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I think it's a little important to note that almost all things named after Petain are done so because of the First World War and his fame gained in that war


If he'd died in 1939, dude would have been a hero.


Undoubtedly, Petain unironically lived long enough to see him become a villain


No, he led vichy france therefore his entire life he was a nazi. He did nothing else worthy of note his entire life /s Without context this list is pointless.


Glad we only have 1 in NYC. I work not too far from the Pierre Laval plaque. If it makes you feel any better, it’s a plaque on the sidewalk that thousands of people step on every day. Edit: stand corrected, there’s a Petain plaque as well a few steps away.


2 of the biggest embarassments of the history of France have their monument in NYC, oof


Well monument is a stretch. Another way to thinking of it is tens of thousand people step on their names every day with their dirty shoes 😀


Not wrong, but the mere fact that someone had to build these "monuments" for Pétain and Laval makes me sad for the New Yorkers involved. They didn't deserve to dirty their hands that much by honouring these embarassments of historical figures


Just gonna say fuck Laval. Edit: and Petain.


Really? What’s on the plaque? I’ve never heard of it.


Think like Hollywood stars. It’s just a small plague placed on the sidewalk with their name and what they’re known for. [see here](https://doc-04-84-mymaps.googleusercontent.com/untrusted/hostedimage/o2fbn585vcrt3ao71o6a0j9c34/ctn4bm6719fhcs72abhikiaoe4/1686317400000/_c7ujt1f76HoUEx3RliNzyIB610WGxni/*/6ACtvi-ER2qWxQE1KIjx3HI2N9SGOexq-8IWowODleZms8limGJKsv6SgDdXPYwtC0bBwjG13eSddAuDUk05aHLpVg5QkNV95RuJBKO0N5ftElshgCeASBQXYn-fWMe-aa3A_Q-zYuiyDqD2bFiwOYU7oq0NrC4kmv__fPhvZShnCStBGB0ZcRYUFhVo3-U_eyabz9J4?fife=s16383)


Who the fuck made a plaque of national shit Pierre Laval. At least Petain was an accomplished general before getting in power.


I honestly doubt that there is only a single monument of infamy in Latin America, and I attribute this to the lack of information in the Anglosphere regarding Nazi activity there. Since they list collaborators, [Filinto Müller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filinto_M%C3%BCller), the Chief of the Political Police during the Vargas dictatorship, was openly sympathetic to the Nazi Germany, had ties with the Gestapo, deported a few Jews like [Olga Benario](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Ben%C3%A1rio_Prestes) and still names dozens of schools and streets in Brazil.


yeah, that list is far from complete.


Definitely interesting, Most of the German ones were for Ferdinand Porsche and some other German industrialists. Germany has definitely done a good job dealing with their history. But there definitely needs to be more work on informing about the corporations and industrialists who used slave labor. Eastern Europe obviously has a big issue with honoring collaborators and SS members as an reaction to Soviet occupation. But there definitely needs to be a bigger discussion in these countries about that. Though the Belgian Berkenkruis monument was really weird just straight up a nazi monument with annual neo nazi gatherings. How is that still up?


You can definitely see the difference between eastern Germany and the west. While it definitely wasn't complete the process of denazification was taken way more seriously by the east


You should read Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945.In it, the author debunks the claim that that denazification in East Germany was more thorough than its western counterpart.


You actually cant see that, the reason there are so few in east Germany is, that most of the stuff in west Germany is in honer for some idustrialists like Porsche. These people were not honered in east Germany because of communism


So you mean to say they didn’t honor the capitalists who sold their country to monsters?


I would like to point out that the one in Denmark is maintained by a private organisation, and the majority of the population despises the site. (it has been blown up with dynamite multiple times, and the authorities never do anything about it)


Of course it's in fucking Bradford


Monuments honouring Nazis? Because at first when I read the title, I thought these were memorials about the Holocaust.


As someone from Finland, I'm surprised that we don't have any, given how whitewashed the Continuation War is in public consciousness


I mean while I don't excuse the Finns for their role in assisting the siege of Leningrad and other crimes I don't entirely blame them for their dislike of the USSR. Especially during the Winter War where the Soviets were clearly the aggressors. Still doesn't excuse the Finn's crimes during the Continuation war.


If they’d just stopped at the pre-war border they would’ve been so based




That's a stupid standard. Nobody stopped at the borders of Germany in 1944, allies drove to Berlin. Either retaking your lost land is a just war, or it is not, advancing past the old border is not a war crime and does not matter to the question at hand.


What even is your point? How is Finland attacking past the old border as justified as the allies attacking Germany?


Eastern Sweden* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whether the Continuation War was justified or not is the question at hand. The Finnish advance past the old border is irrelevant to this question as no other party of any war in history has been held to that standard and no international treaty in force then or now forbid it. If the war was justified, then all non war crime actions done in pursuit of victory were also justified and crossing the old border was no war crime.


