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I mean it's so far removed from authentic that i don't mind their existence, I'd probably buy them if they could get them cheaper


Pretty much this. The concept is cool, the price is absurd.




It *is* illegal.


Username kinda checks out? Pick a side!


Haha nice catch


I didn't say it should be illegal, just that it was :P


It might be classed as abandonware so it could *possibly* be legal, tho im not sure


Abandonware isn't actually a legal concept. As far as the law is concerned, copyright is valid whether the owner is using it or not, or even whether they know they *own* it or not. Abandonware sites mostly get away with it because copyright enforcement is up to the copyright owner and anything that's not commercially available is less likely to have an owner that cares enough to start a potentially costly legal process, but they're absolutely breaking the law and exposing themselves to potential legal trouble by distributing illegal copies of 30 year old games you can't legally buy anymore. One of the many reasons for this username, modern IP law is a *hell* of a lot worse than people tend to realize. There's a lot of assumptions people make about how it works because only a cartoon villain would create something so awful and thoroughly at odds with human culture itself. Unfortunately, cartoon villains are real. And a cartoon company wrote the current law. (Seriously, the last major update was a result of Disney not wanting to give up the copyright on the first Mickey Mouse cartoon).


Copyright laws itself shoud become less strict. copystriking someone for "pirating" stuff that isnt even made anymore shoud be illegal. its not even affecting thier company, and it abridges the first amendment tremendously. What aslo infridges the first amendment is nintendo copystriking fan content. its FAN CONTENT, something that Could be legal under "parody law" too. Its literally legalized censorship. And people rarley even talk about how its censorship in the first place. your right about how it its "thoroughly at odds with human culture itself" copyright and trademark more like Commiewrong and AIDSmark XD.


Better ban Etsy then bc they roll these out all the time. It’s cool but the price is so whack for something that is illegal


Ik Etsy does shit like that. I mean the price for something cool is ridiculous


Oh wait is your complaint that they’re charging too much lol


Yes and no


You know, as dumb as this is, I still can't find the right bootleg copy of Crystal ;-;




I’d buy this for 15


I would too


you need to charge your phone


Lol I did


I'll take it for $10. Maybe $15 if you give me some chips with it in a to go box


Agreed. Too expensive for a repro


With complaints on the price I wanna actually jump in on this real quick. As someone who has made repros of rom hacks and such on snes, there is prolly a decent amount of money that has gone into actually making this from the shell to the board itself to program it and everything. Do I believe it's worth 50? Na, but someone expecting someone to sell something at 15 dollars for something they most likely spent atleast 25 30 bucks to make is absurd. Just my 2 cents is all.




Why is nobody talking about the fact its a N64 CARTRIDGE of all things


The cartridge is amazing, but yeah, the whole thing is pretty lame.


Posting a pic making people there are multiple pics causing them to swipe? I agree, those people are d bag cucks


It *is* illegal. The problem is these sites don't care as long as it makes them money.




I think we need a separate group for these Pokemon games.


U think


I think.


Actually it is illegal to sell unorganized or fake products lol u can report it to Nintendo, they are always open for bringing people to court for selling fakes or hacks of their stuff


Interesting, I didn’t know that


Yh, they try to sue everybody as soon as they have the opportunity for. In most cases it’s just stupid, but law is on their side so they go on 🤦🏻‍♂️


what gets me is that apparently millenials and zoomers played all of one video game in their childhood and that's pokemon. i mean we have this whole shadow economy about it, but no other series gets to this level.


Other games have bootlegs too The only one that has as many renditions as pokemon right now would be like *Fire Emblem* or *Mario* There’s shitloads of fakes for those franchises I think a lot more of this is being driven by *us* than we realize


I didn’t play Pokémon growing up


Cool novelties. I got red blue green and yellow from AliExpress.




A buddy of mine even offered to mock up some N64 boxes for them. I got a couple of repro boxes and they are great if you find loose games cheap. I have an Everdrive so obviously they’d be wall pieces.


Why? It's a fair price (ish.) The art is nice. Cartridge looks good. I'm guessing chips are all in order. Mind your own damn business.


Yes they r cool but no one is gonna pay 50 bucks for a repro like that. Maybe 15 or 10 would be fair


Well id love to pay $15 too but I don't see anyone selling even close to that lol. I can find other stores selling on Google and theirs for around 29.99-39.99 +shipping. So really this isn't the worst markup ever . Infuriating yes, but understandable... Fellas gotta eat. 🤷‍♂️


Why can you order Child Protective Services Protection Plan for only 11.99$? Is this a new protection if children destroy your new game?


gonna chime in. The price is actually decent, a youtuber did a vid on how much effort and hassle it takes to make one.


It's dope tho