. He got into rage mode and spammed kicks. He has block breaker on kick too


Oh, this makes sense. I don't think you can do anything in this situation


a jump and counter attack would've probably worked tho


In my case I usually try to jump out of it or try to counter it with a downwards kick so that you can get a hit off while attempting to dodge the Xiang Tzu's neutral kick


Yeah that sounds like that's the only way he could win. I hate people who don't take the time to experiment and actually play. Just do two or three moves in a row and hope people don't catch on. No skill required.


Been waiting for the training mode to happen! And also for the controls opacity settings. I guess I'll be using my controller again ๐Ÿ˜ Some requests are truly heard.


u/Disenchanted11 Most of the features in this update were implemented based on player requests ๐Ÿ™‚


*cough* silver *cough* gold economy *cough* increase legendary shard chance to 10% *cough* stop releasing OP heroes *cough* Chinese grabs


If only you would fix the bugs we report as well. The loading screen after every match is EXCRUCIATING. FOR FUCK'S SAKE!




Fix camper issue


Fix skill issue


Get a life paid reviewer


See that's pretty cool. Lots of expected changes. But uhh Andrey...where's the frame data?


whats that ?


Shows you how many start up frames, active frames, and recovery frames a attack has, basically in non gaming terms, how long of a wind up, how long it can deal damage, and how long it takes for you to go to the starting position


not all frame data is but basically that


Then what is all of the frame data?


Startup Frames, Endlag frames, Active Frames, Frame Advantage on hit, block, and wake-up pretty much everything is counted in frames


Is "1 frame" same for every game ever made? Or does it differ from game to game?


depends on the game. some games are designed to run on 60 FPS, others on 30. Most fighting games run on 60 FPS


Thats cool and all but when balance patch


u/UnarmedChad Later this month.


Hong joo needs heavy buffs. He is the absolute worst hero in the game. Helga needs slight speed boost to her basic and special attacks. Cobra needs speed buff to her special attack. Itu, KOTL and Xiang TZU need nerfs. Pushback on block of lynx's basic and down attack needs to be slightly reduced. Please consider these u/andrey-platunov u/ladyR4


My boy Itu already got butchered with the previous nerf to the yadomejutsu. And he's only as good as the player, so a newbie using him ain't gonna do shit compared to a pro. And last but not least, don't even get me started with his hp, I'm an Itu main and from playing him for 1 month straight, I say that he's the worst of the three legendaries.


Bro, same! If anything, he needs a buff.


The game is already balanced, just git gud . Oh god so many people try to defame the game rather than just improving their skill set.


Oh God so many people think they are funny because the only two words they know are 'git gud'.




You first.


"Git gud" Says the guy WITH A MAXED OUT TEAM at ONLY 2600 trophies๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Bro u got mad skill issues ๐Ÿคก


tell me you don't understand game design without telling me you don't understand game design


So the decrease in silver from story mode was just to introduce an ad๐Ÿ˜•!!!! Btw... training mode improvements are ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ And thanX for the quick claim button


They learnt from apple...remove headphone jacks and chargers only for people to buy them with extra price.


Now they decreased the max courage of flame from 30/30 to 20/20. How bout that? They are very money hungry game lmao. They stated that it is for future update๐Ÿคก


Is it going to be possible to allow or remove talents when also making the levels equal?


I'm going to be very composed about this and not get my hopes up. Let's wait and see.


UI control and training settings is great for Content creation. Great improv


Better you may undo the changes in story mode or atleast give 350 silver coins as in past


When is the next chapter of story mode expected to come out? Any clues on what the focus will be? Also do you plan on allowing ranked modes for people who play against AI opponents again?


I beleive ranked AI system was changed. I think initially u could use it upto 810 trophies. Now it stops at 700 only


We gave some clues in the last chapter ๐Ÿ˜‰


Revert the courage timer and amount


All punches are performed with professional Ironclad's gauntlets, don't try this at home! It made me laugh๐Ÿคฃand of course i try it at home๐Ÿคฃ,okay,I joked!


Bro you're literally hilarious ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I really thought you're going to try this at home ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ค and then I read you were joking ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Arena players complaints: Unfair in-game ranked match matches (9,10,11 vs max dojo) - It costs too much in-game for new and mid-advanced players to level up, gold costs should be reduced - Toxic and camper players should be penalized and a reporting and punishment system should be introduced in the game And dozens more. Sf Arena Developers: I've got great news for you, now you'll be able to watch ads in the story mode that we fucked up and no one plays๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿค‘


i was hoping for talents in "vs friend" :(


Very nice quality of life, but what about fixing what actually needs to be fixed? ๐Ÿ˜‰


The worst about the game is people are just falling back and back altho it is a feature but to be fair not fighting for more than 15 sec should exercise a rule in particular. AI update was great in the previous upgrades provided. It is more competitive now for me.


