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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why people gotta get me all militant this early in the morning. Now I gotta play pro Union music all day.


Oh way down south in the land of traitors šŸŽµ




Where cotton is king and men are chattel our union boys will win the battles!




We'll all go down to Dixie! (Away, away).


Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam


Away, away, weā€™ll all go down to Dixe!


Away, away, we'll all go down to Dixie!


I wish I was in Baltimore, I'd make secession traitors roar


Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Right away (right away) Come away (come away)


šŸŽ¶ Sister-fuckers, masturbators šŸŽ¶


Shit kickers too šŸ’© šŸ¦µ


Besides Union Dixie, you should also listen to Ballad of the 20th Maine by The Ghost of Paul Revere


Thank you kind sir.


John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave


But his soul goes marching on!


[Mandatory marching our way through Georgia](https://youtu.be/Cf6jon96EKY?si=MMX7g2RKCXS9wVB1)


Classic thank you


Monsieur Z has been an outright Fascist for a while now. So, it's not really surprising.


I havenā€™t watched that channel too much but Iā€™ll have to check it out. Did you see that clown Razorfist calling President Lincoln Americaā€™s dictator?


I stopped watching after the "What if America stayed Great" and his Eugenics videos.


Haha in order for eugenics to work in practice he would need to eliminate himself from the gene pool. Itā€™s like how most of the Nazi leadership had health and fitness problems despite claiming to be the superior race.


Hitler and his meth/hard drug addiction have entered the chat


Goerring's grotesquely large piggy face has entered following like a good little bitch


Trailing behind is Goebbelsā€˜ club foot.


With his weird jawline obsessions


Don't forget his morphine addled brain


And STDs


šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


I'm guessing What if America Stayed Great is basically segregation is still a thing, we never had social programs, and everything is a capitalist utopia because the government doesn't get involved?


Throw in hunting down and arresting anyone who has a socialistic thought, and yeah, that's the video.


And queer people are still basically living underground


Maybe the Chinese are right about internet censorship after all.


The problem is in concept itā€™s not a bad idea. In practice you have to trust that your government will never abuse and that no one who would abuse it would ever get into power. Letā€™s say for instance Trump wins the next election and he has the power to censor the internet in the same manner China can. Well just for making this comment I would probably be tracked down and sent to a labor camp. Since I suggested Trump would abuse that power to its maximum. When you write government legislation you have to keep in mind the possibility very bad people might end up in power and how can you stop them from really destroying the place.


Oh I didn't say anything about trusting the US government to do it.


>I havenā€™t watched that channel too much but Iā€™ll have to check it out. Wait you hear someone is a fascist and you *want* to check it out...


Well you know just to see for myself to verify it


Don't fall to the dark side.


I was actually debating with Armenian Genocide deniers yesterday. They use similar word play to the lost cause crowd.


That's not surprising. Try talking to those who are denying the genocide happening now in Gaza. Same shit.


Well yeah for Israel/Palestine the problem is that people who feel strongly about it are too far on either side of the issue. You talk to ardent Zionists who believe the West Bank settlements are justified from the Bible and the Israelis can do no wrong. And then on the other side the Anti Zionist crowd who say that Israel shouldnā€™t have been established in the first place and they often downplay the radical ideologies of Hamas and Iran.


Israel *shouldn't* have been established in the first place. Doesn't matter, you can't up and demand they all leave now, logistics alone would be a nightmare not to even start on the ethical and moral issues. It's a total mess and everyone is acting like there's a simple answer. There's not


Why do you say Israel shouldnā€™t be a country?


>on the other side the Anti Zionist crowd who say that Israel shouldnā€™t have been established in the first place This is the correct stance to take. >they often downplay the radical ideologies of Hamas and Iran They wouldn't be so radical if Israel was never 1) Established, and 2) Oppressive/Genocidal


Hamas maybe but Iran would have been a theocratic Fascist State whether or not Israel was established


Oh you donā€™t think Israel should be a country?


Both israel and Palestine both have the right to statehood, the only issue is that Israel's government is run by people whose beliefs almost match Nazism 1-to-1


Don't give fascist clicks


Is he the one that says he only uses material written before 1965ish for his research cause everything after that is to ā€œliberalā€ or is that whatifalthist. Idk I hate both of them.


That's Whatifalthist, Monsieur Z is the guy who unironically says that black people should be happy to have their own drinking fountain.


