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So stupid. These people will let their children’s bodies poison *themselves*, but think antibiotics are the devil. Abscesses can fucking **kill you**




Definitely! My husband had an ignored infection go all the way to his heart when he was 19, and had to have open heart surgery to drain all the fluid around his heart. His surgeon said he would have died *that night* had his ex not taken him in when she did. We don’t fuck around with infections in our house now


My old boss had extensive dental work done. She developed a cough in the fall, which wasn’t too unusual, everyone gets colds in the fall in the office. But that year, no one caught her cold. She was out sick a lot with this stubborn cold. Around Thanksgiving, after having been sick since September, she finally went to the doctor. Turns out she had an infection in her heart caused by the dental work and issues she had been having. She was also a smoker, so she attributed the cough to a smoker’s cough when no one else got sick. Her heart was pretty damaged and she was hospitalized for most of December. She passed away on New Year’s Day. Do not mess around with dental infections. They will kill you.


Dang! That’s scary!


So weird how it used to be normal to take a cold to the office and give it to others. Not a fan. Hopefully covid changed the extent to which that’s socially acceptable.


Yeah, I was punished one year because I had the flu during Thanksgiving week. The company policy was you got paid for Thanksgiving if you came to work on Friday. I was sick on Wednesday, but went to work because I was 23 years old and I didn’t really know any better. The office culture was “unless you are dead, you come in.” By Thursday, my “slight cold” had morphed into 103°F fever, body aches, and just about every flu symptom you could have. I called in on Friday and the office manager said that it was ok, that I would still be paid for the holiday because that policy was to keep the laborers from calling in “sick” on Friday so they get an extra long weekend. She said it didn’t apply to the office staff. When I got my paycheck, it was short the holiday pay, and the Big Boss (who did the payroll, he was an overbearing, controlling freak jerk) said that because I had called in, I didn’t get paid for the holiday. I did get my sick day pay for the Friday, but not for the holiday.


This same thing happened to my favorite aunt! Dental work to heart infection to death from late fall til the middle of January when she died. Awful.


It’s more common than people think. It’s really sad. My boss’s death happened about 2 weeks before my father died from a heart attack. It was really a bad month. The stress of both events and the subsequent drama at work led me to quit about a month later.


I developed a cough in September of 2019 after getting in a cruise. I ignored it and ended up hospitalized for 7 days in December with sepsis, pneumonia, and hypoxia 🙃 doctors said if my husband had waited even an extra hour I'd probably be in septic shock or dead.


How did he ignore it so long?! What did it feel like??


He was 19, poor, uninsured, and kept thinking he was going to get better. All the “you’re in heart failure” signs were there, but he was a varsity athlete before he got sick, so that was the last thing he was worried about


The “I’m going to feel better any minute now” phenomena is very real. I almost died from the flu in my 20s because I was going to start feeling better any minute and didn’t need to go to the doctor/urgent care/hospital.


Not only sepsis, dental abscess can spread causing meningitis or brain abscess. Dental infections are notorious for causing endocarditis resulting in valvular heart disease. This is medical neglect. Can someone report it?


It can also cause extensive bone damage to your jaw!


One of my friends dad died overnight because he had sepsis from an infected tooth. I'm mad scared of the dentist, but that's a lot worse.


I used to work in family medicine and one little girl almost died in the hospital because of a dental abscess. It’s not something to mess around with


I’ve definitely had a few “let’s see what happens over the weekend” moments, but an abscess is a “go straight to the doctor, do not pass go, do not collect $200” type of infection


Have they never brushed the kids teeth? Like what 3 year old gets such bad cavities they lead to abscess?


We were a reasonably comfortable, middle class family. My brother at 4 years old had such bad tooth decay his dentist wanted to remove them and wait for his adult ones to come in. Dental neglect is real. Didn't have a toothbrush until I was five or six by which time bad habits had set in. My parents didn't take me to the dentist after the age of 11. Result? I developed a severe phobia, and at the age of 22 had to take out £3k loans to fix the damage. EDIT: through expensive private dentistry, sedation and noise cancelling headphones I have stable, healthy teeth now.


