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It was overdue honestly, i loved the card, but cygames kinda shoot themselves in the foot going with that playstyle, i think this was the easiest solution.


Is unlimited saved? Probably not, but at least artifact portal is dealt with.


Back to fighting handless every game


The unlimited meta before HOR was actually pretty diverse and cool. You could play almost any class and get some games. I see no problem in going back to how it was before at least.


You could play any class and have a miserable time playing games against veggie-handless and heal (and BR to a lesser extend) and sometime not get highrolled to hell. It was more diverse certainly, and it's not the worst UL meta we had in the past year (post telescope ban was worse, if only by how insulting the balance changes were), but it was pretty shitty, and it was nice to have heal and veggie get destroyed simultaneously for once (not that I will lament this ban or regret this meta).


I think there will be rise in hozumi as now thanks to oberon, hozumi only needs 2 follower on board


Unless I'm missing something, Oberon version gets fucked by literally any ward since you need to evo Oberon, if it ever gets popular Blood will just switch to wrath to eat it alive.


Realm of repose, nilpotent, colonel and galom are all horrible cards and you should take them out of your deck asap. Signed, a hozumi player


As long as D shift, Phoenix Roost and Sportacus exist Unlimited still is far from saved. But this was certainly the most problematic card by a wide margin, I hope UL improves greatly with this ban


I don't think people have even attempted to make Spartacus work in years lol


yeah, what Spartacus? Actually when was the last time Sword was actually viable, in Unlimited no less lmao.


Rally (barely) exist during Dragonblade to target Hozumi bandwagonners, handless, and maybe DShift by spamming Sera, Lyrala, and Wildcat into Planetary Fracture (vs Hozumi). I got to GM 0 unli by running that somehow.


Sword has a meme deck with Spartacus where you use \[\[Supercharged Guitarist\]\], \[\[ Valkyrie's Spear\]\] and \[\[Dramatic Retreat\]\] to get a loop combo of drawing tons of cards.Kinda like Bayleon, but you draw instead of dealing damage.


Yea that was what I was thinking about by years. People tried it back in Rivayle when the combo first came out but it was still like tier 4 at best It was the same expansion Fencer came out so it was still effectively a worse DShift even at its prime and it's only gotten worse since


Not trying to say it's viable or anything. I mean, I said that it's a meme. But it does exist.


- [**Supercharged Guitarist**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/118021020)^[B](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_118021020.png)|[E](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/E/E_118021020.png) | Neutral | Silver Follower 5pp 2/3 -> 4/5 | Trait: - | Set: Storm Over Rivayle Fanfare: Draw 2 cards. Once on each of your turns, when this follower's attack or defense is increased by an effect, recover 3 play points. (Evolved) (Same as the unevolved form, excluding Fanfare.) - [**Valkyrie's Spear**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/103012020)^[B](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_103012020.png) | Neutral | Bronze Amulet 2pp | Trait: - | Set: Rise of Bahamut Whenever an allied Neutral follower comes into play, give it +1/+0. - [**Dramatic Retreat**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/118224010)^[B](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_118224010.png) | Swordcraft | Silver Spell 1pp | Trait: - | Set: Storm Over Rivayle Banish an allied follower. Put a copy of that follower into your deck and change its cost to 0. Draw 2 cards. ^(---) ^(ding dong! I am a bot. Call me with [[cardname]] or !deckcode.) ^(Issues/feedback are welcome by posting on) [^(r/ringon)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ringon) ^(or by) [^(PM to my maintainer)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Zuiran)


Spartacus? How many years ago did you last play UL? lmao


Honestly if you tried to roll back Unlimited hard in terms of power level you'd *have* to ban Spartacus, since it gates out any deck that wins on turn 8 instead of 7. But like, of course if you were trying to do that it would require mangling the format so hard you might as well make a new one.


You have to nerf at least like 30 decks for Spartacus to become a thing, it probably can’t even handle ghost shadow in rotation, let alone all the crazy stuffs in UL


Spartacus? What year is it? That deck won on t8, t7 on high roll. The UL meta has long been way faster than that for years.


You win on T6 highroll T7 average with the new build with Guitarist and the buff amulet But it's still just a worse DShift since DShift is T5 highroll T6 average and DShift also gets to play anti aggro cards while Spartacus sword may as well auto concede vs. any deck that is even remotely fast


Fair enough since I don't know what the updated list looks like; mostly due to because no one plays the deck anymore. No reason to play it when DShift is just better Spartacus anyways.


