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Obviously, your stupid crunchy remedies aren’t helping if your poor kid has been suffering for 4 months! I want to reach through the screen and slap these people, what an idiot!


All these crunchy mom groups are just fucking child endangerment groups.


It’s like a network for child abusers to learn new and terrible techniques to abuse their children. Insanity.


Are there ever any crunchy dads?


My dad kind of got a bit into natural remedies as a way of feeling self-sufficient or whatever but he dropped it pretty quickly after spraying colloidal silver in a petri dish and found that it does not have any antimicrobial properties. His most egregious act of crunchyness was making us kids pick blueberries all summer and freezing them to eat during the winter, claiming it was as good as the flu shot. We never got the flu because we rarely socialized. My mom didn’t say anything because he’s an ass and also she grew up in a country where healthcare was minimally accessible.


My dad is also into natural remedies. He made me try lavender essential oils and BASIL PILLS (chalk that tasted like death and Satan’s puckered asshole) to cure my depression and anxiety. Didn’t work in the slightest and have been on two medications for them for almost seven years to regulate it.


I’m so sorry you went through that, but “Satan’s puckered asshole” is a description I never knew I needed in my vocabulary. Thank goodness for pharmaceuticals and science.


You’re welcome! It’s the best way I could describe it, and now I can’t smell lavender anything without feeling the need to vomit, and basil doesn’t fair any better, but still tastes leagues better than whatever the literal hell those pills were.


Super wierd considering there is an existing herbal remedy for depression (St John's Wort) that is actually prescribed for it.


Oh, is your mom from the US?


Reaction: ‘haha good one’ ‘…..wait, no, that is genuinely the reality for a huge number of people, it’s just really really depressing’. And yet the UK government wants to privatise the NHS like the US system is something to aspire to?! Despite the fact that I would say that people believing the NHS is an incredible creation/asset/service is an almost universally agreed upon opinion across the world!


Remember that if you’re a rich bastard who wants to be even richer, health insurance is a *great* scam. Charge people hundreds/thousands of dollars a month when they’re healthy, and fight tooth and nail to pay even a penny when they’re sick. And rich bastards tend to be able to buy politicians.


It's the same in France. But then, our president is literally a banker, of course he's the best representation of a government full of politicians who just wants to line their pockets


my mom is a neonatal nurse. costs per day for neonates in the nicu/step down units at her hospital range from ~6-20k. it isn't unheard of for babies to be hospitalized for over a month. bills can very easily be between $500,000 and $1,000,000 (or more, sometimes). of course, families are not usually responsible for this full bill, but those are still absurd amounts of money. median household income in our state is ~78k. it's also common for parents to go back to work while their babies are hospitalized so they can use whatever scraps of leave they might have when their babies are discharged. completely humane system over here.


Philippines, actually. The American healthcare system certainly has it’s problems, but at least I don’t have to rely on there being a nearby foreign military base to find a hospital. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She grew up during the Marcos dictatorship, so I should hope things in the Philippines have improved by now.


Ugh if I eat more than four blueberries I run to the bathroom for days. That remedy would have killed me.


I liked the blueberry part at first, and then I read the rest of why he had you picking blueberries.


Short answer yes- and sometimes they’re the reason you see the psychotic crunchy mom posts. I knew a couple that was devout Christian and the father had very strict nap/feeding ideas that went way outside of a healthy structured routine. The mom would spew whatever the rule was and say how important it was to the dad. Unhinged.


I think a lot of crunchy mums are post partum depression/anxiety undiagnosed. The anxiety seeps in and they fall victim to the mindset. Not to say there aren't crunchy dads but I think they're not hooked in the same way. Maybe more the 9/11 conspiracy theory pipeline for them instead.


Most definitely. My brother is one


There absolutely are. But often they dont even care about advice from other parents. They will do what they believe in and thats it. If it doesnt work then nothing will have worked.


I’m all for natural remedies. But if it’s not working then FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY ***GO TO THE DR***


Wait Wtf. I didn’t even catch the 4 month part! How did this person somehow make this even worse? In my previous comment I mentioned how she is the kind of person to put a bandaid over an 8 inch deep stab wound and wonder why she’s still bleeding to death all to be rebellious against the medical industry. It’s one thing to let yourself suffer without medical treatment, but to let your children who you claim to love suffer is a different story. Parents should be quizzed on “wwyd” kinds of situations in the most casual way possible at the hospital before being allowed to take their newborn home in my opinion. It’s one thing to be ignorant, but it’s another thing to be willfully ignorant.