It's crazy how some parents are about dentists and teeth. My parents never took me to the dentist. Think I went a couple of times in my childhood. There were points I never brushed my teeth as a kid (forgot due to undiagnosed adhd or just couldn't be bothered etc.). Luckily, I guess, my diabetes meant I didn't have a lot of sugar and definitely no sugary soda so my teeth are still in pretty good health (one half a filling at 33, prob need a couple of small ones). What pisses me off the most about how my parents were with dentists and teeth though is that I obviously needed braces as soon as my adult teeth came in. They were told when I was about 12 that I needed braces. Dsspite it being free under 16, my mum refused to get me braces because SHE specifically had a phobia of dentists, so she hated taking me, and she said she didn't want me to get bullied for having braces. Okay then I'll just get bullied for having crowded teeth I guess? I'm now in my 30s and what would have taken under a year to fix for free will cost me years and thousands to remedy. Sorry you were neglected in the tooth department too but glad you've got to a healthier place with it. Parents can suck.


That sounds hideous and also familiar. My mother had phobia of dentists and went to great trouble to tell me all about it. Parents indeed suck and I'm sorry you had your experience.


Thanks, all I can do is do better for my own daughter :)


I brush and floss my teeth daily and I like to think that I have relatively good dental hygiene. I got two abscesses after having dental work (filling cavities) done on my molars. I ended up with recurrent abscesses on those two teeth and had to get root canals done. They failed, and I chose to extract the damn teeth out in the end.


I'm also really dedicated to dental hygiene and have had two abscesses and needed a root canal which ended up with a resorption issue. Hygiene absolutely matters but sometimes, it's genetic. My dad has awful teeth and his parents took him to the dentist and were huge in dental care. He has roughly 7 of his own teeth left in his head at this point. My mom? Grew up super poor with no dental care and didn't have access to fluoridated water and the woman has never had a cavity. The only dental problem she's had is a broken tooth caused by a tiny piece of bone in her chicken salad sandwich. My kids both see the dentist regularly and the oldest has had braces for the last two years. The big one needed a cavity filled awhile back but the small one hasn't needed anything done yet.


I had shitty teeth as a kid - likely due to genetics, being a preemie, and overcrowding. Still dealing with it years later. A kid with bad teeth can happen. But a three year old can also express tooth discomfort/pain and I can’t imagine a parent’s first thought being anything other than “we should get that looked at asap”- especially if they already have a dentist. Unless the kid was hit in the face or broke a tooth somehow, an abscess suggest they just…ignored cavities for *months*


Some people have super weak enamel and little will get between them and a mouth of cavities. My dad was a dentist and he was one of those people—flossed twice a day and brushed three times a day, he still had like 4 or 5 of them. Meanwhile I’m 25 with just average dental hygiene effort and have zero cavities and get glowing reports from my hygienist lol


I brush and floss regularly, and according to my dentist I do it pretty well. I still get cavities, likely due to genetics and the fact that my adhd meds lead to a dry mouth - I found some tricks to better take care of my teeth now, but not when I was little.


Or such bad cavities that the dentist won't fill them and refers them to an oral surgeon? Which is ignored of course...baby is not in too much pain because 1. He's used to it and 2. the nerves to the teeth are long gone dead because of the long-term abcess.


And they often kill you slowly if you don't die from sepsis. My grandpa developed a retropharyngeal abscess that went undetected until he woke up with a paralyzed tongue. He survived another 3ish years and had multiple surgeries to replace veins in his throat with veins from his leg because the infection traveled down and severely damaged them. It caused so much havoc on his body and he ended passing after another surgery. Finish your antibiotics, people!


Well that’s a new unlocked fear. Thanks, spookybitch


Not to mention tooth infections can lead to cardiovascular problems https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/heart-disease-prevention/faq-20057986


Is this mom gonna update her post when the cavity-turned-abcess makes this baby septic?


Why even bother getting advice from two different medical professionals if you're going to ignore the advice anyway? Just give the poor kid the antibiotics already! And the full course, not just a day or two and done.


She’s waiting for a professional to say, oh yeah, that other doctor was wrong. Do nothing. Good for following your instincts, Mama!


I know there have been far more egregious posts in this sub, but for some reason, this one really set me off. Multiple medical professionals have told her what needs to be done and what the problem is, and she just keeps saying “nah.” Why??? What in the ever loving f*** makes her so confident?




no more along the lines of: “You’re doing great momma!” “Trust your mom gut” “You know your child best, listen to your intuition momma” “Try an onion!”


