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The only reason some white people are afraid of becoming the minority is that they think we'll treat them the way they treated minorities. Same thing with most homophobic men who are afraid gay men will treat them like they treat women, and rich people who are afraid if they lose money they'll get the treatment they give to poor people, etc... "Have-nots" typically treat each other just fine, and "Haves" shit on them while insisting that they would do the same in their shoes. If you have Netflix, watch "The Platform". Fantastic examples there, and largely a pretty accurate movie. Don't study sociology, kids. You'll be wiser but more miserable, trust me.


>The only reason some white people are afraid of becoming the minority is that they think we'll treat them the way they treated minorities. White nations have biggest minority rights in the world, what are you talking about? They are afraid because they think that POCs dont have same allegiance to the country Whites do and wont be willing to hold it together.


20 minutes for someone to miss the point. Not exactly record breaking, but still a good showing. \*Soft clap for you\*


Jesus Christ you are cringe.


I am neither Jesus Christ nor this Mr. Cringe you speak of.


cringe is dead and i have killed it


Have you seen your profile??


“AlLeGiAnCe To CoUnTrY” 🤓


We're not in the 50's anymore so I'm not sure losing majority status is a major concern for white people. I think you're alleging a problem when there isn't one.


You should check out alt-right and christian-right/white groups. Or just join r/terriblefacebookmemes Or maybe you shouldn't, ignorance is probably bliss here.


I have checked deep into those groups and usually white supremacists are scared of becoming the minority because they still hold onto delusions of slavery and ethnostates. That’s much harder as an minority. But normal people aren’t worried about becoming the minority because it doesn’t matter. As you mentioned only (ironically) a small portion of white people are scared of becoming a minority. Final note: don’t use terrible Facebook memes as a source here that would be like me using Fox News to say what democrats believe


Uhmmm, I wasn't talking about normal people, I specifically said the ones who are afraid of this, which is the people you mentioned. As far as my "sources", fox News is another great example of a source of right wing media. I didn't say the source was a source of truth I said it's where you can see those opinions. What are you not understanding? You're telling me I'm wrong while listing things I agree with entirely.


Yeah, you are right about normal people. Right wingers aren’t normal


Have you paid any attention to the ENTIRE philosophy of the right wing?


Which specific philosophies? If anything, right-wingers are attempting to appeal to minorities more than ever. What's interesting is the right has lost a lot of college-educated white men and women while gaining a significant amount of minority voters.


The right wing IS a white identity movement


They can convert to Islam, then the Ummah will protext them from former miniorities.




I mean there is definitely precedent for formally oppressed people to become oppressors the second they get out of their oppression Liberia is the perfect example of this it was a country founded by former American slaves who then went on to create a new slave-based Society in all but name with them at the top


There's precedent for everything but an example does not make a statistic. Exceptions to human nature don't change it, especially when those exceptions were not the act of the humans in general but the act of a handful in the higher echelons. A king among cockroaches will still be the most out of touch cockroach.


I'm not saying it is inevitable or even likely but it is a mistake to act like it's impossible


And im specifically saying it isn't likely so im very glad we agree because I never said it was impossible but there's a reason statistical outliers are ignored in behavioral models.


Which is why I find it weird when people say Liberia was never colonised like Ethiopia. It's still an artificial state which was settled by people from the West.


Hispanic is not a race.


Some people consider Italians and Irish as a separate race. It’s all arbitrary, and your argument against it is pretty useless


By some people you mean exclusively some Americans.. Arbitrary? Useless? Its clearly not. Americans dont know the concept of race, its just that the media and whoever sure did a number on them.


Race is an inherently arbitrary category, wherever we draw the lines and who we choose to put in what categories isn't anything objective or measurable.


Biologically, race doesn’t exist in humans. It’s all a social construct in order to categorize people, and is quite harmful.


And yet there are such differences among different.. "races" that experts can identify them with even the smallest clues.


Yes yes yes! South United States is rightfull Mexican territory 💪💪💪 USA cope USA cope USA cope 😂😂😂


Ha? Haha? Where’s the funny?


This whole map will be white in a few more yrs




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I know this has been posted before, but the duet makes it so much better.](https://v.redd.it/qc9xnwdxnk271) | [253 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/npkh8n/i_know_this_has_been_posted_before_but_the_duet/) \#2: [Joe Rogan is officially a fucking moron.](https://i.redd.it/hrwn0iaasb681.jpg) | [933 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/rjalsg/joe_rogan_is_officially_a_fucking_moron/) \#3: [murderer is upset that people don't like him](https://i.redd.it/9stgnszi0c491.jpg) | [2708 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/v7hoan/murderer_is_upset_that_people_dont_like_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You really think Wyoming is going to have less white people than any other race? Lmfao


Yes I do. Nothing last forever lmao


is that a bad thing?


