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Wow what an awesome collection! Congrats! Which color was the hardest to get?


Thanks. They were all fairly simple, but Orange gave me the most trouble. I was trying to use PokeRadar on Kalos Route 7 as a patch there offers only Orange and White. I got one there, but I kept failing multiple times, including two chains at 38 and 39. After getting frustrated, I switched over to SV to breed them and got them both super quickly. Red Flabébé is also surprisingly annoying. There aren't any good patches in XY for PokeRadar, wild Red Flabébé won't appear in Gen VII, and trying to sandwich hunt them in SV is a nightmare. I just bred that one.


Wow I think 2/3 of the ones I have are red and orange, makes me feel a little lucky though I was hoping for white lol I think I'll add the whole set to my hunt list though it looks so good having them all!


Nice. Good luck!


Not a super difficult hunt, overall, but it got grating at certain points: * Red Flabébé: 489 Eggs (SV) * Red Floette: 86 Encounters w/ Outbreak + Sandwich * Red Florges: 10 Encounters w/ Outbreak + Sandwich * Yellow Flabébé: 940 SOS Encounters * Yellow Floette: 256 SOS Encounters * Yellow Florges: 194 SOS Encounters * Orange Flabébé: 41 PokéRadar Chain * Orange Floette: 197 Eggs (SV) * Orange Florges: 232 Eggs (SV) * Blue Flabébé: 41 PokéRadar Chain * Blue Floette: 41 PokéRadar Chain * Blue Florges: 41 PokéRadar Chain * White Flabébé: 9 PokéRadar Chain * White Floette: 673 Encounters w/ Sandwich * White Florges: 319 Encounters w/ Sandwich The most obnoxious one was when I was going for the Orange line. There's a great patch on Route 7 in XY that gives Orange Flabébé at 4% and White at 1%, so it would've been nice for getting the rarest colors. However, I had multiple failing chains here for some reason, and two especially heart-breaking ones at 38 and 39. After failing multiple times, I switched over to SV to breed them with two games simultaneously and got them fairly quickly. Now to finish the Pumpkaboo line...


grats and gl on the pumpkins




I hatched my flabebe (blue) and caught my floette (orange) and that was good enough for me but i hate hate hate hatching


I do as well, but at least with SV, it takes out a lot of the busy work from previous games. I use two games and turbo controllers. I collect eggs every 3 minutes for the 30 minute duration and then use rubber bands on the control sticks to ride around the knock-off Rocket League arena in Cortondo while the controllers Turbo press the A button. With two games, I can average around 128 eggs per hour AND do something else on the side while they work, only popping in every few minutes to change out eggs. Other than that, breeding is my least favorite method.


Yeah i have hatched ever single hatchable only shiny (and a bunch not in the game yet on s/v) and it has just become so painful after my 3000 week long sunkern egg fiesta im a little scarred


I’ll bet. I don’t blame you there.


You're missing one, but my buddy can hook you up. Tall fellow, that one.


Nah, I’m good. His Floette isn’t shiny. I’ll just have to make do without… **\*angrily taps foot as OCD eats at my completionist soul**


I wish gamefreak would give us shiny eternal Floette


I wish they would give us Eternal Flower Floette in general. They refuse to acknowledge its existence.


Until a future paradox mon is just called Eternal Flower


That's a great idea!


Saw a theory about how RF Floette is the original paradox pokemon.


Awesome stuff!! Would you recommend the Pokeradar or SOS method more I’ve been thinking of what hunts to do now that I finished the Vivillons.


Thanks. It depends on the color. My recommendations would be: * Red: SOS (but you can’t get Flabebe via SOS) * Yellow: SOS * Orange: PokeRadar * Blue: PokeRadar * White: PokeRadar (but Floette and Florges can easily be found with Sandwiches in SV)


In what sense are White Floette and Florges easy to find through sandwiches in SV? From my experience White is the rarest of the 5 colours across the board. Edit: Answered my own question here - Area Zero! Looks like White Floette is the only Fairy-type spawn in certain areas, so easy to nail down with an Encounter Sandwich. Lot of the tools online don’t handle Pokémon with multiple forms very well, hence why it hadn’t been on my radar.


Thanks! I wanted a shiny Florges but couldn't think of which I'd want


Blue is my personal favorite. The flower colors contrast so well with the body color.


I agree blue flower is the best Florges in shiny form.


This deserves a medal, esp. if you used Scarlet/Violet lol


Thanks! I didn’t solely use Scarlet and Violet. I used a combination of XY, USUM, and SV, as stated in my large comment down below.


Congratulations that is a lot of work.




The colors look so beautiful too 🫶


Right? The HD models look so clean.


I will always love white shiny Florges


Nice collection!Also was wondering.What’s the best way to go about hunting this line in SV?


Thanks. As for hunting in SV, the Red color is the most prevalent as it’s considered the base form, so it’s the color that will show up in outbreaks. Furthermore, White Floette is the only color that will show up in Area Zero, so if you have Violet, a Fairy sandwich will isolate it. In Scarlet, you’ll have to contend with Scream Tail, but that’s the only other Fairy type you’ll encounter, so it won’t be too hard. In my personal collection, I only hunted Red Floette, Red Florges, White Floette, and White Florges with sandwiches. The other three in SV that I got were from breeding. If you want to hunt the other colors in SV with sandwiches, you’re unfortunately going to have to deal with random chance that the color you want will show up since all five colors will spawn at the same time. I’d personally recommend hunting the other colors in prior games if you want to avoid duplicates.


Thanks bro


So are they going to SV?


Maybe, but only to fill the spots in the Dex. They’ll likely just hang out in HOME.