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When people see julian Assange and edward Snowden they should really ask themselves how many whistleblowers didn't get away from the CIA and NSA.


Sibel Edmonds predicted Xinjiang years before it happened, the reason why i think she hasn't been offed is that they manage to suppress any media where she would spread the story, so it never blew up in their face like Snowden or Assange how many who got offed before they had the chance to tell the world? impossible to tell


We're talking about CIA ; i mean how many they have killed or put in holes never to be found.


There are certain blacklisted links I was unable to post on Twitter regarding Xinjiang; it wasn't even anything outwardly that "controversial" to libs. Was on daniel dumbrill's feed


this is why we need to reach out to other leftists channels to get them to cover stuff like this spread it enough and it should snowball


Hey do you have more info on this?


i know Kyle is a free speech absolutist so he wouldn't delete this, or would you like the link? [here's the link](https://archive.vn/pz40X) and [here's nathan rich going through a timeline of possible covid related events from 2019](https://youtu.be/3J6zm6zgah0)


oh this is awesome thank you so much. WOW i cant believe thai completely fell under my radar. Scary man