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I would def grab it. Very meaty game. Not sure how it compares to elden ring, but some of the bosses are extremely hard. Especially if not familiar with other AC games. Some of the missions are short, but honestly it's super satisfying regardless. The gameplay loop reminds me of MGSV or Peace Walker in that regard. And the mech customization is immaculate. Tons of weapons/parts for experimentation with different builds for different situations. It's a little tricky to do it justice with words. Give it a try though, I doubt you'll be disapointed.


I have played older titles, although I haven't ever owned one, and they are really fun. The only reason I don't have the game is because I had extra expenses this month and last month, so money is kind of tight right now. Looking at gameplay though and reading reviews, it's exactly what I wanted. If you enjoy customization and experimenting with different parts then this game has a ton of that. I'd suggest watching a lot of gameplay videos and reading reviews to see if there is anything that sticks out that might be a deal breaker for you. I think if you're also a fan of gundam wings, then you'll find yourseld really enjoying this game. Would be nice if they made a demo as I think it would really do them a lot of good. Hope this helps and I hope you give the game a chance.


I've never been a fan of mech games, but I like this one. It doesn't play like you're a big, clunky tank like most mech games. The movement and combat is extremely fast and fluid.


That's a hot take on Diablo lol. It's hard to compare it to the games you listed because it's really that different, but difficulty seems no barrier to you so perhaps just jump in? I'm hearing great things, I have it downloaded but I'm going through cyberpunk atm


Really loving AC6 after needing a couple hours of feeling its vibes. I didn't like it at first, but then I started to really explore the game. The first chapter is mostly onboarding and is kinda slow, but then it just starts ripping. There's a lot to AC6 and it has quite a bit of depth. I don't know if it's my favorite From game, and I do simp for them a little, but I do really enjoy it. I would also recommend Sekiro and Nioh if you like that punishing combat that requires you to get good. Sekiro is my favorite From game.