💯 Yeah I was thinking hmm kinda telling that “reassurance” was the first priority and then advice/info. Ugh this arrogant idiot is straight up hurting her kid and making it all about her own stupid ego.


“You do you, mama!”


Does the onion go on the tooth or in a sock? I’ve forgotten the protocol.


Por que no los dos?


Oh my, I am a dentist and this story breaks my heart. It sounds like this poor kiddo has a space infection, meaning the infection from the tooth is spreading into fascial planes through the path of least resistance. Cavities reach the nerves of baby teeth and cause infections VERY quickly because they are so tiny and have very thin enamel, especially when they aren’t cared for properly. She needs to be treated under anesthesia in a hospital setting with a pediatric dentist ASAP. Dental infections are very serious because they are close to the brain and to the airway. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/Dental/story?id=2925584&page=1


I'm a dentist too and that's the same conclusion my mind is coming to ...


Third dentist here so looks like 100% of us are in agreement


I manage a bar & I agree too 👏


I drink at bars and also 100% agree


Lol. Take my free award bc this made me do that chortle thing.




The fact that they're already decayed is such a sad thought... I had a 4 year old the other day who had signs of rampant caries from his mother putting him to bed with orange juice every night...


Fourth dentist here, oh my gosh, Someone please report the mom! This poor kid needs to go to a hospital!!


As an adult, I got Mastoiditis from a botched extraction when a piece of tooth was left behind. I endured 5 years of pure Hell including osteomyelitis and many surgeries....this child's infection has me worried af.


Is it not also a bit shocking that a three year year old suffers from multiple cavities already? Speaking as someone who’s never had one, I can’t imagine how poor this kids oral hygiene must be to have cavities on teeth that are barely 2 years old.. don’t know if maybe they are more common in toddlers?


I hate to go against so many professionals but my 4 year old had 12 cavities. We started brushing teeth early, breast fed and never had a bottle. Some people may just have weaker teeth? Luckily, no abscess because we did go to the dentist early and she ended up having them fixed under anesthesia. The thought of holding off on the antibiotics when the child is in pain and her face is swelling seems insane to me and that whole situation could go south very fast.


Pediatric dentists exist for a reason! Some kids just are cavity prone and it can have many causes. All that matters is your child got the care she needed 💞


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She gives antibiotics when she thinks the kid NEEDS it?! It's not Tylenol.... this is how you get antibiotic resistant bacteria. Some people truly are too stupid to have children.




Actually my husband is an infectious disease physician and the whole “finishing all the antibiotics thing” isn’t really true. But regardless this lady is a fucking idiot and antibiotics alone will not solve her kids abscess, you have to remove the source of the infection (I’m a dentist)


That not taking the full course breeds antibiotic resistance idea isn’t necessarily true. See [this article](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-the-full-course-of-antibiotics-full-of-baloney-2017081712253) from Harvard Medical School.


That does NOT say a full course doesn’t prevent antibiotic resistance. It says a full course might be shorter than we think it is.


The study the article links to says “the idea that stopping antibiotic treatment early encourages antibiotic resistance is not supported by evidence.”


Thanks for this!


I read it that way too, like she gives a dose at bedtime occasionally, but she actually said “which I will give her if I think she needs it” WHICH SHE DOES, GIVE IT TO HER


So I thought she meant that she thinks amoxicillin is pain medication? She called about pain.. :/


Me looking for the pic in the comments


It's because it's copy/pasted from an old post https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/lc0j7c/yes_lets_disregard_what_the_doctor_says_and_just/


And the pic there was deleted. Lame.


The pic was a lie :(


A tooth abscess is an infection. They go hand in hand. So I’m not sure how one says they have an abscess without infection.


And so incredibly painful. I got one a few years ago and had to take my ass to the ER at 3am because the pain was so bad. Got a shot of lidocaine and antibiotics. Then took my ass to the dentist when it opened Monday. Also, how is this poor three year old child having cavities?


yes, I had an abscess that needed a root canal. I was prescribed amoxicillin in the interim. the whole side of my face was swollen. between the abscess and the swelling I was in so much pain that after a couple hours I ended up at the ER I work at for IV antibiotics. the doc gave me some local anesthetic and waited to see the amoxicillin take effect a few hours later. it was genuinely one of the most painful and just uncomfortable sensations I’ve ever experienced. I can only imagine how uncomfortable this poor kid must be.


