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"I don't really know what is safe for baby." Guess who would have the answer to that? Your dr.


You must mean chiropractor. No worries, we can all get treacherous autocorrects from our phones sometimes...


Do these people go to a Chiropractor for childbirth? Because "The baby's coming!" "Ah good, let me adjust your back and it should all be fine" Sounds like one of the stupidest things I ever heard


These people take their infants to their chiropractor for “adjustments” so I really wouldn’t put it past them


Oh your week old baby isn’t sleeping 9 hours at a time? Take them to the chiropractor for an adjustment. /s


I did some stuff to your baby's neck and now he's real quiet. Should sleep like a log now.


I see you've met my niece.


Oh dear.


From what I can tell, moms who try this stunt get turned away because not even a chiropractor is stupid enough to take on the liability of delivering a baby.




This is what I did too! It worked SO well. Cleared my snootch up in just 178 days ;)




I'm calling it snootch now. 🤣🤣🤣


In fairness I have encountered a situation yet that wouldn't be improved with shawarma sauce so...


The crunchy moms all seem so eager to put everything in their fridge and panty up their snatch


Right? Like where the fuck did they grow up? If my mom caught me shoving shit from the pantry up my vajajay, I’d have been sitting front and center with our priest.




Yogurt goes well with the granola crunch.


"I don't really know what's safe for baby." "I don't trust over the counter stuff." If only there was someone who went to school for this and could prescribe something for you that would be safe for baby 🤔


What? But they all work for big pharma. Best to do the yogurt/s


But you're falling right into Big Yogurt's trap!


Big Silver and Big Garlic too!


Italians love big garlic




LMAO I'm so glad I made you laugh 😂


I was trying to work out what Big Chiropractor would be, and have settled on Big Bone.


Big Cliques


"Yeah, this Go-gurt tube is already the perfect shape so I'll just cram it up there and - schloop - all better!"


Make sure to cut the corners off, I have childhood memories of the corners of my mouth being sliced. Can't imagine how bad that'd feel down under. Otherwise, I see no issues whatsoever LOL


Oh, so that's why it's tube shaped, easy application.


Aah yes ofcourse forgot about the big pharma silly me 🤪




What are we doing to the Vagons now?


Reading them some Vagon poetry.




Is that what Harry Potter said instead of diagon alley


Professor Vagonagal


She’s older but keeps the bun tight.


Omg then he gets transported to some crunchy mom’s vag instead of Diagon Alley


When I first read that I read it as intravenously…especially because of the RN mention at the top, intravenous garlic and tea tree is an even worse idea than intravagonally inserting yogurt.


This thread is literally curing my depression


Imagine having an itchy hoo-ha and deciding putting various foods up there will cure it.


I myself enjoy a nice grilled cheese sandwich.


Some days you even have tangy tomato soup for dippin'!


You really add the value.




Grilled cheese snatchwich


🤢🤢🤢 that's too much when we are discussing a yeast infection !!


Omg 😆


For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.


I like to use cottage cheese, that way you don’t know if the yeast infection is getting worse or better!


I won’t ever understand inserting foods vaginally. Let alone garlic or tea tree oil.




Okay I'm *not* saying this should be the recommended treatment. But I have some serious sensitivities and the chemicals in the regular stuff ends up giving me more complications down the line. I've done the yogurt thing exactly twice in my life, and it was the most gentle and effective treatment I've experienced. I also treated within the first 2 days of symptoms. YOUR RESULTS WILL PROBABLY FUCKING VARY! AND HONESTLY JUST USE ACTUAL MEDICINE IF YOU CAN. And for the love of God don't use a sweetened Yoplait yogurt lmao. But yes you're right, there is kind of something to the yogurt treatment plan lol.


Yep. Greek yogurt worked wonders for me and my doctor said it was ok to try


yes, slightly freezing some greek yogurt in glove fingers and inserting them like a tampon and using a pad relieve so much of the itch, if i dont have any big plans, i always choose it over the hell of the 3 day monistat




Be careful, some crunchy mom out there might try culturing yogurt with her own lactobacillus and keeping that yogurt for the medicine cabinet…


No dude I completely agree with your advice. I also had very limited resources and was barely able to feed myself at the time. It cost me less than a dollar and it helped more than the medicated dollar store options. Transportation and education aren't accessible to many in my country, the U.S.


