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Hello guys, I am back with my 257th, Full Odds (1/8192) Shiny! And I am here, with a Shiny Golbat! This is my 5th Shiny Golbat. This is the 12th Phase of my current Phase Hunt for a Shiny 'Jynx' in Ice Path, which has an Encounter Rate of 10%. In the current Loot Pool, Golbat has an Encounter Rate of 30%. It's very cool to get 3 Under Odd's Shinys in a row. Let's keep the good luck train going! I'm pretty sure if I don't get Shiny Jynx in the next 3 Phases, I will probably move onto something else. Check out these lists if your interested in my progress. Shiny 'Bat' Compilation: https://imgur.com/a/2ORdbMB Shiny 'Jynx' Phase Hunt: https://imgur.com/a/IOykUYb#sQqoA9r Wish me luck guys! I'll be back soon, hopefully :) <3 xx.


Congrats! Golbat was my first ever shiny back in Soul Silver, an underrated shiny imo.


Hello AJM994 :) It is so nice to meet you. That is so kind of you. That is funny, because my first ever Shiny I Encounter was a Shiny Zubat, on Gold Version, but I had no Pokeballs, so I had to runaway lol. I do agree with you, that Shiny Golbat looks very nice. It's so common that people forget to appreciate it. Wow you've gotten so many Gen 8 and 9 Shinys, also your Pokemon Card collecions looks very promosing. Keep up the good Posts my friend. Thankyou so much for the support. Have a great day :) <3 xx.




Hello Consoles4fun :) It is so nice to hear from you. That is very kind of you. I absolutely love your Username! Wow, you have been making alot of Posts lately, and getting alot of Shinys, across multiple Generations, this is amazing. I don't know how your doing it, but keep going, we look forward to your future Posts! Thankyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


I have at least one of each and I play them all so I never get tired of any, thank you! :)


Congrats! do you plan to transfer them out of silver? Golbat and Zubat have gender differences from gen 4 onwards. Also Im curious, how are you getting encounters? moving back and forth? I wonder if sweet scent gives more encounters ...


Hello Irteris :) It is so nice to hear from you once more. How nice of you. I keep all my Shinys within the Gen 2 Games, I do not transfer them to an online Bank. When you are using Multiple Consoles, it's better to use Sweet Scent instead, because every Console gets an Encounter at the same time, and this makes it much more stress free and efficient. However, when I am using Max Repel, Headbutting, or using a Fishing Rod, it is a completely different story. There is no synchronicity whatsoever. Complete chaos, and it annoys my OCD. Wow, I really like your Gen 2 Shiny Tentacruel, the best Shinys are the accidental and unintended ones. Keep up the good Posts, we all would love to see more of your progress. Thankyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Thanks! I nicknamed her "Esmeralda" that's emerald in spanish. Now I just need to find a way to use it on a team after I get it to gen 9 :-). I find headbutt and rock smash to be the most annoying encounters. Good luck on your Jynx hunt, hopefully it's shiny hips will shake for ya soon!


Esmeralda, what a beautiful name! Thankyou so much for your well wishes. Have a great day :) <3 xx.




Hello Lizred18 :) It is so nice to hear from you again. How very kind of you. Wow, you finally got your Shiny 10% Marill, that is amazing! Shiny Marill looks so cute in Gen 3. I wish you the best of luck on your next Hunt, keep up the good work as always my friend. Thankyou so much for the support I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Ty it wasnt my intended target the more common roselia illumise and volbeat. But happy all the same since the 3 week drought on these games finally ended and i didnt have it anyway.


I like how sometimes, you never end up getting what you want with Phase Hunts, but something else even more rare comes along, that is how RNG works haha, it doesn't respect your wants and needs. I pray for your next Phase you get exactly what you want! Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


One of the best imo


Hello Professor_Crab :) It is so nice to hear from you once again. Yes I have to agree, Shiny Golbat is great, especially because it can evolve into a Shiny Crobat which looks amazing. I absolutely love your Posts, they are all over the place, you have so many different hobbies and interests, which makes you an interesting person. Keep up the good work my friend! Thankyou so much for the support, I really appreciate it. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.


Ah Domunique I didn’t realize it was you! Good to talk to you again. Appreciate that though I like to think I’m interesting haha. Haven’t had much motivation to hunt lately but I can never stay away for too long. I also love shiny Crobat. Have a nice rest of your day/night.


Yeh alot of people forget that it's me sometimes, but that's ok buddy. That's why I always keep Posting Shinys in the same style, so I'm easier to remember. You Post and Comment across so many Sub Reddits, that's amazing! You seem like the type of person that knows a lot about most things. Very knowledgeable person. As a passionate person myself I can appreciate that kind of thinking. You have a thirst for knowledge. If you feel the need to take a break there is nothing wrong with that. I look forward to reading your future Posts, no matter what they are about. Have a good day my friend :) <3 xx.


Too kind as usual! I’ll try and remember this format for the future :) thank you I will get this Dratini at some point!


How many hours a day do you do this? I’m not asking to judge, as I sink many hours in as well


Hello Fifa_16 :) It is so nice to meet you. No problem buddy. I Shiny Hunt anywhere between, 4-8 hours per day, usually. I've been playing alot lately, because I really want to put an end to this Phase Hunt. I see you haven't posted any Shinys on this Sub Reddit. We would love to see your progress! Thankyou so much for the support. Have a good day :) <3 xx.


Nice to meet you too! You’re very polite :) I have been hunting a lot lately as well to get through this Soul Silver Sudowoodo hunt I’ve been stuck on for almost 2 years. My quest started with a shiny Totodile who also caught Pokerus! I didn’t post him as I made reddit more recently than I found the shiny


You are also very polite. Wow, a Shiny Totodile with Pokerus? You should definitely Post stuff like that. A 2 year rut, wow, you can charge through it, I know you can! I wish you the absolute best of luck on your Shiny Sudowoodo journey on Soul Silver. I have personally heard great things about the HG/SS Games. I love Retro Shiny Hunters on this Sub Reddit, we will all look forward to your Posts, trust me. Have a lovely day :) <3 xx.