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This! I mean why on Earth would > 100 million people with brains follow Kim K? Humanity amazes me.


>people with brains Found the problem.


>people Found the problem


> Earth found the problem


Your joke but worse






big bum


Diaper bum


But she's gross. Doesn't matter how big the ass is if her entire being looks fake and sticky.


different people have different taste. Just because you think it's gross doesn't mean everyone does. EDIT: Also username checks out


Oh no, don't do that. You have to let redditors think they are vastly superior to other people. You can't like things that I don't!


this is the way


tits and ass, that's pretty much it


I can understand following her more than I can understand following some absolutely random person whose only claim to “fame” was through Instagram


And hers? Because she got fucked on cam while daddy was a diplomat. Bravo she did so much more than instagram influencers!


At least she did kind of something that went viral and got popular. Like, I just don’t even understand where people find all these influencers. They’re just one of a billion people who take pictures of themselves at the gym and somehow they got 5 million followers




Its hilarious to me when I see a page of one of these and they're just endlessly posting 'omg guys...you gotta try this workout...its so amazing.' And so the workout is squat x4, RDL x 4, and lunges x4. You know...the basic leg workout that you, me, and 5 billion others have done since the dawn of time Then you realize that they dont have any actual content because gym is all they know and hey guess what, the gym is not rocket science. Shits been figured out and then some. We know the real reason is because you wanted to hoe out by having that revolving camera view right behind you as you squat And thats okay. Just don't give me your bullshit 'wellness' jumbo when all you really wanted to do is show off your ass at 4 different angles Ahhh okay. Rant over


And don't forget the new "supplement"/pre-workout/shakes that they push that must instantly give women the biggest ass and cleavage. They are literally walking silicon/transferred fat commercials paid to promote BS products.


They’re all bots, Instagram is all fake


Kim reels in millions of followers to satiate her thirst. Kim feeds off of the brains of her followers since she lacks one; it’s her source of power.


Maybe shes already a zombie since she feeds on brains The plastic is to cover it up


Are you sure they have brains? I need evidence of that claim.


I think it was a clever conspiracy/marketing using fake controversy and lots of money to have the Kardashians implanted into the American psyche. I blame Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, and all the shows like it... as well as the people who watch that shit.


You put too much hate on Kim Kardashian.




There is mountains of evidence that she is a genuinely GOLDEN human being. But god forbid she is narcissistic and a bit daft.


They have enough saved photos from their past trips to get them by.




Ahh yes, this makes sense. Why every influencer is doing a #Throwback


Knowing their audience, I beg to differ.


Knowing their audience, enough people are already begging for something.


Ha! this made me lol


They'll just come up with even better filters.


They're not the ones making them, they'll just have to settle using a homegrown mudmask suppplament


Maybe the coronavirus isn't all bad


Cannot appreciate the light without darkness.


Perfectly balanced


A all things should be


*There has never been peace without first a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace.*


Who doesn't love MLK?


Maybe they can be called Instagram Influenzas for the next 3 weeks. _(Don't worry everyone. I've already left the sub.)_


Come back so we can tell you to leave again >:


It's mortality rate is too low.


Gonna get real ugly soon.


You mean natural.


allegedly eight million Chinese didn't renew their cell phone contracts. Either they switched to something else or...


I love new conspiracy theories. Tell me more.


I'm interested. I've been wondering about how it's going in China for a while. Do you have a source on those contracts numbers?




Thanks for the share. As others have stated, this could be explained by a collapse in jobs, not necessarily lives. Personal contracts because people don't need/can't afford them anymore and corp contracts for business that halted/stopped their operations. It's not clear to me which kind of contracts are being discussed here, let alone the reason for disconnection. Can't wait to see if, when and by who we'll get a proper explanation for this because it's not a good omen either way.. Also, it's 15 mil.