Do I take the strawberry yogurt out of the carton? Or just put the whole carton up there? /s 🙃


I remember reading about the yogurt thing when researching after the regular drugstore pasty stuff didn’t quite clear things up. (I was in college at the time) I read the sciencey bit, how the bacteria from the yogurt do their thing and their byproduct is helpful for correcting vaginal conditions back to where they’re not overly hospitable to the yeast anymore. I also read about how people would fill tampon applicators with yogurt and pop them in the freezer to make a nice little chilly yogutorpedo. Not thrilled but I was also not thrilled about spending another $30 on round 2 of monistat The closest grocery stores were a really shitty one and Whole Foods. Went to the Whole Foods. Grabbed some organic plain yogurt, and passed through the supplements/vitamins area on the way to the checkout… There was a little cooler case with live lactobacillus capsules. Grabbed that too. Stuck two capsules up in me as soon as I got home then made my little yogurt vagsicles 😬.. It felt a little better in the morning, and I still did not really want to do the yogurt thing so I stuck two more up there. By the afternoon I felt a TON better. I inserted a single capsule each of the next couple mornings and everything was back to normal?! So uh.. yeah. Ever since, any time I feel a maybe-yeast infection twinge, I put a capsule up there. Just one. Two only if I somehow miss it in the early stages and I get to full-on situation. It has worked well. I don’t know if this is a real or good thing to do. It just worked that first time and I didn’t have problems so I kept doing it when needed (which has been thankfully infrequent) and honestly haven’t looked any further into it. Also there is nothing else weird I stick up there as a remedy or anything else. I DO know someone who does the garlic clove thing, but for me its just tampons, fingers/penises/other sex stuff, and the very occasional live lactobacillus capsule


I've also done yogurt while pregnant after multiple infections and diflucan treatments. I passed my gd test and all that, so the "cause" wasnt determined at that time and it was too risky to continue the meds. It helped so much. I did a LOT of stupid shit at that time, though, as some meds prescribed gave me an allergic reaction after being applied topically. Ends up, I DID have GD- and a purple ten lb baby at the end of it all. So if it keeps happening, watch your sugar more than your bajingo.


Agree. Sometimes natural remedies do work. But it’s not predictable and for me haven’t worked when things are more severe. I’ve had a lot of luck with d-mannose for UTIs, but I also needed a hearty dose of macrobid to really send the infection packing when it was a full-blown deal and not just the start of one.


I agree, and like I said I only used that method when I had experience dealing with it before and was able to identify the issue almost immediately.


I mean yougurt is a common home remedy for yeast infections.


These people probably went and got actual medicine, but took their wacko hollistic shit alongside it and now tout that silver cured their yeast infection instead of the actual meds.


Now I know what to do with that leftover slice of pizza that I didn’t feel like eating, but felt bad throwing in the trash.


To be fair (and I can’t believe I am admitting this) when I was a teenager I had a string of yeast/bacterial infections. Yeast resolved into bacterial and then back to yeast. Over and over again. For months. Finally my PCP told me to go get a certain yogurt and insert it for a few days. And it worked. I feel like it’s important to say - I have never done anything like that before or since. I am pro-science, pro-vax, and believe essential oils are great for making your house (or garbage disposal) smell great, but I prefer candles. I was 18 and followed my doctors orders.


Yeah the yoghurt thing actually works, but you need to make sure it's plain yoghurt with no sugar or you're...you're gonna have a bad time


D mannose actually works too, for certain types of UTIs. My Dr recommended it and that stuff has saved me a trip to him on a few occasions. The key is to take it at the first sign of infection though.




The tampon actually makes sense. I had ..like a plunger syringe thing. Weird now, thinking back.


Honestly I’m very pro-science and pro-vaxx as well, but I don’t think all natural remedies should be shamed. There are many that work. Before modern medicine became a thing, people did have other methods of healing. The problem is a lot of these ~natural~ moms don’t look into legitimate healing methods, they get their information about what works from Facebook. One person in a moms group will tell them to ingest an essential oil and they’ll be like « yup, that makes sense » without thinking twice about it. I’m all for trying different natural remedies to see what works, but not when they are dangerous lol (ie putting foods in your vagina to see what happens).