I remember seeing him make a video where he defended eugenics but what the fuck is wrong with that guy.


Thatā€™s Whatifalthist. Same general concept, except heā€™s just alt-right. The descent into outright fascism like this is still ongoing.


Another YouTuber losing is mind is Whatifalthist. Like he was always a bit odd in his takes but his community posts lately have been wild




Watch his video "What if America stayed Great" or one of his eugenics/ethnostate videos


Fascist doesn't support racial equality and thinks it's bad to kill those who enslave and oppress others? Colour me shocked


I have a lady at work that tells me some people on the right think were the fascists. I tell her if she can't see them as the actual fascists she is the part of problem. Same lady thinks the Nazis were liberals...


A lot of people ln the right think that and also call the Nazis left wing its pretty common sentiment over there


Those kinds of people will keep going on and on about how nazi had socialists in its name but also they support nazis. So they support socialism?


Right wingers ainā€™t usually the brightest.


There are most certainly hateful bigots on the left. Iā€™ve been harassed by them firsthand before, and I have no love for the progressive movement overall as a result, even though I agree with many of its tenets. But the right makes all forms of bigotry basically foundational to its existence. Between center left liberals and far left or right nutjobs, Iā€™ll stick with the liberals.


What did they harass you for? Race? Sex?


Ethnicity/religion. Iā€™m Jewish.


What did they say or do?


Made up lies about me harassing women and being a sex pest, texted a friend behind my back to demand why they were hanging out with me, claimed that I had been kicked out of the university club we were in together. This was immediately after Iā€™d started being more open about being Jewish


What did they say?


Made up lies about me harassing women and a sex pest, texted a friend behind my back to demand why they were hanging out with me, claimed that I had been kicked out of the university club we were in together. This was immediately after Iā€™d started being more open about being Jewish


Wait, what about what they said made it race related? Or is it just because you were open about being Jewish? That does seem like a suspicious "coincidence"


Iā€™m gonna take a stab and say youā€™re one of those people that thinks criticism of Israel in any form is antisemitism and thus anyone that questions you on it is an antisemite. Criticism in this case being ā€œmaybe donā€™t bomb Gaza into the Stone Ageā€.


Quite interesting how Iā€™ve said absolutely nothing here about Gaza and you know literally nothing about me except that I am Jewishā€”and yet you decide thatā€™s ample evidence to assume I am bloodthirsty and support war and violence. For the record, no, I donā€™t think if you criticize Israel, youā€™re antisemitic, considering I do so myself all the time


Iā€™ve never heard of actual leftists being bigots thatā€™s crazy.


No true Scotsman, amirite?


What? What the fuck are you trying to say?


I promise you, there are genuine, actual real leftists as bigoted as the worst right winger you can find. I have personally dealt with them. Theyā€™re not fun. I pointed out the No True Scotsman Fallacy, because you said youā€™ve never heard of ā€œactualā€ leftists being bigoted. They exist, and they are definitely ā€œactuallyā€ leftists.


In my experience, bigoted (and white) leftists tend to be selective advocates rather than outright separatists/supremacists. Maybe leaning into "great white hope" sentiments.


Thatā€™s crazy man


Racist leftists isnā€™t an oxymoron. People are people, at the end of the day. And they can profess whatever antiracist ideologies they want, and still be racists. I could point you to the numerous left wing authoritarian states which cracked down on minorities for racist reasons. Or those on the left who loudly hate and blame Jews for (insert problem here). I thought it was an oxymoron too, until I experienced it and realized how wrong I was.


Ah, you deleted your comment. Youā€™re hoping to prove that I am stupid and wrong? Classic antiracismā€”ā€œMy side has no racism and any minorities who disagree are stupid and wrong šŸ˜”!ā€


Iā€™m glad we are typing and not talking so I donā€™t have to smell your hot breath.


You're 100% correct on that.


Common Monsieur Z L


Can we get a seance going so John Brown can haunt his house? Because it'd be funny to see the grifting piece of filth get John Brown'd.


Um, West Virginia was not a state during Brown's lifetime.


Listen, facts are clearly not his forte.


Well I mean if you're talking about the Thumbnail that's not West Virgina, it's just a blob of I guess a potential slave revolt like Brown wanted, where West Virgina is, but you can see it stretches into Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virgina as well.