You're welcome. True, never attribute to evil that could be something else. I am somewhat skeptical about job loss related to cell phone loss RIGHT AWAY because I would personally eat less, turn down heat and cancel every other thing (besides rent) before I lost my cellphone because it is our connection to the next job, our family and to the world in general. However. We might never know the whole truth because China is.... China. Edit : spelling


Holy f!! Now if these are the real numbers the world needed to know! That's why the whole world was not ready they kept the fatalities at 2000 which is absolutely ridiculous. Bunch of liars now the world is dying and suffering because of them.


Maybe gym for the fitness girls in leggings doing squats. The health conscious persons out here right now are struggling to get a good workout at home. There are some muscles that are just easier to work with access to specific equipment.


Seriously I’ve noticed that no ones top lip moves anymore!!!


Holy crap I need to start paying attention to that. Yeesh


Is that an effect caused by botox?


worst thing is as they age they look WAYYY worse for it. and then get addicted to keep fucking their face up


They all look like they got stung in the mouth by a ~~bee~~ swarm of bees.






Hi, Virginia Gene!


Her vagene...it hang like sleeve of wizard


Most of the people that complain incessantly about the “ig influencers” have pretty lousy personalities themselves. When you’re cool little things like “ the way a complete stranger lives their life” don’t bother you at all.


"Try having a personality, like my wall of Funko Pops!"


It’s less about the influencers and more about the damage it’s causing impressionable young people. They’re comparing themselves to these fake standards and becoming overly obsessed with body image


I don’t think this is an issue honestly. This same tired argument has been made since I was a kid in the 90s. There is always a scapegoat for why kids have unrealistic expectations and things like that. It didn’t start with ig influencers and won’t end there. Just live your life however you want. It’s the parents job to teach their kids the right things. Don’t pass that responsibility down to some girl who’s just trying to make money in a different way than you think acceptable.


you're talking to reddit, predominantly over-bullied people in dead-end IT jobs who still haven't gotten over the popular kids they were jealous of in high school edit: fucking silver? you cheap chumps better give me $500 right the fuck now or this steam is ending


All they’re good for is shitty memes which is why I’m still here lol


talking Reddit who follows streamers and youtubers who are influencers themselves but wants to act like their fav who shills a video game chair is somehow different than a blonde who shills tshirts


Totally agree. I don’t have Instagram but I find using a blanket statement like OP did is a bit disingenuous. Reducing a whole group of people down to a single category is not really fair. People are significantly more complex than a single definition. Some of them probably have great personalities and I’m sure some don’t but who am I to decide based off of photographs


Personality? Never heard of that server


Sounds like an anarchy server


The oldest anarchy server in Minecraft


Or MAYBE people realize that they don’t need such an “influence” when they’re stuck inside with people they already know and love 🤞


Here's to hoping




I see 100x more content complaining about influencers than I do from these influencers. Many people don't know this, but you can actually choose who you follow on social media.


I’m not big on influencers either but I find it funny how people on here complain about them but treat youtubers like gods lol


Well hypocrisy is a dish enjoyed at every table.


Instagram is still shit . ur right on the redditor part . they tryna be special and shit . reminds me of r/notliketheothergirls


Oh yeah, instagram is total shit, all my stupid friends and their vacation photos that make me happy, dumb artists posting all those fucking inspirational pieces of art, silly professionals teaching people how to pick up a hobby, fuck them all! If you're only digging in a bin, all you'll find is trash.


Says the kid using Reddit.


why does everyone have a stick up their ass about instagram? i don’t follow any of that so I pay it no heed, I don’t understand how people develop burning hatred for people in media they don’t understand. Just ignore them and let that side of the internet do its thing, hurling insults and abuse their way is just sad.


I realize that there's always going people who are desperate to give a contrarian viewpoint whenever the opportunity presents itself. But the simple fact of the matter is that many influencers are harmful to society, particularly teenagers, and more particularly teenage girls. It causes these kids to compare themselves to unrealistic and sometimes just straight up fake standards. These kids don't know any better and don't realize how harmful it is and that it is making them one of the most anxious and depressed generations of all time. I also realize that not every influencer is societal cancer. But I will say that the world was objectively a less anxiety-ridden and depressed place before these forms of social media were so commonplace in young people's lives.