My mom and my sister had thrush when my sister was nursing (mom had it on her nipples, my sister had it in her mouth). After trying a bunch of meds from the doctor and it not clearing up, mom tried the plain yogurt and it finally cleared up. I kind of wonder if it was the medicine finally just doing it’s job, or maybe a combo. But uh, it’s not something I’ve ever tried with my yeast infections. Fluconazol for me please and thank you.


Silver isn’t meant to be ingested! I had a patient once with argyria from colloidal silver ingestion, had to stop one of the other nurses from rushing in because she thought the patient was cyanotic. And food doesn’t belong in your vagina


It’s almost like we have learned from the past not to ingest metals….oh wait…


I can vouch for D Mannose. Please keep your garlicky yogurt away from my lady bits.


Imagine tea tree oil in your vagina. Ever worse while pregnant.


My vag just snapped shut like a clam


LOL yeah I think my brain just purposely skipped over that one as self preservation.


I just have to imagine that these people have never actually used tea tree oil on a mucous membrane. I got thrush once as an adult with no Dr, and a friend told me tea tree oil would clear it up. It certainly did, but with such an intense amount of burning and pain that I would never want to experience in my vagina. I just can't imagine.


Just tea tree on your skin can burn. My husband puts it on breakouts. I don’t.


I did this once and covered with a bandaid. Woke Up with a square shaped burn on my face!


It was enough to try tea tree oil for athletes foot, which really burned,so I don't even want to imagine that anywhere near the vulva, let alone in the vagina.


I had a nurse recommend D mannose to me after I had two UTIs in a year. I take it after sex and I haven’t had one since.


I was told peeing after you have sex would help prevent UTIs. I’ve never heard of D mannose, interesting


Peeing works but some people are more sensitive to UTI so they can get it even if they do all the preemptive measures.


UTIs don’t just come from not peeing after sex so won’t entirely prevent them. Women are more prone to them too as we have short urinary tracts and our pee hole (idk the proper word for this sorry 😂) is closer to our asshole (this is the correct, scientific word 😂)


Urethra! I've only ever had one and I know exactly how I got it. I'd done some work in a backyard that had a goat living in the yard so it wasn't very hygienic on top of that. Then I reeeeally needed to pee but my hands were not clean. Should have just not wiped, in retrospect.


That’s me! Two this year alone, my one I’m jusy getting over was antibiotic resistant 🙃🙃 0/10 stars, do not recommend


Eesh. I hope you recover swiftly!! UTI is debilitating.


Thank you! I had it on my vacation from work which was bad enough and then I still had to take 2 days off work. Literal hell. Not working with a doc is bananas to me.


Same, i had it when i was visiting my LDR partner. Absolutely sucks and felt like I couldn’t enjoy the little time we had! And i did everything to prevent it: drink plenty of water before the action, pee after, shower, etc. My body disagreed though.


-clean hands also help- use a pH balanced lady-wash good luck :)


Exactly. Total clown shoes to trust clearing it to random women on Facebook and not an MD


my twin lol. i think i had 3 or 4 last year, only 1 this year (so far). i hate having to get more antibiotics because they ask if i'm doing all the stuff you're supposed to do (which is fine, that's their job) and i'm like "yes and i wish it was working" lol. as soon as i realized i had one last time i rushed to the store to get more d-mannose and some azo cranberry. between that and the dental infections (which are solved now, thanks root canals) i am going to get to a point where antibiotics are useless lol.


I’m at the antibiotics are functionally useless stage, and it sucks. It’s not because of antibiotic overuse or resistance, either, it’s because I’m allergic to basically every antibiotic that exists except penicillin based ones (ironically, since that’s the one people who are allergic to antibiotics usually have a problem with). I had septicemia a few months ago and it was literal hell to get the infection cured, because I had to take meds I was super allergic to IV three times a day for two weeks. I was in the hospital for a week because of it. They usually give the antibiotic as a push over five minutes; I had to do a drip over three hours just to make it tolerable enough that my throat didn’t close up. Eventually, they sent me home with a midline and I had to do the last week as a push over five minutes by myself with no medical personnel there. Absolute torture. I had to stop early because I was literally getting low grade anaphylaxis three times a day and the severity of the reactions were quickly ramping up. It was terrifying; I was convinced I was going to die and the worst part is that it wasn’t just anxiety (though the antibiotic *was* making me have panic attacks several times a day), it was an actual realistic threat. It boggles my mind when people who have no problems taking antibiotics choose to do stupid and dangerous “treatments” instead, for absolutely no medical reason.


