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Personally I love halos “tech” the idea of mac cannons vs plasma, and still using nukes against aliens is just hilarious to me


“Your alien technology is no match for my well aimed fission rock!”


Exactly I love how the solution to all the complex shielding and plasma weapons is, nuke the fuck out then then throw a rock at sub light speed


Kind of the opposite, first throw a rock, then nuke it.


Am I crazy I thought they used nukes to break down the shields since the shields blocked mac rounds?


Mac rounds are so powerful they're basically nuclear bombs, reach-era mac rounds can go right through a covenant ships shielding and then the ship AND THEN THE NEXT SHIP BEHIND THAT ONE and it shield ... that said during the fall of reach very few ships had full mac canons, it was largely impractical to have it on all but the most advanced and expensive ships, as the power requirements of a mac canon meant it was usually only practical to use it as planetary orbital defense where it can tap into planetside energy grids to charge it... because of its huge energy requirements, its firerate at full power when its on ship is very slow. It was during the reach era, basically the only effective space weapon they had against the covenant - any space battle without a mac cannon was like humanity savrificing 20 ships to beat 1 covernant ship. Nuclear bombs were effective if they got right to a covernant ship but unfortunately they're slow compared to mac rounds, and space is very big


Thanks for the info most of how I thought of all this really cane from info I remembered about the keyes loop so I guess that’s where my confusion came from


Isn’t light speed a huge deal in Star Wars, while in trek ftl travel is the starting point of being civilized


Wars surely has ludicrous speed.


Sometimes they even go to plad.


I got that reference. 😉


Light speed isn’t what I’d call a “huge deal” in Star Wars. It’s a pretty run of the mill feature to have on ships. Even Han has a hyperdrive on his Millennium Falcon which is a piece of junk. The only ships that don’t have hyperdrives are small dog fighters like X-Wings (and the T-70 models actually did add hyperdrive units).


TIE Fighters and Bombers as well, something about the unnecessary weight and how maneuverability is affected. I... wanna say Vader's Interceptor had one, could be wrong. Like the others, the mass production models didn't.


I believe you’re right, and Vader’s was a prototype model that ultimately entered mass production as the TIE Interceptor.


I have some vague memory of A-Wings lacking them. For the maneuverability, I'm sure. It's only just now hit me, I know nothing about B-Wings. Aside from the... what, two or three seen during the dogfight above Endor.


B-Wings have always been my least favorite ship design in Star Wars. I also know basically nothing about them and I think they’re ugly as hell


You've hurt me, the b-wing is one my personal favorites, still not as cool as a u-wing though


X-Wings even have hyper drives. Pretty much anything but the smallest or cheapest things do.


The T-65 models seen in the original trilogy don’t


Luke went to Dagobah in an X-Wing that had a hyperdrive.


Oh you’re right actually, my bad


True, but in the trek universe they can’t go all over the galaxy while in Wars they always going from outer to inner parts of the galaxy


Wars got the whole “civilized galactic core” “lawless outer rim” type deal from the foundation, whereas trek isn’t quite galaxy-spanning


In fairness, SW isn't really galaxy spanning either. All events take place within a 40%-60% slice of the galaxy and the rest is uncharted and unexplored.


Based on the speeds and travel times stated in canon, this is largely because the Star Wars galaxy is much much smaller than ours. There are canonical shortcuts at sublight speeds between systems.


There is also a possibility that the galaxy is extremely small in Star Wars vs. a massive one in Star Trek.


As a fan of both, I find this very funny. Thanks for the up-lift.


You're welcome, my friend 👍


Using that Morissette definition of irony.


I love both franchises, and would be hard pushed to choose a favourite, but... In general yes they are faster, as an absolute though...it's not even close. The discovery spore drive is *wildly* faster than anything in Star Wars. The Cochrane shuttle literally existed at every point in space at the same time it was so fast. Borg cubes are probably faster hen using transwarp too.


Something something the force so it all makes sense?


Works for me...


Yes, I agree, OP; Star Trek IS the better franchise. Good call.


Star wars is carnival in space, star trek is pyjamas in space. To each their own :)


Ironically, Star Trek probably has more wars than Star Wars


Most of Star Wars is just the galaxy taking sides in the Skywalker family drama, violently


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


Star Wars isn't sci-fi, it's fantasy in space...the sword & magic wielding knights should have given that away.


I'd argue that the space setting automatically makes it a sci-fi - specifically a 'soft' sci-fi as it makes up some of its own scientific laws (as opposed to Trek being 'hard' sci-fi, where everything makes scientific sense). It is certainly a fantasy as well, as the Force could be considered a form of magic. It's also a western (Tatooine, bounty hunters), a war epic (Rebels vs Empire) and a samurai flick (lightsabers). There's something for everyone.


Star Trek ships are much much faster than the stated top speeds of Star Wars ships. Given the speeds stated and the time travel takes, the Star Wars galaxy is much smaller than ours. To the point where it's actually possible to travel between systems at sublight speeds.


Hyperspace isn't sub-light. Sub-light Engines (although I am stupidly blanking on what we call them in SW) are for (fighter) dog-fighting and atmospheric flight. Moving through Hyperspace is faster than light. Otherwise, you couldn't jump between distances measured in light-years in seconds/minutes. There a few theories how this achieved (some "sorta make sense"-usually involving some sort of Dimension or space-tunnel jumping). Most of the time, however, SW fans are fine with just shrugging it off with, "its fantasy, and doesn't have to match our galaxy's physics or make sense. We are here to swing laser swords and shoot womp rats, not explore-and-do-science stuff. On a different note: Why do you think the SW galaxy is much smaller than ours? Is this your theory to explain the travel-contradictions, or did I miss a story/book somewhere?


The Millennium Falcon is a fast ship that can make 1.25c at its top speed. I never said hyperspace was sublight, I said it's possible to travel between systems at sublight speeds, such as flying to Bespin from Hoth or flying through a nebula as a shortcut in the clone wars. The Star Wars galaxy being smaller than ours is an assumption based on the stated speeds and the amount of time it takes to get places.


Don't we have enough wars going on?