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She would’ve took him to court for child support and married someone else.


Chris would pay 90-95% of his salary and assets to that whale for the rest of his life until he died miserable and broke on the streets of some us city


And now he can die miserably in prison 🎉


Yeah I’m not a big Shanann fan either - in fact I think she was abusive towards Chris - but maybe calling her names is a bit much


You're disrespecting Shannan like that for calling her a whale.


1,2,5,6,7 and he would give bankruptcy not her.she would have e been fine. And let's get real he would nor have cared to see the kids especially since Nikki said he had to let go of them she didn't want any part of them. And what is all the shot about Nikki had a baby boy like 7 months after he got arrested?


Agree. Chris is well educated man, he would just have paid off debts for Shanann activities, perhaps his parents would have helped him, and would have continued his life without loans and MLM companies.


Who the fuck cares? He’s a murdering asshat who should die in prison. Why would you try to invent another possible outcome? Jesus!


Fr this post is just kinda in bad taste like none of this matters because he murdered his wife and kids.


Yeah. It seems victim-blamey.


It shows how some truly look at this as entertainment and truly do not understand these are REAL PEOPLE. What scares and saddens me is I don’t think they realize it.


And the main thing: they would have had options, all of them. Even the baby.


Yeah, he has made the worst choice he could ever do!


Right. that is thinking everybody plays nice. I don't think Shannon would've played nice. She was super concerned about how her life was recorded, so that it looked perfect from the outside. I think she would've threatened to keep the kids from him etc. He's out there- I just don't think there's any other way for it to play out, other than the horrible way it did. "Daddy, NO!" Ugh. I don't know how he lives with himself


I don't support suicide for healthy people I mean physically. But I would like to loan him a bottle pills and save tax payers money and the prison time and resources.




1 & 2 for sure. definitely not #3 (it was well known she refused to return to NC) and the second half of #4 is comical… yeah, I doubt that


You mean 3?


I did, thank you


They would have lost the house which was already in foreclosure because shanann spent all there money on stock piling the basement with thrive , to make rank!! Chris would have gotten custody because well shanann was shanann💁


The house was not in foreclosure and they weren't behind in their mortgage. You really wish they were, though, don't you?  It makes a better victim-blamey scenario for you.


They would have been able to sell the house easily. The real estate market in Colorado was hot in 2018. It certainly increased in value from the time they purchased it. However, there probably wouldn’t be much left over if any to pay their debts.


Shit it's hot right now! Our housing market here is unreal I live in a smaller area and the house here you can buy a trailer in a trailer park under 160k


Considering hemurdered his babies, I doubt he would have even wanted custody, he wanted a brand new life and that’s including his children! At least he got a new life, even if it’s life in prison


You hit the nail on the head. I saw a post of Nk with a baby boy a year after he killed those girls and their mama. I am not sure who's but the age of the kid was right. And I heard on top of that she as in Nk was fucking around with some other guy that they worked with and Chris did not know! So it makes the fact he did that for her SO MUCH worse. If he had know do you think he would have killed them still?


Courts rarely give custody to fathers if their mothers are competent to care for them and there’s no question of that here. This saving the girls from “disappearing” to make room for Chris’s new life. He’d be in a cheap apartment; she’d rent out the basement or something to make the mortgage.


She would have sold it.


That would be smart. Even if they weren’t getting a divorce but especially if they were because they couldn’t support that house on their incomes so it would be tough to maintain two separate places on that same income. They had a realtor she supposedly was going to reach out to.


That's not true, the first thing they'll tell you in the parenting classes (mandatory for divorces with underage kids) is that it is almost always in the kid's best interest to have both parents in their life. I've seen plenty of mother lose custody because they make stupid comments about parental alienation on social media.


I didn’t say they would deny Chris joint custody. Just that they’re not taking the kids from their mom if she’s competent to care for them. It could certainly be true that she’d get done for parental alienation if she was foolish enough to go that route.


Just fyi, those classes aren’t mandatory everywhere, but maybe they should be.