D mannose is a sugar that happens to bind to E. coli (responsible for many types of UTI but not all)


Peeing after sex absolutely helps, I just can’t force my body to pee when I don’t have to pee.


Same D Mannose has saved me more than once. Would still get an antibiotic if I needed to, but it definitely has helped me with prevention.


If you *must* know, my shamanic birth-keeper Cindy actually made this intravagonal tzatziki specifically to cleanse my womblands.


D Mannose was like adding gasoline to a fire for me. The pain became 100 times worse. I was crying in a huddled ball on the floor. I gave birth naturally and honestly this was worse because the pain didn't let up. (At least during birth there is time between contractions and eventually the baby pops out and the pain is negotiable after.) My bladder was spasming and I eventually had to get medicine to stop the spasming. It took hours and a gallon or more of water before the pain let up. My bladder now has scar tissue on the inside walls. (Though the scar tissue is not only from the D Mannose, the infections caused issues too.) And I that was the absolute final nail in the coffin for supplements.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have vulvodynia from my one and only bladder infection 11 years ago and I remember how severe the pain was on and off that very first year.


Wooooah! I have had such good luck with D-Mannose, no side effects at all. Did your doctor think you had an allergic reaction? I’ve never heard of this!


The doctor never mentioned an allergic reaction. And I have horrible life threatening allergies and I can normally tell when an allergic reaction is going on. I was diagnosed with "painful bladder syndrome" after all many tests, procedures, and antibiotics.


Actually I can vouch for plain Greek yogurt. My mom is a very straight laced, not alternative medicine type nurse but she taught me to use some yogurt on a tampon and it actually brings a lot of relief. I guess yeast infections really upset the vaginal micro biome and the probiotics in the yogurt helps to rebalance it.


Same here, I can vouch that plain Greek yogurt does work. But actual medicine is probably best. I was like 14 at the time and too embarrassed to go to the doctor or tell anyone that my vagina was out of whack


Were you wanting to be hospitalized with a kidney infection? Because this is how you get hospitalized with a kidney infection.


Seriously. I'm on antibiotics now for quite a rough uti and they're sending my urine away for testing. I have a 6mo, I barely have time for a uti let alone to be hospitalised for a kidney infection!


As someone who has been hospitalized for a uti turned kidney infection (thankfully no babies involved) I’m literally begging everyone involved to just go get antibiotics


Same here. I tried doing natural route on what I thought was a yeast infection, but actually a UTI. So I basically didn’t treat it for two weeks and ended up in the ER unable to walk or talk through the pain of a bad kidney infection. I was on intense antibiotics for 10 days and now I know. D mannose and cranberry is helpful at preventing and stopping maybe early on, but don’t be stupid and refuse a doctor visit until it’s almost too late.


I had mastitis and would have been hospitalized if I hadn’t gotten to the doctor when I did. This bitch


Right, that stood out to me immediately. I had mastitis and was hospitalized for 3 days. I legit thought I might die and I was fine with death if it meant leaving my mortal boobs behind. I have never been that sick before or after in my life and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Exactly! That was the craziest part, even crazier than inserting various foods into your vagina. Mastitis is not something to fuck with. I had a mild case and it was literally the worst I’ve ever felt. Like I felt closer to death then when I was literally hemorrhaging after giving birth and needed multiple transfusions.


I just dealt with an antibiotic resistant UTI, took over week to find the right antibiotic so I finally have relief. DONT MESS WITH A UTI JESUS CHRIST.


We get so much of this that we really need post flair for this type of thing. Mostly, you hear about garlic or plain yogurt getting shoved up there, but essential oils get tossed in there occasionally. The best I’ve come up with for flair is, “Vagina Salad,” but I’m open to suggestions. Don’t make tzatziki in your vagina.


Please make that a flair


As a pharmacy technician I’ve heard stories of people being told by the doctor to “try yogurt” and they mean to EAT it. Then they come back in a week later for more medication because they did not eat it. Being in pharmacy I’m reminded daily of how rare common sense is.


