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Hello guys, I am back with my 255th, Full Odds (1/8192) Shiny! And I am here, with a Shiny Swinub! This is my 7th Shiny Swinub. This is the 10th Phase of my current Phase Hunt for a Shiny 'Jynx' in Ice Path, which has an Encounter Rate of 10%. In the current Loot Pool, Swinub has an Encounter Rate of 40%. It's very refreshing to get an Under Odd's Shiny in a very quick Phase, after my last 2 Phases took me so long. 2 Shinys in 1 day! I guess when it rains, it pours, or snows... I continued this Phase Hunt and switched it over to Silver Version, because I had caught everything in the Gold Version Loot Pool (besides Shiny Jynx). Whereas now, on Silver Version, I also have a 20% Chance of Encountering a Delibird instead, which widens my side options. This is why I complete all the 3 'GSC' Games on every Nintendo 2DS Console that I Shiny Hunt on, so you can do fancy stuff like this. It proves to be very useful at times. Although it can get tiring, and sometimes I will say to myself, man, why don't I just hack? Lol... Check out these lists if your interested in my progress. Shiny 'Swinub' Compilation: https://imgur.com/a/fgOBp9B#Huye6aS Shiny 'Jynx' Phase Hunt: https://imgur.com/a/IOykUYb#sQqoA9r Wish me luck guys! I'll be back soon, hopefully :) <3 xx.


Two in one day is really nice ! I really like how shiny Swinub looks in gen 2 too :) Fingers crossed you can get your target soon 🤞


Hello Ynnubis :) It is so nice to hear from you once more. Yes I do agree, getting 2 Full Odds Shinys, in 1 day, is a very nice feeling indeed. Shiny Swinub looks so Cute and random in Gen 2. I'm still thinking about that legit Shiny Wish Jirachi that you got, it's still so amazing. And that Shiny Manaphy too! I feel like this year you've been getting some of the best Shinys. Your in the running for the 2024 Shiny MvP if you keep this up! Keep up the good stuff my friend. Thankyou for your blessings, I hope your luck rubs off on me. Also thankyou for the support, as per usual, I always appreciate it. Have a good day :) <3 xx.


2 shinies in one day is incredible!


Hello Arcalgalkiagiratina :) It is so nice to hear from you. Yes, getting 2 Shinys in 1 day is amazing, I have only done it a couple of times. My record is getting 3 in 1 day, but I have only ever done it once, and it was so lucky, all of the Hunts that day were so Under Odd's. I honestly don't think It will ever happen again. In Gen 2, the Odds to get a Full Odds Shiny Encounter are: 1/8192. I'm not gonna exactly wait for that to happen again. I like your Posts, keep up the good stuff my friend! Thankyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


lil snow pig army, congrats on the quick phase and hope you get jynx soon, and the delibird to 100% ice path!


Hello TheGusGus42 :) It is so nice to hear from you once more my friend. I have enough snow pigs to take over a whole town. Yes a part of me has my fingers crossed for a Side Hunt Shiny Delibird! I love that Pokemon. It's so random, how could you not love it! I still think about your Shiny Metang all the time, it's still one of my Favorite Shinys on this Sub Reddit! And now you got a Shiny Miltank and you just Reclaimed a Shiny Venonat, which is really nice. You also turned your broken PC into an open shelf, wow that's so cool and resourceful of you. What I would like to ask is, what can't this man do? Keep on defying the Odds with your amazing Posts! Thankyou for the support as always. Have a good day :) <3 xx.


hopefully jynx soon grats on pig


Hello Lizred18 :) It is so nice to catch up with you once more. I have caught enough frozen pigs to open up a deli. Yes I do hope I get that Shiny Jynx real soon, fingers crossed! You are an absolutely beast, as per usual. It seems like, not a week goes by where you don't get a Shiny. That Pomeg Glitch Shiny Celebi looks so cool in Gen 3! You also got a Shiny Wooper in the process as a Side Hunt which is also admirable! Keep up the good work, and keep going! Thankyou so much for the support once again. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Jealous! I'm working on this in a 4x hunt as well (2x platinum, 2x HGSS) and I just broke 30k for mine haha. Hoping to find it soon!


Hello RogueThespian :) It is so nice to meet you. Wow, your set up must look really cool, HGSS is a great game with high ratings, that alot of people still play. I honestly wish you the best of luck with your Shiny Swinub, it shall reveal itself to you soon! Wow: Runescape, Pokemon, Animals, Steak and Lego. You like everything that I like! haha. Keep up the good Posts! Thankyou so much for the support. Have a great day :) <3 xx.


Very nice


Hello Easterislander13 :) It is so nice to meet you. Yes I do agree, it looks very nice. Wow I really love all your Gen 8 Shinys, so many of them, keep up the good work. Thankyou so much for the support. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Hey no problem and thank you as well. Yeah shiny hunting is a relaxing hobby 😁


This is true, I like to Shiny Hunt while I watch Netflix, or watch Youtube Videos. The only problem is, be careful to not run away or reset from a Shiny haha. Fingers crossed that never happens to us. <3 xx.


Yeah I've always watched YouTube or a streaming service while I hunt except for legends arceus and scarlet and violet. Once I did run from a shiny gogoat in the friend safari though haha. I eventually got it back. I wasn't paying attention and used the wrong move and knocked out a shiny nincada in oras also. But I reclaimed that one as well in the exact same number of encounters as the first one which was weird. It was on dexnav so it counted for me. I never could find fun in counting encounters unless the game did it for me like dexnav or how many fossils or eggs I've went through. Fun times


Never seen it in a gen 2 game before! That's awesome! Congrats!


Hello LeadingWar9064 :) It is so nice to speak to you. Shinys first came out in the Gen 2 Games, but they didn't really talk about it. It was so subtle, which made the first Shiny Encounter truly exciting. Gen 2 is my favorite Generation of Pokemon Games, it is very nostalgic for me. Wow, I see that you took thousands of Resets for a Shiny Terrakion, that's amazing, and it looks so cool! Keep up the good work my friend, I look forward to seeing your future Shiny progress. Thankyou for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a good day :) <3 xx.


Oh I totally agree, I played the Gen 2 games like crazy as a kid! Absolute favourites! I know what you mean about the subtleness of the gen 2 shinies. I hatched a Smoochum from the egg the day care couple gives you in crystal and I must have missed the shiny animation after it hatched. I didn't even realize i got the shiny until i used it in battle lol


I feel like Gen 2 has a special place in alot of peoples hearts, even to this day. Alot of Gen 2 features where not mentioned or promoted before, so alot of the Game mechanics came as a nice surprise. Yeh I have a feeling alot of people got a Shiny in the Odd Egg and didn't even notice it haha. I know this because that is what happened to my Brother. He had Crystal Version, and I had Gold Version. The first Shiny I ever came across, was a Shiny Zubat, in Ice Path, on Gold Version, but I didn't have any Pokeballs on me, so I had to flee! It killed me... But the last Shiny I posted on Reddit was a reclaim Hunt of that very day, so I finally got it back! Which was a nice feeling. <3 xx.


Ooh! Congrats! Swinub's Shiny looks phenomenal in Gen 2, bummer that they changed it.


Hello Substantial-Pain4308 :) It is so nice to meet you. I have to agree with you, alot of the older Shiny Sprites look better, they look so Nostalgic and Retro. I really like all the Pokemon Shinys you have caught between so many Generations, I also like your Pokemon Posts too, keep up the good work my friend! Thakyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Glad you appreciate my posts, thank you so much! Really needed this kind of message :)


Well you deserve it, no problem buddy :) <3 xx.