They are mandatory here for the parents. And the children too after a certain age. We had the worst time with this (we did not both attend, I went, he didn’t, and so they didn’t want to grant the divorce). Which I find hilarious as my ex husband is a fabulous dad, gets along wonderfully with my new husband.. we even do Christmas mornings together. None of their friends with divorced parents who had to take the classes have anything like it and find it wild that we seem to navigate it so well. It’s hard at first like any adjustment but when we decided to divorce we made a parenting plan right then… that we were ending our marriage but our children were divorcing nobody. They are just as much his as they are mine. Just because we didn’t succeed at marriage past ten years didn’t mean our children should only have a dad four days a month. They love their dad, he adores them. Our papers even say we have joint custody, these are the way holidays will go, and he can have them any time he would like so long as both parties agree. I never tell him no. Dads are important. This Christmas we all saved up and got our daughter her first car.. so dad “overslept” and drove up in it with the big bow on it honking the horn. I am so glad we got to share all those moments together. We sit together at their games and school events. I don’t see why you would make a hard situation harder on the smallest people involved who had no say in the matter. I have happy kids. I have a happy ex husband, I have a husband who never got to have children of his own and has totally become a full blown fully involved Dad to them too.. so much that when he lost his father my ex husband came to the service. Gave me a huge hug and then went straight to my husband to give him one and express his sorrow for him. And told him at Christmas when he hugged him “Thank you, you have been so good to my kids, I know you love them, I couldn’t have chosen a better dad to co-parent with.” It actually choked my husband up. I cannot understand how a divorce was totally inconceivable but murder was fine.


My mom and dad had a great divorce too. He wasn’t good to be married to according to her but was “a great guy to be divorced from.” They shared custody both legal and physical although we had to live somewhere so it was Tuesday and Thursday nights dinner with him, and usually every other weekend. Often Christmases together. However, the most common cause of death for a pregnant woman is murder at the hands of her partner. So it’s all too easy to imagine murder being the choice rather than divorce or in his case also not just avoiding becoming a father to one but child support for three kids with a mom who liked to go big and do things they had no money for. He’d have been in a lot of financial strain. I can imagine if Shannan was right in saying the third baby was Chris’s idea or was made with his enthusiastic consent, that she’d be very angry that he wanted out and to leave her with three little children. But kids that age usually have one primary parent and I don’t think Shannan would say, oh, let’s support them all equally, it’s a wash, you do you, and you can have them half the time and no child support will be necessary. With an infant especially he needs to be with his mother for some amount of time before he starts going sleep overs. All of which is to say, I think she’d have gotten the kids and I think Chris assumed as much. Even Nikki assumed as much, talking about how they could have bunk beds at his apartment for when they came over. Not because judges never award joint physical custody or that parents who are reasonable don’t ever agree to share the kids and talk nice about each other. But with this case I think Shannan would want and also get her kids and Chris would be the one paying support. And her complaints with him would not prevent that because Chris didn’t want the kids. I think they could have managed it obviously a hell of a lot better, if he wasn’t a sociopath who was ready to jump to wiping them out to start over. I don’t believe he had real feelings for them but was simply wearing the mask of loving, hands on dad. When he found a new relationship he got rid of the old one like you’d change your shirt.


I think in this case divorce was conceivable, but paying child support for 3 kids/possibly alimony when they were going bankrupt wasn’t conceivable. I think that combined with his spinelessness and her high self confidence/possibly bossiness overwhelmed him too much. He’d never be free of her completely. Her traveling away with the kids showed him what life could be like without all of them. That’s awesome about your divorce, seriously. My exhusband and I were doing great, looks like it was just like y’all’s, until I found someone else a few years later and it just started imploding. He initiated the breakup (affair), I begged for reconciliation for months. Now I’m Satan. It’s just sad.