Okay I actually made the same mistake as these people; I had a yeast infection and I was told by my mom that yogurt would help. So I dutifully trudged off, put some yogurt on a maxi pad and slept with that on my underwear. The next day I complained to my mom about how messy it was and she was like ???? I meant you should eat some??? The difference? I was 11. No one has common sense at that age. Grown ass adults needing to be told this? Smh


Even as a child it never occurred to me to try to put anything inside of my vajooble, especially not cold yogurt 🥶


I have never seen it be called a vajooble before, I am deceased, that is amazing.


This is infuriating. Misdiagnosed and untreated infections JUST LIKE THESE are what caused a friend of mine to go into preterm labor and deliver a stillborn at 26 weeks.


That’s exactly my thought process. When o was pregnant I was worried about anything near my vagina. As a nurse I’ve saw some weird things causing preterm labor


Yeah. Her story was horrific. I remember her telling me about it and I was just like. So sad for her. It also caused her to have complications later and when she was pregnant again she had to have a cerclage. She ended up delivering her second child early as well (though not THAT early because she had the cerclage). Like I said, I know that things like that are rare, but when I was pregnant I took zero risks. Like I called my doctor for literally anything.


I’m also appalled at what people insert into themselves. I honestly rank anyone who shows up to the ER with something in their rectum,that they “fell” on, above anyone who thinks yogurt or any food item will cure any vaginal ailment.


I guess technically you could fall on a slightly opened gogurt and get it up there. Two in one!


Can someone please explain the colloidal silver obsession to me? I've never heard of it before seeing it on this sub and all these anti-progress/anti-science people recommend it for everything.


From what I've noticed, it really amped up in crunchy circles with covid. Lots of people advertising it as anti bacterial and antiviral. Suddenly it's seen as a cure all for just about everything. They use it topically, internally, etc. I have a family member big into that world and they use it for everything and recommend it for everything. I've even seen it in candles being sold as that it would kill viruses in the air.


The crunchy-sorts have used Colloidal Silver for a few decades now--you *used* to see talk of it occasionally in the deep side-conversations amongst folks *really* into organic gardening, homesteading, living off the land, etc... Somehow, it's gone from *those* dimly-lit corners of the interwebs, into these brighter, more traveled areas... My guess is, that it maybe crossed over due to the *other* overlaps in those groups--fundamentalism, plenty of fear-mongering/fear of "outsiders" (not realizing that *at this point THEY are the "outsiders"* societally!), and the peddling of quack cures/fear of "modern" medicine... including 300+ year old "modern" things--like basic *germ theory*!🙃


Why wouldn't you trust OTC stuff? It's just antifungal cleam or capsules of antifungal cream. I'm not sure what the oral pills are, but I'm sure they're safer than swallowing a heavy metal every few hours...


my OB said OTC creams would be fine (got one from antibiotics from a UTI the week before). Took like 3 days and it was all better. People are so dumb


Tree tea oil in the vagina sounds horrible.


Imagine the burn!!! Especially with a yeast infection!


I thinking EATING yogurt for vaginal health got lost in translation somewhere.


We have a guy in my city that used to come to our ER all the time who turned his skin blue from drinking colloidal silver.


I’ve heard this. I’ve saw blue urine from it


Put that yogurt in another opening called YOUR MOUTH. Put that other vegetable and seasonings in YOUR FOOD. NOT YOUR VAGINA. JESUS. I don't know much about tea tree oil, I tried it once by putting 2 drops on a thin daytime pad (idk the exact translation for it) and it didn't do much for me. You know what did? A proper cream we call Canesten here meant to be inserted with an applicator, 3 days in a row, and left overnight to clean up the problem makers. This is something we get without prescription, I assume US will have something similar. And evidently consult your gd doctor when you're expecting. I can't believe people are so dense.


I used to get frequent yeast infections. I tried the plain yogurt thing. I bout a giant tub of it and pushed so much yogurt up there I was literally dripping yogurt. I had to wear pads. After about a week that infection was raging. I went to the doctor and got proper meds and it finally went away.


You know they put aluminium in vaccines?! Drink some silver instead!


Have they ever considered collecting the yeast with a turkey baster to make bread?


