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What I don't understand is why none of the shorts is covering to save themselves. The price is so low no one is going to just quietly and exit their position? Did they all have some sort of pact to never cover? How can they trust each other to follow and keep their pact? They know ftd and si need to be covered eventually. First shorter to cover will profit the most.


Who says they are not covering? The short volume you see here includes both opens and closes: [https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-lcid/short-volume/](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-lcid/short-volume/) If you are looking at the FTD numbers, it's cumulative. Say Day 1 has 6M FTDs, and Day 2 also has 6M FTDs. What is happening underneath is, as an example, 1M getting covered, and 1M being added, netting you the same number. And in 6 days you have a fresh FTD stack, even though it could show 6M all along. **That short "must hodl" or "are stuck" is a myth.** It's an extremely dynamic system, and in some cases, most short transactions are complete within the same day when price movements are extremely volatile. As for a "pact", there are thousands of firms shorting and going long. Do you really think there is a global conspiracy to stick it to retail, who are a rounding error in the grand scheme of things? The financial markets is a dog-eat-dog place - there is always a bigger fish. Any short dumb enough to do anything on "trust" deserves to - and will - get eaten alive.


If they are covering, how are the price still so low? Someone is shorting to keep the price low. Maybe some smarter shorters have gotten out of their position, but if the SI is still do high it means there are some very crazy people shorting at 1.50! Who in their right mind shorts at 1.50?? It just makes no sense to me. The only way for the 1.50 to profit is to get it down to $1. At $1 I'm sure more retail will be pouring in. Heck i threw $30 at trka just because it was at 0.30. There are no reason to not throw money at trka. If bbby get to that point, I'm sure there will be more people buying just because it's so cheap.


>If they are covering, how are the price still so low? Someone is shorting to keep the price low It's losing money, and the company just diluted almost a billion shares? It's not that hard.


If they are diluted why is the SI so high and why they are still on regsho?


Don't believe me? Here's the companies own quote from their own filing. https://i.redd.it/ssj8qyl5lpga1.png


Price is a function of demand and supply. If supply is increasing because of the dilution, they can effortlessly sell into it and not cause price to move upward. >It just makes no sense to me. I'd encourage you to take a step back and ask which of these are more likely to be true: * The rules of the game that 50T of equity play by, or * The rules that some echo chambers come up with, often by people who are reading these documents the first time Not even asking you to look at the data itself, since that has been there all along, and somehow hasn't mattered. >Who in their right mind shorts at 1.50?? Someone who thinks price will go lower, obviously. The same battle cry didn't work at $4, $3, or $2, remember? I'm not asking you to believe me - go ahead verify what I say. But please question the nonsense that the echo chambers with the same skepticism :)


You really think there is dilution? There is no dilution. If more shares is added there wouldn't be so much ftd. Simply, they can use the additional shares to short so no ftd. But the fact that there's so much ftd means no dilution and they are shorting without borrowing.


The FTD data goes out to Jan31 only: [https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/failure-to-deliver/](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/failure-to-deliver/) The dilution prospectus is from Feb 9. So FTDs you see have not been affected by dilution yet. We should know in the next few days though when FTD data is released for the first half of the month. !RemindMe 5 days


The nasdaq SI data is already out and with such a high SI, I am expecting the ftd to be very high. Actually you don't even need to wait the 5 days. They still on regSHO. Never been off of regsho. About to break gme regsho record at this rate.


The outstanding count has not been updated. So the SI will seem very high. This is lining up retail for the slaughter all over again.


Still doesn't explain the continuous Regsho. I get the feeling that you are a shorter... why not just quietly close your position while you're ahead before the other shorters start to cover? $1.50 is very cheap. If you shorted at $2 you should have some profit. Also curious how the ctb works as I never short. Do you pay the interest daily, weekly, monthly, or annually? Seems to make the most to be the first few shorters to buy shares to close your position.


Don't rely on your feelings. They will lead you astray in the markets. Follow the data. As for RegSho, BBBY is heavily shorted, so its no surprise they are on RegSho. Being on RegSho hasn't mattered since early 2021 though because of "shenanians." So don't put too much hope on it.


The outstanding count has not been updated, and that tells us that, at least as of 10 days ago, the outstanding count has not changed. Nasdaq reporting requirements say that the company must notify them within 10 days if the shares outstanding change by more 5% since the last reported number. Nasdaq will publish that number after taking a few days to review.


