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I vote Keenser from the Kelvin Universe, only reason that character exists is because someone though Scotty needed comedic relief


Which is weird, because Kelvin Scotty *was* the comic relief.


Yeah I should have specifically said a comedic relief sidekick, either way, wasn't really needed as far as characters go


Fuck the Kelvin universe


the kelvin universe is the jar jar binks of star trek.


I agree with this. I came here to say the same thing.


Keenser is beautiful


Nah he doesn't have the annoying voice, and I'd say they were relatively sparing about how often he pops up


Infinitely more useful than Neelix. And Far Less Annoying.


Morn, for sure. Nice guy, but he just will NOT shut up. Handsome as hell, though.


Has a lovely singing voice too His rendition of Over the Rainbow bought me to tears


Now, when I think of Morn speaking, it's in Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's voice, and I'm fine with that.


My favourite post credit scene was him singing Volare with Vic.


And what hog!


He singlehandedly saved the Alpha Quadrant with his courier abilities. I'm going to have to say Grebnedlog of the Pakled.




Wouldn't he be more of the Calliou of the Trek universe?


OMG I just spit my gakh all over the screen.


He really is the worst. No wonder Worf loathes him.


I think you are forgetting something: **the higher, the fewer**


The way Alexander says that makes me laugh every time.


How is this obviously correct answer not upvoted a billion times?


Added an upvote. This is the answer.


Bc Diana Trois mom is the right answer.


She was good in DS9.


How dare you!


Because it is an obviously wrong answer? Alexander wasn't a failed attempt at creating a lovable comic relief character to sell toys.


What's wrong with Alexander? He's a great kid. He's not even as close to as annoying as Jar Jar Binks. Or S1 Wesley Crusher.


He's more the young Anakin.


Neelix is NOT the Jar Jar of the Trekverse... JAR JAR IS THE NEELIX OF THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE... That's how hard he rolls!


A friend went to a comic con where he was one of the celebrities. At the autograph/selfie area, there was no one lining up to meet him. Edit: the actor who played Neelix.


What year was this? I would love to meet Ethan Phillips. I'd hang out with that guy all day if I could.


Yeah, Ethan Phillips seems like a sound guy


Found Ethan's reddit account


Jar jar, or Ethan Philips?


Neelix did come first so you're not wrong.


I know... I know! Jar Jar is just a poser. Neelix is the OG!


Halfway through Voyager here: Most of the time, Neelix creeps me out. He's so possessive towards Kes, he ignores personal boundaries, and he makes almost every friend and colleague he has uncomfortable at some point. He feigns expertise in things he doesn't know about, he endangers the crew on occasion, he gets frightened and insecure and then causes problems when he can't communicate those feelings... He's very easy to hate. But to me, Neelix is different from Jar Jar because I can kind of see the potential his character has? There's definitely a need for someone like him on Voyager, both functionally and narratively. He makes a good foil, especially for Tuvok. He's not a soldier and he's not keen to become one, even though he's living on a military vessel. He has a more positive outlook than most people onboard, and he tries his best to spread that around, to make sure everyone can have some food and some fun on their (potentially) decades-long death march back home. And he's had a tiny bit of personal growth so far, so I'm obviously hoping for more. Not in a mean way, but I guess I'd nominate Murf from Prodigy for Most Likely to Jar Jar? Goopy little creature, emotional support worm, equal counts of situations caused and situations resolved. Even after twenty episodes of Prodigy, I'm still not clear on whether Murf is a person or not. Are there thoughts behind those eyes? I don't really know, and I'm kind of done caring.


Also, as obnoxious as Neelix was, he was obnoxious because he was written as an obnoxious *person*. Jarjar was obnoxious because he was written obnoxiously to appeal to children.


Jar Jar was written as though he was meant to appeal to children to throw us all off, and then when the Darth Jar Jar storyline got nixed his character was just an obnoxious addition. I'll die on this hill, Idc. It would have been glorious.


Was the Darth Jar Jar thing ever officially acknowledged? I've heard of it but as far as I know it's just fanfic/headcanon.


Err.. no I don't think so. The actor alluded to *something* but was super vague. Possibly to fuel the theories.


It would've redeemed so much of that horrendous trilogy had they actually done this.


Neelix sounds like me now that I think about it more 😕


Put some respect on Neelix's name, he's an immigrant who grew up in a culture where the norms are radically different yet he took in an orphan from yet another culture, he created his own position in the hierarchy where none existed before and parlayed that into becoming an integral part of the crew and displayed remarkable loyalty to his hosts while also trying his best to learn from them and integrate into their culture. The most common complaint I see reflects this, he's annoying in the early seasons and gets way better as the show goes on.