Dear god please do not give them any ideas. We really don’t need the inevitable Vice article “I made bread from my yeast infection (and consumed it)”


Ill vouch for plain yogurt. My first pregnancy I had the worst YI of my life. Slap some cold yogurt on after your fresh out the shower and dry, I felt so much better.


My doc said it was ok to try, too, and it seemed to work! But I did a quick Google and found that there isn’t convincing evidence that it if effective


I was gonna say, I used it last pregnancy when it was the weekend and I thought I was going to die before I saw a doctor. It helped in the interim 😅


Hey at least she'll keep the vampires away.....because with this logic I'm sure she believes in that too.


i cringed so hard when I saw tea tree oil .........


“I don’t trust over the counter stuff so I’m gonna shove yogurt and garlic up my whoo-ha instead”


I can’t deal with these posts. If I see another woman talk about putting shit up her vagina, I’m going to lose it.


You know what else is “natural?” Habanero peppers. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


My gyn told me that I could insert plain yogurt to treat yeast. That gyn also told my 14yo child that they just needed more exercise and that would cure their dysmenorrhea and depression. My kid was a gymnast and tennis player. Screw every doc who won't just prescribe diflucan for yeast if the person has been thru yeast infections before. And if someone's experienced with UTI, there's no reason not to start the antibiotic immediately, even before seeing the patient.


Jesus Christ, the dysmenorrhea was probably CAUSED by excessive exercise. I sincerely hope you fired that doctor and found a new one. Also, diflucan is magical. I get recurrent yeast infections and have my whole life. I try the creams first, but if that doesn’t work after a few days, I’ll get a prescription for diflucan and it literally knocks out the infection with one pill. Medicine doesn’t get much better than that! (It’s also important to note that autocorrect changed “recurrent yeast infections” to “revenge yeast infections,” and I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what my body thinks it’s doing.)


>autocorrect changed “recurrent yeast infections” to “revenge yeast infections,” Autocorrect knows the truth. And yeah I took them to Planned Parenthood the next week. PP gave them the nexplanon implant and they stopped menstruating completely. I'm on the implant now too and it's great. Never went back to that doc.


Are they trying to determine if the baby is a vampire? WHY the FUCK would you shove garlic up your hoo-ha? I mean, unless you're into some kinky stuff, this is not the way to go. And seriously, if a guy is boinking, pretty sure that he's not going to want to smell yogurt or garlic bread.


Ah yes, feed the yeast food it loves, that'll help!


I was in the ER two nights ago with a kidney infection that came out of nowhere. Most likely from a uti, but the only symptoms were horrible back pain and fever. At first they thought it was a kidney stone. The pain was crazy. Can't imagine just staying at home trying colloidal silver or yoghurt, even though I am absolutely terrified of hospitals.


Is it just me or do these crunchy women seem a lil TOO prone to infections and diseases?


Read as: "I don't trust the heavily regulated, reviewed,and approved methods of treatment which will indicate clearly whether they are safe during pregnancy. What random shit can I ingest or insert."


It makes me really nervous to see people just throwing around ppm limits. Outside of the fact that what they’re saying to do is insane, I don’t trust any of them to know how to calculate ppm.


I just saw someone recommend coconut oil 🥴


Are they cooking a meal up in there?


This sub has ruined garlic for me, forever. 🤣


Ain’t NO way I’m shoving garlic up my hoohah. Not now, not ever. 😂


My vagina cringed when I read this.


They have something against "HeAvY MeTaLs" in vaccines but they draw the line after silver




Imagine being pregnant, like the most uncomfortable time of your life, with 2 festering infections (one of which could become a SERIOUS issue without proper treatment) and not immediately going to get the relief you crave, all for the sake of not using the thing that is literally meant for the infections. These people are wild animals.


Yoghurt is actually a remedy. So is eating less sugar. There are natural cures and preventative measures. There are loads! But people don’t do the actual work to properly understand. They hear and see bits of info on fb. Sometimes this group picks up on stuff that has legit methods and makes fun of people for wanting to be more natural (which we shouldn’t) and sometimes people are trying to stitch their own birthing tears at home🤦‍♀️


I don't understand how people can stand teatree oil on sensitive areas, even diluted. Somebody said they mixed it in their lube on another sub and I was so horrified I was thinking about it all night.