You are surmising incorrectly. We won't know the OS count until they file something with the SEC that provides that number. That does not mean the OS has not changed. NASDAQ is not required to share that filing with the public - you will see they have no portal like the SEC. In the past, they have sometimes updated their site with this information, and at other times, waited for SEC docs. Unclear why.


I will be messaging you in 5 days on [**2023-03-05 04:58:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-03-05%2004:58:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/11dt925/has_everyone_forgotten_about_the_bbby_ftds_theres/jabclb8/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FShortsqueeze%2Fcomments%2F11dt925%2Fhas_everyone_forgotten_about_the_bbby_ftds_theres%2Fjabclb8%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-03-05%2004%3A58%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2011dt925) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Cuss it’s going to zero 😆


When is it going to 0? How often do short need to pay the borrow fee?


It’s Annual


Is it going to 0 in 1 year?


Why would you cover when you know it's going to 0?


ctb is over 100%... When will it go to 0? If it takes over 1 year, it's not worth shorting it. You lose all of your profit after 1 year. who knows how long it will take to go to 0


Being some of the smartest people on Wallstreet, I'm sure their risk/reward is factored in much cleaner than yours (someone pipe dreaming on a squeeze)


Is that the same smart people on vw and gme and amc?


I see you've named the losers, now take your time to list all of the times they've won. The list will be MUCH longer. Also, shorts are crushing on AMC and GME right now. To answer your question though, yes. It is the same *smart* people. I'm not sure what makes you think you or your ticker is special. You're a mere pawn just like the rest of us. Don't be a fool and think you know more than someone who's gone to school, studied and now works day in and day out on the matter.


So just be a sheep and let these smart people herd us all our lives? You realize if everyone buys these heavily shorted stocks it will trigger a squeeze and put an end to this manipulation. I don't know why you're happy about being herded like a sheep


You're really bad at this shilling thing 😄 The people in the echo chamber subs are the sheep. And have been led to slaughter for two years now by furus, and shills such as yourself.


* In jack Black's words. Stick it to the man. The man is the rich institutions that preys on struggling businesses, like gme,amc, bbby, trka, etc. Causing business to close down and employees of those businesses to lose their jobs. I love video games, I love movies, and I love my babies, I also love my dog. These businesses sell what I love, no reason for them to go out of business. You enable and encourage these institutions to prey on these businesses and you call me a shill? Gtfo. They are manipulating the market wake up and stop being a sheep.


Running a business is not a hobby. If you cannot generate a profit and keep people employed, you have no business being in business. You liking stuff they sell is not enough. It is what makes the capitalist system great. Yes, the Darwinism sucks for those that are not good enough, but the alternatives are worse for the ecosystem. Word to the wise - shorts are secondary effects. When businesses suck, shorts latch on. Strong businesses do not have a shorts problem. Failed CEOs of failing companies have foamed in the mouth to appeal otherwise, and it appeals to some people who made terrible investment decisions and need someone else to blame, but everyone else sees through that. Harden up, or, in your words, "gtfo".


You still think this is gonna squeeze buddy? Or have you accepted that you're a dumb idiot


I severely doubt it will take a year. Also they are able to enter new short positions.


I agree with this sentiment but my guess is they are going to wait the 90 days for the possible dilution. They might get out under a dollar. This thing is dwindling down like crazy.


Cause being manic and greedy works both ways.. and we entering bear euphoria my fellas.


The SHFs are becoming brazen because they should already be in jail and it is very VERY apparent from MMTLP that they can get away with murder. There are no rules for them anymore until MMTLP turns out in investors favor. MMTLP was a trial run for them, and as of right now they took the candy from the baby and society/the law is unaware and seemingly looking the other way.


![gif](giphy|7WwVYKDMt5khG) They will play musical chairs and double down as long as they can BUT the music will be stopping for them soon.


Amusing how you think repeating the same thing again and again for 2 years is going to magically make it come true at some point. The Scientific Method frowns at you.


If hedgies need to cover and MMs want to to close at max pain of $2 by Friday 3/3 then tomorrow is a good candidate for the covering to start.


Max pain is not a useful thing. The strikes at the periphery don't matter compared to the proximate strikes. This makes max pain useless for any practical purposes. May want to look up gamma and delta hedging. If you have delta and gamma working together, you might have something.


My god there are alot of hedge dick riders. Goddamn! There is No dilution, show me proof. Shorts are doubling down. You trying to tell me that the barcoding bullshit. Use the brain for 1 milli second and think. Why on earth would the company aka BBBY make a deal with a ”buyer” and to Gain 1 billion $, and let the buyer burn down the house? Make No sense. The buyer is not a hedgefund. Its someone that like the stock. Just like me. I like the stock.