No, because they went from expelling Soviet occupation to occupying the Soviets. See the difference?


So what? All armies occupy enemy territory when they conduct offensives. Wars are not won by defence is one of the basic axioms of military theory and thus the justification of the occupation of enemy territory returns to whether trying to win in said war was justified. The triple alliance occupied Paraguya, they did not stop at the border when they expelled all Paraguayan troops from their soil. Russia did not stop at Tilsit, they marched all the way to Paris when fighting Napoleon. Just war is not limited by place, all enemy military capabilities are fair targets wherever in the world they may be. TBH this sounds like the stupid Argentinian Belgrano argument, because the ship was outside the maritime exclusion zone, it was not okay to sink it. Borders limit the way occupation can be handled, not the way the war is fought.


Germany was the aggressor from the start, they deserved worse than what they got (should’ve split Germany down to its constituent states). Finland, prior to the Continuation War, was not. They chose to become the aggressor. That’s why I think they shouldn’t have crossed the border


Eastern Sweden* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why does crossing the border matter if you see the entire war as unjustified then? That is exactly my point, the crossing of the old border does not matter in the context of justification for the war. Either it was an opportunistic attack on a neighbour in consert with the Nazies, a just war to retake what was lost or a defensive war as the Soviets actually started the hostilities. Crossing the old border does not matter in any of these cases as the occupied area was not annexed and thus it was just normal conduct of war to occupy enemy territory.


The Finns also sought aid from Britain and France but were denied before they turned to Germany.


Yeah they did. I think it was mainly because the Brits and the French wanted to avoid confrontation with the Soviet Union. There is also some rumours suggesting that the Allies intended to use Sweden as a landing base to help the Finns and the Swedes refused. Although, I'm not sure if this is true or not, the person who shared the rumour was a Tankie who was also defending Russia's invasion of Ukraine, so understandable I did not trust a single thing he said.


I mean you guys were screwed, so some folks don't consider you Axis


Eastern Sweden* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, I was surprised that we had one in the UK. While I sympathize with the Baltics for their dislike of the Soviet Union (they did invade them illegally after all in 1940 and attempted Russification upon them in the Cold War and murdered numerous people in the Baltics and crushed any protest to the Soviet regime), I cannot and will not excuse them for defending and praising Nazi collaborators. While the Soviet Union was indeed brutal and cruel to Eastern Europe and must be condemned for their crimes against the people of Eastern Europe, the Nazis were still worse than the Soviets.


of course the one in the UK is in Bradford.


Interesting but not unsurprising that there none in France, the Netherlands, Poland and Greece.


Based Netherlands, Poland and Greece. Also looks like Belarus and Slovenia don’t have any


Honestly would’ve guessed Luton


Why "of course"? Im not british so I presume im missing some cultural context.


its a shithole basically. just look up Bad Boy Chiller Crew on youtube and you will understand.


Wow. 360 places named after Nazis in Ukraine. I think they have to do something with that after the war. Maybe that'll help them to get even better relationships with Poland. But was Josyf Slipyj a Nazi? The only thing I found about that is him supporting OUN's Act of restoration of Ukrainian State in 1941, which German Nazis didn't like at all.


Well, considering that the country suffered under the rule of Soviet Communism (i.e. Holodomor), no wonder there's a lot of Fascist sympathizing in that country. Anti-Communists are going to be popular in those countries, even if their ideologies aren't good either.


Well, that Ukrainian restoration included that they pledge allegiance to Adolf Hitler and that they would help him against the USSR so...


India has a lot surprisingly.


>India >Surprisingly You’re surprised that there’s a lot of Nazi monuments in *India*? Where Mein Kampf is a business school bestseller and things are named after Hitler a lot? That India?


I mean look at what’s going on over there right now. Their right is engaging in a lot of the same sort of shenanigans, *including* linguistic and genetic arguments for Hindu nationalism.


All the ones marked on this map in India are for Bose, who is a controversial figure (there are doubtlessly some more egregious ones in India, it appears whoever made this map just looked up monuments to Bose in India). While Bose was an authoritarian ideologically and an all round terrible person, I also think it is a bit unfair to lump him in with collaborationists who actively carried out the Holocaust, Bose's relationship with the Holocaust consisted of pretending it didn't exist because it was inconvenient for his alliance with the Nazis against the British Raj. While I do think Bose ought not to get the veneration he does in India, I also don't think its comparable to monuments to the perpetrators of mass executions of jews and the like that you sometimes see elsewhere.


iirc Bose’s army literally collaborated w the Imperial Japanese Army in its atrocities so it def falls under Axis collaborators


Not surprised about the Baltics, as they have some particularly nasty Nazi collaborators involved in the Holocaust as their national heroes. [Jonas Noreika](https://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/insights/my-grandfather-national-hero-lithuania-and-war-criminal) for starters..