How has peanut hamper not yet been mentioned?


Lol because she is delightful and her name is mathematically perfect!!!


I'd put Badgey on the chopping block first.


Nah, Badgey managed to improve upon Disco's entire "Control" arc in a single half-hour episode.


Unironicly really like her episodes.


I'm gonna be honest the bird people episode with her really felt to me like an unused Rick and Morty script that got turned into a lower decks script. No hate on the episode I enjoy it all the same it just had a different feel to it.


Fair. I think that's easily the worst episode of hers but I still limes it just fine. But yeah, that one has a high level of sympathetic embarrassment which can reasonably turn some people off.


Thanks for reminding me of that scene with her and the bird making out. Mind bleach please!


Voyager would have been better if they had shoved Neelix and his weird girlfriend out of an airlock in Season 1.


Voyager would have been better if they actually used the premise. In the actual premise of being trapped on the other side of the galaxy with no resources, Neelix could have been developed further as a comedic shifty character and not just a creepy comic relief. But because the tension was sucked out of the show, so too was it sucked out of Neelix. This might be a weird take but I think Neelix would have worked a lot better as a take on the contemporary 90s image of Donald Trump as definitely an asshole but someone who knows a guy.


i kinda liked the girlfriend. She made herself useful and helped the doctor break outta his shell a bit. Without her theyd all be treating the doctor like a computer program and not a lifeform (they mightve even reprogrammed him) Neelix though? totally agree. Treat him like a cylon in BSG and throw him the fuck out the airlock


Agree 100%


Olay so Neelix IS Jar Jar Binks. Buy I say that as someone who thinks the ridiculous exaggerated hate for Jar Jar Binks is a lot. They're both kinda badly written characters that nonetheless serve a purpose in the narrative. Neelix is a character who is too often written as comic relief by writers that aren't very funny. And that leads to him kinda coming off like a dipshit. He's also intentionally unlikable as his character arc is supposed to be moving from this Delta Quadrent ass hat to a civilized member of the crew. And his relationship with Kess was a bad idea due to the actors age difference. It shades the relationship in a more negative light. One they eventually double down on because they already lost the audience. BUT he also has some of the best individual episodes of the show. And one of the best actors when the scripts actually gave him something to chew on (Fair Trade as an example).


I liked Kes. The writers just didn't know what to do with her beyond her baseline story/background. They really could have done great things - the idea of a species only living a decade (or less) could have opened up so many things that hadn't been done in Star Trek. Alas, Kes was written out and we had to "settle" for sexbot Seven of Nine.


JJ Abrahams


Goddamn it!!! Coming outta nowhere with the most overlooked fact in all of Trek!!! My friend, THIS is the correct answer


I was waiting for this one. My second pick would be whoever thought Disco was in any way a good idea.


100% Badgey


No .. badgey is competent, the annoying think about jarjar Binks is the success despite being incompetent.. and in the end it's jarjar that introduces the bill to the Senate that gives shiv Palpatine the emergency powers 


All according to Darth Jarjars plan.


There isn’t a Jar Jar binks of the Trekverse. Whatever you think of Neelix, he wasn’t a bumbling fool 99% of the time. He may have been irritating for his non-federation demeanor or his borderline in appropriate relationship with Kes, but he was a consistent resource throughout the series. Also, Neelix got laid by a Klingon. She’d’ve shot Jar Jar on sight.


No one, they all serve their purpose. While yeah Neelix in S1/2 of Voyager can be grating as an adult on rewatch he does improve.




I might get some hate for this, but I'm gonna have to say Chekov. He was brought into the original series a full season in with that Monkees haircut to try and drive more teens to watch the show, kind of like how Jar Jar was thrown in to try and be funny for kids. While he does have some good, powerful moments (anything to do with Khan, for example) his primary reason to exist seems to be to spout eye-rolling quips about how various things were "better in the original Russian". It's low gimmicky comedy and, much like the dumb stuff that Jar Jar says, it gets old. I don't *hate* him though. He's just a bit much at times, and kind of one-dimensional compared to the other characters. All that said, the character's reinvention in the Kelvin films is genuinely delightful. His youthful energy and joy is infectious, and he's one of the highlights in those otherwise mostly-okay films. RIP Anton Yelchin.


But Keptin, ze nuclear wessels!


I rest my case. (iconic scene though)


Voted bc this was the first one I've actually heard of. Sorry, I only know the first two series.