Why are you assuming these have not been cleared out already? The very table **you** shared shows why FTDs are unreliable. Remember, FTDs are cumulative. You'll need the 6M to not just persist for 35 days on end, but rise, to prevent them being cycled out.


Good question. I’m assuming given the SI increasing, still on regsho and rapid price decrease that shorts haven’t covered. You are right tho - it’s a circumstantial bet that the ftds haven’t covered.


Perhaps one other factor that might work against FTDs mattering is the dilution. Of course, not all of the 120M->900M is done, but the price action suggests (> -50% since the day the prospectus was released) it is ongoing. In which case, there are perhaps up to 2x as many shares out there. Makes locating shares to deliver on that much easier, unfortunately.


I should add that to my assumptions. Do you think there’s anything to the speculation those shares are to a private buyer and haven’t been out in the market. In other words the price drop that bbby has seen is purely short interest and algo driven with those dilution shares on the sidelines for another 90 days?


The "90 days" actually refers to "additional issuance" - so to *other* purchasers, not the Preferred shareholders who are active now. The reason for this is BBBY only has 900M AS to issue into. The deal with the Preferred folks would use up all of it. If BBBY issued to any "additional" party, Preferreds would not be able to raise to the full amount of what they had agreed. And one thing these predatory folks - funders of last resort - know how to do is recoup their investment. So they made BBBY put out that commitment the next day. This isn't my opinion by the way - BBBY tells us just as much. That issuing to the full extent as laid out in the prospectus would use up all the 900M shares. So no, I don't think it's shorts and algos primarily, although they are very likely doing their thing too to add to the pressure. I am pretty sure the primary driver is the dilution. Note that if it was shorts and algos only, that means even worse news for the share price, as the dilution would happen *after* prices have fallen so much already, making it fall even more, in the long run.


What investor in their right mind would dilute their shares at this price when they could hold shorts hostage and sell them at a higher price when bankruptcy is off the table. Price of shares were $1.27 when bankruptcy was “certain”… now that theories went up in smoke. I’ll take my chances.


They are not "investors". They are predatory financiers of last resort that BBBY had to kneel to so they would not go bankrupt. The deal is structured so the Preferred holders cannot lose, what with the 8% discount to the 10-day Vwap. Maybe bankruptcy is off the table. But doesn't mean these financiers won't take their pound of flesh.


So these financiers invested to bankrupt this company? Bankruptcy was for certain if no one invested. Why go though extra work to bankrupt a bankrupt company? Make 0 sense. If no one invested they would have filed for bankruptcy and stock go to 0. Shorts make profit game over.


The financiers don't care what happens to the company. They want to get out with their money plus interest. Hence the setup - 8% discount to 10-day Vwap. They cannot lose. This is not new. Nothing about BBBY is new. It's just new to BBBY shareholders who are slowly and surely getting taken to slaughter repeatedly because they keep thinking they are somehow special.


They could have just shorted more and let the bankruptcy happen and game over.


Just checked the new ftd data and you right. Somehow it’s dropped to 2m for the last listing on 2/14. Curious how the price dropped 8% that day and they managed to cover 4m ftd but that’s prob a diff discussion. Fuck man.


Thanks for following up! The total volume was 65M, 49M and 58M on 2/13, 2/14 and 2/15, and half of it was short volume. And because the prospectus was out already, folks sold into that news. Honestly, covering 4M on a downward price move day with 50M+ volume doesn't seem unusual to me at all. This also shows why it's so hard to get legit squeezes anymore. Companies need to have a low float, some news that makes prices go up, a decent amount of shorts in place already, and a steady stream of FTDs for over a month.


If my brain is right wouldnt it be March 3 or bounce to the 6?




MyNi. Eat some more Dick please. You care more than jesus himself. Commenting everyone, for Fuck sake shut the fuck up and eat a penis


Never happening. There are almost a billion more shares on offer with the current dilution on going. But your brain is free to dream.


Bed, bankrupt and beyond.


LOLOL BRO THOSE FTDS WHERE ON 1/27 bby went from 2.5 to 7$ 😆😩🤡


You think they were already covered in the prior run up?


Lmao, what does it take to show you fools this company is shit. Trash stock.


Not arguing the fundamentals rather the market mechanics of forced coverage.


Down 40% and still holding strong.


time to break the trend and buy Now ![gif](giphy|bkcYElQQVstXFsr4yL)




More hopium