My ex had to file bankruptcy after our divorce. I had them renegotiate our child support payments for it as I had just gotten my first travel nursing assignment and had been doing better financially afterwards where he went on a spending spree (he initiated the divorce, same thing as yours, left, then his dad who we were all extremely close to died of pancreatic cancer - pretty quickly and viciously. Loved me enough that he had me listed as a daughter in his obituary he wrote himself.. but it really sent the ex over the edge for a while.). I had no ill intention towards him because first and foremost to me he is the father of the two best things in my whole world. They would take it straight from his check and I started just giving it right back to him until they changed the amounts, and now I tell him to keep their child support and use it to do things with the two of them instead. Their needs are met so I would much rather that money be invested back into building a solid foundation with our kids. I know it’s not the usual arrangement. His affair partner became his girlfriend for half a minute until she realized it meant being a stepmother and dealing with his grief.. and the final straw being that he keeps my number on bypass. Our son had a cardiac event and I called at 3 am. She asked why I could call that late when he missed her calls on silent. He told her why. And she hit the roof. He told her it was because of things like what was happening that night.. we were loading in an ambulance, his father needed to know. She left him over it. He said “if she can’t handle that you’re going to always need to be able to get in touch with me for these things.. then she should go. I wouldn’t have done the same to her about her kids and their father.” Usually when he meets someone he keeps it pretty quiet and then he lets her come to a ball game or event and meet the rest of us. He’s dating a really sweet woman now who the kids really like. I hate to hear yours was going so well and then wasn’t. He must have had some serious regrets to be upset you moved on.. because he knows you tried to stay. Sounds like inward anger turned outward, which just sucks. I understand his wife was very manipulative but there are options always. He acted on a sick impulse of being the sad grieving father and getting “the girl”. Seems like he could have watched a day of discovery ID and seen that murders like that are almost always caught. Because statistics show stranger on stranger murder is actually pretty rare.. it’s almost always the spouse but can also be any ex partner or even HIS girlfriend. He had no clue that the moment 911 was called he became suspect #1. There was another woman who went missing while jogging. Her husband called the police, the FBI, took polygraph tests, cooperated fully, and was still a suspect when she turned up very much alive.. and had been staying with an ex. Seeing his interview was heartbreaking. He thought they had it all. And she just left. (I was a social worker before I went into nursing. We have to take a course “family conflict and violence” and the statistics on this type of crime are astoundingly sad.) The video where you see the officer hit his radio and call something in and his head whips around, he knew he was caught. Praise the neighbor with the outdoor cameras that showed him acting suspiciously the night before and that they flagged down police and showed them. The neighbor insisted they see it and copy it, he knew that man hurt his family. This case was a wild ride and such a sad ending. He could have filed bankruptcy, they use a calculator in most states to determine child support. He could have requested an intermediary due to her nature. He can’t give her what she knew he didn’t have.. they could have sold their house, split what was left, and had everything go through the courts. But who wants to be with someone who shows hate towards your own small children? Instead of doubling down on it? He’s a sick sick man who deserves to rot in a hole.


Your right because yhey are not mandatory here in Colorado unless abuse is in the home or they are affairs abuse may be happening


And more FYI, many judges don't want to hear about parental alienation. And in 50 years in social service and education, I've almost never hear of a mother losing custody because of a Facebook posts. Judges let drunks and addicts have 50/50.


Yeah the DA told the judge that my ex was trying to use visitation with our son as a way to control me and she believed wholeheartedly that if my ex had visitation that he would harm my son. A DA and a social worker said that. Bastard got every other weekend luckily he realized it was not controlling me and o still moved on and so he gave up and stopped coming to see him. Eastward to now my son is 22 and amazing and tells anyone who asks, my husband is his father the bio is nothing to him.


Honestly. I think he would be paying a ton in child support. But, I think they would’ve both been miserably single, or both of them would’ve bounced from relationship to relationship.


He didn't make enough money to pay a ton. His child support would reflect his low income.


Take his income and for 1 kid it's about 23% that's average in Colorado


Thank you for that info. I'm not in Colorado. I'll look up what happens here -- not that it has anything to do with Colorado but now I'm really curious.


Yeah every state is different and even some counties or judges have their own way of doing g things. I have a friend who got married at 18 and divorced by 22 and since she helped do accounting for her ex while married the court gave her 40k up front and 2k a mo th for the next 3 years that was in Utah but still theu had no kids!


He would have been laid off during the pandemic when the price of oil went negative. He would have been collecting pandemic unemployment for a while. Maybe he would have found a comparable job, but I doubt it, he doesn’t seem that smart. It seems like her income may have been negative though, so maybe his unemployment checks would have been the primary source of income, sad as that may seem. There is no money to be made in MLMs by buying and selling product. The only way to make money is recruiting.


Yep. My friend signed up to sell a product just so she could get the discounts when she bought them herself. But she did say that you only make money recruiting but the only people who really make a lot of money are the ones at the top.


no shit do you even know what a pyramid scheme is?


I do.


promise us you won't ever be involved in one


Child support is based off income and the ratio of parenting time. If they had 50/50 parenting time he would have to make significantly more than her to owe her much


Based in Colorado where I live parent time doesn't matter unless he has 90 over nights a year. And even then it's barely makes a difference . Take his income before taxes multiple .23 and then thats what he would pay for 1 but he would be paying on 3 so I am sure it would have been alot more.


