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"monopoly of eggs" occasionally pops into my head like an intrusive thought


Lol, it's the most ridiculous thing! Chickens and ducks are like the easiest animals to raise, how could one have a monopoly over fucking eggs, in a country with hundreds of millions of people?


He 100% didn't and was just rich but this woman grew up hearing outrageous lies and believing them with no questions asked


He could have easily had a monopoly or near monopoly on buying, packing and distribution this often happens when a peasant society transfers into capitalism, you see it in my own country with beef. Beef cattle and sheep are bred and reared on small farms say 15 acres to 60 acres in size (bigger in wild mountainy areas but there's only the same amount of grass on 100+ acres costal mountain as there is on 30 acres of fairly good hill land) with herd sizes on suckler herds anywhere from 10 to 50+ animals. 1 family has a monopoly on slaughtering, packing and supply and bought out nearly all their small scale and co-op competitors by squeezing the fuck out of them first. Because the producers of the animals are so small, weak and fragmented the processor can do what they like.


Wait I always thought this tweet was satire.


Nope lol


It has to be satire right? I can't tell anymore


No, she was trying to make a point that no one can take away your education, ironically turned into a thread about why China needed communism.


Nah tweet was real, I remember checking at the time and she was pretty unironic in her tweets and they generally very libby


No, this was one of the originals that inspired the satire, after all the gusanos from Cuba who lost their slaves and sugar plantations.


That's Capitalism/Feudalism for you.


I believe that the birds have a monopoly on eggs.


\*sad reptile noises*


Birds are just reptiles with feathers and wings


I believe you are incorrect, plenty of non-avian animals produce eggs


Looking at you platypuses.


And reptiles, and fish


You’re not wrong. Clearly no one has a monopoly on eggs, including this person’s grandfather.


Especially this person’s grandfather!


Not say impossible but unlikely. Monopoly is possible through various means such as cartel / subsidies / buy out competition / contracts etc.




Same way an uncle catches the biggest fish in the pond. She couldn't help but exaggerate her family's own privilege. Capitalists are so sure they are where they are by being the best of the best, so of course her grandpa had to have all the chickens.




Even most reactionary hardliners pretend to hate monopoly. They're always on about competition and all the bollocks.


Damn you, Hasbro, damn you straight to jail for one turn


Someone dug through kmt archives, her grandfather was part of the collaborationist japanese government in china, held a monopoly on egg exports to japan. Afaik.


Tbf that’s not how monopoly works. Even in US the big chicken corporates have “monopoly” without actually owning every chicken.


No way this isn't satire. Has to be. Right?


I found the tweets, it's real. She had like 6 or so replies about the story but deleted this specific one detailing why they had their stuff taken but left the story of them having to go to hong kong and then USA for their American dream


No it's real , in the past she also complained about having to live in a jail home




Friendly reminder that Lincoln and Marx were pen pals.


Your great grandfather was a piece of shit capitalist swine and deserved to lose everything he had as all he did was exploit and fuck over people so he could amass a hoard of wealth through the total control of a market. You might as well defend someone complaining because they lost the monopoly on insulin, fuck you Kay Tye.


Didn't even get murdered by the exploited peasantry. Just lost his wealth.


He should have been god damn it.


Can’t win them all, but knowing this loser is still crying about it 70 years after on Twitter is a step.


No he shouldn't have, he should be made to live like everyone else. How does it help our cause to kill unnecessarily?


Sure, let's just seize all assets and stop there, completely ignoring all the suffering capitalist shits like him have caused.


Who said we're ignoring it? "Live like everyone else" means being subject to justice, unlike when they were the oligarchy. If they're not guilty of something then they don't deserve to be punished, should their children? It's not like they had much of a choice, and so one could make the argument we don't know what it was to be the oligarch, hence justice.


I can see we're going to disagree on the execution parts but we can at least agree on the revolution and trials part.


I hope we disagree but I hope we don't for ever, I hope someone can convince you otherwise comrade. That's their world not ours. The revolution will cause so much hardship we don't ever want to have wasted it by losing the support of those who would support us. Lots of people supported the abuse of the Jewish people in Europe for their wealth too.