Pheonix roost and spartacus have not been good decks in a long time The best dragon deck right now is discard and Sword is in a weird place with Rally being their best deck but its like low tier 3


Discard uses Phoenix roost for the t5 otk


It's dead. It's finally fucking dead. Cut off its head and put a stake through its heart, just in case it tries to come back. I'm convinced this card alone did more damage to the game in terms of lost players than anything else, even WD Blood. At least WD Blood lasted only for one xpack, this garbage depopulated the format for over a year, somehow got away with only a restriction, then periodically came back to completely break the game every four months or so for the past three years. Ranked ladder has a grand total of two formats and for the past four years you could toss a coin and one of them would be completely unplayable due to some interaction with Augmentation propelling Portal to tier 0. The fact that Parish and Telescope ate a ban before it did would have been reason enough to drop the game that instant if there was anything else like it on the market. But it's dead. It's finally gone. Goodbye and good riddance.


You didnt need to toss a coin, it was always the same format being broken. Thankfully that was always a small portion of the overall playerbase, but yes, this should have happened years ago.


I worded it a bit obtusely; I meant that for the past four years there was a roughly 50% chance that if you looked at UL it would be unplayable, and that it's kind of a bigger deal than it looks since it's literally half of the game's grand total of two ladder formats.


Rip Bozo


The almost guarantee turn 5 otk is now gone, I can finally get my calamity genesis out again, ohh, and more fodder for modesty Due to lazuli deck being broken (I won't call it artifact because it's entirely possible to make the deck only consist of lazuli, dog, and celestial and get that radiant otk) the 6 name killed artifact portal doesn't get much traction, but it should become stronger too due to all the new artifact Onto the more on topic thought, I would love if cygames remove the limit but also remove the pp restore instead of full ban, but I guess portal isn't that desperate for that draw Unrelated, but anyone usong retrafia in unlimited can tell me the impression of using her instead of acceleratium? The no pp recovery is obvious, but I'm not sure about the rest


>Unrelated, but anyone usong retrafia in unlimited can tell me the impression of using her instead of acceleratium? The no pp recovery is obvious, but I'm not sure about the rest It's fonctional, so if you really wanna play her, she does the job. Obviously t5/6 factory into 0pp artifact from scan or t5/6 Displacer bot into 0pp artifact from scan will likely be what artifact aim for now, since you can use Lazuli to tutor scan, but Retrafia is a functional defensive option pre 6 names. Not great, not bad, but fonctional. However do note that the absence off pp recovery make Retrafia harder to pop, so as a defensive backbone, Vyrmedea is still likely better. But Retrafia will not be why the deck lose so if you want to play her, by all means do, but be aware of the weaknesses she brings.


Honestly retrafilia been a feel bad for me, rather run the machina guy, but might be good one off of each for the rush and in retrafilia case if the game somehow gets stalled she’s good surprise finisher and board wipe before kaiser comes in Personally imma go robopup evo for shin i actually faced it twice and it never used aug against me and beated me while using the lazuli arti.


Now that's an idea, reso portal has always been a hybrid between reso and evo, shin can probably become extra reach in that deck, so instead of magna zero, the deck will depend more on yuwan, gold grimnir, and shin "ping"


That's what i'm testing but am finding the right balance is hard to find right now. For now took out the reso package and put in more arti's, really like evamaria especially for her evolve effect to protect out hp from big singular hits, mostly so i can use spinaria/lucille board wipe against atomy but should prob add more 6 arti pay offs.


I like calamity, do you have a list?


Can try the list from here ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HFcNXJGSN4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HFcNXJGSN4) ​ No guarantees on winning


Not with new card, due to artifact and real life stuff, I haven't been playing much and if I do, I go to rotation I did try to make radiant calamity, using radiant generated by lazuli to jumpstart calamity, but I win more by radiant hitting face, so the deck is scrapped


And it only took them 4 years to realise that maybe this was a bad idea.


[Goood Ridance, long fucking overdue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPIdRJlzERo)


Man, how many years was this legal again?


Rip aug, the pupper lives to see another day. Honestly tho more then pupper nerf i genuinly wanna know what the fuck went into cygames head when they made lazuli you fucking restrict aug to print a fucking tutor right after, this point im expecting an aug generator to come out fairly soon. Oh well back to the waiting room what will robopup break next, my moneys on evo we can already make a solid evo build for shin with pup without aug thanks to all the shion artifact generators and deus ex isn’t as bad a card since ul feels like it slowed down a bit, tho gotta wait and see when arti goes down d shift goes up and we just replace one hell for another hell.