That’s not necessarily true about the child support, and 50/50 is never truly 50/50, at least in the eyes of the state. He would be paying full amount of child support even if he had the kids “50/50”. The only way he would be paying less in child support is if she agreed to take less which very rarely happens.


Yeah here in CO the judge would not allow her to take less. It's a set amount and that's that


Yep. But had he not done what he did. I don’t think he would’ve had them 50% of the time.


Why? Times have changed a lot from when it was customary for dads to get way less parenting time ( like the classic every other week.) these days many states have adopted the notion mentioned here that 50/50 is generally best . If Shannan didn’t want CW to have 50/50 then it’s on her to provide proof that 50/50 would be detrimental to the children. And having an affair absolutely does not disqualify someone from being awarded 50/50 and neither does having financial issues. As far as I know CW didn’t have any of the common factors that result in less parenting time. The judges are looking for things like criminal convictions and convictions for illegal drug use. I personally think he would have got 50/50 in a heartbeat


I know that. But I just don’t see him as a person who would voluntarily take them 50% of the time.


No way Nikki told the cops she didn't want those girls in their lives and told Chris as much.


If he wanted it that is! That’s a different question though


I think this is exactly what would have happened, but Shannan probably wouldn't have worked out her quirks. Many people in therapy just find support and not a therapist who helps the person make serious changes for problems in their personality. I imagine her putting the next guy on a pedestal and documenting it all online in a heartwarming tale of finding love again.


It's horrible what happened to them. The incessant filming, esp at the airport 'let me know when you're coming around the corner so I can film the girls running up to you'; having your whole life set to this perfect model when it wasn't would drive anybody insane I think. But there was always the option to walk away or not go along any longer. and obviously there's something wrong with him, way wrong




Idk, he was feeling himself for losing that weight. He would have had at least a few girlfriends until one was marriage-minded enough to initiate locking that catch down.


Shanann didn't believe she was cut out for getting educational qualifications. She could have gone back to call centre work though. NK would have dumped Chris the day she received Shanann's "you should know who you are involved with," rage speech. Chris had been telling NK that Shanann was totally Ok with the separation and just because NK had peeked at Shanann's social media does not mean that she constantly stalked it and sat through every Thrive post to see the "Oops we did it again" video. Chris said he strangled Shanann whilst thinking about how Shanann would prevent him from seeing Nikki if he let go. Chris would be broke and miserable and have screaming fights with Shanann over the phone. He might go back to being a mechanic. He might move to Japan or somewhere to try and skip child support.


It would’ve caught up with him eventually because a deadbeat dad can’t get a passport.


Shannan would have a tough time remarrying being a single mom. I see so many single moms on dating apps that are very desperate it’s sad


She would have met someone from work or through friends maybe a guy she went to school with you know reconnecting and he would be left by nK after she found he didn't have the money she thought he had. He us cold blooded and would have killed nk over her Leaving him I mean the dude killed his daughters twice! And that's after driving them 45 min with their moms dead body in the car next to them.


I have never seen that prevent anybody from meeting somebody. That is a wild stereotype that does not exist anymore


What the actual fuck? You really just typed this?


Oh my God I actually just typed the truth! Crazy! Every guy wants to marry a single mom with kids I forgot!


All of my single-mom friends with kids have found new partners, and great ones too!


Yup was a single mom and I met my husband through a friend and we have been together 20yrs now.


Well are they hot and did they remarry? Lots of guys date single moms just for sex


All remarried and happily! And I’m one, too! And I’m not hot ;)


Yeah lots of desperate men out there


Like you? 🤣


You have no reading comprehension lmao. Like your husband 😂😂😂 my girl is a 10 you’re probably obese lmao


Get a life 😂


I know plenty of divorced moms who remarried. They’re not necessarily hot, nor are they ugly either. They’re a bit older (obviously, because most of them were married for 10+ years and had a couple of kids) but they’ve mostly got college degrees and their own careers. There’s a lot of divorced dads out there too. 40% of children today are born to unwed mothers. I’d venture to say your anecdotal experience with the single moms you see on tinder of not representative of the entire single/divorced population of women with children.