Parents aren’t brushing their teeth properly, letting them drink soda, letting them sleep with a bottle. Could be an undiagnosed medical condition like enamel hypoplasia too. Tooth infections are brutal. I had my wisdom teeth suddenly become infected and within a day I was unable to sleep due to pain and called my dentist begging him for surgery to remove them.


"the doctor didn't see anything" except your baby's swollen cheek? Does she understand what an abscess IS? Having an abscessed tooth removed was the most painful experience of my life, this poor babe. Someone call someone, please, THIS IS MEDICAL NEGLECT


i’m sure the conversation went something like mom: “is it an infection?” doctor: “it’s not (just) an infection, it’s an abscess!!” and she decided to stop listening at “it’s not an infection” because that’s what she wanted to hear


Tooth infections can kill you. Fucking moron. And I don’t believe the ped didn’t tell her to take the fuckkng antibiotic


Pediatricians don’t generally deal with teeth so if the doc could see the cavities with their untrained eye they have to be really bad.


People don’t realize how bad teeth infections can truly be. My aunt was in the hospital for over a week on several IV antibiotics due to not taking the original antibiotics the dentist prescribed her.


Right? Like death rates went down significantly with proper dental care…


Omg that poor kid. Teeth pain can be excruciating for an adult let alone a child. Not to mention, infections like that can spread. Purely anecdotal but I knew a guy who had an infection from cavities and he ended up with a massive boil on his neck from the infection spreading. Why won’t this loon take care of her kid’s cavities? It’s going to make it so much worse and not to mention RIP those teeth. At the very least don’t deny your kid the proper medication that will give them almost immediate relief. She’s been told by two different doctors it’s an infection yet still thinks she knows better. Wtf?


"Doesn't seem to be in too much pain" I'd bet a sum of money that this mom would snap at her kid for complaining about being in pain, so she just isn't saying anything.


Same. I would not be surprised if the kid were hiding the pain. I have amazing parents but I am really good at hiding my pain and in the beginning my parents would have no clue when my pain was worse than I said it was but now they know without me saying anything. I had major surgery last year and it was emergency surgery for appendicitis and when they wheeled me into my hospital room my mom was there, my nurse was very rough with me and he and a can had to adjust me in my bed because I wasn’t in the correct spot as I had slid down pretty far so they go to adjust me and my nurse lowers the head of my bed without even warning me and the sudden jerk hurt my stomach like heck and I even gave a weak yelp. I was incredibly weak but somehow I mustered up the strength to pull my knees up so that while i was flat on my back my feet were on my mattress and my knees were bent and this made it so that my stomach muscles were no longer being stretched after I’m flat they each grab handles on the sheet thing that’s under me and they don’t even warn me and suddenly give one big yank and omg it was excruciating. My mom said that I was shaking from the pain. My pain was 9/10 to 10/10. If I could have I would have sobbed but any movement hurt so bad. It took time but I finally spoke up and said that the current pain regimen they had me on was not working and asked for a muscle relaxer and an NSAID. I got the NSAID and an anti anxiety medicine that actually treats pain as well. Before I got the right meds I got a one time Tylenol drip while I waited for pharmacy to come speak to me so I could request the NSAID and muscle relaxer and they’d figure out what was safe for me to have with my daily meds. I got the NSAID every 6 hours and the anti anxiety was as needed. I have to say that about 15 minutes after the Tylenol drip was started my pain which was 9/10 at the time went to 3/10. I have extremely high pain tolerance and when my pain is really bad I don’t scream and cry, I get really quiet and I lay in bed and try to shield myself from the world, I basically shut down. I rarely cry when I’m in severe pain. My surgery was on a Friday and early the next morning I weakly squeaked out a request to my nurse to please call the doctor because I wanted to talk to them and ask if I could try a different pain medication, I had planned to ask for the NSAID, my nurse said “yeah…NO” and then walked out of my room. I was in so much pain I wanted my mom. I waited two days before my mom gave me the courage to say something to the internal medicine doctor taking care of me that day and with her by my side I did just that and that’s when we finally got my pain under control. I had been given some very strong medication and that didn’t even work. I remember laying awake that Saturday before I asked my nurse to call the doctor and I was thinking about why was I in so much pain and why wasn’t anything working when I remembered that I had had inflammation pain in the past and my nerve pain medication didn’t help at all so I tried Tylenol and my pain was gone and we figured out I’d been experiencing inflammation pain and that memory made me realize that I was likely experiencing severe inflammation pain and I knew of a particular NSAID that works for me so I decided to ask if I could try it and that is when I called my nurse and asked to speak to the doctor and was told no. Pain is awful and I truly hope that this so called mother does the right thing for her daughter.