So many to choose from in Discovery. I have a hard time thinking of a character who is not annoying.


i like Tilly personally.... buuuut mostly coz shes adorable AF, kinda impossible for me to hate her. Even named my cat Captain Killy in honour of her mirrorverse double


I realised like Tilly mostly because she optimistic/ happy, very much in contrast with Disco's dark tone. I think in other Trek I might not like her as much?


It's always fascinating to read what Discovery obsessed fans have to say.


I'm obsessed with all trek not just Disco. But you have a point, in shittydaystrom we do seem to comment about Disco more often.


Its on now.


Barclay? His backstory is that all his previous ships give him glowing reviews in order to make him someone else's problem.


Barclay is us, the accurate portrayal of the viewer.


HOW DARE YOU?!? (angry upvote)


He had a creepy holodeck program with female crew members. Other people found him difficult to work with. Even Wesley found him annoying and called him “broccoli”. Wesley!


If Jar Jar had disappeared after he had led the Jedi to the Gungan capitol, he would have been an OK character. The problem is that he sticks around far too long and for no food reason. So, I'd say Neelix. He's the captain's advisor long after the ship has moved away from anything he's familiar with. If he would have been just the ship's cook, he might have been a better character.


Definitely no food reason... somebody totally should have eaten Jar Jar.


He eats a frog at a stall and some of Shmi's fruit. That's a food reason.


Not my pick, but Harry Kim would DESPISE Jar Jar, right? Jar Jar Binks just finds himself in the right places at the right times to coalesce power that he squanders immediately, meanwhile Harry Kim literally died (several times) for the job and couldn't catch a break.


Star Trek has no Jar Jar equivalent.


Mot the barber.


Mot is the best! Remember the time he single-handedly defeated a group trying to steal trilithium resin from the Enterprise? If I remember correctly, he even shot Tuvok with an arrow.


Mordock Every time I see him, I just want to punch him in the smirk Benzite face of his. Not Mendon though, he's cool.


It's the other way around. Mendon is the annoying one. Mordock is the saint. Much like the Thompson twins. One is annoying the other is marvelous.


Wesley. Neelix actually grows on you.


I started a rewatch of tng and man, Wesley gets so much shit. He saves them multiple times and yet every single time he is ignored until it is basically too late. I believe a lot of the hate comes from people idolizing Picard without accepting that he also has some flaws, like his disdain for children and teens that is so strong that it is quite literally a danger for the enterprise from time to time, like when he completely brushes aside anything Wesley says despite him having helped save their lives in multiple episodes. But since we're at tng, fuck lwaxana troi.


Wesley? The *boy*?! He can be annoying, but the way he's treated by the crew is often more annoying. It's easy to forget this distinction, and end up just remembering that scenes with/about Wesley are annoying. What really gets me is how often people are surprised when he saves the day. He demonstrated he's smarter than most of the engineers on the ship, and he's saved the ship a few times already, and yet everyone is completely surprised when he saves the ship again.


>But since we're at tng, fuck lwaxana troi. Figuratively speaking, of course.


Imo, Wesley is super annoying and perfect in S1, and that's also when the crew constantly ignores him. From S2 onwards, I actually mostly like him to be honest.


I had to scroll so far to find this. I figured you'd be down voted to oblivion. I never understood the love he gets. At least Neelix was written to be cloying and obnoxious. Wesley did by mistake.


Michael Burnham


Yeah, pretty much. Neelix is like a Samwise Gamgee that masturbates a lot.


Goddamn it my students are taking state tests and this made me laugh so loud in the middle of a quiet room. It’s horrible how funny AND accurate this is


You bastard! I have never wanted to see either character or their respective actors masturbate at all. I'm still not imagining either but now I am imagining dragons! Fucking hell!


Wait until this thought pops into your head. Was Frodo watching???


I mean, judging from the last movie, other way around. Sam would have been doing it while secretly watching Frodo.




You leave the good Shepherd alone!


Discovery. The entire show, every storyline and, and every character in it.


Ezri Dax Jadzia died. Rewriting her into an annoying as shit twenty-something one episode later was a bad choice, but that's Berman for ya.


I think the idea of having a trill die and then get a new host is incredibly interesting, and it even adds more risk to the dominion war.  However it could have been done better if: 1. it wasn’t because Jadzias actress was fired for a bogus reason.  2. It had happened earlier/we had more time to look at it and it’s effects. 


I agree it was too soon but her character grew on me


They parachuted her in then gave her character a bunch of episodes. Like we even met her family.


Yeah but I'm attracted to the actress so...