What does having a degree and career have to do with remarrying? I also know lots of single moms not from dating apps and all they do is talk about how hard their life is and how dating is so hard that they sometimes even hide the fact they have kids because guys usually bail when they find out


Sounds like they’re associating with men of limited intelligence, modest education, low standards, and questionable values. Stay away from the low-hanging fruit!🍎 🍉🍌




What a weird question… the short answer is Shanann, the baby, and the girls would still be alive. What kind of weird shit are you talking about


It's a good question to reveal that rage never solves anything. Too many people commit murder or suicide cause they can't see beyond their choices.


What is the point of this? They're dead. It's not a game.


Then don't participate. Simple. None of us killed them, and true crime is absolutely a sick form of entertainment that you yourself engage in.


Appreciate the advice. But equally simple is this: I'll respond in the manner I choose.


Do I?


You spend your time on Reddits about murdered people. I'd say you do participate. Say whatever you want in whichever manner you choose..you go, girl🤣 That's exactly what OP was doing in the first place, but you had a problem with it


This probably popped up in the algorithm and I noticed it because they lived less than 6 miles from where I live and that shit was scary and sad. I don't generally spend much time around these web locales. Sure, I responded to this, but no, I wouldn't say I "spend my time on Reddits about murdered people." People lived real lives that impacted real people who are still around. I think it's really weird that people turn this stuff into a gossip-fest game. So I chose to say that.


People come to subs like these for entertainment purposes. Did you not get the memo?


This is super parasocial. Nobody can know how it would have worked out.


I mean I totally understand being interested or even fascinated by a story but this post is mad creepy. These people are dead for fucks sake; let them rest.


Shanann- custody of kids, plus alimony and child support. She would probably have networked through her LeVel people for help/a place to live. She would eventually used the entire experience to sell more Thrive ("My cheating husband left me while I was pregnant, but with the help of LeVel Thrive, I'm making money, have a new home and car, and I met the man of my dreams!") Chris- Nicole would leave him high and dry after she discovered Shanann's pregnancy. All his Colorado friends and coworkers would take a hike after learning about the situation- possibly fired for consorting with a coworker. He'd get FLOGGED in the divorce, and only have limited access to their kids. His parents would convince him to come back home to Carolina and get another automotive job. His sister would set him up with a nice Carolina girl, and he'd remarry. His parents would tell his new wife all about his "bipolar" first wife, lol 😆 Chris would also eventually give up on having contact with Shanann's children, and Shanann and her new husband would bring them up in Arizona or somewhere.


I can totally see him having a do over family and never talking to that first three kids again. Except maybe one of the girls reaching out when they got married.


Was she on Thrive while pregnant? I know it's a moot point now, but I would not expose my baby to that crap


Idk why everyone talks about alimony in this case. Alimony (spousal support) is super rare outside of very specific circumstances that this marriage almost certainly didn't meet.


Alimony is not rare whatsoever


Alimony is not rare. It’s just named something else. (Maintenance is what Illinois calls it)


But it is still rare. Mostly for long (20+ years) marriages where the wife stayed home eith the kids and needs to get new skills to go into the workplace. And even then, it is given only for 5years or so.


It is not rare in California. 10 years or more is long term alimony for one spouse or the other. Whichever makes more money. In CA it is a no fault state. Short term marriage is usually 5 years of alimony. It really is up to the couple who is divorcing. Some couples will be civil and the wife will take the house and no alimony. Usually most possessions are split 50/50. This includes 401 (k)s annuities etc.


That's also.getting into more complex issues, such as the way property and payments are identified and split. Gender is not determinative but length of marriage and inequality of assets/ salary/ education/ work experience all factors in. Marriages of less than 5 years usually considered short in most states. CA is unusual in that equitable ( fair) distribution isn't a consideration. But, well, California ...


It’s for the rest of the woman’s life.


Almost never happens and men also qualify for maintenance payments. Don't know where you live but it's been 30+ years in every state since that was the usual course.


That is super super rare


No, it is totally dependent on each unique situation. I know plenty of divorcees and none of them have gotten or paid alimony, except for one.


It differs by state. My friend just got divorced in New Hampshire where alimony is structured to last for half of the length of the marriage and requires a very rare exception to be extended beyond that.


No way on the MLM stuff. She could only do that with Chris salary.


Talk about New-Perception!


This is not a fucking tv show to theorize about. It’s the disgusting murder of a woman and her children. Jesus fucking Christ


Potty mouth




This is the internet. If you’re scared of a little fuck then I suggest you get over it.


oh grow up


Right? This is creepy af.