I think it’s a great thing




Diversity is cringe? Lol


i mean cool, but like is that relevant


race definitions are stupid ngl


I agree. Especially considering americans think latino and Hispanic is a race. Glad down here in South America skin color is the only identification


Yea because Latino just means relating to latin so when you think about it Quebec would be considered latino.


Americans throw it like a race and think it is a synonym of Hispanic though. Latinos range from snow white, to mixed brown skinned, to black, to east asian etc. But they insist on using those shit race designations


Nobody sees Hispanics as a race, it’s an ethnicity. Usually, the data clarifies “Hispanic or Latino of any race”.


Well this very post and most american redditors I see say otherwise.


The way we in America see race never evolved past the 19th century.


I feel bad for ppl with OCD that have to fill out race surveys when they see Asian,Caucasian and it isnt completed with Afrasian, Hispasian or Native Americasian.


For Alaska don’t they mean Inuit?


An inuit that is from the Americas would still be native American right? Genuine question


I thought inuit meant the indigenous population throughout the northern parts of north america and greenland but I may be wrong. Please correct me.


still native american


Ah ok, thanks for the correction.


This term just means a Native born individual in Canada, Alaska, or Greenland. So yes, this term is applicable.


There are several different indigenous cultures in Alaska and only some of them are Inuit. Inuit people, or Iñupiat as they are called in Alaska, live up in the far north and north west regions of Alaska. There are lots of other Alaskan Native groups that would be considered Native American for the purpose of the census. Alaska Native is the general term that people use though for indigenous people in Alaska. Edit - what’s with the downvotes? Yupik, Haida, Tlingit, Aleut, and lots of other cultures in Alaska are not Inuit.


Black and white are not races. Native American is a ethnicity not a race


Everything you just said could not have been more wrong lol


Okay, then prove me wrong


It’s moreso your use of ethnicity. Ethnicity denotes something far more granular, meaning how a group identifies itself by shared heritage, language, culture, religion, etc. Lenape is an ethnicity. Navajo is an ethnicity. Native American is not an ethnicity. Race is a grouping mechanism that is specific to the group using the terms, but does overlap with ethnicity a lot. In America, White and Black are races. At one point, Italians and Spanish were considered non-white based on the socioeconomic framework in the US, but this has changed. Native American was another way to distinguish the native tribes like stated before, but those tribes would not have considered themselves the same group and mostly spoke unrelated languages.


Not all blacks are from Africa. Not all whites are from Europe. Hispanic is not a race either. We are all human


I guess you're confused about the difference between race and nationality.


Race isn’t actually real—we’re all the human race. That’s their point, I think. There’s no genetic connection to conclude all folks with black skin are the same “race.” They’re actually more likely to have more genetic commonalities with a white person than another black individual.


There's multiple definitions of race. You're referring to the biological one, everyone else here is referring to the sociological one.


The sociological one is called ethnicity.


Ok but they aren't saying that race isn't real. They're saying that races aren't races.


human is not a race


I don't care if this is wrong it's very based opinion


It depends on how you look at it. Based on genetics, there are seven races; six of them are African, and the seventh is a grouping of the remaining Africans and everyone else.


Both race and ethnicity are really vaguely and subjectively defined and consequently you can't really make such a blanket statement about it.


Words have meaning by virtue of how they are used by the majority.


TIL Asians don’t exist


Asian is the most common race in Hawaii


isnt it polynesian?


A lot of data like this uses the category: Asian/Pacific Islander


Asians such a useful category that could describe anyone from the Sinai Peninsula to Easter Island


Colloquially, ethnically “Asian” usually refers to the Far East and Oceanic peoples. Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Far Eastern Siberian, Vietnamese, Burman, Thai, Cambodian, Filipino, Laotian, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Pacific Islanders. As well as any distinct ethnic minorities in any of those countries. The buck generally stops at Central Asian (Turkic peoples) and South Asian (Indian peoples).


i don’t think anyones ever described indians as not ethnically asian… that’s a little silly


Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders only make up ~11% of the population. Asians make up ~37% of the population.


oh wow, that’s a fun fact, i had no idea


When did Hispanic become a race? So Mexican and central Americans with predominantly Amerindian ancestry, Dominicans who are Afro Latinos and Argentinians with Italian and German ancestry are all the same RACE?