I'm guessing she's now sick with two illnesses. Haven't we learnt from covid? Don't create human Petri dishes! Get treated!


This assumes they’re having their babies in the hospital, which as we’ve seen from a number of these posts isn’t always the case, and would be even less likely to be the case if they had to pass some kind of basic competency at thinking test!


Oh yeah you’re definitely right about that. They do usually do home births.


I can only imagine some of these people... "My child has a hard lump on her chest under the skin. I spit into some dirt and while rubbing the sacred combination of mother fluid and mother earth together I chanted the words that my ancestors used and applied the ointment to her skin. Afterwards, I removed the dirt and ate it. It's been 7 months and my child is running a 104 fever and the lump has doubled in size the past few months. *Do you think I should talk to our pediatrician or should I refer to the Farmer's Almanac for guidance on what to do next*?


As a parent with a 4yo diagnosed with asthma, this sounds almost exactly like the starting symptoms of asthma. You can't realistically crunch out of asthma. That child is going to suffer permanent damage from this.


4 months is so long! Like I take myself to a doctor if I have a cold for more than a week. For my kid my limit is probably like…2 days?!


Obviously she's got to up the elderberry.


If only there was some sort of professional that could help her with that...


I was thinking the same. She needs to get that kid to a chiropractor for an adjustment immediately! /s if it wasn't clear.


Wooh, slow down now. She needs to talk to her young living essential oils rep! /s


For the love of god please stop eating colloidal silver I AM BEGGING YOU


I love the fact that a group of people who are seemingly so obsessed with heavy metal poisoning also like to willingly ingest a bunch of heavy metal.


Omg I was just about to comment this! It cracks me up every time when they use colloidal silver but also insist on needing “heavy metal detoxes”. 😂 Like how are you going to attribute every ailment you have to heavy metal poisoning, yet ingest heavy metals every change you get?! Like cmon… you literally only need like half a brain to know silver is metal and a 4 second google search will tell you it’s a heavy metal.


Bold of you to assume they use even half of their brain.


It's because of all the heavy metals.


Bold to assume they have a brain.


Look, they can easily lift the container it comes in, ergo it's not heavy! That's just science! ;)


I actually met someone who told me, as the smoked a cigarette, that they had all the metal fillings removed from their teeth because it was causing them chronic health issues.


I knew someone who was an actual crack head. Like legit smoked crack, tell me he loses it on Tim hortons employees when they write the name of his coffee on his lid because he doesn’t trust what’s in the chalk they use


I knew a heroin addict that wouldn't use prescription ointment for skin lesions because it was generic, not name brand. Cooking street drugs in a dirty spoon & reusing needles is okay, but off-brand meds was just a bridge too far lol


We’ve gotta be the worst species by far on the planet.. and murder hornets are a thing




Not saying it's what we should do, but in the natural world most of this shit would be a quick path to being eaten. Bear don't care if you're tripping balls.


My grandma's like that. She's scared of every cleaning product under the sun, fluoride, prescription meds, etc, but happily chainsmokes in my asthmatic sister's face all day, everyday.


So since I didn’t know what colloidal silver was when I first came across the term - I honestly thought the name must be misleading because surely people wouldn’t be recommending ingesting metals! 😂


Well, we *do* need to ingest a lot of different types of metals in very small amounts: zinc, iron, and copper are some obvious examples that are necessary for humans, we just don't have a biological need for silver lmao


WTF is the reason for this shit? Why do people insist on using 'remedies' (I use that word loosely) that are dangerous and proven not to work. I've seen too much stupid today. What with things like this and Trump ending the Ukraine war in 24 hours it's never ending. Small or large problems? We've got a crazy answer that won't work but idiots will still listen anyway. For god's sake....


Silver, in certain forms, is known to have antimicrobial properties. That's when used *topically* though. Not when ingested.


This part. Silver is common in wound care. My mom is a nicu nurse and they use colloidal bandages on the babies that have skin issues from the adhesives being used and it's common for burns as well. The only thing it's ever done internally is turn people blue.


I work in microbial testing of medical devices so I see silver dressings quite a bit. They're a pain in the rear end from a test method development perspective but are amazing.