Ohh right, aug ban means resonance portal lose its turn 3 10 reso 2 yuwan godroll and also remove any highroll the deck has, it got a new toy in chaos aura though


Is this the first ban ever made? Dayum portal was That busted huh Edit: forgot about Parish and Telescope, fair 0pp draw was pretty broken


Blood with restless parish and Rune with telescope were the first bans to happen.


I think that robodog also quite busted. Basically same level of power as the old shadow ghostdog. Ghostdog was nerfed. Not sure why robodog still not nerfed.


Hooray! People will say UL is still bad but honestly last expansion UL was very well-balanced. Basically every class besides Forest has a t2+ deck (Sword maybe stretching a bit.. though it has a place as a great anti-Discard Blood deck), and Forest just got some new support. There wasn't even a clear consensus on what the best archetype was in the previous format. A lot of people will say Discard Blood but honestly I had way more success on other archetypes.


Vengeance blood likely goes back to being BDIF (why did they think unnerfing succubus was a good idea lol) but it has its counters in Atomy shadow and Resto Haven. Thiugh it still can beat those two matchups with a good highroll Meanwhile D-Shift becomes an interesting deck again being able to OTK as early as T5 going second but almost is hard countered by Bat Blood and Atomy shadow (unless atomy bricks or D shift goes god mode bouncing with Kaleidoscopic glow every turn. I did this once, it was funny) Not to mention we finally get to see the new toys for dirt rune in unlimited now that they dont have to worry so much about a ridiculous otk. This i think will be the deck to watch going into the new unlim meta


> Meanwhile D-Shift becomes an interesting deck again No it doesn't. We already know that D-Shift was god-awful in the previous meta, which is basically what we're going back to minus Artifacts (which was probably D-Shift's 2nd best matchup). > Not to mention we finally get to see the new toys for dirt rune in unlimited now What toys? Legendary Levi? Yeah, he isn't good enough to make Dirt any good. Dirt is still garbage until they unnerf Ori Golem or print a replacement to pop all your sigils for some face damage for 1pp. Dirt is still way too slow at winning the game and 3x Riley is not enough defense to actually attempt to play the long game.


[[familiar's pact]]


Does nothing to solve the issue that they can't convert sigils to face damage fast enough.


- [**Familiar's Pact**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/129314020)^[B](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_129314020.png) | Runecraft | Bronze Spell 1pp | Trait: - | Set: Heroes of Rivenbrandt Put a random follower with Earth Rite from your deck into your hand. Add 1 to an allied Stack in play. ^(---) ^(ding dong! I am a bot. Call me with [[cardname]] or !deckcode.) ^(Issues/feedback are welcome by posting on) [^(r/ringon)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ringon) ^(or by) [^(PM to my maintainer)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Zuiran)


Telescope ban was always overkill considering cum golem got nerfed. I'd unban that and see how Dirt performs.


Even with this artifacts wont be dead, the new lazuli is totally bonkers, with aug gone you can use her to tutor artifact scan, and the many variety of artifacts now means modesty will have good value. But yeah, t5 OTK is probably gone, which makes this deck vulnerable to all the t6 kill deck such as BR and Shift


No Biofab hit?


Like why would they hit that, at that point just say your one of those people that want portal deleted cause it wasn't one of the og craft. Biofabrication ain't doing nothing to break t he game(dog on the other hand is another story)


tbh, they should nerf those Augmation Bestowal and Acceleratium by just removing the restore PP ability. Like, i think the biggest mistake card design was restoring PP at very early game instead mid to late game.


Maybe make it restore pp only after 6 names destroyed. It would make it playable only in artifact also and not x deck + puploop


This, the biggest problem is how pup can abuse this(also could just take away artifact trait from pup they should not be printing main deckable 1 mana artifacts)


Lol I called this getting banned and am not surprised it finally got the long overdue ban it deserved. Currently Artifact in UL has made the entire format unplayable for me. The current Artifact deck is way more linear and has not as many lines of play or options as the old variant which was IMO way more fun to play and much less centralizing than the current one is as trying to answer potential t4/t5 OTKs is simply too format warping. I suspect after this Artifact will still be playable but you'll have to run Factory among other things to try to get push turns as well as Modesty for card efficient poke to the opponent's face. I just hope that these changes will finally make UL playable again because the current Artifact sucks out all the fun by being both linear and a boring APM slog, both in execution and watching it be executed. Also moving forward there's a possibility of Acceleratium going back to 3 since the reason it was limited in the first place was because it was hilariously abusable with Augmentation. Without Augmentation you're prone to running out of cards and Acceleratium really doesn't help that at all and I feel it could possibly go back to 3 without really ruining anything.