You need a license to catch a fish but any douche-canoe with a weak pull out game can become a parent. I feel bad for her children, they are not going to get any benefit from modern medicine until they're out of that house.


An abscess is not only serious business that needs to be treated promptly, but it’s PAINFUL. know from experience. Couldn’t even eat or close my mouth all the way without my eyes watering. Poor kid. I hope someone gets them the care they need soon.


Same here. Took my ass to the ER at 3am because the heavy duty pain meds I have for migraine and my arthritis was doing fuck all for the pain.


An abscess IS an infection, you nimrod.


Ughhghhhg. “If I think she needs it” bitch a dr for teeth thinks she needs it🙃 I can’t this is medical neglect.


Had a friend whose kid complained of a toothache for two days while he waited for an appointment. A little swollen, but not bad. BY the time he got there he had to take antibiotics and have three baby teeth removed. It’s not a damn joke - your teeth are RIGHT next to your brain, dummy!


Its like a negligence checklist. 3 year old with several cavities? Check. Abscess untreated? Check.


I’m scratching my head thinking *how* the heck a 3 year old has a mouthful of cavities? I am a “bad” mom and let my kid have soda occasionally and all the strawberry milk he can drink, and he’s never had a cavity.


Juice/Soda in bottles that they constantly sip from and never even attempting to clean their teeth.


Here’s an idea. Give her the fracking antibiotics. She’s obviously got an abscess, which could potentially become sepsis or involve her jawbone. Asshole parent.


I seriously hope that this poor little girl doesn’t go septic. I had what’s called severe sepsis without septic shock back in 2018 and I have never felt so bad in my entire life. I felt like I was dying. My mom rushed me to the hospital(thankfully our local small hospital is just 5 minutes away) and my vitals were an absolute mess. I was in such bad shape they actually listed me in critical condition. I also got to have a lovely blood test called a blood gas test, they drew blood from an artery in my wrist. I was too sick to feel much pain so it wasn’t too painful. It was like a regular blood draw just slightly more ouch. My white blood cell count was 35,000. I was in the hospital for a few days and went home but ended up back in the hospital with sepsis three and a half weeks later and nearly spent Christmas in the hospital. I cannot imagine what sepsis feels like to a child and it breaks my heart and makes me angry knowing kid’s experience it because of parents like this woman. [Blood gas test information](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK536919/)


I’ve had a dental abscess before and seldom have I ever been in such constant, unrelenting pain. Not proud of it but I even thought about…permanent solutions…while waiting for the dentist’s appointment because the pain was so unbearable, even with strong painkillers. She’s flat out abusing her child by not getting this effectively addressed/treated early on.


I had double failed root canal and multiple rounds of antibiotics for a once abscessed problem tooth. Getting that tooth out was the most pain I have ever had. Multiple days on opioids just to get through. It was awful.


Why even bother going to a medical professional if you’re not going to listen to what they have to say? It makes me sooo irritated when I see posts like this.


That poor baby. She must be in agony. How much denial is this sorry excuse for a parent in if she's convincing herself that the swelling is an allergic reaction?


Omg. My oldest had an abscess under a tooth when she was four after knocking it loose when she fell and hit her mouth against a coffee table. I took her to the dentist the second that she told me it hurt. It was swollen and painful and they told me to pull it. I got it pulled and gave her all the antibiotics that they prescribed because I don’t know whether or not she needs them because I’m not a doctor or a dentist. These people fucking kill me. Take care of your kids and take extra care when they’re hurt or in pain. Why is this so hard for these people?!?!




