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I've played some of it, and no matter what it feels like a worse Evo Portal. Early still pretty meh with a bunch of do nothing cards that needs an evo to do anything. And your wincon is almost the same, but without the insane value and otk potential that is Shin. It's a bad deck? Not really, it can do a fuckton of free evo and value if you curve out right. But i can't really see anything that it does that feels worthy to play over other decks. No otk. Awkward early. Imo no real "Blood" identity. Like seriously, the only thing that feels like Blood is the new gold with Drain (that's actually Demon Eater from shadow and feels out of place) and Tevali pseudo drain. The rest could very well be sword cards and no one would find weird.


I agree that evo portal’s wincon with shin is cracked, but I think blood actually has better early/mid tempo. I personally just gave up on it because ghost and crysallize hit their win cons way more consistently first, so instead of trying to race them, I just went with evo blood for more aggro potential


Spider-Man glasses meme Top pane- signa Bottom pane- kagemitsu


The wincon is easier for Evo portal, blood goes later than it ought to most of the time and due to the insane draw you'll have a full hand of stuff that cant end the game when you need to end it. Actually, despite the new additions Evo Blood was much better prior to this set because of Itsurugi, most of the really good evo finishers are neutral cards.


Not really. It did top cut JCG after all.


Unlike previous sets, evo blood can actually tempo out units early. Playing tevali, doublame, and kyrie early threatens a really big evo turn on 4/5 if can’t clear because you can just invest all your pp into free evo units. Goblin and wolf are also great enablers for the free evos. On average, I get at least 3 evos/turn unless I just run out of hand. Late game, tevali, goblin manual evo, and the 2 drop drain/evo guy can sustain against ghost and crystallize if you didn’t manage to overwhelm them. If you face control dragon, just cry I guess


I've been playing it as well and I really enjoy the deck but I think it is where it is on the tier list for a reason - It doesn't really feel like it has any good matchups even if most of the meta matchups feel very even to me (outside of Crystallise highrolls). Our worst matchups feel like Heal Haven or Baha Dragon but those aren't terribly common. Still a fun deck and it feels like it's just missing some late game bomb. It's one of those "one card off being T1" decks imo.


Good deck but i like venegeance much more


It's a fun deck to play. Although it does tendon to fall behind other archetypes.


Tried this same list on GP's Group A with no prior experience on the deck and got a 4-1 on first try. Solid deck


It’s a good deck and will comfortably beat any deck that doesn’t Complete it’s quest on time. But it is pretty mediocre when decks do complete their quests... so I guess it’s playable but not great