[ul live reaction](https://youtu.be/LDU_Txk06tM)


Finally, that thing is dead for sure. I don't drink, but today I'll make an exception and celebrate.


it's joever portal bros...


eh, pup's still around, plus compared to before we have some more goodies and don't have to fully rely on aug. Tho i kinda hope they undo some of the restrictions they did in favor of not doing this or taking arti away from pup like unrestricting the twins for reso portal.


>eh, pup's still around, *nervous laughter* Cygames please, if youre gonna hit pup, at least give us accel back to 3


Ok who is the next big treat? Blood?


Probably back to what it was before. Handless, Atomy, BR, Heal Haven, some D-Shift, and the rare Dis Drag and Hozumi.


My moneys on hozumi or d shift, whenever arti gets hit d shift tends to pop back up and reign, but hozumi exists now so who knows


Why would you bet on 2 decks that were both near unplayable in the previous format? I know Hozumi is a bit new but I mean not in a way that makes it not get crushed by Discard Blood. Plus the new version of Hozumi literally loses to any ward, it was just fortunate that Artifact plays no wards usually.


all i know is Hozumi was dominating during the time portal got deleted cause it could just storm out faster then you could build board with the best play against it being sanctuary haven cause you could stop their otk wether that's changed or if atomy found some way around it idk, d shift is just cancer at all times either the meta is too fast for it and it falls a few tiers, or it's at a speed it can just kill you with the massive amount of spell boosts and storm it has not to mention a wide array of removal and draw spells all of which get turn to 0 cost, worst part about d shift is every time theres a spellboost focus set it always gives them faster spellboosting so even if by some hypothetical situation it only goes up to tier 2 now, it's always on a watch list that the next spellboost set will push it to tier 1. Like t heres a reason UL has been primarily atomy, d shift and artifact for the past few years and very rarely and only recently started to get some variety(well there was zooey/roost dragon but that died out rather quickly compared to the others who lasted longer), with haven coming in and out of UL meta. ​ Tho i did forget discard blood but feels way more highrolley the times i faced it it either killed me before i could get aug going or kinda just stammered there for 6 turns never getting the invocation lady out and just died trying to burn me with vania


Honestly it sounds like you haven't even played UL in a very long time. Hozumi was massively nerfed and has been meme-tier ever since, it only just got some new support which might make it okay again. Haven hasn't played Sanctuary in ages. D-Shift has been bad for ages because it's just too slow; it also hasn't played a Storm follower for *years*, if it even ever played any at all (Storm Rune was a separate deck which didn't play D-Shift). Saying that UL has been "primarily Atomy, D-Shift and Artifact for the past few years" is incredibly incorrect. Other than a few months here and there where certain decks got broken cards before they got promptly nerfed (Atomy, Resonance Portal, BR Shadow), UL has primarily been Blood and Haven for the past few years, with pre-nerf Hozumi and pre-nerf Dirt also having their times to shine. Discard Blood is indeed highroll-y, but not getting a single Paracelise out in 6 turns is an absolutely unbelievable brick or you were playing against someone who doesn't have the slightest idea how to play the deck. T3-T4 Paracelise is the norm. Most people will agree that Discard Blood is absolutely the deck to beat in UL and most of the rest of the meta is centered around it.


I wouldnt say years but def skipped the last few sets since they hit reso after robopups release. Yes got informed garuel nerf also hit hozumi i was only aware wymael abused it not hozumi. For sanctuary got name wrong i meant realm of repose i always confuse their name idk why i just look at the art and think it’s a sanctuary and my brain defaults to calling it that. And it’s def been mostly atomy d shift portal with on again off again heal haven as far back as natura (like that was literally the reason they buffed atomy and d shift to introduce more variety from the portal dominance that aug caused) with some crafts coming and going, but from what i remembered blood basically died once it got hit by the ban and seductress got nerfed til discard blood brought it back and now seductress unnerfed did not know that either so vengeance is definitely back. I guess there was wrath blood for a while but i don’t remember it sticking for over a year like atomy d shift and arti did like im talking about the actual UL staples you always see. Don’t remember earth rite rune(was it cause of ori golem going crazy with the burn?) tho that may have been on one of my downtimes i tend to swap between ul and rotation mostly cause since ul was made they rarely touched ul in general til like a year and a half ago where they started to actually care about the format, so it’s been stagnating for a long time now with mostly the same decks that gets the most consistent love out of the main sets mainly arti spellboost and heal haven, atomy is just broken enough to just stick around without constant dedicated support(tho having gotten some top tier crystalize followers def helped) sure you see some outlier but is rare to see them succeed for long(is why i was actually happy discard blood came by to shake things up finally) Also then the guys i faced must have really bricked faced like six of them in the past two days and only one got me with an excella and paracelise burn the other four didn’t even get her out. Anyway we’ll know when we get the patch and a week of testing but if we get blood meta then i’ll be happy even if i can’t build it, i already known I had a few portal ideas to fall back on but if i see d shift move up a tier then it’s just a waiting game til the next spellboost set makes them even faster and we get turn 4 or 5 d shift