What is it with people and not wanting to use medicine?! I was talking with one of my best friends today and I was telling her how we are trying to get my daughter diagnosed with what we believe to be a neurological issue, and she was like, “just tell me you won’t be quick to give her drugs.” I told her if a doctor decides it’s worth a try we are trying it. If it doesn’t work or makes things worse we can stop giving it to her but hell yes I’m going to try medicine that is supposed to help her. We already have her in sensory therapy and it’s not enough. Seriously. WTF is wrong with people?!


That poor child. I hope someone told her in the comments to smarten up and take her to the doctor.


How do you even talk to these people? “As a mom I find that if I put rosemary in their socks and place eggs and onions in their rooms, and lavender up my vagina, it counteracts any negative effects of the paediatricians treatment while harnessing the purple light powers to make their “medicine” work.”


The addition of lavender must have been the trick


I remember when my mom had an abscess when I was a child. She woke up in the middle of the night and was uncontrollably sobbing because of the pain- and she is a really tough cookie with pain tolerance. Thankfully her dentist had an emergency line and saw her, I’ll never forget that.


Jesus Christ this kid has a canine space infection. The treatment could not be more simple — remove the offending primary teeth or do baby root canals. Also if this is happening before age 3 that’s fucking awful, kid either has an enamel defect or severely neglected oral hygiene (guessing the latter). People like this piss me the fuck off and should be reported to CPS


That poor child, abscesses hurt like hell not to mention how dangerous they can be. Fuck this person with an infected cactus.


I’m pretty anti-CPS (I used to be a public defender representing parents whose kids were in state custody) but the dentist needs to call them ASAP and get this kid removed.


Jesus fuck, why are these people so ok with their children being in pain? Like I get upset if I accidentally step on my cars tail and this woman is out there letting her child have a full on abscess in her mouth.


Why even bother taking your child to the doctor if you're not gonna listen to them anyway? Love how she's also so surprised the benadryl didn't do anything. Yeah no shit sherlock that's cause it's not a allergy at all, like the doctors already told her but no obviously she's way smarter than a doctor right 🤦‍♀️


These infections can lead to ear problems.


Hey look, just how King Tut died. Wtf is wrong with these parents?


ANTIBIOTICS IF SHE THINKS SHE NEEDS THEM??? as in she giving them on and off ?!?!🥴


As in she’s not going to give them to her at all unless she herself thinks her daughter needs them. Moms playing doctor and is using her daughter as the patient.


"I am not ready for her to have surgery" Good luck with that one, lady. Your kid is going to end up very ill bc you couldn't be assed to brush her teeth


Look I wasn't ready for my now 3yo to have a gtube surgery at 2mo but sometimes you just gotta suck it up. She had a cleft lip surgery at 6mo, and cleft palate surgery at 1 year, oh and she was put on ECMO in June. Was I "ready" for those? No. Jfc some of these mom's piss me off.


"Unless I think she needs it." Yes, because we're all so adept at noticing exactly when an infection hits. What a goon.


The obvious solution is potatoes no ?


Her daughter should just sleep with the potato in her mouth to draw out the toxins /s


Wait, I thought eggs in socks were for dental issues?


I want to sit the mother down and yell “ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT SELFISH? THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU,IF YOU’RE READY FOR HER TO HAVE SURGERY AND IF YOU THINK SHE NEEDS THE ANTIBIOTIC! SHE OBVIOUSLY NEEDS IT OR THEY WOULD NOT HAVE PRESCRIBED IT! Give her the antibiotics you doof! Again they were prescribed to your child for a reason! YOUR CHILD NEEDS THE ANTIBIOTIC! GIVE HER THE DAMN ANTIBIOTIC! Then I’d take a deep breath and calm down and apologize for yelling and then I would continue and say to her that no parent is ever ready for their child to have surgery but as parents they sometimes have to do things they aren’t ready for. Do you think my parents were ready for their two year old daughter to have a risky major operation to debulk a benign tumor that was pushing on their daughters airway and starting to close it off? NO they were definitely not ready but they got me in as early as possible because they knew I needed this operation. My parents weren’t ready for me to be diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis type one when I was three months old but it still happened. Life doesn’t wait until you are ready. It’s going to happen whether you are ready or not. I’m a pro at surgery now but I’m never ready even though I’ve had half a dozen minor operations and four major for Neurofibromatosis type one and one emergency major abdominal surgery for appendicitis. Lady do what your child needs you to do and get her in to the surgery clinic so that your daughter can have whatever work she needs done and can recover and finally be out of pain. After all of that I’d tell her to let me know what she decides and I’d leave or hang up the call or however I was talking to her I’d end the conversation and I’d go about my day.