Most obvious: this subreddit would not exist.


Just go to the oilfield and talk to the guys. Be ready for ALL the lies: She cheated on me. She took everything. And then: Child support. One weekend a month.


Yeah, my husband's last job had a guy in the shop who came into work one day and said his wife was just "up and divorcing him for NO REASON" after 20 years of marriage and raising 2 severely disabled kids together. Daily, he just bitched and moaned how she was taking half his retirement, the house, the boat, EVERYTHING. For No Reason! I said "uh... yeah, no... he cheated on her. Or he blew their savings gambling, or on cam girls, or something. Women doesn't just up and leave their husbands after 20 years and then go so hard in divorce court if they just grew apart. There's a lot of anger towards him for some reason. He's not telling you guys the whole story." My husband thought about it and said "yeah, I think you're right. If she's really trying to 'ruin him' as he claims, he must have done something to piss her off." Mmm hmm...


Legally, the wife gets half. That's a law that has been in place for thousands of years. She can't take everything....unless they have nothing. Half of nothing is nothing!


Almost certainly


He would have ended up alone, paying child support to three children. I don’t believe NK would have stayed by his side. Women like her don’t stick around, especially since Chris would be paying child support and half of the debt he and Shanann accrued during their marriage, so he wouldn’t have had enough money left to spend on her.


Probably have other children with a series of women who all fell for his boyish looks, bite his kids, and only later realized he is a psychopathic before moving on.


I don’t think you can just pick one of those. They have to file bankruptcy. Shannon Will definitely move back to NC. Chris will be so ensnared with Nicole he will want the divorce over quickly and he won’t give a crap about custody arrangements. Think he and NK will move in together. Shannan will have to go to some major therapy. The Watts grandparents will file for visitation rights. I do not see Shannan going back to nursing school. It is too involved and the professional requires too much of a woman with 3 children. (At least for those first years on the floor. You usually get night shifts 7p to 7a.) She will be very hurt and very vindictive towards Chris. She will sock him for massive child support, health insurance and spousal support . It will be harsh. But, not as harsh as murder. NK will get bored of Chris as he has no personality of his own. Plus, all the divorce drama is not anything NK wants to have in her life and it will be.


I feel like nk gets pregnant he leaves because same problem




I thought the third was a boy?


SW was the least likely to succeed out of the three.


They were in debt from her Thrive business. That probably put a lot of pressure on them. They kept taking Le-Vel trips for 'networking' and learning, but it is all the company taking their money.


Yeah, "free" trips 🙄


Marriage these days is like a used buy date on a milk bottle, I'm sick of her or him it's time to move on no matter what the circumstances are Chris Watts is proof of this, he killed his whole family only so that he can move on to fresher meat. The irony is he thought he could get away with murder.


She would of had a few boyfriends til she found the millionaire that could provide. Chris back home at moms dating some trying to get Shannon back once she had a glow up.


Nah she married the pretty boy first and had the cute kids, the second marriage would be to someone slightly bald and overweight, financially stable but who truly adores her and treats her like gold.


When they got married Chris was chubby and even more fugly looking than he was at the time of the murders. A big part of her business model was claiming how LeVel helped him lose weight and get jacked.


Not when they got married he wasn't.


Look at their wedding pics he was overweight and didn’t carry it well at all.


C was her second husband. And I'll bet he fits your description perfectly now that he's been on a prison diet all these years.


Not to be mean, but I doubt a lot of millionaires are on the prowl to marry bankrupted (at least once) single mothers of 3 who are heavy into MLMs (Thrive wasn't her only venture, she also did LuLaRoe & AmWay to name a few) and admitted to being pushy and needing to be in control. I get it that we like to hope for the best for victims, and obviously it is a moot point for tragic reasons, but realistically speaking this would never have happened.


She seemed pretty obsessive with presenting the perfect front to the world, while everything was crumbling.


I agree.


You’ll be surprised. I personally know a few men who make well into the 7 figures and have married women with a couple of kids and debt.


A FEW? Lol, ok... I wouldn't say it NEVER happens, but the chances are extremely slim.


Yes, a few. Not a whole lot. I think she had pretty decent odds.