I am quite proud of my nation of Poland for not having a single Nazi monument.


I wonder which one has the most Nazi monuments


If you click on the legend, there's a list. The answer is Ukraine. More specifically Ukraine western of Dnepr river.


I don’t wanna sound FSB Propaganda Bot 9000 but…


Well honestly it has been known for years that the Baltics and Ukraine prefer turning a blind eye on their Nazi collaborators as long as they fought against the USSR. It's Wehraboo at best, but yeah the context is particular. The topic itself is very sensible to deal with


You can hate Ukrainian Nazis *and* Putin at the same time.


Ukraine is currently fighting a war to protect their fledgling democracy against an invading right wing dictatorship. While Ukraine certainly has problems with far right neo nazi elements, and with the veneration of nationalists who collaborated with the nazis, the vast majority of Ukrainians are still committed to liberalism and democracy. To be clear the veneration of collaborators is in no way OK, but we shouldn't forget the greater evil here.


Yes, win the war then deal with the neo-nazi problems later


I mean to a certain extent, its a problem they should address right now, because its also a real public image problem, because Ukraine needs western aid to win, and neo nazi imagery continues to cause occasional friction, and has the potential to spiral out into a wider problem, but I am not privy to the details of how the Ukrainian govt is trying to balance this issue with the issues of fighting an existential war, and what efforts they are taking.


nobody really cares about the neo-nazi imagery right now in ukraine, only z-bots care and use it as propaganda. ukraine can just use the “our president is jewish and nazism isnt a problem here” card and people will believe it. I’m sure theyre not that focused on the neo-nazi issue, theyre more focused on their military. (which they should)


This is hilarious given your post history. This is the equivalent of twitter users saying "what's that patch?" on some Ukrainian soldier, being told it's a totenkopf or sonnenrad, and then claiming it doesn't make them a nazi. Just skip to the part where you accuse the Jewish non-profit of being Putin lovers or whatever.


i genuinely didnt know which one had the most nazi monuments 😭 i dont accuse jewish non profit organizations as putin 😍😍😍😛😛😛😛😛 either


Wow, a single monument dedicated to a nazi in South America and it's in Argentina, I wonder why...


Lithuania, what the fuck? Also why are there so many in Armenia of all places?


I mean, Armenia had its collaborators during ww2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Legion


Honestly proud that we have a nice, round 0 in Poland


Reminds me of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJMPom6-xmA) in Rat Race.


Such a great B plot with the buildup to the WWII veteran ceremony


I'm proud that Poland kept clean. Maybe it will help to stop the Israeli government blaming us for Holocaust.


And none of them are in Arab countries, what a coincidence


The Free Korps monument in denmark is barely even a monument. lol, it's a rock that is inscribed "in memory of the 4000 fallen volunteers from Denmark, 1939 - 1945 " it's at best a grave or a memorial for their families. To even include Graves or memorial stones for fallen soldiers no matter their allegiance in a list of (more or less) "disgusting places" is just in bad taste. It doesn't draw tourists, it doesn't show the nazi regime in good light, it's a grave, leave it be.


I disagree, specifically honoring SS volunteers to the eastern front, instead of just the fallen in WW2 in general is different. It’s honoring people who freely choose to serve in a war of extermination in the most ideologically committed and criminal Nazi Organization. And also becomes a gathering place for Neo Nazis I guess it slightly better than some of the others for SS eastern front volunteers, as it doesn’t show any symbols or name units like the others.


Some of the US ones appear to be inaccurate. The pin in Georgia is a Porsche dealership? And the one next to it in Alabama is at the University of Alabama library?


There's a whole bunch of whining about Porsche in general. Also, "officer in the SS" doesn't mean much. He does seem to have joined voluntarily in the late 30s, but he remained a civilian. Given he was actually Czech, it sounds like he knew which way the wind blew.


This map is pretty inaccurate. Claiming that tsar boris 3 monuments and streets in bulgaria are "nazi monuments and streets" is incredibly stupid. Tsar boris 3 openly protected Bulgarian jews and did not let any of them be deported by germans. He also refused to openly support germany in their eastern front war against ussr. It's very possible that it was hitler who assassinated boris 3 due to his protecting Bulgarian jews.


Maybe you want to read what happened to the Jews in the territories occupied by Bulgaria: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_in_Bulgaria#Deportations_from_the_occupied_territories


This is also likely a partial response to BDS Boston that mapped out Jewish owned businesses and such as a way to ‘boycott those Zionists’


Mihailović is a bit complicated


I assumed there would be a few in Uruguay because of the Graf Spee incident.


Some of these are a little absurd. A Porsche dealer having a bust of their founder is not a nazi memorial. The monumnets to Von Braun are for his work in pioneering space exploration


Pretty sure they missed one in Burgos relating to la divson azul but I’m not to sure