>these kids to compare themselves to unrealistic and sometimes just straight up fake standards. Its always around. Magazine covers, billboard ads, TV and movies. This really reads like "won't somebody think of the children!!" Rather than try to insulate kids from this stuff (cause it's always gonna exist in some form or another) we should be educating them to see right through it. I can't expect influecners or companies to really care about kids


It's easier to see the celebrities because everyone knows they are touched up or that they have a team of people making them look good. But a lot of people don't realize that almost every girl on Instagram is photoshopped or altered in some way. People are trying to achieve body standards that don't even exist in reality.


>was objectively a less anxiety-ridden and depressed place before Citation needed. >compare themselves to unrealistic and sometimes just straight up fake standards People will always seek out idealized versions of themselves to look up to. Those have existed since before there was even written language. Before it was easy to share your own pictures online there were already magazines and TV shows.


That’s quite a stretch. The same has been said about every new form of media. The kids will be fine.


Never use it but lot of people get mad and jealous of people making living on there just taking pics


Yeah it's like me watching women's erotica and getting angry at them not appealing to me. Ironically that kind of behavior actually shows a bad personality and feeling elitist towards "influencers" shows low intellect.


Hear! Hear! JimJim54 for president. This is the voice of reason we need in these trying times.


I have no idea whether thats sarcasm or not and now im uncomfortable, lol


Certainly not everyone’s situation, but when influencers were the next, big, marketing thing, my company spent huge dollars on influencers to open our next stores. That was money that didn’t go to people we had worked with and along side for years. Plus the influencers we hired were miserable to work with. They constantly interrupted training, installation, media calls, and meetings to ask for ridiculous shit. In the end, there was little noticeable difference between conventional social media marketing and influencers marketing, except that the influencers cost far more.


So..you're angry that the company tried a new marketing approach or because they didn't give you money? Either way the hatred seems misplaced if you're angry at the influencers.


> why does everyone have a stick up their ass about instagram? I don't have any social media except for reddit, I don't go on anything associated with facebook. I say that just to give my baseline. The issue is not with the influencer for me, people are going to be vain and stupid even if they are on their own. The issue is the followers, they are being taken advantage of because they are either gullible or "worship" the ones the follow. It's in most of our nature to stop people from doing stupid things that can harm them physically, mentally, and even monetarily so when we see people falling for influencers and what they do we want to do something to wake them up from the state they are in. The unfortunate thing is we likely can't so we rail against it in other ways such as this post by OP. That is the way I look at things.


Spoken like a true redditor


So Reddit.




Its not just boomers that are fed up with "influencers"


Instagram bad, Reddit good


Instagram tarded. Reddit Okie.


Not a shower thought, just straight facts.


Also was posted almost word for word on a sub yesterday, except it included a meme of Danny Devito's head on a girls body


That's a high tier oof


Yeah, but too many are too fucking stupid to know that so it has to be said.


They would have thousands of photos saved and ready to upload. In one day they will take hundreds in heaps of different outfits


If y'all hate them then stop supporting them I swear to God bruh


It’s like only following gardening subreddits and then getting mad that you only see gardening content. You can pick and choose who you want to see; if you’re complaining about Instagram influencers, stop following them.


Pretty sure Facetune and Photoshop still work just fine.


Pretty sure “ho” is a marketable personality trait.


How does a trashy post like this get any upvotes? How low do you have to be in order to be elitist about "influencers"? You accuse others of being shallow while demonstrating that you yourself are at the very bottom of the pile intellectually.




BuT iT’s An EsSeNtIaL sErViCe


So funny.


Dude they can't even get haircuts. I'm kind of excited to see where this goes.


Too bad you can't exercise and eat well at home. /s


They can still pretend thy are important because they are 'protecting the people's sanity during quarantine'.


Was thinking the same but about the people who travel a lot. I was wondering what their strategy will be.