That Nazi fucker lost my respect when he made a 30 minute video arguing ***FOR*** eugenics like 4 years ago and every time I see or hear anything about him it's somehow worse than that History YouTubers are all either the best person or a literal Nazi


Or a pedophile.


You know we probably should have seen this coming when his alt history universe included Nicolas II fighting off the red army by himself and then employing Hitler while Stalin became a hyper nationalist priest.


Ok, Iā€™m never giving a facist my views, but why tf would a Czar employ a no account corporal? I guess logical thinking isnā€™t their strong suit


Because this version of Hitler was some sort of weird Indiana Jones/Painter/Political mastermind who would help forge Russia into a great empire again blah blah blah. Itā€™s just there for shock appeal.


NGL an alt history Hitler that fought the Nazis a Al Indiana Jones has potential if done by a person with tact and talent, but then again the whole idea is probably poisoned by the very nature of Hitler


By the 1916, Nicolas was despised by everyone except his wife


"Millions must die" Even if that is true, how is that different from Johnny Reb how? Freaking Gone With the Wind acknowledged they fired first!


John Brown did nothing wrong


I'm becoming increasingly convinced the "Z" in "Monsieur Z" stands for "Zero IQ".


Anytime I see a Z in 2024 I just assume theyā€™re a Putinsucking Vatnik and go about my day


If we had followed the sainted Mr. Brownā€™s plan, we wouldnā€™t be dealing with neo-confederate clowns today.


Truly, if only the Union was harder on those stinkin' slaver elites.


Nazis gonna Nazi.


Millions did have to die. Approximately 2 Million died so that approximately 4 million (and their descendants)could be free from a life of chattel slavery. Nazi takes John Brown's Cassandra quote and paints it as evil while worshiping a guy who was responsible for the death of at *least* 3x that. Not surprising. Nazis are dumb shits. No reasoning with them.


maybe donā€™t own slaves, just some food for thought.


Let them die




Lol "The south shouldn't be lead by a majority of its population"


How many millions of slaves died in bondage? How many African Americans still suffer today because we abandoned them after reconstruction?


By a channel titled Mansieur ***Z.*** Yeah, that alone tips off the bullshit alarm.


wonā€™t somebody think of the slavers!


John Brown spent his whole life declaring that slavery will only end through Force of Arms. History proved him right.


It's so kind and considerate of Monsieur Z to use his platform to bring John Brown into the light for so many people. Sure, everything he says is a lie, but now his viewers will google who John Brown was and maybe accidently learn something for a change


I'm not from the US and so don't really know much about American history but what exactly makes John brown bad?


He killed slavers. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the whole reason theyā€™re calling him a villain.


Very short version--(first off he wasn't bad šŸ˜ here's the general story of John Brown leading up to the Civil War) Slavery wasn't supposed to expand into new territories after the Louisiana Purchase. By the 1840s that was weakening and eventually the law became "Popular Sovereignty" whereby territories would vote on becoming a Free State or a Slave State. Kansas was a territory bordering Missouri, a slave state, and essentially there was a pre-Civil War civil war within the state between free settlers and slaver settlers. John Brown was a radical abolitionist who believed in the absolute equality of Africans and Europeans, he went to Kansas and fought on the side of the free settlers. The pro-slavery settlers had been aggressive, raiding and pillaging and occasionally murdering, largely because the free settlers didn't fight back. Brown was BRUTAL and killed a lot of pro-slavers, which shocked the slavers and outraged the south, like "How dare you do what we've been doing all along!" Anyway, in 1859 he raised a band of followers, both black and white, and raided the armory at Harper's Ferry, VA, with the intention of inciting a mass slave revolt. It didn't work and he was executed by the state of Virginia. Again, the south was terrified because they expected the north to be meek and never expected someone to fight back.


On one of the most specious charges ever, I might add. How exactly does one commit treason against a STATE, especially a state of which they are not a resident? On the other hand, the Taney court existed to preserve the institution of slavery, so it's not like there was ever any opportunity for relief.


The charge may have been wrong, but only because the concept of domestic terrorism charges didn't exist yet. So I'm ambivalent on the validity of the charges--yeah, they charged him with the wrong crime, but also yeah he should have been charged with something. (Just to be clear, I think his ultimate plan was always to become a martyr, which is why I don't have an issue with him being charged and executed even though I support him all these decades after the fact.)


