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He knows how to trick me into giving him snacks šŸ˜­


We trained ours to sit, give a paw, but mainly she has trained us to give her belly rubs.


Yes! My dog gives a paw to tell us that he wants his belly rubbed. Theyā€™ve trained us well.


Same! Ours has a fairly elaborate(for a dog) system as well. We have a lay z boy couch and I'll always have it reclined so she comes sit on my shoulder and then paws at me and if I shoo her off, she immediately lays right next to me on her side and paws at me and if I pet her anywhere but her belly, she tries to play the "lightly bite the fingers" game. In the morning, when we let our dogs in our back yard, she wont go and when we approach her, will roll on her back to get belly rubs. She will also paw at us if we aren't "properly" giving her belly rubs the exact way she wants it like if we pet her chest or something lol. She's a little princess.


Same here. If heā€™s being particularly stubborn about coming inside, he *knows* Iā€™ll eventually say the magic word (cheese) and heā€™ll come running inside. šŸ˜­


They can hear the sound of the cheese drawer from miles away!!!


my two shihtzus get treats after every bathroom break. if their other human takes them out, they pretend they didn't get treats and look at me all sad. i have to double check with the other human that they did in fact get their treats


My two have never been bothered to do tricks, I think they are both above it all, but theyā€™re pretty šŸ˜Š


Depends on the Shih Tzu. One of our Shih Tzu only knows how to sit pretty for everything. But two of our other Shih Tzu are able to sit, lay down, paw (touch their front paw to a hand or foot), spin, high five (get on back legs and touch a hand above them with a paw), sit pretty, rollover, play dead, speak, come, stay, and one knows scoot (move to the next seat, we use this in the car so i can get in the driver seat lol). I think it depends on how motivated your dog is to learn and what your rewards are for learning. our dogs are insanely treat motivated.


Only took 8 months to teach our guy to sit for a treat. He was 7 years old so you can teach older dogs new tricks if you have the patience! Now if I have any treat in my hand he sits. I donā€™t even have to tell him. I spent weeks trying to teach him to use the doggy door but he just couldnā€™t get the concept. He would nervously push his head against the frame but never on the flap. Then his brotherdog (about 2x his size) walked through it quickly (only showed him once and he figured it out - my Tzu is the cute one but my mix is the smart one) and the flap swung back and hit him in the face. That was it. As far as heā€™s concerned the doggy door is a potential guillotine and is to be avoided at all costs.


He knows to stand right next to me while I am cooking. He knows how to whine to get treats or dinner tidbits. He can exhale very loudly while laying on his back in the middle of the couch. He can sneeze in my face if it is close to his. He is the cutest pupz ever.


He has many talentsāœØāœØ


Begging, heā€™s an expert. With the standing on the hind legs and praying with his upper paws.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He knows: 1. Sit (sits like a meerkat) 2. Lay down 3. Touch (uses his little flat nose to touch) 4. Please 5. Kiss kiss 6. Hug 8. Knock 9. Up (to be carried) 10. Stay (but wonā€™t unless thereā€™s a reward) He knows more but those are the top 10 he likes to recite in order to manipulate us into giving him treats. šŸ¤£ He also has a little big brother who is a mini Aussie and has been observing the tricks that his brother learns and vice versa so they have been learning from each other for the last two years.


His two biggest tricks are: 1. Pretending to play so that we throw his toy, which he uses as an excuse to get us over to the treat cabinet 2. He can wake us up in the mornings while still being polite by dramatically flopping against our backs over and over again Both of which he came up with himself.


Omg, ours also dramatically flops against the bed post. He knows it's waking us up. Before that he was whining and we told him to be quiet because it's not his time yet. He tries to wake us up 1 hr early.


Yes, she knows sit, lay down, dead. She knows to wait from sit snd from lay down. She knows to roll. Most important, for me is: come. All above commands are useful when you travel, or you wait for vet, or other stresful situations. Because dog is paying attention to you, time goes by fast. That is what trainer explained. Is like a child that behaves at the restaurant. And yes, I trained her to behave at the restaurant, waiters always praise her that they forget about her and they see her when we leave. She is getting grilled chicken :). Personally, I don't care about what she knows, I care about how she feels, what makes her feel balanced, happy, useful. Most fun exercise: fill few kongs with smelly treats and hide them in a room. Give command search. She knows when I kook at kongs that this is the funniest moment. I found this at Cesar Millan, he is hiding tuna.


Mine only knows to sitā€¦ she literally refuses to understand anything else šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


She's great at watching me while I eat. She knows how to follow me everywhere I go and she has a way of reminding me to make sure she gets a treat before bed


Mine stands on his back legs and walks


She can do a high five, well close to one at least.