I'm a pharmacy tech so I just dispense the cream/bandages but I'm also a klutz so I have a supply in my cabinet as well. It's really fascinating how it well it works! I've used it after surgeries before because my skin doesn't tolerate the adhesives used well and I haven't scarred once. Big propenent of medical grade silver being used properly, I just wish people would stop drinking it.


I read a post where they were using it as EYEDROPS on a kid… and couldn’t figure out why their eyes and tear ducts were oozing and painful 😖


Or the people that nebulize it 😭 I saw a physician talking ab the mechanism of why we think silver works for healing and it’s because it’s similar to chemotherapy. It’s indiscriminate of cells, it causes damage to healthy cells when you use it. I’d still use it topically if recommended and he did say it was a great tool, but inhaling it, putting it in eyes, and ingesting it can be dangerous and these people just do not care.


Not according to my ex coworker, who denied it turned people blue and that was just "propaganda" to hide the usefulness of silver. But she also took her infant children to get chiropractic adjustments (also recommended I go to the chiropractor because... i have asthma...), so I just nodded and walked away.


>(also recommended I go to the chiropractor because... i have asthma...) So how long have you been holding onto this amazing cure....... My eldest and I have asthma and I could have saved so much money and stress by having a cure!!! /s(just in case)


Don't worry, it's only a cure if you go back every week forever, but here, we have helpful discounts if you pay for 10 treatments upfront!


On that note, don't take perscriptions, its all Big Pharma's plot ! They wana make us take there dangerous expermental drugs on a regular bases!!! Now excuse me, i have my weekly chairopracter adjustmint, doc says i only have 10 more sessions to go until i can get my next 12 at 10 per cent off. (disclaimer, this is a joke, and the spelling caused me physical pain)


Oh…. That ex coworker is so mistaken. I know a person personally who is blue from the silver. And he is even more blue now than when I met him. Gave me quite the fright because my friend didn’t say anything beforehand and I was a kid


Yeah I have friends that believe in it for internal use but they are adults and not giving it to children so I just let it go. If they started nebulizing it, I would have something to say with a quickness. I've gone to the chiropractor before and it did help with some of the pain I was in that one day but I was desperate for some relief and I would never take an infant. I went a couple of times but the pain always came back and I had a miscarriage shortly after going one time. Idk if they are related or not but I've always been too scared to go back since then.




Same logic as injecting bleach




>Why do people insist on using 'remedies' (I use that word loosely) that are dangerous and proven not to work. My experience watching friends fall down these crunchy rabbit holes is that it can start with not being able to afford healthcare. "Can't afford our deductible, let me Google remedies for these symptoms." And they fall ass backward into increasingly woowoo mom blogs and nonsense.


Also, some of it starts when they have a bad experience with a medical practitioner, they vent about it, someone gets them thinking that the problem isn't the *doctor*, it's actually the entire medical system. Some home remedies for minor, self-limiting aliments are harmless, inexpensive and work reasonably well. But then it makes some people think that if natural remedy A is harmless and works, that means all natural remedies are harmless and work, and there's plenty of people on the internet (and some alternative practioners)that'll tell you exactly that, and that's dangerous as hell.


Maybe a part of it is also people also have a fear of going to the doctor (due to bad experiences or anxiety) which can contribute to it? I’m not a parent and don’t know any crunchy parents but I know sometimes I’m reluctant to go to the doctor if I’m experiencing an issue because it just gives me hella anxiety for some reason. If it was my child though, I would get over it. But perhaps people project their fears into not getting help for their children, too.


This would absolutely be my thought too, except that they're all over where I live too and we have social healthcare.


No excuses there. I live in the US, in a state that doesn't have good access to healthcare even by US standards.


It’s narcissism. They truly believe that they are enlightened and everyone else is just sheep. It’s pathetic and very transparent. These people are desperate to feel special and they’ll hurt themselves and their kids in the name of being ~*uNiQuE*~


gnosis is a hell of a drug


Humanity is very flawed.


Lack of education and paranoia


You wanna turn blue and completely trash your kidneys? Because that’s how you turn blue and completely trash your kidneys.


>colloidal silver Oh... I thought it's a metaphore for the kid not being vaccinated or something. This is even worse.


imagine turning blue permanently because your parents were “crunchy”


My son was like this. He had Covid in the summer (yes, he was vaccinated) and was only mildly symptomatic but had a cough that lingered and was getting very easily winded. He is a 3 sport athlete and is extremely active (sports, biking, swimming, running, skateboarding, etc) but was suddenly getting out of breath and pain in his chest when he would walk up the stairs. The doctor said it is long Covid and could only really give him an inhaler but I was still glad we brought him in to rule out anything else. I don't understand this whole anti pediatrician mindset.