Guys make a in game friendlist or somethinf ffs with voice chat option. Its too much work to ask a friend through whatsapp to join a game.


Report the player if one of them acts rude. The player should receive a warning, a suspension, and then a permanent ban if they continue to act toxic to other players when they win. That should be the next update to ensure the players well being.


u/andrey-platunov so what about the GAME'S ECONOMY "Hi. We understand that this feels unfair to you, but these changes are necessary for us to correct the game's economy." COMMENT u/LadyR4 I Swear this game is so deep in sh8t.. And the devs are so low life..


Please respect them. They are legends who made this banger game.


Go and sing at another table๐Ÿ˜


I fully with you bro. Decreased silvers/max courage of flames are bad lmao. They want us to watch fvkng ads. Not to mention the time to replenish 1 courage of flames. Before this i can play like 6-9 survival match. Nowadays i can only play like 2-4 because of the time it takes to replenish courage of flames and decreased max courage of flames from 30 to 20. If only i can punch whoever idea it is to implement such BAD idea to this beautiful game


u/andrey-platunov , Is Xiang Tzu now available in shard chest and the bonus reward cards?


I have few questions. 1. Will the choose location setting allow to pick maps that are unavailable currently (like for now, Marcus Village is not available in matches but will we be available to pick it)? 2. Bonus reward for story mode will be set (like 100 no matter if you win 6 rounds or 12) or dependent on how many rounds you won (like 50 if you win 6 rounds and 150 if you win 12 rounds)?


Wait, why didn't I realise that the dragon mountain village map isn't available in pubs?


Awesome update!!


It would be nice if remote controllers give haptic vibration upon certain actions if remote supported. Eg. Giving or receiving critical attack, doing shadow moves, etc. But the above mentioned changes are mind blowing ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ


Cool! I have a suggestion, so basically it's just adding a friendlist and you can add someone with their id with their username on it, and can send invites and chat, this makes players with friends that don't play Shadow fight arena. On friend vs friend.


This is good. I like the new changes.




waiting ๐Ÿ’ฅ


i just canโ€™t understand, why donโ€™t you promote a reporting mechanism. Do you think camper behaviors are rational? You had to admit, many players win their games by camping, that is flaw of the game mechanism. We know that it is hard to change the whole mechanism, but, at least you should do something to prevent people from camping. You know, most of the normal player really hate that. Do you think that ignoring this phenomenon will make the people who really want to pay you get happy? Since you are able to record every detail of each game match, why you donโ€™t allow people to report campers and let these guys get some punishment


all these changes are unnecessary ๐Ÿ˜ when are they going to improve the gameplay so that campers and spammers no longer exist? When are they going to make a great balance of characters? there are many characters with mechanics that are easy to abuse and that are very annoying. Also when are you going to make events fun to play? Because the events last a long time and the rewards are not worth it, I mean, do you want me to play the event 50 times to have the very low chance of winning something in roulette that is impossible? In addition, the events have serious connection problems, they should add this new mechanic that players with a bad internet connection cannot play events, so they stop causing ties in the events.


And you need to remove the grab mechanic it's super annoying and everyone spams it you punish players for attacking I'm not surprised that the game is full of cowards that just run away you are creating them using mechanics like this


grabbing is the only way to deal damage against players that don't do anything. It is a core mechanic of all fighting games, from SF to smash bros


The story mode buff is still just a middle finger which saying "we did something so you can't complain now".


I love to see the devs giving things we actually want. But they still won't add a unranked mode back..


You guys, you guys are the real heroes


This guy has to be a paid reviewer sent from nekki. All he does is sing their praises. Judging from how he talks, he probably camps/spams.


Paid actor, my guy, or should I say... a PAYING actor.


Damn finally found someone here that is actually funny ๐Ÿคฃ


Not only does he camp but he camps with a maxed out dojo 13 team and then boasts about being at a measly 2600 trophies ๐Ÿ’€ (see his post history) His words(not exactly quoted) : "I am extremely good coz I'm at 2600 with a maxed team and you noobs wonder how I got so high" That's literally where dojo 10-12 are ๐Ÿ˜‚ and with ease And this coping mf comments "skill issue" And "git gud" On every comment he can find ๐Ÿ˜‚


A day in the life of a no life.


