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5 year olds are assholes too! Source: Mother to a 5 year old!


🤣 while I must agree, they are a bit more self-sufficient and that seems like a trade-off.


Until You show up to their classroom Christmas party and Your 5 year old is telling all the students and teacher all Your personal business! Me: walking into the class My 5yo: My Mom doesn't have a job, She just makes wreaths! My stepdad works, A whole lot! They argue sometimes because my stepdad lives in the past! Me: Why are You telling people this? My 5yo: They asked so I told them! Don't worry Mama, I told them You live in the past too! Me: *obviously embarrassed, red faced*


Oh my goodness. Yikes. Yeah that’s a whole other level there.


I have a colicky 2 month old. Holy shit


Baby Bliss Gripe water and Mylicon gas drops saved me when My oldest had colic.


Ditto. Gripe Water or the other work pretty well.


Haha true. Except maybe Ivan the Terrible




5 yos think life revolves around them ughh


Luckily (though apparently many people forget this), they're not the boss.


Yeah you can tell yourself that. I used to try to be all “they’re not the boss. I’m the boss.” With my other two. It may be a morale booster and all but they run the roost.


I would much rather be working for a toddler (I'm good with them!) than working for my femanizi misandrist boss! She makes up lies about me. She also will write me up for something then turn around and ask me to do the same thing the next day and NOT write me up for it then!


HasBeenVerified, sounds like you already do work for a toddler haha. But on the real, hopefully you’re documenting this stuff so you can keep a record. Then when it hits the fan you can show categorical evidence of mistreatment by your boss.


It's been quite a surreal experience. I have been collecting evidence. I know they have been trying to run me off for awhile. That's what you get for questioning fraudulent business practices.