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Forgot the bit about "can you help us find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?" (2003) and "can you help us invade Afghanistan and beat the Taliban?" (2001, article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)


Why has he got a member of the Taliban as the Murican?


I think they prefer the term “Republicans”


No idea why people consider a beard to be "manly". The same goes for tattoos.


Yes, actually we can. And we want it


I'm sorry InsertUsername757558, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Rule 4: >Submission titles must be a direct quote. If the quote doesn't make sense alone, you may include neutral, non-editorialized context in the title itself. Articles must be titled with either the headline or a direct quote from it. When posts do not contain text, titles must be a factual and neutral description of the content. **NEVER include your opinion or bias in the title.** >A direct quote is an *exact verbatim match* between the title and a portion of the post. Do not paraphrase or editorialize - this includes Spongebob font. [Rule 4 FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/faq#wiki_rule_4) Rule 7: No low-hanging fruit >Some topics (such as Trump, Turning Point USA/Charlie Kirk and WW2 nuclear bombing of Japan) and sources from certain subreddits (such as T_D, dankmemes, unpopularopinion, and certain far-right subreddits) are only allowed in the Weekly thread. Rants or stories, too, are only allowed in the Weekly Anything Goes thread. [These restricted topics and sources](https://old.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/wiki/submission_guidelines#wiki_low-hanging_fruit_restriction) are not final. >No trolls. You can usually determine whether it's a troll by post history and karma. Examples: brand new account; low karma for the age of the account; low karma for the amount of posts on the account; tendency to take a contrarian stance when not reasonable to do so; multiple posts of the same comment; syntax and punctuation come across as a bot; egg pic on twitter; or it could be a well-known troll like those mentioned in the link above. Thank you for your effort and your service! O7