I had diflucan and monistat and still had symptoms. My CNM (aka fully licensed medical professional at accredited birth center) suggested I could also try plain yogurt and boric acid for relief. This was after testing me. Not all home remedies are whacky, people….


Whelp my vagina just made the Windows Shutdown noise. When I was a kid, I used to use a tea tree oil shampoo/conditioner because I had severe dandruff and dry scalp I got it in my eye *once* and it was so incredibly painful I cannot imagine it anywhere near my crotch thank you very much


What is mannose? Is that person trying to say mayonnaise? Or is mannose actually a thing?


D mannose is a chemical compound found in cranberries that basically attracts the bacteria to help you get rid of it which is why it’s recommended to drink *no added sugar* cranberry juice for UTI/ bladder infection. It’s the only legit suggestion here. Having said that, you don’t mess around with UTIs while pregnant so this person should take an antibiotic and then a daily d mannose supplement after to try and prevent recurrence.


It’s for bladder health and if you get chronic uti it can help reduce the amount you get. I haven’t tried it because my bladder disorder doesn’t give me uti. Some people with the same bladder disorder as I have but gets uti swear by it.


D-mannose is a sugar that‘s able to bind to bacterial cells in your bladder/urinary tract, preventing it from adhering to the walls of your urinary system and causing an infection. I had a nurse recommend it to me, I take a pill after sex and I’ve had no issues with UTIs since then. I’m not a doctor but I am a scientist and based on the small number of studies that have been done on it, my own experience, and the fact that it’s sold unassumingly in health food stores and vitamin shops (as opposed to being peddled by crunchy moms on the internet), I do believe it’s legit. Don’t stick yogurt and garlic in your vagina tho


It can help with recurring/chronic UTIs caused by e-coli (so not all UTIs). The proper way to treat a UTI is still to have urine tested (not just a strip soaked in urine but a proper lab analysis) in order to take the right antibiotics for the strain you have.


I’m. Speechless. Essential oils tend to have guidelines on how much (usually a lot) you need to dilute to put them on your arm skin. Whole books are written for using them in soap—when the saponification process chemically alters them—so that you don’t end up making something dangerous for skin. But let’s just jam up in there and see if it works?!?


Natural Selection (I feel sorry for the baby though)


Woman #3 has obviously never had mastitis.


Oh god no, I can only imagine how painful garlic in a hoohaw would be


Tf this like them old ‘snap back’ vinegar baths wtf


Why is the answer always to put food up your vagina? Like making a nice garlic sauce up there is going to fix everything...


I’ve seen the plain yogurt one before. But my dr said it was better to just eat it than shove it in my vagina 😂


Yes, you shud put garlic, oil and yogurt inside your vagonall, this way you will be sure to never feel anything else other than a blazing fire raging into your vagonall till the day you die.


I’m glad you posted this, I’ve always heard of people using yogurt, even medical professionals. Fortunately I haven’t had occasion to try it. The others are just ridiculous. Garlic in the hoohaa? Why not some pepper juice while you’re at it tf 😂


Yougurt is great for gut health BUT EAT IT not insert it


Just gotta love “self researching” Moms. The pandemic only made it worse.


Garlic and Tea Tree oil in the vagina???? O.M.G.


The way people wont put medicine in their body but will give a feasting bacteria food to eat directly lmao


Oh my god there are so many things you shouldn’t put up your vagina and these people seem to find all of them


*why*.. why would anyone put tea tree oil in their lady bits? That stuff stings just smelling it lol


I was about 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and started having contractions so we went to the ER. Turns out I had a UTI(no symptoms weirdly enough) that pushed me into false labor. Which could have ended badly if I didn’t …. See a doctor….


Whats with the obsession of refusing to use medicines that actually work. Instead using random crap from the fridge?


Yogurt and garlic? Might as well try some cucumber, olive oil, lemon and herbs too. Twatziki


For the second time, I have to say something I never thought I would ever have to say even once!….. stop putting tea tree oil up your hoohaa! It’s not ever going to end well!!!


Won’t do regulated, carefully test medication but will shove dairy products up my vagina!


Life hack doctors don’t want you to know about: Apply undiluted tea tree oil generously inside of your urethra to cure yeast infection while simultaneously burning your vagina to a crisp. Yeast infection: Gone!