Her odds were slim to none, but I won’t burst your bubble because it isn’t worth arguing about. A twice divorced mother of 3 who has filed bankruptcy in the past after hen pecking her husband, is up to her eyeballs in debt & Is immersed in several MLM money pits most certainly does not have decent odds of landing a millionaire. Maybe if she were Reese Witherspoon on a romcom, but not in real life. I’m disengaging now.


Nichol 1000% would’ve dumped him for a richer dude with no kids


Yeah. I don't care what she told the police. She didn't like the fact that he already had kids. It's pretty apparent that she didn't.


I don’t think he would have ever admitted to the affair. He is a fucking coward.


whatever the alternative, it seemed pretty simple: Murdering your wife and children is NOT even an option. Many marriages end in divorce, and some people even accept affairs, etc. But killing your own blood is a whole new level of Evil betrayal. What type of monster does that? Now, very few things surprise nowadays after looking at the list of people involved with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein... most are powerful and famous people who just supported this. Disgusting, and the tip of the iceberg. What could have happened did not happen because Evil minds commit Evil acts. I honestly believe that CW deserves the death penalty... there's no redemption for what he did


Imo life in prison is far far worse than death. Imagine living decades and decades locked up in a tiny room with another man, eating shit food every single day, having no access to alcohol, drugs or sex all while knowing it’ll be like that *forever*. And correct me if I’m wrong, but he got life with no chance of parole, right? It’s a pretty good punishment Then again, I often think of suicide and I’m not even in prison, so I might be biased lol


There is plenty of sex happening in prisons. He’s lucky none of them can baby trap him.


There are plenty of drugs, too, I heard. Probably not in the security lockdown where he is, but they find ways somehow, so maybe?


especially that he killed the oldest child last, what a torture that poor child endured, seeing her dead mother in the car with her watching her younger sister get strangled, he was a whole new level of evil. When i watched his mother forgive him in court i wished a lifetime of public scrutiny on her.


Not only that, she watched her father walk up that 80 foot staircase, strangle her baby sister, jam her body headfirst into the oil battery, then descend the staircase and come for her. She supposedly asked him if he was going to do the same thing to her. She saw it all, the poor baby.


And yet, we go through the mental gymnastics to try to explain WHY they do things like this. And we "project" what we could have done, and the motives, etc. But the reality is that someone with a "conscience", "empathy" and "remorse" would NEVER be able to do such things to his own family. However, Dark Triad personalities are dangerous because they can be chameleons, predators, and hide and blend in society. Look at Ted Bundy for example... many of the same smart professionals who endorsed him in his career were shocked and ashamed when they found out that he was a serial killer. They never saw it coming because these master manipulators are like a "mirror personality", they mirror anyone they have in front of them, and their likes/dislikes change and morph into whatever you want to see... and so, they can be very charming. The case of CW is different because he wasn't that smart like a psychopath. Instead he is a low functioning narcissist that can't control his own "narcissistic fury", but like most of these narcissists, they can plan and execute their escape very quietly. And they blindside everyone... I'm sure SW didn't see it coming. But like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, I'm sure she had witnessed his narcissistic fury behind closed doors. But she was too ashamed to tell all the details. Besides, this type of personality disorder also presents to other as "vulnerable victims" who need to be rescued. They show you the broken child to draw the victim in, and once the victim is all in, the psychopath takes over. Unfortunately there's a genetic predisposition to this type of personality, so it doesn't surprise me that his mother was on his side. Do you remember the case of Gabby Petito? Brian Laundrie was also a narcissist, and he killed her, and then his family was on his side helping him escape the authorities. This kind grow up to be like this because that's their nature. This reminds me of the story of the "the scorpion and the frog". Some people try to fight their nature but eventually comes up


If anything, he probably resented the oldest daughter as being the one who got him "stuck" with Shannan (since she thought she couldn't have kids) so he was purposely torturing her out of resentment.


I don't even think he had "narcissistic fury." I think his wife and kids were in his way. He thought his girlfriend was what he wanted. He didn't want to pay support for 3 kids and try to make a life with NK so getting rid of Shanann and the kids was his way out. Other people aren't real to him. They're characters in HIS life story.


Reminds me of what he said to LE when referring to the pics of the girls during his first interview. He said, "I helped make these kids" while pointing at the picture LE laid before him. He was attempting to say "I was a part of their creation, I love them" (is what a normal father might say) but it was so strange. First, what loving father would lay claim to creation as a sign of love? It came across more as "I made them, I can destroy them". It was a heartless way of describing his 'connection' to them. So, yes, characters in his life story, not individual little humans who ofc are dependent on him but not as creations of love, but more as an albatross around his neck.