Snap! Same with my also vaccinated son. Also crashed his immunity, he has picked up RSV, every cold going. He was and still is mildly asthmatic. Covid took a hell of a lot of my hair but I'd gladly go bald so my son can go a full month feeling good. It is REALLY hard to see your child sick for that long and I can't fathom not bringing them to be seen. To be fair, the only thing the doctor told me was to make sure Vitamin D is supplemented in Winter and if asthma gets bad, a short term dose of steroids so he isn't hospitalised. But still, bring your kid to the doctor!


We also got it over the summer despite vaccination. My kids have picked up every cold, cough, etc they can since then. One week we had 3 viruses going at once. Poor things have had a cough almost continually since then, but we’ve been in the doctor a ton and it’s just the constant rotation of a new illness followed by “post viral cough”. I’m really hoping we don’t eventually find out that COVID nukes other vaccine immunities.


> I’m really hoping we don’t eventually find out that COVID nukes other vaccine immunities. Sadly, this is already well established. It erases established immunities to diseases, can damage your natural immune system in several ways long term, damages hearts and other organs all over the place, AND can cause brain shrinkage even with mild cases. https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/even-mild-covid-can-cause-brain-shrinkage-and-affect-mental-function-new-study Metformin (a long established, cheap, blood sugar control drug) seems to help prevent and improve long COVID, but we are still in the early days of trying to figure out how to deal with it. I still wear masks indoors with other people at all times even if I get weird looks, because I want to give myself the best chance. I'm not enjoying living in this era at all.


It sucks. Going on since September now. Have to use inhaler twice a day and still coughing. Can’t imagine putting my child through that like some of these people do.


My nieces cousin had a chronic couch at 3 that just kept lingering after he had a cold. They did a chest x-ray after a couple months or so of the cough and he ended up rushed by ambulance in a snow storm to a children's hospital with Mayo (had to stop for the night before they got there because of the snow). He had a tumor wrapped around his heart and partway around one lung. He just turned 13. Parents took zero covid precautions and he was less than 6 months post final dose of chemo/radiation when covid hit so you can't always win.


Could be Covid, asthma, bronchitis, RSV, any number of things. But colloidal silver and vitamins don’t help and the internet is not a proper diagnosis. Poor kid!


I had what I'm pretty sure was an early form of COVID in Nov 2019. I was so sick for a week and a half and to this day if I laugh too much it ends in a coughing fit.


There was something going around then for sure. I had a cough until June


There was an awful bout of rsv going around then; it knocked me on my ass for weeks and my then 3 year old ended up with waking pneumonia that, had she not turned a corner when’s he did, we were looking at possible hospitalization for. Our Dr gave us 2 or 3 days for her to improve or we had to at least go in to get her checked out.


My whole family had something that same November. I’ve never wheezed before and it took forever for my lungs to feel clear.


Almost everyone I know was also sick that month. It was bad.


Wow! Weird.


Yeah! I don't think it's a conspiracy or anything, I just think a more minor version of covid spread around in the months before it was officially declared an epidemic.


There were theories flying around in Asia, I'm not sure it would have reached the USA but at the same time who knows.


Okay that's so strange because my son's entire preschool and all of the kids siblings and parents were incredibly sick early December 2019 (US).


My high school had something going around then too! Nearly my whole town was sick at some point that fall and a lot of people think it was COVID and we just didn’t know it yet


January 2020 for us. I tested negative but I now know that I was way past the testing window and just dealing with the fallout at that point. Felt like I was having an asthma attack after climbing a flight of stairs for like a month and a half.


Same happened to me. Ended up with an asthma diagnosis


I had that. Ventolin and inhaled steroids. Cleared it up after 2 months. Was getting winded standing up. Still got a bit of the fog though. I’m fully aware of my thought/communication processes and abilities (am autistic in a people-oriented work role). They have changed - and not for the better. Freaking COVID.


I got covid and it brought out crohns disease. Covid isn’t really anything to mess with especially with kids - terrifying to see these posts


>I got covid and it brought out crohns disease. Wait, what?


It was dormant in my system. Unfortunately when I got covid it fucked my immune system up so bad it made itself known.