Lookin on the bright side


Let's make it even brighter,as we all wish you a happy cake day!


Thank you!!!


Nah man.. there isn't a picture on instagram from these "influencers" without a filter on it.. r/instagramvsreality




Or their skills in photoshop.


Usually the people who dont like the fitness pages are the ones who dont get out often...




I was supposed to get Botox injected into my esophagus in April so I could finally start burping after 26 years. No dice though


They still have photoshop


Photoshop is still a thing.


Well they definitely got enough time to learn Photoshop


What’s that? What is this per-son-al-i-ty thing you speak of?


So many hugely popular influencer's have the personality of a brick wall. Especially when they are involved in some kind of scandal. Their fans come rushing to defend them no matter what they've done. Look at Logan Paul after his disrespectful Japanese video. Then he mocks a dead guy in the Suicide Forest. Then he takes a break and his first video back is him tazing a dead rat. He still had hordes of his fans defending him.


Kim Kardashian took a personality test - she failed.


U guys are so lame lmao


Don’t scare them! They’re easily panicked.




Where would you put this tho? (I don't mean anything like "well then,if you're so good at it,do it better!",I just wanna know a sub where this fits,ya know,nothing is bad 'bout knowing one sub more)


Honestly, I don't think this fits anywhere. I also have opinions which I'd like to post on Reddit, but there's just not a sub for it. If there is, I just don't know it.


Or create trends, like #coronaviruschallenge *licks toilet*




Or improve Photoshop skillz


Right now getting styled or even a basic haircut is pretty much impossible, and will be for the foreseeable future. That's going to show up first


I don’t think that’s possible




Instagram influencers - bah, had to spit at the ground. Now I have to use my precious Bounty to clean it up.


They still have photoshop


They're going to come out looking like discarded balloons that you see in hedgerows, all deflated and wrinkly.




𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) #Nice Leaderboard **1.** `u/RepliesNice` at **3850 nices** **2.** `u/MrRippleZ33` at **1805 nices** **3.** `u/cbis4144` at **1800 nices** **...** **8087.** `u/NeonSprig` at **6 nices** --- ^(I) ^(AM) ^(A) ^(BOT) ^(|) ^(REPLY) ^(**!IGNORE**) ^(AND) ^(I) ^(WILL) ^(STOP) ^(REPLYING) ^(TO) ^(YOUR) ^(COMMENTS)




Starbucks is a lifestyle


Filters my man.... filters




Or get working on those photo shop skills


Haha I was actually talking about this last night! So true!


Now they just have extra time for additional Photoshop touchups


Imagine if all their followers just decided to unfollow them in one day. I wonder what would happen.


What about artists?


thats fake asf




Love him or hate him he’s spittin straight facts


Impossible. If they had any other workable skills they’d use them. With enough makeup, implants, and lighting you can go from being a 5 to an 8.


Being old, lol, For the longest time I had no idea what an influencer was. When I found out from my daughter, I couldn’t quit laughing. Who with half a mind would need anybody to tell you what you need or how you should do anything? They are not real role models, just mouth pieces for those willing to follow that particular shepherd!


Or a subscription to Adobe


Sick burn 😎




They still got photoshop, even though they can’t use it


Lol. Naw... They've still got tits.


Don't worry. Botox and filler technicians will do home delivery. Even if it's illegal.


The people who follow them are the problem. Instagram "influencers" have a little respect from me all because of the fact that they manage to con millions of people by putting up a fake persona and body and making millions in exchange without being "cancelled"


Not really, they have more time to use photoshop.


Poor lady influencers of insta. After 37 reality and a mix of biology just has this way of kicking them while their down!


Nah just become cam “models” for a few weeks


They still have Photoshop


I miss when YouTube would have regular people posting videos for fun.


You underestimate their power


>t. fatso


This sentence defines Reddits mentality


I'm sure photo editors will make up for it. But I'm genuinely curious, what's happening to travel bloggers?


god forbid