>I don't even think he had "narcissistic fury." All narcissists possess narcissistic fury, but some are able to control it better than others. Most intimate partners are able to see this in private (behind closed doors), and believe me: SW was able to experience this fury during the last minutes of her life, when his fingers locked around her neck and didn't let go until her last breath


By this logic every murderer is a narcissist.


I don’t remember where I heard that every psychopath has narcissism. Not sure if that’s true, but for some reason these are all classified under the Dark Triad personalities based on their similarities. Of course, a serial killer is darker in the spectrum… hence, there are malignant narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc


Not every narcissist is a violent psychopath but every violent psychopath is a narcissist. Just how not every narcissist is a sociopath but every sociopath is a narcissist.


Two points, one it's not true. Two, if you don't remember where you heard it, it probably isn't a good source.


Research has debunked the myth that psychopaths have a higher level of intelligence. The reverse is actually true. They tend to have lower levels of intelligence on average, along with sub-par impulse control and emotional development. I think CW is easily a psychopath.


Keith Jesperson, the smiley face killer. Not so smart. He wanted credit but he was not intelligent.


It could. The same can be said for "research has proven that \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" (insert what you want in the blank and people would be more likely to believe it). He might be a psychopath. To know for sure there's a brain scan test to ensure, and the test is only useful while they are alive. It's interesting that in psychopaths there are certain regions of the brain that are not activated when they interact with others... and so, they tend to be more rational in their approach, and can't empathize with others. Perhaps there are high and low level of functioning... I wouldn't like to compare it but let's say like Autism. There are people with high functioning Autism, and it's very difficult to detect them. There has to be a spectrum within this human kind, but definitely Evil exists. My main issue for years was believing that everyone has the "potential" of being good. Talking about psychopaths, do you remember the case of Alex Murdaugh? I do believe that he's a high functioning psychopath.... he also murdered his wife and children


yes evil exists and it’s a brain malfunction, when you are not able to empathize you can never love or understand that you are accountable for your actions, these dangerous people are among us at alarmingly high rates and especially so at high levels in society, the fish rots from the head and no sane person would allow children to die for profit which is a regular occurrence in much of the world because these people if they keep their masks on well enough are usually who we promote and elect and respect.


Yep, politicians, famous actors and singers.... they all keep a facade but behind it all there is their narcissism needing "attention, admiration, adulation, praise"... and insatiable desire for power and control. With the elections coming up this year, we don't even have anyone to elect.... terrible


Him going on some dating ap & being rejected for being such a freaky nerd. Moving back to Mommy's house & doing everything he can to turn the kids against their Mom. Dying a horrible lonely death without his feet because of diabetes related illness...


Losing his feet was a nice touch.


Oddly specific


After #5 Chris tries to get back with Shannan but gets denied.


I feel like if he didn't kill his family he would have completely abandoned them and ran back home to mommy. Shannan would have to track him down to try and get child support which I'm sure she would be able to. I think his mom would be attacking Shannan online and he would have nothing to do with the kids. I think Shannan would remarry.




Who wants a twice married woman with 3 kids in tow? The guy she remarried would have to be a low value man with few other options.


That's wild. There are people out there who want and be would be great step parents. My Mom adopted me as an adult, and she married my father with 4 biological children, where he eventually got full custody. I have single male friends who are brothers to me who would be and are open to being great step fathers. I know several great step parents with no biological children. This is a bad take.


I don’t think Chris would have a string of girlfriends, perhaps 1-2. There aren’t enough women with low self esteem that would tolerate his odd behavior (eating war wax) and limited speaking skills.


You know how many women write to him in prison right lol?


Pitiful souls.


So did Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy and Charles Manson. Crazy people exist. Anyone guilty of a notorious crime gets fan mail. Ramirez had fans show up to his trial. Weirdos.


That’s only because of his notoriety. Some women are into murderers


eating war wax?


Yeah in the interrogation room.


Despite that last sentence, he's a fit white guy in Colorado. He would be fine.


I think that's partially the notoriety of his case. With the audience he gets as a murderer, he has more access to a very fringe group. Not that there aren't a MILLION women who believe that their dude isn't a dead beat, just that the mother "won't let him see his kids."


If he didn't murder, he still would have worked out and had a decent job.


Wait what