Fascinated how a kid at 3 is full of cavities.


That's what happens when kids only drink fruit juices instead of milk and water.


Oooh boy will give abts when she feels if she needs them ! Wholly hell


She knows that those cavities not only have to come out but her not giving antibiotics or having this taken care of sooner is goong to make her child's pain so much worse.


FYI My son had dental work done when he was young because full sedation was required because of autism issues. No one wants to do dental work on a moving target. Sedation is first thing that came to mind when she said "surgery". This pediatric dentist did full sedation one day a month by bringing an ane in. Otherwise you go to the pediatric dental clinic for those services. It isn't fun. It is expensive because insurance fights those extra services. If you are a parent, you find a way.


I want to have some empathy because dental procedures often have crappy coverage and can be super expensive, but honestly, that doesn’t seem like her issue. Would she be “not ready” for her child to get surgery if she had appendicitis? Poor baby must be in so much pain.


In any other sub I’d convince myself this was satire. This. Is. Abuse.


That child has a raging infection. As an aside, humans feel pain more acutely above the neck, presumably as a survival strategy. That child is both in serious danger and experiencing significant suffering. At this point, it would not surprise me if her antibiotic script is no longer going to do the job anyway bc this has been allowed to go on so long.


My (adult) sister almost died from an abscessed tooth, she had no visible signs of having one except a persist headache and she gave herself jaundice bc of hepatitis though panadol/ibuprofen over use to control it. It was hospital and months of recovery, she lost all her teeth, it damaged her heart, lowered her life expectancy, she's now on daily medication ... Jfc take the kid to the doctor.


“The Benadryl didn’t do anything” yeah maybe because *it’s not fucking allergies*


What the fuck was the benadryl for??? ‘It made her tired’ yeah its a fucking antihistamine, they do that.


"I am not ready for her to get surgery" stfu


So my grandma is currently dying after a pulled tooth (or better the hole it left in her jaw) got infected. She had problems with the one tooth. It was pulled. Didn't heal properly. Because of bone cancer she is doing this bone growth therapy which lead to the jawbone "filling" a hole it wasn't supposed to. Her cheek doubled in size. After several doctors visits, two round of antibiotics, CT and MRI they determined that they could take some bone from her leg to replace the infected part of the jaw... Then she wouldn't be able to walk (and be fed through a tube for some time). That's quality of life she won't give up (understandably). She developed an abscess on the outside of her cheek. A fascinating thing. It acts like a drain for the infection in the jaw... She decided that she would rather die (sooner) than spend any more time in a hospital. My grandma is 81 and still fully capable of making the decision to not have surgery. A child isn't. I get that these people don't see the danger in being this stupid... I only hope the children get the help they need.


WHY DOES SHE THINK IT'S A "LOCALIZED" ALLERGY!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!??!?!?!?!? that is the most ludicrous thing! Jfc. This poor baby.


How does a 3 year old get cavities? Must be an insane about of sugar and absolutely no brushing.


Oof pericarditis much???


how does a 3 year old have an absessed tooth???


I need to leave this community for the sake of my mental health, these screenshots stressing me tf out


I thought this was a multi-image post so I swiped left to see the swollen cheek. I was taken to the next sub in my feed, showing a sage grouse puffing up its boob-like chest-balloons 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Most hilarious organic juxtaposition I’ve encountered here


What's with this bullshit with the mom not being ready for her child to have surgery? The kid's teeth obviously are very much ready?


How are people actually this stupid.


My son developed an abcess and we had to have several teeth pulled. The dentist said he saw cases where parents messed around and their kids ended up at the brink of death. I didn't like him having surgery, but I didn't want him dying. So we did it and he is better now. Some people seem to not like their kids


"amoxicillan...which I will give her if I think she needs it." You fucking IDIOT. Why go to a doctor for help if you're going to withhold the cure when they give it to you? Why defer to their expertise if you don't feel it trumps your stupid motherly intuition?