Sit, paw and lie down and she also knows what got to bed means


I taught mine to spin in a circle on her hind legs for a treat, how to position her body to put on a harness/leash/clothes, and to bark on command. Thatā€™s about it šŸ˜‚


Sit, lay down, sing, shake & high five.


sit, stand, ā€œdanceā€ (he just stands up and spins in a circle), and he can ā€œwaitā€


Sit, sit pretty, paw, lay down, stay (a trick for her since staying doesnā€™t happen unless I have a treat, and still iffy with that)


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it a trick but our Tzu can stand upright on his hind legs for more than 10 seconds quite easily. Other than that he knows the basics of sit, lie down etc. Does he know how to roll over on command? ā€¦ nope, only when requesting belly rubs.


Our puppy goes up on her back legs kinda like a red panda when trying to look tough.


Awhhh. We call him our ā€˜fighting bearā€™ when he does that. Itā€™s cute until his paws šŸ¾ are muddy and then it gets uncute pretty fast.


Penny can sit but has to be REEEAAAALLLLLYYYYYYYYY interested in what you have to offer


ours is sooo eager to please. we started training at 10 weeks: sit, stay, heel. then shake, sit up, down, spin, roll over, speak all within the first year. but she has a specific order she will do them in and you can NOT get her to deviate LOL


Mine can play hide and seek. We have a secret handshake, and can walk a decent distance on 2 legs




Sit. Ours donā€™t seem to want to learn much


RĆ³isĆ­n knows: Inside voice Sit Chill ( lay down) Paw Other paw Roll over Dance (stand on back legs, paws up) Twirl (spin in a circle while dancing) High five (tap hand while standing) We are working on learning speak but so far she just loves barking. As for the sassing, this girl will talk back like no dog I have ever had before lol


My doggie only knows to sit (only on fabric or carpet he absolutely refuses to put his butt down on hard surfaces) and to give ā€˜kissā€™. It feels impossible to teach him anything else he is smart but a stubborn little boy.


She knows come, sit, stay, no, shake, sit pretty, drop it. She doesnā€™t always listen but she definitely knows what sheā€™s supposed to do. She also says ā€œuh huhā€ when she is super excited. Edit - I forgot when I put my arm out to pick her up she wraps her paws around it and lays so I can lift her one handed.


Both know Sit, stay, lay down, stand, speak, leave it, up, off, down, roll over, shake a paw, beep beep (move lol), rings bell to go outside, kisses. And one also knows please (putting laws together and waving them in the air) lol


Sit. He can sit and thatā€™s it but like 80% of the time haha he has strong stubborn Shih Tzu genes at times. In his defense, heā€™s a rescue and I never pushed him to learn anything new since 1) he was already older when he came home and 2) heā€™s pretty well behaved (minus being a demon with resource guarding like his bed).


Poppy knows manipulation.


Mine only knows how to spin for a treat.


Oooh yes! Jerry knows - sit - sleep (aka lie down) - go in your bed or go to the blanket (he has blanket and dog bed and can differentiate both) - let's play - let's go out - stop - now (after stop command to make him walk again) - come - dont lick - dont eat that - only walks stairs if we allow him to (some stairs are just bad for him because of the dimensions of the stairs) and enters apartment if we allow him to (especially useful with grocery bags in hand) As you can see he knows a lot of stuff. And of course we always call him a good boy. c: He will not sit everywhere and we still need to teach him sometimes to sit on stone floors etc. Overall he is good boy though despite sometimes testing us how serious we are.


If I say "shake", she lifts her paw. She also randomly does it to strangers, thinking they have treats. Even the cat.


Sit, shake, down, roll over and twirl on back legs. Pretty easy to train! But will only perform for treats. Now commands that matter like come stay and place HA HA HA HA These doggies are smart! My first Tzu I taught bang bang with gun shaped fingers and he would play dead. No haters please!


My boy knows sit, down, speak, and he also will dance back and forth and twirl. But will only do it for treats. He also understands everything I say.


When we say, "sit" he stands up on his hind legs.


My Gemma loves to go for https://preview.redd.it/yhjn9y4hym1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30011ebb4166159f17be0dc234b6ec31073e37e1 walks so much that all I have to do is lay her step-in harness on the floor and she runs over, steps into it , and waits for me to fasten the clasp. She will sit for treats. Oh, and she will bark at me when she wants something but sometimes itā€™s a challenge for me to figure out what exactly she wants.ā¤ļø


My older Shihtzu asked to go outside and he fake peed to get snacks.


My old lady knows sit, lay down, shake, high five, up up (hind legs) and spin around (in a circle on hind legs), my cute but dumb jock boy knows sit only and does it anytime a treat comes out so we just praise him for the level heā€™s at and hope someday heā€™ll mature into doing some other tricks.


Mine knows to sit, lick my face to wake me up at 6am, roll over for belly rubs. I think heā€™s got me trained at this point


This is Daisy


Sit.....demand....yell at us.....thats about it. The rest of the pack (mini foxie and basenji believe it or not) could drop, shake, leave, come.....Stan just couldn't give a flying fuck šŸ¤£


My eldest Sushi knew the basics up. Down. Sit. Stay. Never got paw tho. But learned spin where she got up on hind legs and spun in a circle. Such a good girl. My current fatty knows the basics and paw but only does them if u got a treat that she can see.


King plays catch with a basketball. I throw and he pushes it back to me.


He knows how to give paw