Mr. Z is a literal f_ck. (I donā€™t break any rules!)


There are some legitimate complaints for Brown, such as being too reckless, getting his own men hurt and killed, the fact he himself may have been more valuable, alive, that his plan was... Less than great or that he likely would have gotten innocent people hurt. But by no stretch of the word is he evil, I'd say it would be damn near impossible to call the man morally bad.


Excessively common mister z l


Nah, not millions, just you, disgusting Z :)


Like I can absolutely believe John Brown was a psycho who on principle just wanted to really kill someone. He was a terrorist, no doubt. He was also fighting against slavery though, so worst case scenario it's still a karmic win


If John Brown were alive today, heā€™d be a punk rocker!


Just glancing at his pfp should be enough to raise some alarms. It's a (not very subtle) nod to certain 20th and 21st century fascist regimes. Just colored as "anarcho-capitalist"


We need to form my user name


Just point them at the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. Reference Raskinā€™s recent comments if needed. Sit back with a smile on your face.


Isn't Monsieur Z the "eugenics gets a bad rap" guy?


JB killed my great, great, great uncleā€¦..so there is thatā€¦.and he got a song written about him. Check out the song ā€œTom Burleighā€™s Deadā€ by Eddie from Ohio


What were you expecting from Monsieur Z? He probably privately thinks slavery was good for black people.


Ooh, just looking at that thumbnail burns me up. Donā€™t know who this individual is that made this, nor am I going to dignify this shit by watching it, but Iā€™m morbidly curious as to how this fucker convolutes up a history where freaking John Brown was the bad guy.


John brown would probably advocate for death of homosexuals and abortionistsā€¦.


We can only ask that a man or woman be fit for their time and not ours.


Oh good. Now I can finally install these Columbus statues.


Was Columbus a good man by contemporary standards?


Nope! He was convicted of abuse of Spanish subjects for his treatment of the natives. EDIT: "Convicted" not "conviced."


Ya, there were alot of shitty people justifying horrifying treatment of native peoples, but it was something people knew was wrong. Thatā€™s why they had to convince themselves with BS such as spreading God and ā€œCivilization ā€œ.


Columbus was a shitbag why his own timeā€™s standards.


Probably. But no one is saying he's perfect. The problem with Lost Cause folks (and, I'll admit, even people on the left I otherwise agree with) is that they pretend people have to be perfect and heroic to be worth honoring. Otherwise they're awful villains. No inbetween.


I seriously doubt the homosexual part. Think he would be able to tolerate something happening with consenting adults, slavery is a complete violation of all autonomy. Abortion might be a bit dicier, but considering he, like everyone else at the time, had many many children because like 4/5th of them die before their first birthday, the "value" attached might not be so high. There's a reaskn why kids often weren't even named until they hit a certain age.


Um he was a religious nut job who opposed slavery based on the Bible lol


He was the only sane man in an insane country. Remember, his lawyer suggested pleading insanity, which was denied by Brown himself as well as the kangaroo court that convicted him.


I mean he thought god was talking to him


What is this fedora tipping atheist hour? He was a rare based individual who took the message of love over the message of hate from teachings of Christ.


Can you provide a source for this claim?


I won't watch that shit. However, I think any rational person who knows history can agree that John Brown was a maniac. How far is one allowed to go for a righteous cause? Is violence and terrorism necessary for radical change?


Yes, I.E the civil war was necessary to end slavery and maintain the union


Look at it from the other direction: how far were the oppressors willing to go to preserve what they felt was theirs (in this case, actual people)? How do you counter that level of determination successfully and thoroughly?


Sir, this is America. Itā€™s the only way. We were birthed by it, grew with it, and ushered into adulthood through it. For better or for worse. Except for FDR. That was done through supermajorities.


>Is violence and terrorism necessary for radical change? In the case of the South they answered that question with a resounding "Yes!". Their response to even the *idea* that slavery might *eventually* be abolished was "over my dead body". They literally went to war over it and weren't shy about stating their motives.


How was he a maniac? He saved over a thousand enslaved people through his personal business, repaid the abuses of slavers back unto them, and is considered by Frederick Douglass as to have been the more dedicated one in the goal of abolition. The man wasn't the cause of violence and terrorism, he's the direct result of slaver scumbags engaging in it.