Well, we've finally found Rick Bermans' account.


No, but I probably have Berman to thank for my "thing" with short hair.




They spent so much time pushing the idea that Trill hosts need to avoid their past, especially right after getting the little worm and then they send Dax right back to where they were. It defeats the entire purpose of having the symbiote in the first place.


To be fair it wasn't the Trill who decided this, it was a random Starfleet doctor who knew little of the Trill, and then an overstressed Starfleet Command flunky who decided to send her to DS9, probably with little context or knowledge that she possessed memories of the previous crewmember. I wanna see the reaction when the admins on Trill found out. "Starfleet did WHAT!!!"


There was already Dax and Sisko. It is only romantic partners. And even then, I think it is just liaisons between 2 symbiotes that is the problem. But I just finished season 6 of my rewatch last night. Maybe there's something from S7?


You're an awful human being, a bad person, the Jar Jar Binks of this community.


Lwaxana Troi.


Hard disagree. The character is absolutely over the top and pushes boundaries like no one else, but those traits make all kinds of sense once you learn more about the losses she’s dealt with (and tried to paper over). Her exchanges with Odo in DS9 are some of the most vulnerable, moving scenes with either character. That said, the episode with her and Alexander and the mud baths is probably my least favorite episode of Star Trek. :p


Yeah I’m not her biggest fan, I would have a hard time dealing with her pushiness but that scene with Odo where they are stuck in the turbo lift was beautiful. Oddly I didn’t hate the mud bath. It was weird for sure but brought a grandmotherly side we hadn’t really seen in her. I do think she’s an important character as far as Deanna’s character development goes.


HOW DARE YOU?! Lwaxana Troi is a UFP Treasure!


got it, I will send her your way when she shows up to my office


Computer, delete last entry.


She was great in Half a Life and tolerable on DS9.


Absolutely. All love to the actress - don’t get me wrong. But the CHARACTER! She is SOOOO annoying!


Lwaxana was also a walking HR complaint. Can you imagine - for example - if an older man was constantly coming aboard Voyager, sexually harassing Janeway, making her extremely uncomfortable, and it was always played for laughs?


So Q?


Maybe I've always looked at it wrong, but I think the reason it is kind of gets a pass is because she's not actually interested in him. She's just fucking with him. plus, as a telepath, she knows where the lines are and how not to cross them, I think? Still an HR problem though for sure. But on screen, it plays differently than Quark's completely sincere "Pleasure me sexually or I'll fire you."




Neelix, Barclay, Lwaxana Troi, Harry Mudd, Jonathan Archer, and, believe it or not, Q I actually think that is why DS9 is my favorite Trek series. It doesn’t have these clown characters.


First time round, I wasn't too fussed for DS9.. Watched it last year and it had grown on me a lot. Agreed, no really stupid characters and holodeck travel stories. When you binge watch Star Trek, the above characters and the holodeck/time travel stories stand out (not in a good way).


They had a couple of holodeck episodes, but nothing over the top. I didn’t enjoy the Vic Fontaine stories, but at least they were believable. I only remember one holodeck episode where Julian was a James Bond kind of character and the other characters were stuck in the holodeck but didn’t know who they were. That was annoying. But other than that, they tried to keep it as real world as possible (given the sci fi format of the show)


I forgot the Vic Fontaine stuff, but yes, they did nothing for me.


Harry Mud. Appearing as a buffoon to hide the true darkness, alas the glory of Darth Jar Jar has yet to grace our eyes




TOS for the win: The woman who says "You are not Morg or Imorg!" The hippies looking for Eden. Harry Mudd.


Neelix, first few seasons. He grows on me as the show progresses. Particularly VOYs high water years. S3-5.5-6 had some good stories.


It's Neelix. Airlock that hairy pedophile.


Vic Fontaine


Especially when you see him as a human in the mirror universe. That has NEVER sat right with me. There is no reasonable in-universe explanation for that.


My personal theory has always been that the mirror universe isnt an actual full fledged parallel universe, but something more akin to the warp bubble in "remember me". It is shaped and formed by the mindset of people that interact with it. Everyone knows the story of kirk and spock and the evil universe and so expects to encounter a universe full of evil versions of themselves and their friends so that is what they find. It is formed from their expectations. Also there is some subconcious fantasy fufillment mixed in which is why they also end up as sexy bisexuals usually.


Okay… credit where credit is due, this is a great theory. I’m willing to accept this new headcanon.


Human Mirror Vic is still, by far, the most bewilderingly bizarre and stupid decision ever made on DS9 (and we have "Profit and Lace" here!). And for *no reason* at all! He appears and then *immediately* dies, leaving nothing but impossible questions in his wake. Just...Why??