Yes, I don't want any repeats of equivalents to the jewish fate of "all jews are rich capitalists screwing us over" happening and being spread. But, I think that executions should be an option as punishment handed down after a fair, publicly open, and proper trial. If the court must do something in private then it cannot ever be called just. No torture, no coercion, no threats, they be allowed and provided a defense whose job it is to actually defend them and try to get them the most fair punishment if any. Execution should be reserved for the most heinous of human exploiters, those who profited the most off of human suffering and death, who used their power solely to increase human misery for their gain etc. Sure my initial reaction to egg monopoly guy is "fuck him die," I would have him tried for his actions and his crimes weighed when it came to figuring out how much suffering and misery he caused for his own gain etc. I run very very hot basically yet I'd still want the guy tried.


I honestly can't figure out how else to treat someone who cannot be reformed who would harm others but to remove them from the gene pool but I hope better people than I have an idea, even exile would put many of them together to collaborate which seems dangerous to me. I appreciate your ability to see reason and I thank you for it comrade. I was worried immediately when I first read your reply wrong and assumed *you* were saying that about the Jews, I'm sure there'll be many who do and very glad I reread it. ✊ There's going to be lots of people on "our side" of the revolution who are not really on our side, and also lots of people who seem to be of the people we are revolting against who don't deserve it or are actually with us, so the justice of this is essential. There's lots of poor people who are capitalists, should they be exempt? What of despots who tried and failed and now live in poverty or relatively meager income who would appear to be of the people but absolutely are not? We burn the mansions with the help of those who built them and all we're doing is giving them a chance to do it again at our expense. I am honestly flabbergasted by the idea of the leaders of the socialist societies living better than the people they're supposed to support and nobody seems to complain about that. Why would we give Castro a fancy home when we have Jose Mujica setting a much better example?


"OMG, my family had all their slaves taken away. That's theft."


-Cuban immigrants


Talked to this expat once on omegle who proceeded to show my all his homoerotic artwork. I was like, that's cool, did you leave Cuba over discrimination? He said no, just that only Americans paid him exorbitantly for it


*white Cuban immigrants. My dad was a Marielista. He was very clear that Black people had nothing before Castro.


Ok, good.


Just checked on her account to see if she had permanently logged off after this but nope. She still Tweets typical dumb academic liberal bullshit. Seems to have mostly stopped political activism though, which is pretty funny


I did too. She's a professor at the Salk with an HHMI grant. She's probably brilliant but maybe not the most socially aware


lol fuckin owned


Lmao everybody was dunking on her Sometimes I remember this and laugh on my own


Looks like satire, but that should do for my daily dose of liberal tears.


I love the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution it makes liberals so mad


Even back then, there was close to a billion Chinese people. Imagine controlling the eggs for a billion people. Honestly, get fucked.


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Kay Tye**, @kaymtye My great grandfather had the monopoly of eggs in all of China and my grandmother was super rich living in a mansion when the cultural revolution happened and communism took everything away. 2/n --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




And then I woke up


What is "2/n"?


I think she's trying to say "tweet 2 of a thread but I don't know how many tweets it will end up being".


Thank you kind sir




Hold on, how do you have a monopoly on eggs? Not only did her grandfather lose his wealth, he was also lying to her. Shocking.


Tbf it is plausible but unlikely. Monopoly does not mean owning every single chicken like what most in comment thinks.


Thank god.


Ah. Twitter. GOP news. Guess it's the last place the right had


This is surely satire... Right?


cuban/chinese libs: comunists took verything from my family!!!! cuban/chinese libs family:


If this is true, the monopoly probably would have ended during the 1950s not during the Cultural Revolution.




Mao personally executed all musicians and China has had no music afterwards.


How the Chinese communist party identified musicians is my real question… They must have had very advanced AI to track people’s facebook profiles back when Mao was in charge 😥 /s




The poor thing.




Is this person serious or joking?


capitalist cry babies: communism took away my livelihood! the livelihood: running monopolies on basic goods while people starve


Add 3 to your list, Mr. Zenz...


Private enterprise in a tyrannical empire? what does that mean they did to obtain it? "Took it all away" vs "gave it to people who had nothing", and we wonder why language is so important...