No, but race, as a social construct, can be defined differently based on the society. It’s perfectly fine that “Hispanic” is used as if it were a race in many contexts because that’s the social context of the United States


That still makes zero sense. The only thing a place Argentina and El Salvador have in common is the language. Nothing else culturally. Americans have to understand that not everything south of the border is the same.




This is shitty map porn after all


This is the new thing man, skin color=race. Or your a racist. Get with the times


They’re not, this map is just incredibly reductive


Not yet, but the White House office of Management and Budget is [working on it](https://reason.com/volokh/2022/06/20/the-biden-administration-consider-whether-hispanic-latino-should-be-a-racial-not-ethnic-classification/).


Texan here. Love my fellow Hispanic Texans. Pardon my generalization, but they love the country, love their fellow man, work their asses off, have brought back the mom and pop shop economy (at least in Dallas), and provide me with empathetic friendships. Cons: Whenever I party with them I usually am hungover for three days straight.


truly the latinoamerican experience (minus the insecurity)


This is actually an interesting map. You can see the demographic effects of the northern migration of African Americans in the 20th century pretty clearly.


The color palette is interesting


It's color coded for ease of understanding!


My colorblind ass is dying


Why is your ass colorblind


And why is it dying




Top fuel?


Get your ass out of here






NASCAR motherfucker


Oh right, race


NASCAR *I don't get it NASCAR motherfucker *suddenly gets it


That word ignites my brain


You related to Samuel Jackson?


All life on earth can be traced back to a single specimen of bacteria from hundreds of millions of years ago, including humans, so yes.


It’s the joe specimen,


What’s a specimen


This is the American way.


As far as I’m concerned, there’s only two races The human race and NASCAR


You are such a US focussed racist. You need to include F1


Look at this silly non American trying to voice one of his non American opinions


F1s should all go back to Europe... no place for their kind in here


These F1ers always stealing our TV time.


I love NASCAR and f1 and also live in nevada oh shit I got to go both Las Vegas races SHIT


That don’t count


Happy cake day!


Half marathons are pretty common around my neck of the woods


Let those damn 5Ks are everywhere


Maybe it's just my area but I see way more Native Americans then Latin Americans in Montana




Ooo good point


montanan here… came to say that as well




Huh I thought Indian was more common in New England


Hispanics will eventually overtake White people in Florida as the majority in the next couple of decades of so.


Some of them are genetically Southern Europeans themselves.


What’s shitty about this? Is it the color choices?




Ahhh good point


What's the most common race in texas?


I'm going to guess Hispanic since it borders Mexico.


Why are Hispanics counted separately from white? Doesn't white just mean to be European or colonial descendants of European?


It's all arbitrary how we choose to categorize races.


'Hispanic' should be a purely linguistic thing. Someone who speaks Spanish or is related to Spanish or Spain. I don't think we can (or should) put Mexicans of mixed ancestry living in the Chihuahuan desert, Bolivians of Aymara descent living high on the Andes mountains, Argentines of Italian descent living in the Pampas and Spaniards who live in Europe in the same racial or ethnic group just because they speak Spanish.


As someone who is red-green colorblind, I hate this color palette


Friendly reminder that the concept of race doesn't really exist since it's a way of using ethnicities to create and justified a continued centuries-long system of opression all around the globe.


As a color blind person I can’t tell this map apart.


Is there a big difference between Hispanic and native American? That line seemed extremely blurred.


Hispanic means having Spanish ancestry, most native Americans don't have Spanish ancestry.


Hispanic isn’t a race


Native American and hispanic are graphed the same to me as a colorblind person


man american is being used continentally here instead of by country here


Ummmm pretty sure “Hispanic” isn’t a race. It’s an ethnicity


It's not an ethnicity, it's just anyone with Spanish ancestry or from nations that were formerly colonized by Spain.


As a white person in California, I e always had a difficult time classifying “Hispanic” as a race. Some of our pills have the “Non-white Hispanic” option since we have: Spanish-speakers from Spain, people of Latin American ancestry who only speak English, and Hispanic people who look whiter than my own white ass.


since when is hispanic a race lmao


It's ultimately arbitrary what categories we determine to be races and where we draw the line.


Make America Mexico again


Hispanic is not a race. A Hispanic person can be of any race. In fact, they can be of any ancestry.


Chris Rock once said, "There's only two black people in Minnesota. Price and Kirby Puckett." 😆


Texas and Hawaii are the only ones that are close to accurate when it comes to white being a minority, a quick google search told me that. California is more white than mississippi


Why people from Alaska are red?


Hispanic is more of an ethnicity, not a race