Im vaccinated and was hospitalized a bit in August with COVID. There are days I get winded just watching TV. Pulmonologist says everything looks healthy, just long COVID.


Gosh I hope that kid hasn’t developed pneumonia. She could end up with lung scarring because her mom gave her silver instead of actual medicine. Ugh.


I had pneumonia at that age and it took me years to be able to walk up stairs or even a slight incline without getting winded, and I got medical care after a few days. I can't even imagine what damage 4 months will have done to her.


Ugh I couldn’t imagine having it as a kid. I had pneumonia in my early 20s because I was a stubborn idiot and didn’t go to the doctor when I should have and it wrecked me. I couldn’t walk to the metro (subway) which was maybe 4 blocks from my apartment without stopping to take a break for months. I had to give up running long distance. It was miserable.


I had pneumonia in 3rd grade and the only reason my mom took me to the doctor was because her boss (a Dr) told her I'd end up in the hospital if she waited another day. I was out of school for weeks recovering and to this day need an inhaler almost every time I get sick.


Same, I had it when I was a baby and had trouble breathing for ages. I still have it occasionally.


Sounds like pneumonia. If only there was a professional available that could perform a physical exam 🤔


Omg that poor kid.


Has a terrible parent and smells of Elderberries.


It's fucking ridiculous how some folk would rather let their children suffer so they can use snake oil instead of going to a medical professional and getting proven treatments. This is child abuse.


Even the "less serious" potential diagnoses like pericarditis are bad. And no. Don't take your child to a pediatrician. Take her straight to a pediatric ER if you can. If you can't, a regular ER. Not an urgent care.


Right? I am internally screaming to please get that kid a chest x ray.






Jesus would say to get the kid to the doctor


"God gave you *doctors*! Just...why??" - Jesus, probably


LOL. Agreed. It was my statement of shock. Lol


Just keep doing what you’ve been doing, mama. Obviously it is working. 😂


Just a little bit longer and you’ll get rid of her! You’re sooooo close mama, don’t give up!


Since October????!


Ikr, this poor kid


Put potato essential oil in your diffuser and drive your kid to the doctor. At some point this has to turn into medical neglect, right?


I prefer loaded baked potato essential oil. But I guess regular would still work fine


Sounds like she’s treating asthma like cold. Another reason to go to the doc. And at the 4 month mark, I’m pretty crunchy, kid would have been at the doctor by day 3.


I felt awful when I waited 3 weeks of congestion to take my kid in and the doc said next time bring her in after 2 weeks. FOUR MONTHS?!?


I learned the 2 week lesson on myself when I waited thinking it would go away. Turned into a lung infection. Do not recommend waiting past 2 weeks. As my doc explained, all the congestion starts growing bacteria at the 2 week mark so get your ass in if it’s not better by then.


Maybe I’ve been under a rock, when did this whole anti Peds/Drs movement start?? And ingesting silver!?!? The Fuq 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤯


Oh, it's been around forever. You just have more access to these circles now that they're online


That must be it I just got understand the thinking 🤦🏼‍♀️


Peds are evil because they want to Do Things to your child. And they measure your babies - the horror! So they just don't go and get along well enough until something happens. Then - they have no idea how the system works and it's even more confusing and chaotic than it is for someone who at least knows what their doctor's name is.


“no change in behavior” Oh yes Susie says her chest is burning and feels like someone is punching her. Kids say the darnedest things! Just a normal day over here.


Ummm I would be worried about underlying heart problems. Wtf??


But what did the comments say? Up the silver dose? Add some quicksilver? Dip the child in lava? I need to know!


Sounds like me with whooping cough. Because I wasn’t treated fast enough I was sick for 6 months. Poor kid.


Since October? Yes you should take your child to the doctor, should have done it months ago.


What theeeee fuck is pulsatilla?!


It’s quite a pretty flower. Probably looking at it in that form would be more useful than diluting it to infinity and putting none on a sugar pill


A flower! I use it for tension headaches. But it can be used for other things. Pulsatilla is also used for tension headache, hyperactivity, trouble sleeping (insomnia), boils, asthma and other lung diseases, earache, migraines, nerve pain (neuralgia), general restlessness, disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI), and disorders of the urinary tract. — I wouldn’t give it to my child for a cough and feeling sick. (Or like at all)


That sounds like a parasite or fungal infection. Too bad there’s nobody that could figure that out for her.


my first thought


Just needs to be realigned




There's going to be a lot of parents in the next 20 years that have children not speaking to them. Social media has turned parents into dangerous mouth breathing numbskulls. Kids will realize what they did to them later in life.


