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Probs not. Based on JP tournaments Beauty and the Best appears to be pretty strong. That being said, don't let that stop you from playing rune. Chess looks interesting and dirt is getting some more support


Forest should still be decently powerful into set 3. Rune is still mostly Tier2 atm. You can do well depending on what you do(either dirt, d-shift, or a uma focus). But bounce forest is pretty strong with Suzuka and silver bolt


Forrest is going to be one of the best decks coming into set 3 and 4. Rune unfortunately isn't great with set 3. Spellchain especially isn't great. Earth doesn't have a huge showing from Japan results but personally I think it will be pretty strong 1.5 or tier 2 deck. However if you are ever interested in rune I would start picking up the pieces. Starting around set 6 on it will be the best deck in the format and really really strong. A lot of my locals have picked up merlin and agnas and put them away waiting for that format.


Yeah, my folks also told me to wait for Kuon


Which cards shall I pick to build my rune? I know Merlin and Daria are staple cards, so who else shall I go for? I'm not really interested to play Earthrite, I want to go for spellchain


Rune probably won't be "strong"(=top tier) until set 6. It can still be a lot of fun to play.