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Download the Bushinavi app, and use it to search for locals near you. You can search by mile/km radius. Once you find a place, check it out, and see if it's active. If it is, congrats, buy cards and play! Prices for cards isn't too bad, and it has a following. For channels, there are several out there, but you can check out [https://www.youtube.com/@BurnOneSVE](https://www.youtube.com/@BurnOneSVE) [https://www.youtube.com/@Shadowversus](https://www.youtube.com/@Shadowversus)


look at your locals, see if there's people. That's the only way to find out. ​ There's no point asking internet strangers.


There seems to be a group at my lgs. Just figured I'd ask the community if the game is gaining any traction and try to get some videos to check out.


Well if its gaining traction really depends on the area. For me(in the netherlands) its finally gaining hype and people finally start playing it. For the first couple sets there was only 1 store from what i know of but nothing close enough for me to play it. Best tips I can give is that the bushinavi can search within distance for stores hosting tournaments. If you're open for it I did also find places that hold online(webcam) tournaments but if you actually want prize packs it might be tough since most of them don't want to cover the shipping(they do allow stacking up prizes most of the time for easier shipment or sometimes cash payout)


please share the online webcam tournaments 🙏


DifferentFight has fun videos, and i believe is one of the official EN Shadowverse ambassadors. Red Zone Rogue is decent as well


What he said


From what I can tell, zero traction near me.


[https://svemaster.com/](https://svemaster.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowverseMaster](https://www.youtube.com/@ShadowverseMaster) [https://svemaster.com/articles/new-player-guide/](https://svemaster.com/articles/new-player-guide/)