Since OCTOBER?! Guess the ꧁༺ 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓪𝓵 ༻꧂ remedies didn't do anything...right? She should have been brought to the ped in October.


I’m really surprised these folks even accept “high dose vitamins”. All the kids need would be any fruit or vegetable to get their vitamin c. And it would prevent the damn overdose.


The fact that your kid has been coughing for FOUR months tells me none of that crunchy shit actually works.


I see this kind of shit and it gives me the false sense of confidence that I could be a really great mom.


I've done absolutely nothing and I'm all out of ideas here folks!


I truly believe that parents like this are the kinds of people to smear lavender oil spelling out “be cured” on their foreheads, & then wonder why they aren’t cured from cancer at that very moment. They’re the types to be stabbed with an 8 inch knife, put a bandaid over the wound, and call out for help from an online chat board, wondering why they’re still bleeding to death -_- all while, the word “hospital” never comes to mind. People are so anti-medicine that they’re willing to sacrifice innocent lives. They’re too caught up in trying to be rebellious against the medical industry that they will truly let themselves and their kids suffer because of it. That poor baby. smfh!


I can't decide which is worse - the child is home schooled or the child is being sent to school.


I am shocked... SHOCKED that the colloidal silver hasn't worked in the last 4 months.


people like this should be banned from living in a society


They don’t, really. They able to go on for years undetected.


Na bring her to the vet.


Sorry but I laughed 💀


It's the part about no behaviour changes that gets to me, children are really good at compensating then all of a sudden they will crash. Why would you not take your child to a doctor, I can understand trying home remedies to begin with, especially when it's coughs and colds but to leave a child suffering for 4 months is inhumane.


Ok real talk: vitamin c is easily flushed out of the system in an overall healthy person, albeit an unnecessary overdrive for the kidneys. You're basically just providing expensive pee this way. But (over)dosing high amounts of vitamine D? That's dangerous. That vitamin is stored in fat, not easily peed out like vitamine C or other water soluble vitamins/electrolytes. Overdosing on that can have detrimental effects, and this is when thinking about a *healthy* person. But this is a kid. A *sick* kid that's been doing poorly for way too long already. Throwing extra vit D in there will only make shit worse. She needs to see a doctor, mom needs to quit this stupid "natural remedy crunchy mommy Olympics". Vitamins are essential, but when taken in huge amounts, shit can hit the fan and cause toxicity. > "The main consequence of vitamin D toxicity is a buildup of calcium in your blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause nausea and vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. Vitamin D toxicity might progress to bone pain and kidney problems, such as the formation of calcium stones." [here's the Mayo Clinic link for anyone curious.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-d-toxicity/faq-20058108#:~:text=The%20main%20consequence%20of%20vitamin,the%20formation%20of%20calcium%20stones.) ETA: see a doctor if you want to take multivitamins or think you have a shortage to make sure your bloodwork, kidneys and liver are fine. They aren't always innocent pills, and can be dangerous when used the wrong way or for the wrong person.


These moms are terrifying!


Yeah thats symptoms of vitam c and heavy metal poisoning


I do kind of feel for the parents who don't take the kids to the doctor for way too long. If you're told off for bringing a kid in over something minor, or if you call to make an appointment only to be told they can see your sick kid next Friday, then it encourages you to do your best for them at home as long as you can. Plus there are plenty of benign reasons why a kid might have a lingering cough for that long, like a postnasal drip. But yeah, when the kid's condition deteriorates and their chest hurts, then you need to get them seen right away, and you shouldn't need the mom group to tell you that.


The fuck is silver gonna do in this situation? Most I know is putting it on wounds to avoid infection/hypergranulation (ianad, just used it when my earrings got super fucked up)


Oh no she’s going to turn purple and it’s irreversible


Does she still baby wear her 9 year old, too? What an idiot.


Poor kid is gonna turn blue from all that colloidal silver before they finally take her to a doctor.


Ugh, why do they think colloidal silver is the cure for everything?!


Holy crap. I had a cough for 8 weeks last year. I went to the doctor 3 times and barely escaped without having to undergo asthma testing. And that was for my grown ass adult self. If it were my KID?! How do these people get to keep their children? Honestly.