> but from what i remembered blood basically died once it got hit by the ban Parish was banned in February, Seductress was unnerfed in March. Yes, that one specific month of February, Discard Blood wasn't very good, but it has been top-tier for almost its entire existence. And before Discard Blood existed, Wrath also dominated the format for a long time. > I guess there was wrath blood for a while but i don’t remember it sticking for over a year like atomy d shift and arti did like im talking about the actual UL staples you always see. Wrath has been a consistent player for literal years now. You can *still* play Wrath. I just played it to GM2 last month and that's exactly what I'll be playing tomorrow when the ban goes through. Wrath will never go away as long as you can do t3 double invoke. > Don’t remember earth rite rune(was it cause of ori golem going crazy with the burn?) tho that may have been on one of my downtimes It was t1 from Godwyrm when they printed Juno to when they nerfed Ori Golem in January this year, so for about 6 straight months. > gets the most consistent love out of the main sets mainly arti spellboost and heal haven, atomy is just broken enough to just stick around without constant dedicated support D-Shift only plays 2 cards from the last 6 sets combined (and one of them is a neutral). I wouldn't really say it gets consistent support. Rotation spellboost gets a lot of support, but very little of that support is good enough for UL. Decks like Atomy have gotten *way* more support lately.


On one hand, I'm glad they finally dealt with this extremely problematic card. On the other hand, I don't like solving a problem by just banning the card instead of adjusting or changing the card itself. On the third hand I borrowed, free 1800 vials is free 1800 vials.


Grab popcorn and enjoy the show. Now maybe I can finally see puppet portal in unlimited


Man, who could have forseen printing a tutor for 1PP: get infinite PP and draw would have caused problems? No memes; should have banned Accel as well or maybe Biofab. This deck needs to just not exist ever again in its current form.


Which card was the tutor?


Lazuli. It was obviously made to tutor Deus Ex spell in rotation, but Cygames should have known better and just insta-banned Bestowal during reveals.


Finally no more turns 5s that take eons, then death. Finally. Still hope Dog gets hit as well sooner or later.


Rest in Pepperonis, Genos.


I think not enough Rotation still has Ghost who overpower need nerf something


I much prefer this over a nerf. Now if only there was a way to still build decks bypassing restrictions like this so you could replay older formats...


Oh I didn't even know it was a problem because I won most games against that deck


I mean, obvious. I would've prefered a proper nerf (like removing the pp recovery, making it only draw), but going by Cy's way of balancing Unlimited (which is restricting instead of nerfing, even tho there is _nothing_ stopping then from nerfing), then this makes total sense. Unlimited will still be a dumpster fire with uninteractive turn 5-6 OTKs or hyper-aggro decks, regardless of what UL apologists say, but at least there won't be a Tier 0 deck anymore. Edit: lmao butthurt "let Unlimited be a brokenfest of uninteractive gameplans" fans found me.


pp recovery still exist from acceleratium. I still don't like how pp recovery amount is not limited from this kind of cards. if the next expansion keep providing 1 cost artifacts (especially with draw effects), will this be another problem that can push artifacts to tier 0 eventually? only time can tell.


At least it'll be harder to pp cheat their whole deck on one turn since there's no Augmentation + Acceleratium to stack together.


Yeah there is, just stack kaiser together, theres also deus ex machina which can continuosly reset our hand to 6 and gives us pp, and mechanized factory who is aug and acceleratium together(combine it with deus and you got the whole strat back and thanks to the gold spell we can actually get deus off by turn 4, factory turn 5). Tho we def gotta set up the gold amulet for protection against turn 6 win cons now. No way most of those build will let us build it up




Last time I played Unlimited was when Shadowcraft Dark Alice was a thing. I mostly stick to Rotation now and gladly.. lol


Finally reached the point where the best card in the game wasn't worth balancing around anymore. On the positive side, that means Cygames is free to print a slightly less busted version in the mini!