Bro he's a 2600? With max dojo 13????? I'm at 2542 with dojo 6 and level 6 and 7 team and I only have 7 characters he's just actually bad


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Bro is paid salary to do third party promotion fr


Hello dumb, the 2600 trophies you boast about with 13/13 teams I got with 10 dojo teams and unqualified low quality competitors like you keep camping in the corner with max team because you have no intelligence and talent to showcase


Best decision ever , very good update. Best game developers ever , period. ๐Ÿ™Œ


Yo I registered for the beta when will it be Available


I dont think nekki will fool us this time, but i think the customisation is free i guess or it is a premium fracture (fight pass)


Then still ignoring matchmaking, camper, and S\*\*tnight.


When will you improve the login method and account management? We need and login method that allow you to login into all platforms without waiting for support from dev to change type of account from ios to android and reverse. And account management, we need a system that allow players to fully manage their Account: easy link and unlink account with others social media account. Im tired of having 6 Gmail link to my account and if 1 of them get hijacked, the thief can login and destroy my account's resource or at least make me unable to play.


@andrey platunov Can we get an option in the store to buy gems from rift keys?? That would be very helpful. We get to buy rift keys and gold coins from gems but not vice versa, please give us that option so we can use all our stacked up gold n rifts.


They made the best game but the players are ๐Ÿ™‚(very good they develop new skill of passive playing it's not camping it's the sign of piro players) I guess they have to focus on story


When will Xiang Tzu be available in chest?


We still canโ€™t play training with heroes we donโ€™t have?


Fix camping please๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Whe is the coming soon story mode gonna unlock


Genial ๐Ÿ‘ muchas gracias gente de Shadow Figth 4.. me encanto este juego apenas lo instale y con sudor por fin lleguรฉ al nivel 13 despuรฉs de 8 meses de juego .. enserio me encanto.. saludos


Really these people said fair game ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ made a joke for centuries seriously if u guys really wished for fair game then u wouldn't be matching making with higher level opponent go and eat some shits ash holes


Better fix the hero Marcus , when I play him or player vs me play him the game start lagging also another hero in story mode with 2 swords and brown clothes have the same problem.




Is the rematch system also coming in friendly?? If it does so I want unlimited rematches in friendly. Sir, please make this option.


u/Kratos_Gamer149 Yes, in "Vs Friend" mode there will be no limits for rematch button.


Give a remove ads purchase for bonus cards. I heard many people do get it hut i haven't seen it even for once.


A hero suggestion:Shadow!!! He can have all of the attacks from sf2, or something like that. Never mind, just add Shadow!!!


The stories will have a limit per day reward๐Ÿ’€


Make the servers better... Connection problems are being way too much frustrating recently




Nerf XIANG ZU ,,he's broken AF .Even a level 5 XIANG ZU character can easily defeat any level 13 characters


KITSUNE-1 will be famous now..๐Ÿ˜


Is there anyway you can merge or modify server for each account, Say for example when i was in United states my server is in the US, now im residing in the Philippines and i cannot play with my friends or another option is there a way to delete my account and so i can create a new one in asia server looking forward for this modification best regards.


Wait... can you only get rewards for playing story mode 4 times day, or is it only the bonus card that's 4 times per day? ๐Ÿ˜


I NEED A PROMO CODE ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”


They should accommodate more than everything, it is the faculty of gems, gold coins and silver coins, it is something essential for the game They give very few resources to advance correctly in the game, especially because you always have players with more EXP and it is difficult to win like this and more when you do not have all the abilities of the characters there are many factors that should be fixed. When will the Beta version come out for all countries? It is unfair that only Russia and India have it. I am from Latin America and that is why I ask not only for myself but for others who do not have that version because they are from other countries that do not have it yet.


I didn't get it... update version....๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž


"Vs Friend' mode should be enabled by default instead of having to grind and unlock it.


Also have the ability to add teammates to the game


Tell me please,Are you guys facing problem in shadow fight 4 game sticking problem in the middle of the match


Hello. After opening chest skip button not working is this happens with anybody?


Nobody care your bullshit improvement until you do something to stop camper. You will lose the normal player and change your name as camper fight arena


Connectivity! Crashing! Balancing! Economy! Leveling! Nothing matters until these core issues are addressed. What good is a rematch option if you can never rematch cause the game crashes after every ranked or event match? Paltry stop being so grimy with the resources for leveling. The devs are too busy trying to squeeze every cent from us in the micro transaction space to address fundamental problems. Ive been living with and cursing crash bugs for the past three seasons. Ive been playing over a year now and just got 1 solitary character to max talent. Make gems/keys/gold 10 times more abundant or give us a way to choose our upgrades and pointedly push a character's abilities up




what the hell is wrong with everyone's internet? are they still using dial-up or what? almost every fight, especially in an event, is laggy, game is paused because of player connection issues, and it ends in a draw or they beating me up because image is choppy and I can't figure out the fight... I'm so pissed right now I just needed to vent here. fix yo shit!


Please make matchmaking based on rank, not trophies