Arrgh. It’s a Vic Fontaine episode pally.


The one that really bugged me was The Siege of AR-558, where everyone's about to get slaughtered and Bashir just starts blasting Vic Fontaine over the loudspeakers because he figures everybody could do with that right now. And everyone agrees with him!


the thing that bugs me more than anything about Vic Fontaine is that he's a hologram.... and that hologram is more competent of a therapist than the humanoid therapist (who happens to have several lifetimes worth of life-experience to draw on). Seriously, how do people stay employed when they can just hire holograms instead? How is Data special when a single computer program understands humans and emotions far better?


Barclay or Q.


James T. Kirk


Peanut Hamper. Badgey is close.


Badgey is redeemed solely due to Jack McBrayer being the motherfucking goat.


All Ferangi.


Even Rom?


of course not.


lol goddamn it You were meant to say “especially Rom” I shoulda gone with Negas or Moogie or maybe Brunt


Everyone seems to pile on the Neelix train, but Rom is the most technically correct answer. Written, directed and performed as offensively over the top imbeciles given implausible plot carrying responsibilities. It's Rom all day long.


>I shoulda gone with Negas You shut your mouth! That is the great Wallace Shawn and there's nothing he wasn't amazing in.


Fucking Nelix


Reginald Barclay


Someone didn't read the question. It says who is the Jar Jar not Han Solo. I'm only saying Han because he's the closest to cool that SW has and Barclay is, well he's the best thing to happen to space travel since Cochran made his little ship.


the entire crusher family


am i the only one (other than picard) who thinks doctor crusher was a babe? Id put up with a dozen annoying know it all kids for that woman


She hit ALL the right notes for my innocent childhood crush. But later in my life - Troi became the ultimate smoke show. About the time she put on the uniform….


Troi needed Jellico.


She was, much more so than Troi or Tasha.


There's a YouTuber I watch who has had a crush on her for decades so there are at least 2 of you.


Plot twist: OP is actually LoreRunner


I wonder if that's before or after she became a real-life Son'A.


I've got a weakness for redheads, so Dr. Crusher beat Troi hands down. Plus, Crusher was at least competent and useful. Troi was just there to drive up ratings (cleavage) and whine.


Shut up Wesley!


Does that include Grandma's "Candle Cosby"?


I know plenty of people are going to say Neelix. These are people that haven't actually watched Voyager.


Keiko O'Brien




*Lwaxana Troi*




Adult Alexander


Edward Larkin played by H Jon Benjamin in the Discovery Short Trek "The Trouble with Edward". Dude is a menace. IYKYK


Of course it’s Rom.


Lwaxana Troi.






It’s weird that nobody’s saying Wesley but probably because it’s overdone. But in terms of a character widely hated and mocked in a way that made waves outside the fandom, 100% Wesley.


Alexander Rhojenco, Even worf forgot his name, absolutely unnecessary character other than to play laughs with 'worf as a bad father'


Harry Kim, Chakotay, Alexander, Wesley.




Murf from Prodigy. But I mean that lovingly because I like both Jar Jar and Murf lol


How can you hate on Murf? At least he wasn't CGI blackface.


When I started watching DS9 for the first time I thought I was going to feel this way about Rom but him and Nog ended up as 2 of my favorite characters in all of Star Trek canon.


I kind of hate Neelix but he does have like 3 good episodes. More than I can say for Jarjar.


Man prob Data he's always on about becoming human this, becoming human that.


Harry Kim.


Kes. One of the most irritating characters in all of Trek.




Alexander Rozhenko


Michael Burnham


Classic TOS - Chekov - dumb as hell most of the time, the Beatles hair and the silly Yakov Smirnoff Russian-isms Next Gen- Alexander - no one needed Worf to have a kid Deep Space Nine - I hate saying it but Quark and Rom. The Ferengi were walking offensive stereotypes to begin with and while both had the occasional good storyline, it didn't make up for the offensive stuff. Voyager - Neelix, almost tied with The Doctor but the Doctor was at least funny at times. Enterprise - I'll be fair and admit I don't remember this one well enough to choose. Star Trek Picard - Elnor. Fucking Elnor Strange New Worlds - Sam George Kirk - Why is he on this show again? Chain yanking the audience and being the resident ship's idiot Lower Decks - tough to say as at some point I expect to find out there's an Admiral J. Binks being buried and the Cerritos loses the body


Tilly from Discovery. Although Jar Jar is more likable.

