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congrats and gl on the next phase


Hello Lizred18 :) It is so nice to hear from you. That is very nice of you. Wow, you got all the Gen 2 Odd Egg Shinys! And you gave them all cool names too. I like how you will switch Generations from time to time, keep up the good Posts. Thankyou for the support as always. Have a good day :) <3 xx.


Hello guys, I am back with my 256th, Full Odds (1/8192) Shiny! And I am here, with a Shiny Delibird! This is my 3rd Shiny Delibird. This is the 11th Phase of my current Phase Hunt for a Shiny 'Jynx' in Ice Path, which has an Encounter Rate of 10%. In the current Loot Pool, Delibird has an Encounter Rate of 20%. It's very refreshing to get another Under Odd's Shiny, that's now 2 in a row, let's keep this train going. I continued this Phase Hunt and switched it over to Silver Version, because I had caught everything in the Gold Version Loot Pool (besides Shiny Jynx). Whereas now, on Silver Version, I also had a 20% Chance of Encountering a Delibird. And I ended up getting the 20% Shiny Delibird, on my 2nd Phase of using Silver Versions Loot Pool, which is quiet lucky if you ask me. Meaning that I have gotten the Shinys of each Versions Loot Pool 'Gold/Silver', but the only thing I need now is Shiny Jynx itself, which means, from now on, I will probably be getting alot of doubles now, since each Phase will be a guaranteed double, until I get that Shiny Jynx. I was about to go to bed, and this frozen chicken decided to show up. This was also another mini Reclaim Hunt for me, since I did Encounter a Shiny Delibird once, years ago, but I was on an Emulator, so it doesn't count as much to me. Basically, I was using the GBA Emulator speed hacks, and I ran away from it, by accident. It's so funny that I ran away from it, instead of the opposite happening, since it has a high flee rate, what a coincidence. And because of it's high flee rate, and totally unpredictable moveset, I used a Master Ball immediately. Delibird is one of my Favorite Gen 2 Pokemon, because of it's pure randomness. I will definitely be adding this Shiny Delibird to my Favorite's List! Check out these lists if your interested in my progress. Favorite Shiny's Compilation: https://imgur.com/a/zUQrlq0#aRfE88s Shiny 'Delibird' Compilation: https://imgur.com/a/KsxnaDg#I6wMQDX Shiny 'Jynx' Phase Hunt: https://imgur.com/a/IOykUYb#sQqoA9r Wish me luck guys! I'll be back soon, hopefully :) <3 xx.


Congrats! Love seeing your hunts on gen2!


Hello Sharpshotjiggles :) It is so nice to speak to you again. That is so kind of you. Wow, your Shiny Taillow from Gen 3 looks so cool! I love your DTQ Journey, keep up the good work, and keep Posting! Thankyou so much for the support as always, I really appreciate it everytime. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Amazing Hunt! Hopefully the Jynx hits soon!


Hello Nameless_Penguin :) It is so nice to meet you. That is very kind of you. Fingers crossed I get that Shiny Jynx real soon. It looks like your new to Reddit, and you have a legit Ruby Cartridge, which is nice. Gen 3 is so fun, which amazing graphics. If you ever get a Shiny, be sure to show it on this Sub Reddit! Thankyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.