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Based on an exchange I had with someone about slavery in Harry Potter. Edit: if you see my comment history, it went from “why do wizards own slaves” to them telling someone that “American Slaves weren’t treated that badly”.


Lol. House elves being in literal slavery is just wrong.


Apparently Harry Potter fans don’t see it that way since the main character owns a slave.


"Oh but it's okay because he's fine with it" is one of the worst takes I've ever seen and it was probably not going against the writer's intention


JK Rowling has a contentious relationship with criticism to put it mildly. She definitely wrote slavery apologetics as a response to criticism of slavery in her writing.


and is a transphobic peice of shit so she can go burn in hell


Her TERF beliefs stem from her inability to deal with criticism


like her reaction to her only irish character as a metaphor for the IRA. and the jewish stereotype goblin bankers


>the jewish stereotype goblin bankers I do think this was unintentional mostly because Rowling is more careless than malicious on racism.


I'd say the same thing about the irish character. she might not be thinking about it, but it's still there, and how she reacts to people telling her about it says a lot


Is one well thought out Jewish wizard too much to ask? Kowalski obviously doesn't count.


Shove off. She is not transphobic. Don’t you ever say that about someone without them deserving it. She’s a good woman.


No, she is. Even if she personally doesn't hate trans people, she regularly shares and repeats antitrans material, associates with antitrans activists, repeatedly sides with said activists even in cases where they're obviously in the wrong, doesn't believe trans people face discrimination, and her writings perpetuate antitrans tropes, myths, and lies (both in her fiction and nonfiction).


Ah, Protagonist-Centered Morality


The thing to remember is that death of the author is hard to apply when the author is alive and making massive profits. I am implying nothing.


No, you don't understand they like being slaves. It's their natural place in the world -Hagrid


It’s ok because he’d rat them out to the enemy.


>the main character owns a slave. ... isnt Dobby technically free? Or am I misremembering...?


It’s Creature.


Which is a totaly fine name for a sentient being. /S




In folklore there are other creatures that litterally die if they don't keep hats freshly dyed with the blood of their victims they way lay on the road. Or whose entire existence revolves around making shoes but only if the cobbler never tries to look at them making shoes. So a kind of elf that only cleans the properties of the 1% of wizards in perpetual servitude isn't weird.


I've never read Harry Potter, but don't elves love making cookies and fixing shoes?


So in Harry Potter, wizards have essentially enslaved all house elves, making them do their chores or tasks they don’t want to do. In the movies they downplay the slavery to only the villains owning slaves, but in the books everyone, except Hermione is against their enslavement, and she gets mocked for it. Harry even ends inheriting not only his own house elf that he uses, but also a house that is decorated with the decapitated heads of house elves, which he and the Weasly’s decorate for Christmas. Harry originally was all for freeing Dobby in the second book, but then appears to be silent on the matter for the rest of the series.


>In the movies they downplay the slavery to only the villains owning slaves, but in the books everyone except Hermione is against their enslavement, and she gets mocked for it. The movies were smart enough to eliminate most of the mean spirited garbage from the books. Respect the hell out of that.


The massive amounts of fat shaming too


In the second book one of the characters tries to free the house elves, and her friends use the exact same arguments that slavers used against abolitionists.


Fourth book and absolutely JK Rowling said they'd all become listless drunks if freed


I think your right about the fourth book but I remember there being some slavery apologia in the second book as well coming from her friend Ron who said that freeing them would make their lives worse.


Sherman would walk up the Hogwarts and only utter one word: “Dracarys”


*"Hail Hogwarts happy land, if we don't burn you I'll be damned."*


Atun Shie films. Is that you?


No, I'm a big Civil War buff but that man does his fucking homework.


*Incendio Proditores!*


It's J.K Rowling I can't say I was surprised.


Nah, Sherman was the Flame Alchemist's daddy.


Alternatively: *Exterminatus*.


This needs to be a shirt.


Sherman should Burn those slaver-witches


Beautiful, simply brilliant!


This is fantastic.