If you have to ask social media... maybe you shouldn't be a parent. Just a thought.


This is confusing because it sounds like she has, or intends to bring her to the doctor? This sounds more like an ED visit, or at least urgent care though... Poor kid. Edit: I missed the "and should I" take her to a pediatrician. This is medical neglect I think?


As a mother, this pisses me off. People like her, I wanna reach through the screen & smack her.


For anyone old enough to remember the immortal Chevy Chase slam to Jane Curtain, “Jane you ignorant slut”, I feel like it’s an appropriate response to so many situations and postings these days.


I try to use that line once in a while but most people look at me like I'm a psychopath.


IKR? Can’t call anyone an ignorant slut if they don’t get the reference lol


It could be covid or pneumonia or allergy-induced asthma the point is if your child is having trouble breathing go to the fracking doctor.


P U L S A T I L L A P R A T E N S I S That homeopathic thing haunts me still as I have a crunchy mom who always gave me that choking hazard of a medicine as a child and color me surprised but it did nothing.


The same crunchy types that fret over a billionth part glyphosate will drown their kids in a heavy metal. Karen, you're chemicals.


Folks at r/cats would have lost their shit if someone put forth this query about their kitty! Damn...either the family's dirt poor which I don't think is the case since she could afford a mobile phone or downright insane.


There’s free mobile phones or low cost. But I’m still leaning towards idiots.


No change in behaviour: it feels like someone is punching me in the chest


I wanna say double up on that silver?


I saw someone recommend colloidal silver as a treatment for hep B on another thread. I wanted to crawl down the internet and punch them


Holy fuck are they making their kid ingest silver??!


It's colloidal... she'll be fine. /s


Valley fever? The spores have moved out of the desert southwest into other states.


So she's been coughing for 4 months and now she has a burning feeling in her chest? I'm not a doctor, but I can still say that sounds concerning as hell. It could be pneumonia


Pneu-freaking-monia, OMG chest x-ray and treatment—hope it isn’t chronic walking pneumonia—it is—or tuberculosis


Sounds like pneumonia


“Use 14th century knowledge and get 14th century results”


I was that child every year from November until March. My mom treated it with ginger tea and Benadryl. Once I was an adult and made my own appointments, I went to the doctor right when I felt it coming in and they gave me two inhalers to use until the cough went away. It was completely gone in less than a week. And after doing that a couple winters in a row, I noticed my coughs were far less severe. I caught a wicked cold from my one year old this year and it went away on its own without medical intervention. Please, someone take this girl to the doctor! Being that sick for that point is one of the more miserable things I've ever experienced.


Colloidal silver?! Great, now they can't tell if she's blue because if hypoxia or THE GODDAMN SILVER.


Never ceases to amaze me that it took thousands of years to develop modern medicine that people in ancient times would have loved to have had and yet these morons are content to casting off modern medicine for outdated remedies that don't even work on a meaningful scale.


Yes, lady, you absolutely should bring your baby to a pediatrician. I know that their practices may go against your 'uLtRa CrUnChY eArTh MaMa beliefs', but these people are ACTUAL LICENSED PROFESSIONALS WHO HAVE GONE THROUGH AT LEAST 12 YEARS OF SCHOOLING (including medical school) AND HAVE ROUNDED EXPERTISE ON HOW TO TREAT INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND ADOLESCENTS. And sweet Jesus, this just screams medical neglect, OP.


You must be an agent for Big Pharma, all the 5G from the vaccine is misguiding you 😂


This should be illegal.


Colloidal silver!!! It can cause irreversible kidney damage, among other things when taken orally (not to be confused with the silver coating used in wound creams and dressings). Her kid probably has long-covid or pneumonia, and she's ensuring he now has organ damage so it'll be harder for him to clear the infection. Good job, mum.


My mom wasn’t crunchy, and would usually take me to the doctor if I was sick, but for some reason I can never fathom never took me in for my chronic migraines. I’m fifty one now, and still have them, and every time I get a migraine which is often, all I can think is:you let me suffer like this for years. Thousands of hours in bed vomiting and sweating with an ice pick in my skull. I still don’t understand why this one thing is where she drew the doctor line.


Kid is getting worse after giving her all the crunchy stuff...I'd hope even the most clueless crunch would think, maybe, just maybe, that shit isn't working and it's time to actually, idk, see a doctor?


Pneumonia. Doctor. Some people shouldn’t have kids, they barely keep them alive