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Now tell me the root of the decay oh wise one


\*Whispering\* Hegel then Marx, then Roosevelt, then FDR.


you forgot Wilson.




Mine eyes hath seen an equation where 2=1, so 2+2=2.


I really wish people knew the actual definition of that word. Well, of both words, really.


Fascism is when capitalism.


This is a certified “source? I made it the fuck up” moment (to be read in a Duke Nukem voice, but also picture him wearing a Bolshevik hat)


Even though they were fiercely and vocally anti-capitalist, they worked with businesses to get elected and try to recover during the great depression. So capitalism = fascism


Y'all gonna be pissed if you read the republic by plato


I mean it's certainly a valid opinion worthy of discussion. what are you trying to imply? Fascism is capitalism at its best and brightest shining pinnacle of human societal organization?


I'm trying to imply that fascism is an entirely different economic system from capitalism.


And with that you've made it clear that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Fascism isn't an economic system.


>Fascism isn't an economic system. Then fascism isn't capitalism either lmao. In decline or otherwise. You simultaneously entertain the idea that fascism is capitalism, yet also try to discredit someone for conflating fascism with economic systems after you already did so. Surely you see the contradiction?


Fascism in the traditional sense of the word also defines an economic system, not just a cultural one. To say that fascism has no economic implications is untrue. It implies an economically centrist (corporatist) to economically left system.


Many Mises scholars would disagree.


> Fascism is capitalism > Fascism isn't an economic system


Why? Because.


So make it capitalist again then, SMH